Night Ranger

Vol 5 Chapter 82: Catastrophe advance

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The mystery of the ancestors suddenly reacted at this time, which was not expected by Marvin anyway. ●⌒,

After all, this thing is essentially a seal to ban the head of the devil. Since I put it on, the head of the devil's monarch has become very safe, and there has never been a black man in the vicinity of the White River Valley.

As for the mystery of the ancestors, there have been no changes.

However, the moment he stepped into the secret garden, the pair of magical bracelets on his wrists were actually hot.

This made Marvin very surprised.

However, he did not have the first time to look at the mystery of the ancestor's mystery, but to calmly observe the situation around him.

The entrance to the secret garden is a green field. The fields are filled with all kinds of crops. Even the small roads are filled with small flowers and grasses that are refreshing. The fragrance is condensed in the air. It seems to be a very beautiful and beautiful. The place.

But Marvin knows that all this is just the illusion of the king of potions.

Since he stepped into the secret garden, his every move was in the hands of Eric, the king of potions.

The surrounding scenery may be real or may be nothing.

"No, it is imperative to leave here first."

"There are many buildings on the Lost Villa that can be used as a cover. Otherwise, if I look at the anomalies of the ancestors here, I might soon hit other people who come in."

Ma Wen’s mind has been set, and the ability to [perceive the earth] has been opened.

He tried to use the mind to form communication with this space and construct a bridge. But this space is essentially a half-face created by the ancient Mickensi school wizards. The rules are quite different from those of Fernan, until Ma Wen rushed to the Lost Mountain Villa. He still can't feel anything.


[Lost Villa] Built on a flat hill, the Mickensi School of the heyday used the Secret Garden as an open wizarding place. Many wizards on the dead continent are communicating and exchanging here. From the huge architectural complex here, you can see how prosperous it was.

However as an area of ​​the secret garden. There are hardly any good things in the Lost Villa, and of course the danger is not a lot.

Marvin knew that the king of the potion had arrived at the Lost Mountain Villa for the first time since he swallowed the spirit and flesh of the wizard apprentice Eric. It is here to frantically learn the knowledge of the ancient Mickensi school wizards.

Its method of learning knowledge is also very simple and rude, that is - eat!

The king of potions has been here for thousands of years, and has almost finished eating any useful books in the Lost Villa. Most of the magic items left behind are no longer available. Except in a few places, there seems to be a reservation for spell books, and the rest is already a mess.

Ma Wen maintained a certain rate of advancement in the buildings of the Lost Mountain Villa.

He didn't go too fast. Because that would make you secretly obsessed with the king of the potion.

But he is not in a hurry, after all, there are already five legends that have entered here. The attention of the King of Potion should focus on them.

After all, it’s five legends. The greedy Eric wants to digest them. It’s also a long story.


Ma Wen went along the dilapidated street all the way. He stood on the top of the mountain and glanced back. In the green fields, someone has rushed in.

However, a few people who came here seem to have a bad relationship. They just started to fight each other when they just entered the secret garden.

This made Marvin shake his head and sigh.

He does not care about these people and moves on. Soon I found a home that was still empty.

He drilled into the house and found that the inside was not stained.

“Even a small room has solidified forever [no dust and no dirt].”

Ma Wen instantly found the reason why the house was clean.

At the moment, he did not delve into it, but instead turned his attention to his wrist while maintaining a certain degree of vigilance.

Two quaint bracelets are getting hotter and hotter.

They seem to be very anxious. Hot again and again, to ensure a certain frequency.

Later, the mystery of the ancestors even began to flash a glimmer of red light.

Ma Wen’s heart moved. This feeling... seems to have met.

The devil is sealed, there should be no chance to play tricks. Who is it?

Marvin was puzzled.

However, at this time, a familiar atmosphere made him realize!

"This is the breath of my grandfather?"

"Yes. It is exactly the same as on the picture!"

When Ma Wen was shocked, he immediately began to perceive the mystery of the ancestors.

Sure enough, when his spirit was immersed in the mystery of the ancestors, a portrait of a young man suddenly spurred out of his bracelet and condensed a virtual shadow in the air!

"I am very happy to see you again, Xiao Mawen."

The young man blinked.

Marvin smiled.


The silent night sky, above the Baihe Valley, suddenly crossed a meteor.

The meteor circled in the sky for a long time, and finally fell slowly and landed on the highest balcony of the castle.

The magic carpet hunted in the mountain wind.

A young figure walked down from the magic carpet.

"I have to say that it is totally unreasonable to have such a good talent as you did not awaken the blood of our family."

