Night Ranger

Vol 5 Chapter 50: Taboo metal

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When Ma Wen said this, the blood family is still a look of awkwardness. ~,

Obviously, this guy has never heard of any [k series] metal.

Ma Wen did not care, Ge Wen is now estimated to have been deterred by the pale hand, the only thing the vampire wants to do is to leave this ghost place as soon as possible, return to the Ming Party's base camp, report to William Duke.

This is also true, the more he cares about the treasure, the better, after all, the large area of ​​Saruha, the storage of k metal is not necessarily enough.

Ma Wenyi read this and immediately said: "You are waiting for me here, it only takes fifteen minutes."

"After fifteen minutes, I will take you to find the secret road."

Ge Wen nodded slightly.

Marvin opened the sneak, striding toward the small warehouse.

Although the small warehouse looks very ruined, the structure of the surrounding detection is very dense.

However, at this time, Ma Wen has long been a sneak peek at 200 points. Even the legendary wizard's detection spells can be avoided, let alone the detection of these small structures.

He walked directly between the structures and did not move at all.

He repeatedly explored around the low building, the front door and the side door were sealed, and there seemed to be no way to enter.

In the frustration of Ma Wen, he could only jump up and jump on the roof and finally found a skylight.

"Fortunately, the skylight is not locked, otherwise the violence will open the door, I am afraid that it will attract a lot of structures, and it will alarm the madman who only knows how to kill!"

Marvin's light body fell steadily inside the warehouse.

Vaguely, there are countless faint voices ringing around Ma Wen'er.

A burst of call sign, as if from the call of ancient times. So really, go directly into Marvin's brain!

"The legend is really true. The k-series metal has amazing sound absorption."

"These voices are probably the mourning of the time when the ancient goblins were troubled."

"What happened in the past?"

Ma Wen looks solemn. Not by imagination.

Even if he knew about Fernan, he did not know much about the history of many ancient times.

After all, the information given by the official is just that, and what he explored is after the Cataclysm.

The Cataclysm destroyed a lot of things, and there was not much information left about the ancient times. Occasionally, a few goblin ruins were unearthed, and only some information about scales was available. Really want to figure out all this, I am afraid I have to go to school.

However, since the passage of Marvin, almost no one has heard of which player can enter the school to get the knowledge they want. Even those who take the apprenticeship and swear to become scholars for life are the same. Their level is too low and there is no permission to hear anything.


The destruction of ancient goblins is naturally very shocking.

However, Marvin’s will has become more determined after the addition of the [Devil's Armband].

It was only a few seconds that the sounds were scattered from his ears.

His gaze began to scan the entire warehouse.

Although the warehouse is not big, it also has a small box of small boxes of raw materials!

Marvin knows that this place is where ancient goblins store the pristine deposits [k metal] they have dug under the ground.

Because there is no sign outside this warehouse. In addition to k metal, each warehouse is marked with the words stored inside.

k metal. Not a metal, but a series.

It is said that in the distant wilderness era, the king of night just led the people of Fernan to kill a **** road. Repelled the monsters in the chaos. The remaining creatures began to seal the site, and the weakest ancient goblin asked the king of the night for the land of Pangbo, the deserted land.

The rest of the race is very different from the choice of ancient goblins. But at the time, the Goblin family had a very bad character, at least the strongman of the Great Prophet level. This is what he meant. The goblin family is very submissive.

They found countless mineral deposits here, and the great prophet relied on his own wisdom. The talents of the tribes were fully utilized, and soon an unprecedented country was established along the coast of Pombo.

That is the first era of Fernan, the end of the chaos!

How powerful the goblin empire is, from the ruins left by them.

In many mysterious missions to dig ancient empire empire, people gradually learned that the scourge of the goblin empire began with a metal.

Speaking of this story, it is quite evil. After being revealed at the player forum at the time, it was called the most unsuccessful case in the history of Feinan.

The content of the story is roughly in the late Gnome Empire, the great prophet is about to die, and at this time, they found a mysterious mineral deposit on the seabed of the sea of ​​Pombo. At that time, the goblin empire had been strengthened to a certain extent, and even the stuff like a submarine was created.

They built a mining platform on the seabed offshore and wanted to dig deeper.

Only this time the excavation was very unsuccessful. The establishment of the platform is said to have killed a lot of goblins. Although the goblin empire is constantly investing in clever engineers, it is always difficult to stabilize the platform.

Later, although the submarine platform was fixed, there were many unexplained accidents.

