Night Ranger

Vol 6 Chapter 22: Flat will

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"If you dare touch me, you will die!"

Hathaway said wickedly.

However, her still childish face is not murderous, but it looks a little cute.

Marvin simply did not regard her threat as one thing.

In his view, although there were some changes in Hathaway in front of her eyes, she was still the woman who was self-suppressed on the Black Coral Island to save herself.

The average person may not see it, but the perception of the night dominates clearly tells Marvin that Hathaway is growing at a high degree.

Maybe a few days later, she will become an adult.

This length will probably continue to slow down and eventually remain at a fixed age.

Before the Great Elf had once rumored that Hathaway broke the curse, there were only a few things that might not be the same.

Marvin just wanted to see if there was anything different.

"You don't seem to know me?"

Marvin asked curiously.

Hathaway frowned at the brow: "Foolish mortal, why should I know you? I am the great ashes queen, the ultimate leader of the Anzedi witch, stay away from me!"

"If you dare to do something that is disrespectful to me..."

Her voice stopped short.

Because at this time, Marvin leaned over and gently kissed her forehead.

A cold touch came, and Marvin only felt cold and almost frozen into ice sculptures.

Just the current Marvin. Already different in the past, his resistance to ice-like spells is also extremely high.

After the data panel showed a series of checks, he survived this round of verification. It has returned to normal.

Hathaway was stunned, as if she couldn't believe how Marvin dared to do it.

Ma Wen smiled and said: "Is this a big disrespect?"

"I want to crush you!"

Hathaway's angry roar, big eyes rounded up: "You dare to marry me..."

Ma Wenyi rolled his eyes: "Is this even awkward?"

"You didn't really forget who I am?"

Hathaway looked at Marvin coldly:

"You are a dead man."

Marvin is silent.

By this time, he was really a bit big.

It seems that Hathaway has lost the curse and actually has the memory of amnesia.

What is the curse of the Anzedi witch?

She just said that she had stolen her prey, so that...

"Why are you damaging her seriously?"

Ma Wen sat cross-legged on the ground. Asked awkwardly.

Hathaway looked at Marvin contemptuously: "If you don't have it, how can she be so miserable?"

Ma Wen was secretly surprised. He can feel that the power of Hathaway is still improving, but in this process, does she have such power?

Although the phoenix is ​​now the end of the strong. But he was also a very powerful demigod, and he was almost killed by Hathaway.

Although the last two people seem to be who can not help, but this combat is also very terrible.

"Before you, I have killed her thirty-three times."

Ma Wen explained: "It is not critical who killed her, isn't it? Our goal is to kill her."

“Not critical?”

Hathaway's tone is still full of dissatisfaction: "The favor of the will of the plane, turned into a light floating in your mouth [not critical]!"

"I have never seen a man who is so shameless."

Marvin shook his head: "It seems like you have seen a lot of men."

Hathaway's words are stuffed.

Her little red face fluttered, but she was still unable to move because of the previous use of the witchcraft.

"What happened to your body?"

Ma Wen asked with concern.


Hathaway said very rudely: "I advise you to say, I can't do it now. Hurry up. Escape as far as possible!"

"Or will you kill me?" Marvin had some helpless support on his forehead, and he could guess the lines of Hathaway.

"of course."

Her answer was categorical.

Marvin’s look was finally serious.

He sat there and looked at Hathaway: "I won't go."

Hathaway frowned: "Why?"

Marvin said naturally: "You are here alone. It is too dangerous."

"I want to protect you."

"It's like you've done it to me. It's just different now."

His smile is very sincere: "Now, I am finally strong."

"It’s finally my turn to protect you."

Hathaway looked at Marvin slyly, his eyes sparkling with strange brilliance, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

After Ma Wen finished this, there is no more mouth.

Although he did not know what happened to Hathaway, why did he live in the ashes? But he is impossible to leave.

It’s hard to find her, he will never let her out again.

He is sitting there. Bored to look at the sky.

Above the sky, the battle in the southern suburbs of the Iron City is nearing the end.

After the fall of the phoenix, all the magical wizards lost control again, and the servants died directly.

The chaos wars, the magic wizards, the corpses, and the evil spirits fought together.

Seeing this situation, the dead monarch was the first to pull out.

He and Feng Feng were originally trading relationships. If the phoenix was killed by Ma Wenqiang and the gods failed, he did not need to continue to drag down in this quagmire.

