Night Ranger

Vol 5 Chapter 110: Southern shock!

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Above the Jiangang, the whistling sound of the shadow dragon is spreading!

Their sound waves naturally carry the power of fear.

The sailors on the pirate ship tried to attack the shadow dragon and the knight above with bows and arrows.

However, the dark guards of a armor are not afraid of bows and arrows, and the shadow dragon is a semi-virtual state, the essence of which originates from the shadow plane, which is basically ignored for physical damage!


A shadow dragon swooped down and directly broke the main mast of a pirate ship!

The pirate ship roared in the wind and swayed from side to side.

The Dark Guard jumped down and landed on the left side of the ship!

The Dark Guards passed through the transformation of the King of the Night, and the weight was very great. During the shaking of the ship, it played a terrible balance of destruction!


The pirate ship turned directly to the left!

The shadow dragon swooped and grabbed the Dark Guard again.

A similar scene is repeated.

The Wushu regiment from the headquarters of the Southern Wizards League has decided to retreat when they see the twelve shadow dragons!

The wizards are different from other fighters in that they have a high degree of autonomy in the league.

Although the command of the phoenix phoenix is ​​very compulsory, in the face of this situation, they will never die.

Oh, ..

The brilliance of the magic carpet illuminates the whole night, hehe!

Everyone started to retreat and escape!

Marvin stared at it all coldly, and under his deliberate command, all the wizards were not pursued.

He deliberately let them run.

Anyway, in a few days, this group of people will experience a terrible horror.

Nowadays, although they have already gone, they still have terrible energy.

If these wizards are forced to die. These guys are desperate for themselves, and Marvin himself must also be hurt.

This is not a good deal. Ma Wen will not do it naturally.

Only the sorcerers were released, and these pirates also had white elephants. Ma Wenke will not let go!

After several shadow dragons destroyed several ships, the maritime coalition forces had completely collapsed.

They started to run away.

At this time, Marvin ordered the destruction of the ship.

The Shadow Dragon destroys the ship only to combat the morale of the enemy.

According to Marvin, these ships are very valuable resources.

He began to order the Shadow Dragon to transport the strongmen on the Sword Harbor to the ship. The first ships were naturally the Dark Guards; then the trained adventurers and the Guard.

Around the entire Jiangang, the hand-to-hand combat officially opened the prelude.

The morale of the pirates and the White Elephant Chamber of Commerce is extremely low, and they are only thinking about fleeing at the moment. Where will you fight?

On the other side of the White River Valley, there is a fourth-order peak and witchcraft resistance that has reached the peak of the killing machine to lead the crowd to kill, and the situation suddenly presents a one-sided situation.

Ma Wen is very satisfied with this.

Daniela and Pooh also started to shoot. They learned about Marvin’s intentions and tried to use the spells against the enemy to keep the boat.

In the melee, Marvin moves like a wind, first killing a pirate's deputy commander, and then destroying the owner of the White Elephant Chamber of Commerce and several masters.

After the enemy completely lost the leader. Some people even started to abandon the ship and fled.

Some people began to surrender.

Marvin did not rush to kill, can minimize the damage to win these boats.

His eyes locked the sea under the ice floes.

Just as Monica is a key figure in the West Army, Pirate King Pietrus is the most important person in the maritime coalition.

Ma Wen absolutely does not believe that a powerful pirate king will be killed by the mechanical Titan.

He must be lurking nearby. Or be prepared to run away.

"Pirate King Pietrus is a male detachment of the phoenix, although it is said to be abandoned personality, but also knows a lot of past phoenix."

"If you can catch him. If you torture the bottom of the phoenix, the next battle will be much easier."

Ma Wen dive into the water. The dark sea water separates the shouts from the sea.

At this time, he did not dare to open [perceive the earth] easily.

Because on the battlefield of chaos. As soon as the earth is heard, all kinds of messy sounds and pictures will rush into his mind. This will put a huge burden on his brain.

No one will be so stupid.

The pirate king is a very mysterious figure. In the past, when he was exposed to the horror of the real phoenix, he almost did not personally play it. Marvin only knows that this guy is proficient in water and looks like a metamorphosis that can turn into a seal.