A gentle voice sounded and immediately became indignant: "It’s strange that even Ma Wen’s waste qualifications can awaken the blood."

"Sister Daniela, you are not allowed to say this brother."

Pooh's face was mild, but he was very dissatisfied with Daniela's disdain for Marvin.

"Yes, your brother who is running around doesn't know where the ghost is! The last time he had his induction, it seems that he is still confusing with the three women in the rocky mountain... Now most of the time has already reached the dead domain. Even my brother’s tenth birthday was missed. As his fiancee, can I say two sentences?

Daniela whitened her eyes.

In the White River Valley. Few people can speak out to Marvin, and Daniela is one of them.

The poor future of the Snow Queen because of her own vows. Because of the birth of Marvin, there is no way to return to the North.

She simply stayed in the White River Valley. As a mistress's posture, the construction of the Baihe Valley is quite impressive.

She complained a few words, and Pooh couldn't say anything.

At this time, Anna, who had been quiet for a long time, suddenly asked: "Master Winnie, you went to the Three Rings Tower and found Hathaway adults?"

Pooh shook his head and immediately squeezed a smile: "Although I didn't find it, the witchcraft manual she left for me has been handed over to me by another wizard."

"I have been practicing in the Ashes Tower for so long. Now I have finally made a breakthrough. The next time I have any trouble, I can finally help my brother."

"Breakthrough?" Daniela shouted in surprise.

She looked up and down at Pooh and couldn't help but scream: "Are you advanced?"

“No, no, no.” Vigny smiled and said: “It’s just that I am walking differently than a normal wizard.”

"Is the ancient wizard's cultivation method?"

Daniela whispered in a low voice: "So how many levels are you now? I haven't observed your strength for a long time, you actually practice so fast..."

Pooh smiled a little shyly: "The third order."

Daniela is silent.

In front of this little enchanting, when he was ten years old, he became a third-order wizard.

You know, a few months ago, he was a wizard apprentice! During this time. He gave up the original practice route and chose the practice method of an ancient wizard pointed out by Hathaway, not relying on the universe magic pool.

This will undoubtedly increase the difficulty of his spellcasting, but his progress is still so significant.

This makes it hard to be embarrassed.

Daniela himself is a genius. But compared with Vigny, it seems to be a little bit worse.

"Get some rest early, what's the matter to say tomorrow? Master Constantine said. It seems that there are still some big people coming to the castle in a few days."

Anna softly whispered: "Ma Wen is not there, and the things in the castle need you to decide now."

Pooh nodded. A simple little magic that returns directly to your bedroom.

Who knows at this time. A ghostly figure suddenly appeared beside him.

"Hey adults." Pooh's look was calm.

"The third order, the progress is great, it seems that it is not lightly stimulated by your brother." The shadow thief smiled, and soon his face became serious: "You went to the tower of the Ashes, did not encounter any obstacles. ?"

Pooh shook his head and whispered: "Although the Hathaway adults are imprisoned, the people of the Ashes are still unknown."

"The phoenix phoenix does not seem to intervene in the internal affairs of the ash tower."

He nodded. "You are doing very well."

"Haysey is self-styled in the ice crystal, and Xiao Mawen is estimated to be mad. He has already taken too much pressure on him."

"Since he is on the dead continent now, there are some things, let us help him."

The shadow thief sighed: "Constantin has already started to contact people. Although the phoenix is ​​strong, it will not be against many legends."

Pooh hesitated for a moment, finally biting his teeth: "I am a big man, rescue the people of Hathaway, I think it may not be that simple."

"I have had a dream, she is very powerful..."

The face was slightly stunned and immediately became very serious: "Talk about your dreams."


It’s a strange thing to see the grandfather who died in memory for a long time in front of himself.

But after all, it is not the first time, Marvin is still acceptable.

The two sides talked quickly for a while, and Marvin finally understood why the mystery of the ancestors had such a strange reaction.

Because the secret garden opened by the Mickensi is very close to the location of the purgatory!

The cosmic magic pool in the vicinity is very thin, and the obstacle between the planes is minimized.

This change was first felt by the grandfather in Purgatory, and he immediately chose to contact Marvin.

He brought a good news and bad news to Marvin.

The good news is that he is going to get out of trouble soon.

The bad news is:

[The Wizarding Calendar January 16, 819. 】

The gods attacked the universe magic pool.

When I heard this news, Ma Wen suddenly took a look!

"Cataclysm, ahead of schedule!"

... (to be continued..)

Ps: At 9 o'clock in the morning, the update will be delivered on time and ask for a ticket! ! ! !

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