Night Ranger

Vol 6 Chapter 6: Enchanted Wizard

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Outside of Feinan, the gods of the heavens made a mess.

Eric, who is attached to the star beast, is attacking wildly, and he knows that he has limited time to wake up.

After Marvin awakened him this time, he would soon disappear in this world.

Before the soul dies, making a last-minute contribution to the world, it is also the last meaning of his lingering.

Although this small star beast is not the kind of horrible existence of the destruction of the earth, but the combat power is still very impressive.

Especially in the completely unruly style of Eric, many gods are deeply scrupulous.

The gods who are best at the gods have a very low effect on the star beasts. With Eric's resistance, the gods of the three main gods can be safe and sound. The power of this star beast's peak tense is really shocking.

However, the gods can also see that Eric is already the end of power. As long as he withstands this explosion, it is difficult for him to cause too much wind and waves.

What really makes them feel uncomfortable is the three-dimensional guardian.

They played conservatively than Eric, hiding behind the universe's magic pool.

There is a universe magic pool to provide them with guardianship. They can safely attack the little gods chased by the star beasts. Several new gods have not noticed for a moment, and almost the three guarded roads. Only the gods are the gods after all, and every **** is killed by the horror of the Terrible.

They have ample means of life-saving, although the scene is very fierce, but in fact, it really involves the crisis of life, the fire of catastrophe, but not.

However, at the time of the fierce battle, the horrible atmosphere that Fernando 6 uploaded made everyone stunned.

"Is there a god?"

"It’s really a good time at this time..."

"Is she? She waited for so many years and finally took the shot."

The gods have different looks.

Obviously, some of them know the bottom of the phoenix, and they once fought or fought side by side in the Third Age.

For the phoenix, the new gods have different attitudes, but at this time, she suddenly ran out to perform the ritual of the gods, which will undoubtedly make most people feel uncomfortable.

"Magic god...hehe. A terrible field of priesthood."

"If she is successful, will the Heavenly Kingdom of God have another **** of great power?"

A few unscrupulous gods sounded in the hearts of everyone.

The three main gods are expressionless.

They didn't even focus on Fernan, but they aimed at the depths of the universe.

There, the fourth destiny slate is waiting quietly for their arrival.

In their view. This is the only valuable thing in Fernan.

Three fate slabs appeared in the Third Age, but they were all fragmented. About two-thirds of them were obtained. The people who got them all held a ritual of the gods, trying to become an immortal god. Among those who try to seal God. Half of the people have failed.

The fragments of these destiny slabs also disappeared with the failure of those rituals.

The remaining one-third, flowing into the four sides of the multiverse, has become a strange thing.

For example, the lucky elf is stupid, she used to be a fragment of the slate.

It can be said that the three pieces of fate slab fragments that appeared in the Tertiary changed the whole world pattern.

Today's heavenly kingdom, the ancient gods or retreat or disappear or crouch, basically the new **** dominated the situation, and the third-generation gods have a great relationship.

But making these people the key to the gods. Into the fat slate fragments.

A small piece of debris is enough for the legendary people to seal their hearts.

The fourth fate slate, in the prophecy, was hidden by Lance in the depths of the universe's magic pool. It is complete!

What kind of power can such a complete destiny slate bring to those who are already gods? This is what they are eager to know.

In particular, the three are already gods of great power.

They have not many rivals in this multiverse. They are not interested in the appearance of the phoenix gods and Eric.

The only thing they are concerned about is the fourth fate slate.

Anyone who prevents them from moving forward will be crushed ruthlessly.

"Accelerate the progress, I don't want to drag on any more."

The morning light and the guardian **** raised their hands, the power of the sky condensed into a spear, and flew from the sky!

The spear is fierce. Directly penetrated the body of the star beast, and even nailed Eric to the second floor of the universe magic pool!


The universe magic pool is another shock.

The next second, the magic of the sky completely drowned Eric!


The mortal.

The water is hot.

In addition to igniting the power of order fire, the rest of the creatures are drastically reduced by the number of demonized wizards.

However, the moment when the phoenix held the ritual of the gods. All the magic wizards are parked in place.

Their eyes appeared a bit clear.

The wizards of the third or higher are taking advantage of this opportunity to smash the amulet in their hands.

The next second, a layer of divine power wrapped around their bodies.

A soft voice rang in their ears: "Serve me as the Lord, I will give you glory."

"Meditate my name, I will give you a spell."

