Night Ranger

Vol 5 Chapter 74: Desperate

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Walking through the suspended stone bridge, I arrived at the back mountain of Lushan Monastery.

Here is more destructive than before, a few secluded caves, do not know where to go.

Ma Wen’s heart moved slightly, and he observed it carefully. He found that the most central cave was often in and out.

The rest of the entrance, the ground is covered with dust, it seems that no one has moved for a long time.

Throughout the mountains, as far as she knows, she is a seclusion master of the knife.

It should be that it is right here.

After all, this is not Feinan, it is the deadland continent, the world's deserted place.

In a sense of awe, Marvin rushed straight into the dark vision. Instead, I lit a candle and slowly walked into the cave.

It is not a mortal to be able to teach and teach with the students of the Red Copper Dragon.

Ma Wen has a little understanding of Lushan Monastery, but for the knife master Kang En, naturally also heard.


The Deadland Continent is a brand new piece of information that was opened in the middle and late stages of the game. When the mainland opened, it attracted a large number of players to gather here.

Although the dead zone is desolate, there are many monsters, and there are many valuable minerals, plants and even ghosts that Feinan lacks.

Players have always been a role that is not afraid of fear. In the eyes of the aborigines, the place of exile is in their eyes, but it is worth pursuing {, the virgin land of the Nuggets.

At that time, the impact of the Cataclysm in Fernan was gradually weakening. With the help of the sons of gold, the city-state gradually prospered.

The gods also have their own sites in Fernan, although they do not fully establish their foothold, but in addition to a very small number of fallen gods. They all have their own spokespersons and certain believers in the world. The strength of the players makes them feel a headache, they work together. Opened the door to the dead zone, trying to divert the attention of these greedy and powerful sons of gold.

At the same time dead on the mainland. There is also a power worthy of their jealousy.

They want to drive the tigers and weaken their enemies.

As a result, the players are in the dead zone, and they have encountered a lot of trouble. Many union forces that have developed dead zones have suffered major losses!

Because of their pioneering objects, it is a mountain monastery!

They accepted the task of the winter **** of the Northland and pushed the Lushan Monastery as a copy like the Scarlet Monastery.

The result can be imagined...

After the two sides fought, the players discovered that this mountain is easy to defend and difficult to attack, not only the mountain road is rugged, but also the array of laws and runes.

What makes them feel crazy is that. There are only a dozen monks on the surface of the Lushan Monastery, but in fact, after the war broke out, many monks who practiced in other parts of the dead continent rushed back.

This place is simply the Shaolin Temple of the dead domain. Not only is the dragon hiding in the tiger, but it has a long history.

In the first three days of the war, more than two hundred monks came back, at least the legendary! Among them, the legendary monk has more than ten!

These legendary monks are unknown, and no one knows where they are hiding on weekdays, but when the Lushan Monastery is attacked. They stood up for the first time.

The players who took the task complained.

Even if there were some legends among the players at that time, it was definitely not the opponent of the Lushan Monastery with its rich heritage!

The first wave of their carefully prepared attacks was defeated.

Angry players directly found the **** of winter and accused him of posting the wrong mission information. The **** of winter is nothing more than a medium-powerful guy, and the deity does not dare to come to Fernan. The temple was blocked by a group of lawless gold sons, and suddenly complained.

Under the pressure of players, especially unionists, the **** of winter had to change the previous promise. Not only did he reward him with a higher reward, but he also sent a divine power to the dead continent. Help the children of the gold to defeat the "evil" Lushan Monastery.

The scene at the time was very loud. A large number of related posts have appeared on the player forum.

After all, this is the first large-scale collaboration between human players and the gods of the rise of the Tertiary.

Most people are not optimistic about the Lushan Monastery, a group of martial arts, in front of the players' sea tactics, is not dead?

However, the second attack still ended in failure.

The reason is that the master of the knife who lived in the back mountain of Lushan Monastery took the shot!

Conn only had a knife, and the **** of the winter **** was smashed.

Players look directly at dumbfounded. Morale crashes directly!

At this time, they realized that the Lushan Monastery was not a sinister existence in the mouth of the gods, nor a copy, but a big problem in the hearts of the gods.

At the same time, the **** of winter and the conspiracy of several other gods in the northern land were revealed by the [final Valkyrie], and everyone suddenly became angry. The unfortunate winter **** was directly dismantled by the players.

Although at that time, the situation of Cataclysm has already been caused, the cooperation between mankind and the gods is not uncommon, but the players are still unwilling to see the gods. In addition, the incident of the destruction of the rocky mountains has been a long time, but it has become the heart disease of the old players who were unable to participate in the legendary battle at that time. The memories of the gods’ bad behaviors came to the fore, plus a group of people on the forum. The hurricane ignited, and soon, the third "wave of destruction" came.

