Night Ranger

Vol 6 Chapter 21: Fallen

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At the moment I saw the little girl, the phoenix body suddenly raised a chill.

Suddenly, as if time was still, her magic carpet was stagnant.

The girl's eyes are like a whirlpool, it is easy to let people fall into the trap, completely lost!

"Heather Wei!"

"It's you!"

The phoenix rushed out of the whirlpool and recognized the coming person.

Only the panic in her heart is more intense.

This is a kind of god's instinct. The girl in front of her eyes, although somewhat young, is definitely Hathaway.

After all, at Black Coral Island, she also stole a bit of blood from Hathaway and made a fake Hathaway with the source of God.

So for her, Feng Feng is still very understanding.

At that time, Hathaway was rescued by the legendary twelve witches in Anze, and she was a little unstable in her heart. However, she had to deal with too many things at that time and could only be put on hold.

Unexpectedly, on her own escape, she actually appeared.


"[Witches - Locust]!"

Hathaway's lips are lightly open, and her eyes are calmly watching the phoenix.

Thousands of locusts have been drilled out of the void.

Looking at the phoenix, I almost didn't faint.

These locusts are all all astrological [virtual locusts]!

This aphid is not only very large, but also the strength of the individual is extremely strong, the most terrible is that they are good at extracting divine power!

And the phoenix is ​​now weak to the extreme. The power of mobilization is very limited!

Seeing the overwhelming imaginary locusts will kill, the phoenix directly abandoned the magic carpet, the whole man madly flew to the east!

The magic carpet does not know what spells were used by Hathaway. Actually, he has completely lost his spirituality and fell directly to the ground.

The imaginary locust rushed into the air, and immediately turned into a storm, followed by the phoenix swept through.

There is a faint divine power armor on the phoenix. She is now in the worst state and really does not want to play with Hathaway.

At the moment she bite her teeth, and she lost a few life-saving gods.

Must be in the room. She has appeared thousands of miles away.

However, what made her feel desperate was that she had not gotten rid of the scorpion locusts for a long time. On the mountain in front, Hathaway's cold ice appeared again.

"You can't escape."

Hathaway laughed very strangely.

The phoenix suddenly felt awkward, and she instinctively reached out and grabbed a blank sheet of smiling faces behind her back!

"An ancient witch of Anzei Witch?"

The phoenix is ​​also well-informed.

The strength attached to this white paper. There is a kind of effect like a shadow. As long as it is attached to the body of the phoenix, no matter where she flees, she will pull Hathaway directly.


The phoenix instantly tore off the curse.

She suddenly calmed down.

I have escaped so far, and others should have been unable to catch up.

Even if you only have one life left, it is easy to deal with a witch who has just broken the curse.

There is no need to escape at all.

It’s not too late to kill Hathaway first.

Thinking of this, she was slightly fixed and suddenly smiled:

"You are very confident."

"Tell me. How many witches do you have?"

This time, Hathaway's small face suddenly white, as if a very important secret was revealed.

See her reaction. The smile on the face of the phoenix is ​​even brighter.

"Or do you say that several of your powerful witches have been used up?"

Hathaway snorted and his eyes flickered.


The casting system of the Anzedi witch is completely different from the ordinary wizard.

They use a method called [the curse] to cast spells, and they also need a lot of media.

Only every kind of witchcraft is unique. And it can only be used once a day.

The older the witch, the more the curse can be used. The more flexible the offensive means.

Young witches In general, young witches rarely walk in this world. The rules of casting spells do not allow them to do so because they are very powerful and very fragile.

Witches under the age of twenty only hold about six to seven witchcraft.

Once it is used up, it is equivalent to an ordinary person, almost arbitrarily slaughtered.

From the beginning to the present, Feng Feng roughly estimated that Hathaway has used four witches.

The first curse is shocking.

When I saw her, the kind of fear that came from my heart was definitely the effect of the witchcraft.

The second curse is a spell similar to the body. Only the body of the phoenix was very resistant to the spell of the body. Hathaway did not succeed, only fixed her magic carpet.

The next two curses are [Aphids] and [Shadows].

As a result, she has used four witches, and there are at most three witches.

How much threat can the three witches have on themselves?

Do not believe in the phoenix.

The next second, her finger pointed to Hathaway, just want to use a powerful magic to counterattack.