The great prophet died soon, and he did not want to manage these things.

But with so many brilliant engineers who died, he had to personally drag the patient to see it once.

As a result, when he saw the magical metal that was excavated, his face changed dramatically.

His orders were immediately released: stop the project, and don't allow the miners to dig into this series of mysterious metals.

Even this series of metals does have amazing power.

Although the top of the Goblin Empire was amazed, but the old prophet was still there, the project was finished.

However, the greedy goblins are very easy to forget the lessons of the ancestors. About fifty years after the death of the great prophet, they reopened the project and collected the metal in the sea.

It’s just that they didn’t think it was because of this metal. Brought them to the catastrophe.

That's right, this metal is the k-series metal that Marvin wants to get.

People's legends. This metal is accompanied by a curse, which is not only for the individual. It is aimed at the entire greedy goblin kingdom.

At the end of the Chaos era, the communication between the major racial forces was extremely underdeveloped.

When the high elves established their own civilization and began to travel to the Quartet, they discovered that the once-impossible goblin empire did not know when it had been destroyed.

The legendary k metal is not known to many people.

As a passer, Marvin is naturally one of them.


Regarding the secret of k metal, Marvin knows a lot about it. But from the mouths of the players who have done the mission of the goblin empire to destroy the secret. The destruction of the goblin empire does have such a relationship with the metal, but it is not purely the curse of the metal itself, but the metal has caused some biological taboos.

The ancient goblin empire was overturned overnight, and nature is not simply what these so-called curses can do. Marvin has always been obsessed with cursing these things. Twelve curses have come over, and I am afraid that k metal will not be formed?

He only knows that in the game, k series metal is divided into three types. They are roughly named k1, k2, and k3 by the players. The three metals are different from ordinary metals and they have very natural properties. They are [Broken Magic], [God Forbidden] and [Unbreakable].

When tempering weapons, you only need to add a small amount of k metal to the weapon. These weapons will automatically bring these three enchantments!

Be aware that you want to add these attributes to the weapon by ordinary enchantment. What is the difficulty.

Throughout Fernan, weapons with devilish attributes are very rare; God's ban is even rarer and less indestructible. It is almost extinct.

Only a true enchanted master can be poorly motivated. Make a weapon with a demon or a ban.

Otherwise, Marvin will not be so excited to get the pair [Aoba].

At the same time, it has two attributes: devil and god. Moreover, the blade is as thin as a flap, and there is absolutely no added k metal. It is purely a powerful alchemy effect, and only a super master can create such a weapon.

The average person, for the rest of his life, is not likely to get such a weapon of the gods.

But such common sense was broken in the face of the k-metal, even the gods of the Pearl Tower, who called it the taboo metal.

Ma Wen knows that if these k metals are available, what kind of storm will happen.

This is his card!

After the Cataclysm, the chaos of magic was rampant above Fernan. Many wizards were unable to pass the will to identify and become a magical walking dead.

The gods will also send troops to enter the world of Fernan.

Witchcraft and magic, will be the mainstream power of the future world.

And k metal, it is their nemesis.

They are one of the most powerful cards for Ma Wenyong to deal with chaos and gods!


When Ma Wen recalled the power of k metal, he began to plunder.

In the entire warehouse, most of them are empty boxes, it seems that most of the k metal has been used.

Fortunately, Marvin still found some in the corner.

He took a rough check and got a total of eight small boxes of k metal. Each of them has three small boxes containing k1 and k2, each with a demon and a **** ban.

The k3 has only two small boxes, which have the effect of [unbreakable].

In each small box, there is only a large k metal in the fist, but Marvin is quite satisfied.

Because these k metals are all purified, the purity is very high, used to secretly smelt weapons, used at critical moments, will definitely surprise future enemies!


After fifteen minutes Ma Wenru sneaked out of the small warehouse.

Gwenton breathed a sigh of relief.

Regarding what was in the warehouse, he was not curious at all, just urging Marvin to take him out of Saruha.

At the moment, Marvin did not hesitate, walked directly around the arsenal, circumvented the patrols of several structures, and finally opened a manhole cover for the sewer.

"This is the secret road you said?"

Ge Wen brows and wrinkles, a look of disgust.

Ma Wen couldn't help but rolled his eyes: "Is it important to keep up or clean?"

After saying that he did not care about Ge Wen, he first jumped from the manhole cover.

... (to be continued..)

Ps: Recently there was something during the day, the update was late, sorry, there is still a chapter in a while.

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