Ma Wen held the sea emperor's hand and carefully observed the movement in the bottom of the sea.

Unlike the murderous sea on the sea, it is quiet under the sea.

Because of the shock of the powerful arcane energy, the nearby waters can't even see a small shrimp, only cold water plants and seaweeds can be seen.

In the heart of Ma Wen’s heart, the pirate king’s stealing ability is very strong, if it is also a legendary occupation.

It may be [the soul of the sea of ​​the sea] or "the hand of the ice". If it is these two occupations, I really want to escape. Marvin is hard to catch up even if he holds the sea emperor.

He searched for a while on the sea floor. Very sorry, he did not find the trace of Pietrus.

When Ma Wenfu was in Shanghai, the battle was coming to an end.

After the White Elephant Chamber of Commerce died, the Shadow Dragon and the Dark Guards directly surrendered after slaughtering a large number of diehards.

A total of eight fairly complete private armed ships were seized.

On the other hand, the pirate surrendered faster. The gang did not have any loyalty at all. The pirate king disappeared and they surrendered directly.

Because Daniela gave Ma Wen a promise: instead of surrendering, they will never kill them.

Occasional tough molecules, directly beheaded by powerful dark guards.

After all, the true backbone of the Southern Wizards' elite wizarding group has been shocked by the Shadow Dragon Army.

It is a pity that they do not know that this group of shadow dragons can only exist for fifteen minutes.

Ten minutes later. The shadow dragon disappeared and the battle was over.

All the captives were driven out of the ship. Came to the dungeon of Jiangang.

In the construction of Jiangang, Daniela was designed according to the capital of the Principality of Lavis. And this group of northern warlocks have no other hobbies. Just like making a dungeon may be the reason for the abuse of prisoners.

In all, more than 500 prisoners were locked in the dungeons of Jiangang.

As for the leader level, most of them have already died in naval battles.

The sea has returned to calm, the broken ice has gradually melted, the stars and moons have risen, and a crisis has finally disappeared.

However, there are still many things that Marvin needs to do.


Did not catch the pirate king, Marvin's most regrettable thing, but in this battle. He fully felt the power of the dark night.

He barely did anything, and the only Amazon female killer killed was not challenging for him.

He is too familiar with the shadow plane. The past game experience has been perfectly played at this moment.

He pretended to expose his own traces, waiting for the Amazon female killer, but a series of ambushes.

Among them, the desperate knife has certainly played a big role.

Because the shadow plane is not the main material world after all, the world has different rules and many skills are unusable.

The desperate knife is breaking through this limitation. Can be used in any world.

This is the power of the martial arts.

Although the Amazon female killer can also enter the shadow plane, it is only the professional skills to play with the shadow plane.

Her understanding of the world is far less than that of Marvin. For the latter, the shadow plane is his home court. There is a shadow in his field!

In just a few seconds, Marvin actually only did two things.

He naturally found a vortex in the shadow plane, and he relaxed his body. I was sucked in directly by the vortex.

Most of the vortexes in the shadow plane are harmful to the human body, but this damage. For Marvin, who has become the master of the night, it is nothing.

However, for the Amazon female killer. It is fatal.

She followed Marvin into the shadow plane, but suddenly found that she lost the trace of Marvin!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Marvin escaped from the whirlpool with a shadow, and Aoba slashed to the back of the Amazon female killer!

The latter's combat instinct is also very strong, and she has resisted Ma Wen's two fierce attacks!

However, under the addition of the green leaf scimitar and the desperate knife, her weapon was broken.

Marvin has the agility of God, and she can take her first step.

When the Amazon female killer wanted to escape from the shadow plane, it was too late, and Ma Wen took the knife and unloaded his head.

At this time, the importance of equipment is reflected.

The legendary scimitar that the Great Elves King gave, in addition to the real artifacts, only the top legendary weapons can resist.

The scimitar used by the legendary Amazon female killer is also a top-notch magic weapon, but it is still possible to resist the fierce attack that Marvin erupted at that moment.

Except for this shot, he barely did anything.

Mechanical Titans, Shadow Dragons, Dark Guards, and a single card were thrown out, directly defeating the morale of the Marine Alliance.

