Night Ranger

Vol 2 Chapter 21: Blue*

"This is not the hand of the double snake."

Marvin pointed to Winnie's thin face and said: "If it is a double snake, he will suffer more damage than it is now."

"On the surface it seems to be [hibernation], one of the double-snake signs, let a person sleep forever. But hibernation does not kill a person directly."

"And his heartbeat is strong, this is not a symptom of hibernation."

Henzel’s eyes sparkled with surprise, and he couldn’t help but ask, “How did you know that?”

"My grandfather was also a high-ranking wizard."

Ma Wen had already compiled the reason: "Before I left, I read a lot of books in the study and learned a lot."

"You are as smart as Vinnie, but unfortunately not a talent for a wizard."

Henzel definitely nodded. "It is true. I also feel that someone is deliberately imitating the double snake teaching."

"But how do you know Lulu? Should you just arrive?"

Ma Wen smiled: "Under the hiccups under the hugs is another curse of vitality. This curse has a characteristic that requires at least one week of contact every day, and constantly cursing."

"Vini's temper is a bit solitary, and there are not many people who can have long-term contact with him. Who else besides the old housekeeper?"

Only the little girl who can often contact him, right?

It is quite reasonable to conclude.

Henzel shrugged helplessly: "You must be a great lord!"

"Since you are here too, I invite you to join me to see the murderer who is murdering Pooh?"

"This is your right."


The prison of Magor College. A girl sitting alone on the edge of the fence was so frightened.

The prison was built on a nine-story tree, and each branch extended out of a wooden cage with the cage suspended.

She looked down, it was a black liquid.

Once it falls, it falls into this black liquid, and she will be eroded without even bones!

There are not many prisoners in prison, because most people who want to make waves at Magor College are already dead.

Just as she was afraid to look around, the cage suddenly moved!

She was scared at first, and immediately reacted: someone is controlling the branches of this tree!

On one platform in the distance, two figures are looming.

One of the tall figures sang a spell, and the branch hanging from her began to move slowly.

In the end, the cage fell on the platform.

Two people stood in front of her. The cage was opened.

"Come out, Miss Lulu," Henzel whispered.

Lulu came out of the cage with timidity.

"I don't understand, what are you doing?"

"What mistake did I make?"

Lulu showed an innocent look. She seems to be totally ignorant.

"Woman's acting skills..." Marvin's heart spit still did not speak, Henzel actually said such a sentence.

"I have to say that I have to be frightened by your acting skills."

As a second-order wizard, Henzel has a sense of humor that is inconsistent with his appearance.

"As an alchemist apprentice, why do you want to do this kind of thing? You have been in contact with Pooh for more than half a year, why should you use a curse to frame him? Or do you really think that our tutors are blind?"

Lulu was silent.

When she was in this matter, she was already mentally prepared. But when things really happened, she was still a little helpless.

She knew that since she had been detained in jail, it proved that Henzel had enough evidence in her hands.

It doesn't matter what you say.

"I am Avignon. Really."

She began to whisper: "But I really can't help."

"Looking at him is so painful every day, I am also like a knife."

"Someone forced me to do this. If I don't do this, I... the total will be terrible."

"I was scared, so I did what he said. I didn't expect things to be so serious."

"I know it is wrong. But I really don't really want to frame him."


The girl’s crying is getting worse and worse, and it makes people feel pitiful.

However, in Ma Wen’s eyes, there is only nausea.

Use the poor appearance to gain sympathy. Trying to cleanse his guilt after committing such a huge sin...

An eleven-year-old girl has such a deep mind?

This cruel world is really forcing children to mature prematurely.

"Shut up!" Henzel suddenly severely interrupted Lulu's crying.

"I just want to do two things now. First, tell me who is instructing you to do this."

"Second, lift the curse on Pooh!"

"If both of these things are done, I represent the Magor College official and forgive your actions!"

Henzel’s words immediately worked.

Lulu immediately stopped crying. There was a hint of hope in her eyes: "Really?"

Henzel looked at Marvin, who was silent.

"of course it's true."

Henzel said affirmatively.

He now only hopes that his disciples will return to normal immediately. The rest of the matter... Hey, the account has to be counted, not so anxious.

Lulu stopped crying, but began to sort out the thoughts and finally said slowly:

"The first thing, I don't really know who it is. Don't misunderstand, I really don't know. About a month ago, I got gambling... Finally I was designed and lost a lot of money. Good After a big sum, after Pooh knew it, he said that he would find a way for me."

"He is very good to me, I know this. But what can he do? His economy is even more supportive of his own learning. He can't afford it for me."

"The people I owe money are terrible. Their power is spread throughout Magor College. I believe you should also guess Henzel."

"I really can't afford to pay the money, and I'm going crazy by those people. Finally, one of them gave me a chance to pay for it."

Having said that, she paused.

"Is it a curse for Pooh?" Marvin asked quietly.

She nodded in nowhere.

I have to say that Lulu’s looks can only be said to be in the middle, but this poor look is really pity.

"Who? The name." Henzel said decisively.

"[Blue? * Brown]... The name of the man is, Count," Lulu said.

"Count? What is this name. At most, it is a nickname." Henzel is very dissatisfied.

"I have already said everything I know." Lulu said: "It is very simple to want to lift the curse of Pooh. There is a paper box under the bed of my bedroom, just burn it out." ”

Henzel and Marvin looked at each other.

"What is blue morphine?" Ma Wen asked.

Henzel looked stiffly: "An organization of the Three Rings Tower. A group of powerful members of the background of the wizard family."

Ma Wen nodded, no longer speak, but remembered the nickname of this organization and the Earl.

Lulu should not lie, and since the people behind the scenes have to do this, they will certainly not easily reveal their identity.

They must have made the worst plans. After all, this is the site of the wizard, and it is highly probable that Lulu was detected.


"Henzel's adult..." Lulu looked at him with hope.

"I am Avignon. If it is not forced to a dead end, I will not do this kind of thing."

Henzel showed a hint of disgust, but he still said: "I represent the official of Magor College, temporarily forgive your crimes. If you find out in the future, if you have nothing to explain, the consequences ... oh."

"Thank you an adult!" Lulu was overjoyed.

Who knows that at this time, Marvin suddenly stepped forward to her.

Henzel stunned and seemed to want to stop Marvin, but he still didn't move.

"The official of Magor College is forgiving you, but the White River Valley has not forgiven is the first heir to the White River Valley. I am his brother, I have not forgiven you."

Marvin’s voice was calm, but Lulu was panicking!

"Ma Wen adults! I really didn't mean it."

"I really love Pooh, I am so painful to watch him, I am very uncomfortable. Really. As long as I have another week, I will take the initiative to burn the paper box, and Pooh will wake up, they just want to let Pooh has no way to enter."

"And he also likes me very much."

Looking at Marvin step by step, she was incoherent. She was placed on the banned field and had no ability to resist.

"You said that he likes you very much?" Marvin plunged into her ear and said softly: "But I think you are not worthy."

The next second, Lulu only felt a pain in the lower abdomen!

Ma Wenyi’s unusually fierce bluntness smashed the girl from the edge of the platform directly!

She screamed miserably, and eventually fell into the black liquid, and the body bones were instantly eroded into a pool of black water!

That scene is terrible!

But Ma Wen, even his eyes did not blink.

"The person who hurts my brother must die."

Ma Wen said lowly.

He turned and Henzel looked at him and asked for a long while: "Why don't you use a knife?"

Marvin walked past him and paused: "dirty."

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