Who knows that at this time, Hathaway suddenly opened:

"[Witches - Ashes!""

In an instant, the heavens and the earth seemed to be dark all at once, and the phoenix only felt a powerful force, and violently and directly cut off the connection between himself and the believers.

Her divine power dried up directly, and an invisible storm swept from the depths of the darkness.

She was involved in the storm, and the power armor collapsed immediately!

Soon, the sorrow of sorrow came from the storm.

The face of the phoenix peeled off bit by bit, her head was pulled up, and the **** scalp was exposed!

Her skin was torn and her bones were pulled out!

Hathaway on the mountain, his face is a bit ugly.

Take her strength. Forcibly using the ashes of the ashes is still a bit reluctant.

Only under the power of ash and horror, the life of the phoenix is ​​indeed in jeopardy.

Most of her body was swallowed up by the devastating storm. Only the last point of the source of the gods protects the most important parts of the heart and the head.

This is so, her appearance is also like a ghost.

She was torn apart in the storm, and finally with a chance to approach the edge of the storm, forcibly throwing out the last bit of power, moving in an instant, avoiding the storm area.

She wandered in the branches of a tree, leaving only the head and body.

She spit blood. Suddenly, the vicious smile laughed.

Because at this time, Hathaway's face also became extremely pale.

Because of the use of the curse of their own compliance. She is now in a state of shortness and inability to move.

This state is similar to that of the phoenix. In short, both of them are temporarily losing their combat power.

Only in the estimation of the phoenix, his ability to recover is obviously over Hathaway.

Because she is just a person.

And myself. It is a god!

Although the images of her defeated and defeated were seen by many believers, many devout believers began to pass on the power of faith.

Although the power of these beliefs is very meager, it may not be obvious at all on the weekdays, but at this time, it is particularly important.

As long as she recovers a minute earlier, a magical technique can destroy Hathaway.

The two fell into a stalemate.

Time passes by.

The origin of the **** of the phoenix began to repair her remnant. As long as the **** does not die, the origin of the **** can always repair its body. Unless the source of God is completely dry.

And the power of faith has begun to re-fill the pool of divine power.

The phoenix can't wait to wait, she only needs a magical skill to kill the former waking person. Today's Anzedi witch.

Even the least expensive magic is enough to make Hathaway's life!

However, her idea is destined to become a luxury.

In the void, a shadow jumps out!

His face is also very pale, because he has been jumping in the vortex of the shadow plane, constantly using the attraction between the vortex to force and track the phoenix. This is a very expensive thing.

What's more, the shadow vortex is not a good place, and the damage to the human body is very terrible.

But let Ma Wen feel lucky. After all, I still catch up.

And the phoenix looks very miserable.

Only at this time, Ma Wen did not hesitate, he did not care what the cause of the phoenix became.

There is only one thought in his heart.

Kill the phoenix!


The electric light flashed and the night slammed successfully.


The head of the phoenix smashed down from the branch, and his eyes were round and stunned!

The source of her **** struggled hard and eventually vanished in vain.

In an instant, all the people who believed in the phoenix on the Big 6 had an induction in their hearts.

They saw such a picture, the miserable phoenix wreckage hanging on the branch, and Marvin ruthlessly cut a knife and cut off her last life.

The gods are broken, the fire is extinguished, and the ritual of the gods is terminated!

Many believers vomit blood and some people directly become dementia.

Those servants die directly.

The first person in the Quaternary who tried to seal God in Fernan was still dead.

In this entire Fernando 6, suddenly a storm of public opinion!


However, at the scene, after Marvin killed the phoenix, it seemed to be stared at by the snake.

He was shocked and turned back.

Then he saw the girl standing on the mountain.

"Heather Wei...?"

Marvin is completely stupid.

Although the age has changed, there is still no way to change that feeling.

He almost rushed up to but what surprised him was that Hathaway looked at him hostilely:

"You snatched my prey!"

Ma Wen gave a slight glimpse and immediately laughed:

“Is this important?”

Hathaway glanced at him inexplicably, and nodded in a hurry, his eyes were not good:

"My enemy can only be killed by me. If you kill her, then replace it with your life."

In the face of such murderous words, Ma Wen directly chose to ignore, but suddenly smirked:

"What happened to your body?"

"How can it seem that it can't move?"

Hathaway looks green.

... (to be continued)

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