From the moment the wizarding group began to flee, the battle was actually over.

In this battle, there was almost no war damage except for the recruited adventurers and the two garrison soldiers who died in the battle.

The Dark Guardians are extremely powerful. As a killing machine, they are very good at protecting themselves, especially in the melee, and their role can be maximized.

The shadow dragon itself is the summoner.

The only thing that made Marvin somewhat dissatisfied was that the goblin brothers played too much, and they consumed only 36% of the energy of the mechanical Titan!

Purple Fire Magic Crystal is not so easy to find!

This battle consumed so much energy, and Marvin’s face was green, and the goblin brothers saw Marvin’s face and apologized.

They were also excited at the moment, and they managed to control the mechanical Titans. Naturally, they did not pay much attention to energy consumption.

Ma Wen is very helpless about this, and he is not good at reprimanding them.

The mechanical Titan is a strategic weapon for the White River Valley. As long as there is energy, it is a shock!

Who dares to wage war against the White River Valley, it is necessary to measure whether his army has the ability to fight against a mechanical Titan!

The strong cavalry regiment and the tough infantry army are, after all, human flesh.

Compared with the icy super steel structure, I think it is imaginary.

Ma Wen returned to the Baihe Valley and continuously solved the crisis of the two sides attacking the territory. The hearts of the people finally settled down.

Because this time, their lord adults announced that in a short time, he will not leave the territory again.

Although this is a short time, Ma Wen did not say it, but everyone is more stable.

Ma Wen’s powerful personal strength has proved that he is capable of being alone.

The adventurers who first followed Marvin, watching Ma Wen’s orders go on, and dealt with the post-war affairs in an orderly manner, and could not help but feel a thousand emotions.

When they followed Marvin’s completion of the night tide hotel, they never thought that this skinny boy would have achieved today.

The current Ma Wen, the identity of the double-knife mask is basically well known.

As soon as the mechanical Titan came out, the identity of the dragon slayer Robin was also coming out.

After this battle, he will become the most dazzling star in the South!

Those who are optimistic about the White River Valley firmly believe that Marvin has the potential of an ancient hero, enough to open up a new kingdom in the fertile soil south of the Screaming Mountains, enough to compete with the Wizarding Alliance; and some people are secretly worried about whether Marvin’s arrogant moves Will lead to real disaster!

After all, this time is the ordinary army. The resources that the Southern Wizards Union can mobilize far exceed the imagination of Marvin.

In order to block the Taikoo Red Dragon Earl, the lineup temporarily drawn out of the Eastern Conference is enough to explain a lot.

If Ma Wen really wants to compete with the Alliance, he is likely to face a legendary wizarding group in the future!

But people in the White River Valley are not worried.

Because of the number of legends, Marvin is the least afraid. Not to mention his new legend, he has created a series of consecutive legends to kill two legends, forcing a legendary record. Based on his relationship with other legends, the Southern Wizards League has to be measured.

High-end force, the White River Valley is completely empty; ordinary soldiers, in front of the mechanical Titan and the Shadow Dragon Legion, can only be sent!


The night of Jiangang is doomed to be quiet.

The victory of the war made people happy and happy, but Marvin continued to dispatch troops to re-arrange the forces of Jianang, Baihe Valley, the south of Baihe River and the city of Hetan.

The counterattack of the alliance may not come before the Cataclysm, but there is nothing wrong with preparing for it.

These transactions are extremely Even if Daniela and Anna assisted, it took Ma Wen a full two days to arrange the post-war issues.

In general, the people in the Baihe Valley are still very tight, but with the participation of the Sha people, coupled with the external adventurers and the power of the River City, Marvin wants to guard the area south of the Scream Mountain. Can do it.

In this period of time, the results of the two battles on both sides of the White River Valley have spread throughout the South!

The name of Marvin was repeatedly read in people’s surprised expressions!

Overnight, I changed the situation of the two battlefields by myself, killing two legends and forcing the pirate king.

This horrible record is unbelievable!

The whole south is boiling!

Even the city-states of the Northland began to spread the name of Marvin.

... (to be continued...)

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