Night Ranger

Vol 5 Chapter 96: Old boy

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A star beast that is about to wake up!

This will be a very terrible crisis for Fernan.

Although in Marvin's speculation, Eric's soul may not be completely shattered, but partially integrated into the soul of the star beast.

But this is only one of his speculations.

What's more, even if Eric's soul is the dominance of the star beast, God knows what the tortured apprentice's heart would become.

The most terrifying thing in this world is not the power to destroy the land.

It is the master of this power that can have enough heart to control it.

In the remains of the star beast, the breath of the soul becomes stronger and stronger.

A force of life is waking up, it is still lying there, but it puts a lot of pressure on the two!

"Oops, let's go!"

Ibrahimovic has changed dramatically.

Marvin has never seen him so nervous!

This guy is a man who even dared to make a tough red dragon, but in front of this horrible star beast, even he has changed color!

The horror of this star beast!

The next two are ready to retreat, hoping to leave the secret garden before the star beast is fully awakened.

However, at this time, a faint voice appeared in the ears of two people:

"Don't... go."

"I won't hurt anyone..."

It was a weak voice, but the tone was firm.


Marvin asked tentatively.

"Do you know my name?"

That voice seemed a little excited.

His voice has become more and more stable. The vitality that originated from the inner being of the star beast is constantly exploding.

Marvin nodded slightly.

Eric whispered and said, "Is the teacher dead? If I didn't guess wrong, he should have died in your hands."

"Otherwise, I won't wake up."

"Unfortunately... my soul can't support it for too long."

Marvin and Ibrah face each other. This star beast is really terrible.

However, in this horrible star beast, there is actually a human juvenile soul, which is a bit unpredictable.

They did not escape, but instead ran their heads and communicated with Eric.

Soon, Marvin understood the last part of the history of the year:

Eric ruined the ritual of soul transfer and was smashed by the angry Olika.

He should have died.

However, at this time, the star beast that was on the verge of exhaustion actually saved him.

A star beast judged only by instinct. Knowing that the soul has not been able to sustain it, he has experienced two great wars that ordinary people can't imagine, and that Olikai has used a special technique to drain the power of the soul. It has not survived.

So it uses the last power. The Erik's soul fragments were shackled into their bodies.

The body of the star beast is like a lock, and Erik's soul fragments are not scattered. It is in the long years, with the vitality of the horror of the stars and beasts, it gradually merges.

Actually a long time ago. He has already awakened.

His soul is fully integrated, and he can completely control this star beast.

But he can't wake up.

Because Olika is still there.

The soul contract signed at the beginning was still there.

As long as Olikai has a thought, Eric’s soul will still smash.

The only thing that made Olikai feel annoyed was that before the star beast died, he set a very terrible curse on his body.

Except for Eric, all souls are not allowed to enter.

And Eric’s own soul can’t be pulled out.

So in the long years, Eric has recovered many times and is waiting for him. It is the ruthless soul of Olikai!

His soul was tortured again and again, crushed again and again, and then reorganized again and again.

This kind of pain is unimaginable and affordable for ordinary people.

But Eric stayed over.

It was later. He simply let himself be permanently awake, and unless Olikai is dead, he will not wake up.

This avoids the pain of repeated soul smashing.

Now, his teacher is finally killed by Ibrahimovic, and he can finally wake up safely.

The only pity is that in the long years. His soul has been hit hard by too many, and it has been impossible to maintain it for too long.

The body of the star beast is stronger. There is a limit to the nourishment of the soul.

He can predict that there is not much time left for himself.


"I don't know what time it is."

Eric smiled bitterly: "I don't know how many years have spent in the body of this star beast? A thousand years? Or two thousand years?"

"My friends, have long been gone?"

"If it is so gone in this world, it is also a relief."

Marvin and Ibrahimovic are all silent.

Eric is very peaceful, just like a teenager in any village.

After suffering so much pain, he still has not changed his mind.

He just felt a little lonely.

"When the teacher picked me to be his assistant, I couldn't believe it."