The sons of gold spontaneously gathered together to systematically eliminate some weak gods, especially the supporters of the Valkyrie, and even went crazy to find the troubles of the great temples in the North.

The gods are powerful, but a large number of players - especially many of them who are strong and late in the middle of the disease are their nemesis.

Ma Wen clearly remembers that in the "third wave of gods", at least four gods were destroyed in the human foundation, and the **** of winter was even hit hard and almost sleeps.

The fuse of all this is the powerful and low-key dead zone force - Lushan Monastery.

At that time, Marvin did not participate in all of this. He was still playing hide and seek with Glennors, and was preparing for the final ritual of the gods.

However, the strength of the Lushan Monastery made him impressed.

Especially the second attack on the monastery. Only the master of the knife, Conn, had a hand, and the legend was enough to rival the great elf king. Still the dragon is not seeing the tail. Marvin is particularly curious about how strong the peerless power is, but no one knows what he looks like. Is it still in the world?

And all kinds of legends have been circulated.

Since that day, the dead land continent has become a forbidden place for the gods. The powerful gods of the Tertiary did not dare to get involved in the ancient and mysterious land.


In the dark cave, the candlelight began to sway.

At the end of the memory, a fragrant smell poured into Marvin's nose, and he only felt that his mind became sober.

It is actually sandalwood.

Sandalwood, which is common in monks' temples, did not expect to have one here.

The slight skylight came in from above the cave, and there seemed to be no holes in it.

A free and easy shadow. Leisurely sitting next to a pool of water.

Knife Master Conn.

He turned his back to Marvin and had no knife in his hand.

“Few people can find it here.” Conn said casually: “How did you get past the monks’ ears?”

"No one can get through their eyes and ears." Marvin smiled slightly: "I came to send the letter, Prince Conn."

In an instant, the gas machine became cold and cold throughout the cave.

The calm and waveless pool of water suddenly fluctuated, and a little pool of water splashed over and flew directly from Ma Wen’s eyes!

Ma Wen’s eyes don’t blink.

However, the next second, he felt a cold breath on his face, then a burning pain.

Blood. Flowed down his face.

"Sorry... I didn't control my emotions."

After a long time, Conn silently said: "For many years, no one called me."

Ma Wen smiled easily on the surface: "Some things have passed, but it does not mean that everyone will forget."

Conn nodded. Let Marvin come forward and send the professor's letter up.

Ma Wen sighed with relief.

Just my own adventurous move is just to deepen the weight in the heart of this knife master.

What do you really want to get. I still have to see what the professor said in the letter.

After all, although there are few and few people who know the identity of Conn, there are always a few in the world.

The prince of the country. The genius of Budo, the exiled wanderer... and the sinner who fell in love with his stepmother.

These identities are like a shackle. It was a tough time for Conn to drift away from the previous half of his life until he found himself in the knife and he was relieved.

I have lived in Lushan for years, not because he didn't want to do anything, but because he has nothing to do.

The old enemies have already been killed, and the deep-loving woman has already died. The country is no longer. He has no place to go.

When you think about it, this master of knife is also a poor person.

Perhaps only such a person can have a transcendental state of mind and be able to look directly at the high gods in the capacity of the aborigines.


In the cave, there is silence.

Only the sound of water droplets came from time to time.

Conn quietly read the whole letter, and Marvin stood by and observed Conn's expression.

The master of the knife is very handsome and handsome Although there is a scar on his face, it does not hurt his style.

It is very easy to get rid of a scar in his realm. The reason why it is not, is that it is because this scar has special meaning for him.

Thinking of this, Ma Wen couldn't help but sigh in the heart: the red face is a disaster.

After reading the letter, Conn fell into long-term thinking.

Ma Wen is not in a hurry, just wait.

After a long time, Conn slowed down and said to himself: "What is it that makes the professor feel the crisis?"

"This world has to change? Isn't the outside world not changing every day?"

Marvin is silent. Perhaps for the people in the cave, what is outside, he is indifferent.

But after a while talking to himself, Conn finally returned to the idea.

He looked at Marvin up and down and finally said:

"You don't know how to knife."

Ma Wen respectfully said: "Please advise the master."

"What are you going to?" Conn asked.

When Ma Wen thought about it, he simply said: "Killing."

Conn haha ​​smiled: "Good. Very frank. I have a knife, but it is very suitable for people like you to practice."

"The name of this knife is called [Desperate]."

"Come with me."

... (to be continued...)

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