Night Ranger

Vol 6 Chapter 2: The catastrophe begins!

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The heavenly kingdom of God, the illusion of a tall road continues to emerge.

Standing at the center is the three highest illusions, their faces are vague, but they represent the most powerful force in the new god!

The gods of the three great gods, who once explored the wild depths and found evidence that the wizarding **** left the world, was the meeting of the later gods.

This time, attacking the universe of the magic pool, among the thirty-seven new gods who rose in the Third Age, 28 new gods chose to participate.

The rest of the new gods maintained a silent attitude.

But for them, twenty-eight gods are enough.

The universe magic pool is of course a treasure left by the **** of Lance to this world, but it has been in operation for many years.

Especially in the recent millennium, because of the advent of the wizarding era, both the number of wizards and the number of uses of witchcraft have soared. Correspondingly, the load of the universe magic pool is increasing.

It has begun to crack, but if no one can help, it can still run for the second millennium.

However, the trial declarations of the gods are not a joke.

After the declaration, it was a formal attack.

All the ghosts are in a circle, and the horrible power begins to wreak havoc around Fernan!

"It's time to destroy, the universe magic pool."

The shadow of the most central whispered a whisper!

The next second, the violent divine power directly hit!



At this moment, everyone is awake from sleep.

The dim sky seemed so embarrassing, and a crack in the road flashed.

The declaration of the divine judgment is repeated in their ears over and over again!

People who are almost willing are directly scared to the ground!

most of the people. I don't know what happened!

They ran to the street, but saw the sky begin to crack.

If there are any ghosts. Every phantom has a great pressure.


A crackling sound. It trembles in the heart of everyone.

Everyone has a pain in his heart, as if something important has been broken.

Some people even began to involuntarily leave tears.


The same turmoil was born in the White River Valley.

However, when they rushed out of their homes, they saw the figure on the mountain.

Ma Wen adults.

He has been standing there, guarding the land.

Everyone looked at Marvin's figure silently, and suddenly he settled a lot.

After the initial panic, the White River Valley did not produce too much confusion, which is also related to Marvin’s intention to spread the news.

"The first layer of the universe magic pool, broken."

Ma Wen also heard the sound of it.

Fragmentation of the first layer. It represents the beginning of the disaster!

Because of the fragmentation of the first layer of the universe, a lot of chaos magic will flood into Fernando 6 in five minutes!

Cataclysm, finally started!


"The first layer is broken. Is it easier than you think?"

"Yeah, I thought I had to play for a long time?"

"The **** of the wizard is not there. The universe magic pool is also a refuge. With our strength, it is naturally easy to break."

Let's talk to each other and communicate between the gods.

They did not stay. Instead, it rushed to the inner layer.

The fourth piece of destiny that they need is hidden in the heart of the universe's magic pool!

Just breaking the first layer is not enough for them.

They want to completely break the universe magic pool!

This is a big project. At least in the past, Marvin remembered that the gods spent a full month to completely break the universe magic pool.

This month. It is also the most chaotic month on Fernan.

All kinds of misery are born in every corner of the world, but in the eyes of the gods. All this is so natural.

The lives of the ants are not what they care about.

Only these stubborn people have died. Newborns are likely to become their followers.

They will only know how to be awe when they are forced into desperation and completely helpless.

Human beings are such despicable creatures.

This is the consensus of all gods.

However, they have forgotten that before they sealed the gods, they were quite a human being.


In any case, the catastrophe has begun.

After the cracking sound, the whole big 6 was in chaos.

The bursting of the universe's magic pool has a great influence on the law of time and space. Everyone's eyes are deeply fearful.

They don't know what will happen next, but they can tell them that the next thing will probably be very bad!

The wizards gathered together and they believed that they were the masters of the land.

The declaration of the gods has not yet affected their will, they gathered together and began to discuss countermeasures.

Every major city in the South 6 is almost a similar scene.

The city defense forces tried their best to maintain law and order. The timid people were on the ground and were overwhelmed. The helpless women fled with their children on the streets, and the thieves and robbers began to commit themselves in a blatant manner.

Good people want to pray, but they don't know who to pray to; the evil ones start to excite, they start to do evil everywhere; the orderly people concentrate, trying to resist the bursts of spiritual disturbances from the past, the chaotic madmen are more arrogant, It's all they want to see.

end. Trial. Sin.

This is the first word in most of my mind.

Most people are still lucky.

They think that someone will stand up and save the world like an ancient hero.

Those legendary wizards who are high above will definitely stand up.

However, five minutes have passed, and the horrible picture in the sky has not disappeared, but more and more.

They even saw the chaos of a city in the sky, just as they were born around!

Five minutes later, the chaos magic was released from the universe magic pool, completely shrouded this land!

Ma Wen on the top of the mountain felt it sharply. He took a deep breath!

The real catastrophe is only now!


If you look down from the sky above Fernan. You will see a layer of gray gas covering this once beautiful world.

Even the light of the rising sun can't penetrate that layer of gray gas!

The chaos magic has been constrained for too long, and finally began to wreak havoc on the Big 6!

At that moment. Ordinary people are only affected by the will.

They began to become negative and began to become desperate. Some people even began to make painful voices. What's more, binocularly held the chopping knives and killed their young children.

They finally began to believe in the judgment of the gods.

They are a group of people abandoned by the gods. The wizards have not moved yet, and the panic continues to spread!

However, ordinary people do not know. The wizards they depend on have suffered a more serious crisis!

Because of the connection between the wizard and the universe, the chaos of the world's chaos, nine out of ten is directly directed at countless wizards!