"I am the **** of magic. Pheasant."

In an instant, all the wizards were in great shock!

They did not think that they would fall into such a situation.

They looked at their hands full of blood, some of the wizards were mad, some were calm, and they could not help but shudder!

What did you do yourself?

After the chaotic will invasion, they killed almost everyone around them!

Some people even killed their beloved wife, intimate partner, and the children who love you on weekdays!

They are in great pain.

And the soft voice of the phoenix began to sneak into:

"Serve me as the Lord, I will heal all the pain for you."

"You will forget everything and become the servant of the supreme magic god."

"After today, on Fernando 6, the servant of the Magic God is the most noble presence."

Some wizards began to meditate, while others made choices.

Along with the time, one minute and a second, in the south of the city of steel, a huge illusion gradually appeared.

The fire in the center of the virtual shadow is getting brighter and brighter!

Because she did the most adequate preparation, it was normal to pass the most dangerous moments at the beginning of the ritual.

At this moment, the soul of a large number of wizards and her use of divine power as a link to communicate.

Because the wizards have not yet believed in her. She can only use the power provided by the amulet to communicate and persuade.

For this day, she has been preparing for thousands of years!

At the moment, success is finally coming.

In her consciousness. Among the dense lines, one after another became shiny.

It was the sorcerer who accepted her glory and became her first believer!

They gave her some divine power to ease the most consumables in the early days of the ritual.

In return, she uses her own deity to temporarily guard the will of these believers. Keep them from the will of chaos.

Because she has not yet become a **** of magic, there is no way to completely control the chaos of the chaos, so she is actually the weakest time in history.

If they do not provide protection to the believers, they will collapse again, and the newly established faith will collapse immediately.

Everything she did before was in vain.

While doing their will to protect them, it is also very expensive to provide divine power for the entire high-level wizards in Fernan.

In doing so, it is actually taking risks.

Once she succeeds, she relies on the position of the **** of magic and the number of powerful fields and believers. It is very possible to break through to the powerful and even the gods of great divine power in one breath!

No sound is already, a blockbuster.

This is the principle of the phoenix.

After a thousand years of forbearance, the power of the explosion is terrible.

The entire film is on the 6th of the South, and the land is full of magic wizards. The souls of these wizards have experienced the previous encounters, which is actually the most vulnerable time.

And she sneaked in, it is easy to capture the trust of these people.

With the current acceptance of believers, up to three days, her ritual of ritual success may be successful!

As long as no one is in trouble in the middle.

However, this state is obviously too idealistic. Even Fengfeng himself knows that his enemy does not know how much.

Although the most difficult ones have gone to the sky to fight with the gods. But in this big 6, it can be a threat to yourself, but it is still very popular!

For example, the group of people in the White River Valley!

However, Ming Feng has already made proper arrangements!


At this time the Baihe Valley. Has fallen into a huge crisis.

Just in the first moment of the fire, Marvin was ready to assemble the crowd and rush to the city of steel to stop the phoenix.

This is the best chance to kill her, and the legends understand this.

They can't follow the Great Elf King and others to go to the heavens to deal with the gods, so it is good to kill a **** in Fernan.

Unfortunately. The arrangement of the phoenix came so fast that even Ma Wen almost didn't handle it well!

Around the Baihe Valley, the black pressure is a piece of horror!

Over 5,000 low-level magic wizards, directly from Jewel Bay, crossed the screaming mountains and headed straight to the White River Valley.

Order fire can dispel the chaos of magic, but can not directly damage the magic wizard.

These low-level magical wizards are obviously the abandonment of the phoenix. She seduce their hearts and let them gather into a group and kill them in the Baihe Valley!

Under the magic of chaos, the combat power of these magical wizards is terrible!

When the first batch of magic wizards appeared in the northern mines, order fire was early warning.

Although Marvin was prepared, it was also shocked by the number of horrible witches!

Five thousand second-order magic wizards!

This number is too horrible, right? It’s really a good time to prepare for the phoenix.

She knew that Marvin paid attention to the Baihe Valley, so he did not hesitate to gather the second-order wizards who were not known at the southern part of Geum Bay before the disaster.

At this time, this move finally came in handy.

Marvin had to face this severe test first!

How can he resist this dense magician wizard?

... (to be continued.)

Ps: First apologize for yesterday's break. There is still a chapter for a while, and a specific chapter will be explained. I will continue to continue the codeword. Sorry

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