Night Ranger

Vol 5 Chapter 91: Legion contract

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No way, the mortal who went to **** in the flesh is too rare.

Even the edge of hell.


Ma Wen took a deep breath.

This situation, although not necessarily dead, is also very bad.

Unless they are willing to sign a contract with a powerful **** lord, they can't let go of themselves.

But the cost of the contract is usually your own soul!

Ibrahimovic’s face is also very difficult to see.

The Elf King is not dead. After their death, the soul is returned to the eternal spring of the elf's secret, and will be resurrected after many years of brewing.

But once the soul falls into the hands of the devil, it is impossible to be born.

"Damn... it’s my fault."

Marvin said annoyedly.

He knew that the path was the edge of the secret garden and the hell, but he did not expect that the two of them were so unlucky, they went straight to the edge of hell.

This is a big problem.

Ibrahimovic smiled: "This can't blame you."

Immediately his look became very cold: "They are all middle-level devils. There are no higher devils or devils. We will not necessarily lose."

Ma Wen nodded slightly.

The souls under the hills burst into a boiling voice. These people also took memories of their lives and were ignorant of everything that was about to be born.

Someone is cursing, and the result is a whiplash.

These people have traded with the devil before their death, but in many cases, their fall is not even known to them.

It may be that a transaction has fraudulently traded the object, and it may have been a failure to do under the harvesting magic.

These things may be trivial things that people will forget when they do.

But the little devil or the harvesting demon will not forget. Once the matter is reached, the account will be recorded on them.

After death. Their souls will not enter the world of the dead, because they do not believe in the gods. Will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

Waiting for them, there are only nine layers of **** devils with a warm and hypocritical hug.


Just as Marvin and Ibrahimovic were ready to start and kill a **** road, a sly face appeared suddenly in the sky.

It is the head of a big devil, he has three eyes!

Marvin is cold!

It is the devil!

He is too familiar with this skull.

In the castle room of the White River Valley, there is also the mystery of the ancestors on the treasure map obtained from Dosiloa...

"I didn't expect this layer of **** to be in charge of him."

"Yes, to the strength of the devil, even if a head has been cut down, it can be revived."

"This is really finished."

Ma Wen is full of bitterness.

Whether it is hell, abyss, or evil spirits. No one at his level can be acquainted.

Di Gaogeng is an exception. His strength is actually not much worse than the devil's monarch and the gods of heaven. Just because he was too greedy, he grafted his plane to the tree of the world, and he was ridiculed by Ma Wen.

The devil monarch in front of him, although only a face appeared, the momentum is like destroying the earth.

That is the evil that is most deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

No need for a will check, it will make people fight in both legs.

The rest of the demons stopped the action completely, in a place where the level of **** was extremely strict. No one dares to defy the will of a devil.

The three-eyed big devil stared at the two coldly, whispering:

"Ignorance of mortals, dare to swear to the nine layers of hell."

"Your people are too weak, and any creature in the world can easily destroy you."

"But your soul seems to be a bit interesting."

"I have a business that I want to do with you."

Hearing this sentence, all the devils have a frustrated meaning.

They are also a little surprised.

At the level of the devil, you will rarely come out and grab the soul of the mortal. After all, they are noble and disdain to rob the soul with the middle-level devil and even the lower-order devil.

A move like three eyes. Rarely appear in the nine-story purgatory.

It's not that it's not suitable, it's just a bit strange.

Maybe there is only one explanation. The souls of these two mortals are indeed unique, even the devil is interested, and can not help but personally.

However, no matter what, these two mortals are already in the bag of the devil's lord, and the rest of the devils all retreat.

Soon, the lonely wilderness became four people.

On the Styx River, Ba Ba Mo began to concentrate on boating and sent the soul of a ship to the other side. Then Anzuo was responsible for determining which of the devil's lords belonged to the name of the devil. This is a very complicated project. Fortunately, most of the souls have evidence to rely on.

The little devils or the harvesting demon who seduce them will leave a mark on them, on the surface of the faction that the soul belongs to after death.


These souls mourn very miserable.

But Marvin and Ibrahimovic have not considered this much.

The head of the devil's monarch slowly descended from the air, and in a moment, a distorted space wrapped them.

The force fields around the four were all mutated, and the outsiders could not see them. The people inside could not see them.

The two were exposed to vigilance.

Who knows that at this time, a familiar voice appeared in Marvin’s ear:

"I didn't expect it, I met again so soon, Xiao Mawen."