The wizards of this era, because they have the most bridges of the universe, are rarely in direct contact with the chaotic magic, and they are pouring into their own consciousness space.

In an instant, most of the wizarding consciousness began to get out of control!

They left the wizarding tower and began to use magic indiscriminately!

At this moment, they completely annihilated humanity. Become a horrible monster, under the control of chaotic magic, the wizards who were originally regarded as protectors by the civilians began to kill!

Under the baptism of chaotic magic, the whole world has begun a quiet transformation.

Just under this chaos. No one can detect it!


Outside of Fernan, the gods kept attacking the magic pool for a moment.

They stared coldly at everything that was born of the mortal.

"How do this group of people match Feinan?"

"Their will be too weak, this is the first layer of the universe magic pool. If more chaos magic into the world, hehe..."

"Kill it. Kill it all, the so-called trial. It is nothing more than let them feel fear and make them feel awe."

"Only in this way, when our feet re-enter the land of Fernan, this group of ants will kneel down and kiss the land under our feet!"

The gods began to get excited.

They began to influence the world with their own power.

Then the gray sky seemed to be a mirror.

Everything that happens in every corner of the Big 6 is reflected in the sky, and everyone can see this desperate scene.

"Scorpio! Is this the end?"

In the port of Liyu, someone trembled and mourned in the streets.

The next second, a fireball cruelly blows him into pieces!

Blood splashes!

The more the sorcerer, the more fierce the battle!

If at the beginning, the garrisons of major cities are still trying to maintain order, then at this moment, the order of the cities under the rule of the wizards has completely collapsed!

In the era of wizarding, it finally came to an end!

All non-legendary wizards suffer from the will of the will.

Those who are weak will become monsters directly and start to kill madly!

After these people become monsters, their strength has soared because of the chaos of magic.

They can use their own spells in a hurry, because the magic is in their bodies, and it seems that they are inexhaustible in a short time!

Flame, frost, mourning, blood, killing, madness...

All the elements are entangled, an unprecedented feast of horror is taking place!

Innocent people managed to escape, but the wizards who became monsters followed.

Instead, the land of the country will be much better.

Many farmers are overwhelmed by the horror scene in the sky, not knowing what happened.

Why did the wizards who guarded them suddenly become monsters.


White River Valley.

Most people are stunned to see everything in heaven.

Of course, they know that the location of this scene is all corners of Fernan.

Compared to other places, the White River Valley is simply quiet and scary.

Occasionally, some people can't stand the erosion of chaotic magic, and when they start to go crazy, there will be a dark guard who will take them away quietly.

No one saw their end, but in fact, needless to say, the rest can guess.

At this moment, the adventurers finally understood why Marvin refused to recruit wizards.

However, some people are still very strange. Although Marvin refuses to recruit wizards, it does not mean that there are no wizards in the Baihe Valley.

Where did the wizards go? Why is there no riots in the Baihe Valley?

They looked at Marvin's thin figure, the more intense the awe of the eyes.


Ma Wen stood on the top of the mountain, feeling the mountain wind mixed with chaos and magic, watching the exhibition of events coldly.

Only in his heart, there is still a kind of helplessness and anger spreading.

Although I have known that this scene will happen, my personal experience is always different.

Most people in this world are innocent.

They are born, raised, married, have children, and then grow old, according to the established track.

They have neither good deeds nor big ones, just ordinary people.

But at this moment, the most people who are dying are these ordinary people!

They are innocent.

Unfortunately, what Marvin can protect is only a small number of people.

The reason why the White River Valley is not rioted is simple.

All the wizards were summoned by Marvin, and on the eve of the Cataclysm, they drank the special drugs provided by the migratory bird council.

This potion can make the wizards sleep for a month.

During the sleep, the magic of chaos is no way to affect them.

This is the only way Marvin thought of the collapse of the universe's magic pool. He was prepared to use it on Pooh, but now that Pooh is out of his own path, it is no longer needed.


The catastrophe is still going on.

The mourning sounds come and go, and the mortal world is in a state of misery.

No one knows where the road is, as if in a flash, the world has lost its order!

The strong of the entire multiverse is watching this scene coldly.

The evil spirits are dancing wildly, the devil is finished with hell, and the demons are excited to launch another round of killing.

Their eyes are aimed at Fernan.

Everyone knows that after the universe's magic pool collapses, the plane barrier will become extremely fragile!

They want to enter Fernan, it will become much simpler!

As for the poor mortals, no one will pity them.

Anyway, human beings have a very good ability to multiply, and a large number of people have died, and a large number will soon be born.

In the chaos, there was a sudden roar of earth-shattering!

This roar is even more terrifying than the dragon, and it has spread directly throughout the Fernando 6.

The fear in people's hearts is even worse.

Anyone who knows a little about it knows that this is the roar of a wild monster!

Under the seduce of chaos, they finally couldn’t help but began to flood into Fernan from all directions!

This beautiful land has been fragmented.

At this moment, no one has expected the miracle to appear.

The gods descended to the trial, the wizards turned into monsters, and the wild monsters poured into Fernan...

Who can they pray to?

However, at this time a little faint orange glow, suddenly spread in the gray sky.

A tranquil atmosphere that has been passed from far south to the south.

This feeling is so obvious.

It looks like a small flame in the night, even if it is far away, it can be seen clearly.

Everyone's attention was focused on that little flame.

Some people who have not yet lost their consciousness are stunned, and that one of them is in the south of the screaming mountains!

White River Valley!

Marvin stood on the top of the mountain and held his hands slightly.

The order of fire finally ignited, and the power of powerful order began to sweep the world!

... (to be continued...)

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