Night Ranger

Vol 5 Chapter 123: Last day

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The cursing banshee is not a creature, but a very powerful legendary witchcraft!

This kind of witchcraft is a dead spell, and the person who is possessed by the banshee will continue to accept the death check.

Simply put, it is the disintegration of the legendary enhanced version!

Few people can use this spell because the secret method is too old and is close to being lost.

However, in the hands of the phoenix, what spells are thrown out, Marvin will not be surprised.

Only he hasn't started yet, and he suddenly used six substitutes in a row!

His body shuttles between six substitutes!

The cursing banshee screamed and rushed up. Every time he rushed to a paper man, the paper man would struggle for a few seconds and then break!

Ma Wen brows a wrinkle, this spells the banshee's spells are so powerful, the duration is far beyond the normal spell strength.

枭 Origami protector body, and eventually lost eight avatars, only to repel the effect of the cursing banshee!


"how about it?!"

Looking at the horrible smoke on the main island, Ma Wen was also anxious.

The wolf shook his head.

He was just close to the hall of the phoenix, and he was noticed by the other side.

If it wasn't for him to escape fast, once he was possessed by the cursed banshee, the consequences would be disastrous.

"The volcano is bursting, it is dry."

"She is ready to break the boat."

His face is also very difficult to see.

Hathaway has no news yet, which makes people feel uneasy.

However, this volcanic explosion does not seem to be a trivial matter. Under the deliberate control of the phoenix, almost all the buildings on the main island were destroyed!

Although Ma Wenhe is a legendary strongman, he can't fight this kind of natural disaster.

There is no way to find traces of the phoenix in this case.

In the night vision of Marvin, the traces of the phoenix have long been lost.

"I was exposed."

There are some problems.

If it wasn't for him to be close to the main hall and be spotted by the phoenix, Marvin's night tracking might continue to swing.

But now it is noticed that Feng Feng will naturally find a way to cover Marvin's tracking methods.

God knows where she has gone now.

Marvin shook his head, and in the midst of a fire, He left the black coral island that was about to become a ruin.


Late at night, on the deck of Jianang No. 1. The legends are gathering again.

The anger of Tidomus is obviously not so good. Black Dragon Izaka is said to be seriously injured. He found a small island to rest.

Marvin felt from the contract that this guy was really seriously injured. So let him put a horse for the time being.

The rest of the legend is still good, after Marvin left, he ordered that the Black Dragon must desperately resist the attack of Titomas, so most of the offenses of the Dragon King's head were blocked by the Black Dragon Izaka. Although others are a little embarrassed, they are all slightly injured.

Regarding the inexplicable disappearance of Hathaway, everyone has no clue.

The volcanic explosion, the sinking of the Black Coral Island, means the disappearance of the last clue.

And Feng Feng’s plan makes everyone uneasy.

"We need the exact information, we must return to the big 6 immediately."

Tianjie deer proposed.

Ma Wen nodded. He had ordered the Storm Elf to control the Jiangang No. 1 to six places.

But the direction is not Jiangang, but the gem bay!

Only in the possession of the Southern Wizarding League, they can know as soon as possible what abacus is playing.

Calculate it carefully. It is already on the 15th today after the early morning, and tomorrow, when the gods join forces to attack the universe magic pool.

Their time is already very urgent.

The ship was driving in the dark sea for a while, and suddenly, a bright flash of lightning flashed through the sky!

That is a golden gryphon!

Everyone on the deck showed a sense of guard.

They are about to get closer to the shoreline. At this time, a very aggressive gryphon suddenly appears, making it hard to stop.

However, the Griffin did not make an aggressive move, but instead circled around Jiangang No. 1.

"I am a messenger from Chiba, I need to see Master Ma Wen."

The crisp, sweet sound sounds. That is a wood elf girl.

Marvin walked out of the cabin and signaled everyone to get out of the alert.

It is indeed a wood elf. In this world, he has had enough dealings with the wood elves. Very familiar with each other.

Although the messenger does not know, his identity is certainly no problem.

The wood elf girl got the griffin and didn’t say anything at all.

"Master Ma Wen, my king ordered me to bring you two news."

It’s a bit stunned that the legends of each other face each other.

The great elf king is always indifferent. There are very few times when you will be in touch with others.

Previously in the evil spirit world, it was also because of his son Ibrahimovic.

This time, I didn’t know what it was, but I sent a messenger to send a message to Marvin.

Does this mean that Marvin’s position is important in the eyes of the great elf who is comparable to the gods?

"Well, let's talk into the cabin."