The evil spirits are not easy to handle.

Tidomus's avatar came across the plane, just want to take the opportunity to fish in the water and see if you can build a stronghold here.

However, although Marvin left, there were too many Fernan strongmen present.

Especially the two strong players who are struggling.

Jessica's seven-powered apocalypse force burst at the same time. The squad of Tidomus has been retreating.

The female Valkyrie Eve was even more angry and angry because of her own problems. She transferred this anger to Tidomus.

In front of the world. She finally showed her strong strength.

The three holy swords, each with its own unique effects and abilities, were used in turn, and the swordsman broke into the environment, and the thorns of Titomas almost collapsed.

Jessica, who is violent, and Eve, who is angry and angry, such a violent attack, I am afraid that even a few gods can resist.

Tidomas's avatar was quickly killed by the two.

And those evil spirits. It became a small shrimp, and some were directly killed by the magic wizard.

It is this time. The legends did not have a reason to stay.

Killing Tidomus, the portal will naturally seal. These evil spirits are allowed to be demonized by the wizards and they are killed.

After all, the times have changed, and the city of steel has long been the ruins of a place. There are no survivors at all.

They have evacuated one after another.

Only Eve and Jessica are not convinced of each other and are eager to try. They seem to want to play one game.

Only the Cataclysm was in the front, and the two were still restrained. After all, they left.

Seeing this scene, Ma Wen is also a peace of mind.

The clouds on the sky are also gone.

This incident directly led to the fall of a god, and the significance of Feinan was profound.

At least. It sounded an alarm to the gods who are fighting outside the magic pool.

Fernan, not the place where they were slaughtered.

The phoenix in the gods is actually not worse than most gods. Changed to other people, maybe in the four totem enchantment has long been killed by Ma Wen abuse.

This also gives some ordinary people some hope.

No matter what kind of disaster, in the end, some people will stand up and guard this land.

This is their land, this is the land of freedom.

No one can cover the sky with his hands.


However, although the phoenix phoenix died, the chaos around the big six is ​​still going on.

In addition to igniting the power of order fire. The rest of the place is still hot and hot.

A major disaster. The Fernan population has been cut at least half.

Most of the survivors are fleeing to nearby refuge.

Ma Wen looked at this scene, and his heart was also very emotional.

He looked at Hathaway and suddenly remembered what she had just said, so she couldn’t help but ask:

"What is the will of the plane you just mentioned?"


"The so-called "plane will" is the consciousness of the Fernan plane itself. Although this consciousness is the spiritual embodiment of the rule and subject to the rules, its influence is very far-reaching in this land."

"It's like the Apocalypse Warlock who had been with you before. She is the natural preference of the volitional temper. This is one of the reasons why the Apocalypse Warlock is easy to incur the gods."

"The relationship between the will and the gods is very subtle. The gods are the masters of the plane rules. They master the powerful forces through the priesthood and the field. However, they master the rules and fields of the whole universe, and since the universe magic pool After the completion, the will of the Fernando world has not been disturbed by the gods for a long time."

"Now they want to return to this land, and the will of the long-term silence will definitely not be reconciled."

"He is hostile to the gods. If you can kill the phoenix, then you will become the true person of the day. You will gain more preference for the will."

On the snow, the slave squatted on the ground and whispered his own mistakes.

Eve looked at him coldly: "Do you think I will need that kind of thing?"

The slave is silent.

"If the phoenix is ​​not dead today, I am a sinner."

Eve said calmly: "Fortunately, the man named Marvin killed her."

"Let's go."

"No, you are leaving."

Under the gaze of the five slaves, Eve was alone and resolutely headed for the North.

"Since then, I only believe in my sword."

Her voice floated from a distance.

For a time, heavy snow goose feathers.


"Forehead, so to say I really snatched your plane will?"

After listening to Ma Wen, it was a bit stunned.

He said a little about the will of the plane, but he did not expect it to have such a profound relationship with the gods.

I have killed the phoenix myself, and can I get the preference of the volitional will?

What is the specific aspect of this gadget?

Just not waiting for him to ask, Hathaway has been convinced:

"What do you say?"

"go to hell!"

Witch - Asuk's Fist!

In the meantime, a huge fist was condensed and directly hit on the belly of Marvin!

... (to be continued)

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