Ma Wen is amazed.

The big devil's head of the three eyes turned into a harmonious young man.

"It's you……"

Marvin was surprised and didn't know what to say.

The young man rolled his eyes: "You should call my grandfather."

Marvin is silent.

For a long time, only a few words were squeezed out of the teeth.

This is really weird.

A young man who looks older than himself and has no impression in his memory is actually his grandfather!

Ibrahimovic is even more visible in the clouds.

When did Ma Wen have such a close relationship with the devil?

"You are the devil?" Ibrahimovic looked at Marvin in confusion: "I only feel the blood of the Numan people in you, why do you want to call him... Grandpa?"

Marvin shook his head. This matter is mostly unclear for a while.

When he entered the secret garden, his grandfather told himself. He will soon be out of trouble, and he will give Ma Wenqi the latest news from the heavens.

I didn't expect to meet again so soon.

And still in such a way.

A Numan warlock and wizard. Actually changed into a demon monarch.

"I wonder very much?"

The young man smiled: "The devils are clever and clever. In fact, they are all rigid and do not know the alternative fool."

"This devil of the devil has been sealed by me, yes, his head is still in your hands, be careful of his counterattack."

"But then, the power of this layer of **** belongs to me. If I become the new devil, you can."

Marvin and Ibrah face each other.

My grandfather was really amazing. Actually sealed a demon monarch, and replaced it, became the nine-layer hell!

"I can't leave too long. The guy's counterattack is very good. I must continue to suppress him."

"How can you get into the nine layers of hell? Fortunately, this is the layer I am in charge of, otherwise it is dangerous."

"I will send you back to the original place."

The young man said quickly: "When I have complete control over the power of this layer of hell, I may be able to return to Fernan in another form."

"Haha, I can't wait any longer. I heard that you built my Baihe Valley very well? I really want to go back and see..."

"Damn. That guy started to feel restless again."

He talked to himself, his brow wrinkled and seemed to have a lot of trouble.

At the moment, Marvin and Ibdo also could not be allowed to say that he waved directly. Marvin and Ibrahimovic only felt a whirlwind.

They returned to the dark tunnel.

In the lacquered black cave, there is still a disgusting smell.

Everything before, like a dream.

Ibrahim shook his head. I looked at the blood on my sword and looked strangely: "Do you have a grandfather who is about to become the Lord of Hell?"

Ma Wen scratched his head. Silently said: "From the blood, it is true."

He subconsciously grasped the things in his hands.

The voice of young people is coming to the ear: "These things. Maybe you will be able to use them soon."

These two things don't know when it suddenly appeared in their own hands. Obviously, these are the gifts of Marvin's grandfather to the younger generation.

The left hand is a contract called "Hell Corps Contract".

As long as this contract is signed, you can forcibly open a door to **** in Fernan and summon a group of powerful devils.

These devils only obey Marvin's orders.

Although the gates of **** continue to be limited, and once the gates of **** collapse, these devils will be rejected by the law of the plane and sent back to hell.

But this is still a very powerful item.

A demon army is enough to destroy a powerful city!

On Marvin’s right hand, he held a bottle of yellow scent.

The specific effect is ominous, but Marvin perceives from the breath, and this stuff may have something to do with his own blood.

It may be the same as the blood of gold, it is a drug that breaks through the blood.

Marvin now has 6 levels of magic warlocks, but can only be upgraded to the highest level. In order to continue to break through the bottleneck, the conventional approach can only wait for the blood itself to continue to wake up. Many people can't wait for a lifetime.

This is the helplessness of the warlock profession.

At this time, some external treasures that can activate the blood vessels to continue to awaken become very precious.

This bottle of medicine may be a similar item.

In short, it is very precious.


"Although I can feel it He is indeed a human being..."

"But I always think that there is something hidden in him. Even if he is really your grandfather, once he becomes the Lord of Hell, I am afraid that one day, we will become enemies with us."

Ibrahim thought about it and finally reminded him.

Ma Wen nodded. For his grandfather, he is really somewhat incomprehensible.

"If the father is still there." He sighed in his heart, and he had no impression of this grandfather!

What if he is a counterfeit? You must know that the devil's ability to falsify is very powerful.

Temporarily throwing away these troubles, the two continued to move in the deep tunnel.

Soon, there was a dawn in front.

... (to be continued...)

Ps: second!

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