"I was crazy at the time. Everyone thought I was a waste, but the teacher agreed with me."

"It’s been a scam until now. After all, he just needs a waste to help."

Eric’s soul is smiling.

Ma Wen can feel that the abnormal vitality is fading.

This time, the wake of this may be the last time Eric’s soul has awakened. His soul may have passed away.

For this wizard apprentice, he did suffer too much.

"You are not a waste."

Ma Wenzheng said: "No waste can stop a disaster that might destroy the world. You are a real hero."

"Hero?" Eric sighed and said: "If you can choose. When the old man who said that I have a wizard talent came to our village and said that I would take me to join the Mickensi school, I would rather refuse."

"Because. I owe too much..."

With the words of Eric, Marvin and Ibrahimovic simultaneously appeared such a picture:

In the ancient village in the sunset, the young boy was urging the impressed driver, and after all, with a hint of excitement and disappointment, he got into the carriage.

Outside the official road, a group of partners are showing off, and their faces are full of excitement.

There is only one girl in a worn dress. There are tears in my eyes.

Her appearance is very ordinary, it is an ordinary farm girl.

Somehow. A sad mood has arisen from both hearts.

Eric's sighs ring again: "She said she will wait for me..."

"I liked her for so many years, and I went to find her after I was ready to become a formal wizard."

"But since that day, I have never returned."

"I still owe her a confession..."

Eric whispered to himself. Let Marvin not be sour.

Eric's fate is not at all controlled by him.

Perhaps this is the fate of the hero, he saved the world, but did not give the people around him a best ending.

In any case, after thousands of years have passed, nothing has happened, leaving only a former boy whose soul is about to disappear.

"I hate... Why are you so weak... Why don't you say that when you have a chance?"

Eric’s tone finally showed a wave of volatility: “I am a coward!”

"I have been lingering in the body of this monster for so many years, and I am dying. What is it for?"

"I have no value yet..."

His soul power is already very weak, as if the candle in the wind may disappear at any time.

Ma Wen couldn’t bear it. However, at this time, he stood up and bit his teeth:

"I know that doing this may be too unfair to you, you should be free."

"But the world is facing a very terrifying threat."

"If you can, I hope that you can not die like this... the world. You still need a former hero to save him."

Eric whispered: "This world?"

"It is not the world I know. What does it have to do with me?"

Marvin shook his head. "You can open your eyes and look at the world."

"I believe that your current strength can do just that."

"Look, this world is different from the world before you."

“The children are still innocent, laughing and laughing; middle-aged people are still living for a living; greedy businessmen are doing black-hearted trading; and the devils, demons, evil spirits and even the gods who are high above are aiming at them. This land."

"This world still needs you."

Eric was silent for a while, and eventually his soul power was weakened and disappeared into the depths of the body of the star beast.

Ma Wen and Ibrahimovic looked at each other with a slight sigh.

Anyway, Eric has done a good job.

He did not use the power of the star beast to do evil, which is already the best result.

It is also a relief for him to choose to leave now.

He and the world are already out of place. The things he missed have long since passed away.

Seeing the vitality of this star beast remains annihilated.

Who knows that at this time, Marvin’s hand appeared a bone.

Eric's whispered again: "When you need me, wake me up."

"I can wake up at most. After that, even if I think, my soul will dissipate."

"I will close the secret garden and drive everyone out. You pay attention."

In the next second, the two only felt a horrible space repulsion passed over.

After the whirlwind, the two appeared in the ancient village of There are still many people around them, all the legends.

"What happened? Why did you suddenly drive us out?"

“Is the secret garden closed? Who got the potion?”

"What about the legendary powerhouses? How have they disappeared?"

In the yelling of the crowd, the people finally focused on Ibrahimovic.

Because he is the only one to survive in the secret garden.

In this regard, Ibrahimovic just said coldly:


The atmosphere suddenly solidified.

... (to be continued)

Ps: This chapter is a bit sour. Ask for a few monthly ticket recommendation tickets.

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