There is sound insulation in the cabin, not afraid of people eavesdropping.

The girl nodded and followed the crowd.


The wood elf messenger is a very interesting girl, the strength is very general, probably about the third order.

Her name is butterfly.

The butterfly is not the elf iron guard, she is just a very ordinary wood elf.

In her words, the reason why it was sent out was because the current staff of Chiba Mori was very nervous.

The powerful strongman is going to do the most important thing, only she is running and running.

Everyone is silent.

The one who can trust the Big Elf King is definitely not as simple as she said.

However, their attention is not here, but on the news of the butterfly.

The first message is about Hathaway.

The butterfly retells the original words of the Great Elf King: "Hanesha is safe now, and in a very safe place, there are some of the most powerful people in the world to protect her. She succeeded in breaking the curse, but this is for her. Saying, it may not be a good thing."

The news of Hathaway made everyone, especially Marvin, relieved.

But the last sentence of the Great Elf King made Ma Wen frowned:

"Why is it a good thing to break the curse?"

The butterfly blinked: "I don't know, Ma Wen."

Ma Wen is dumb.

The messenger only recounted the original words of the Great Elf King.

Although he faintly felt that something was wrong, how did Hathaway break the curse? Why don't you have a message at all? But now this is the case. It is better to understand the second message of the Great Elf King first.

In fact, he already has speculation in his mind. This second news is mostly related to the phoenix.

Sure enough, after seeing everyone have no doubts about the first message. The butterfly simply took out a crystal ball.

"This is the second message."

In the crystal ball, it is a constant mist of fog.

In the fog, a square gradually appeared.

“This is the Burlington Square in the Port of Salmon.”

I recognized the location at a glance.

However, in the square, the scene of life, but let everyone have some cold sweat behind.

Pheasant. Actually announced the news of the Cataclysm!

And every third-order wizard received a phoenix amulet!

This amulet has no problem, the ghost believes!

The problem is that even if they jump out and persuade the wizards not to use the amulet of the phoenix, not many people believe it.

The phoenix is ​​the high-level spokesperson of the Southern Wizarding League, while Marvin is the rebellion of the Alliance. The rest of the people have no prestige!

The picture in the crystal ball is abrupt, and it is also a square, which is also a dense wizard. The same black shadow!

"This is the city of steel."

The voice of the scorpion has changed: "What the **** do she want?"

Port of Liyu, City of Steel, Saidong Port, City of Nature, Elemental Fortress...

On the square of the big city under the jurisdiction of the Southern Wizarding Alliance, a scene similar to that is constantly being staged.

In the end, everyone is cold!

The plan of the phoenix is ​​so crazy!


In the cabin, the atmosphere became somewhat depressed.

Even O'Brien, who is not afraid of the day, is immersed in contemplation.

Just playing against Tidomus made him realize the gap between himself and the gods.

He may be able to kill the melting lord, perhaps destroying the azure grazing, but the real **** is true, he has no chance of winning.

"What did the Great Elf King say?"

Marvin asked.

The butterfly is still the same look. But still polite: "I am just a letter, sir."

Marvin sighed.

What Feng Feng wants to do is actually obvious to him!

That is when you are in the midst of a Cataclysm, seal God!

When all the wizards are hurt by the collapse of the universe's magic pool. She can condense their beliefs!

Although it is a belief born to survive, it is still a true faith!

The phoenix can indeed provide life for them, but in exchange for those who must become her most devout believers.

Once someone's faith is shaken, the fire will make him fall into hell!

That amulet is a medium.

And the slate of fate in the hands of the phoenix. It can resist the invasion of the chaotic will of the entire universe!

This is the terrible thing about the slate of fate.


Since there is a new news, Marvin is no longer going to Jewel Bay.

He ordered to return.

In the last days, he must stay in the White River Valley and be with his own people.

The legends will also return to the homeland, the great druids will return to the migratory bird council, and the rest will also have their own arrangements.

Although they all predicted the disaster, but could not change it, this is really a bad thing.

After the news was passed, the butterfly left with a gryphon.

After the ship arrived in everyone got off the boat.

The sky is close to dawn, the dawn is coming from the east, the breeze is scorning, everything looks so beautiful.

But Marvin knows that the good day is the last day.

He suddenly felt a little tired.

I have done so many things myself, and in the end, I still can’t stop the disaster.

Although this is not something that he can compete with, he still feels very uncomfortable.

After all, my strength is still too small.

Most of them can only protect the people in the territory.

This vicissitudes of the Big 6 is about to usher in another baptism of catastrophe.


The third volume is finished

... (to be continued.)

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