Night Ranger

Vol 6 Chapter 24: Passing away

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"How can I expect something?"

Hathaway's small face rose red.

However, the more so, her voice became more and more subtle under the watchful eyes of Marvin.

Later, it almost became a lip language.

Maybe she couldn't figure out what it was like.

The king of witches should have been indifferent. Her mother, one of the successors of the twelve witches, once married her: Anyone should surrender to the majesty of the Witch King, and the majesty of her must kill.

However, at the moment she was ready to start, she shed another tear.

The witch is without tears.

This feeling made her very wrong.

She stayed in the same place, thinking over and over again, and there seemed to be some looseness in the blank area of ​​her mind.

Ma Wen looked at her quietly, neither? ? words.

However, at this time, there was a sudden explosion in the sky!

In an instant, everyone’s eyes turned to the sky.


In the middle of the messy cloud, it seems that a dark tunnel has been taken out of the tunnel. Through the tunnel, they can see the battle outside the magic pool!

The roar of the star beast shook the whole piece of Fernando 6.

However, at this time, it is already the end of power.

Out of the protection of the universe's magic pool, Eric alone against twenty-eight new gods, this is already a very bad record.

However, under the joint attack of the three main gods, he was finally nailed to the wall of the universe magic pool.

The golden trial spears were inserted one after another on Eric's tough body, the second floor of the universe magic pool. There was a crack in it.


Eric struggled and his body gradually became transparent. The soul of a young man is glaring and glaring at the gods.

This kind of look is fierce. Everyone sees it and feels cold involuntarily.

Especially those gods, in the previous melee, there have been several gods who have been killed by Eric for a few lives, but now it is very unsafe.

Fortunately, the three main gods shot and forced the use of the trial spear to lock it on the wall of the universe magic pool.

It shouldn't turn a lot of waves.

The hearts of the gods are slightly fixed.

And the people on Fernando 6 saw this scene, but what emerged in their hearts was the sorrow of a large blockbuster.

Guard their heroes. After all, it is still to be killed by the gods.

Reality is not a novel, reality is far more cruel than a story.


The ninety-nine consecutive trial spears were on Eric's body, and the body of the star beast would collapse.

However, at this time, Eric’s soul was deep, and suddenly there was a suffocating mourning!

In the gaze of the new gods, the body of the star beast is automatically broken down.

The spear of the trial is still nailed to the universe of the magic pool, but can not pin the Eric who has dismembered himself!

These pieces of meat are automatically differentiated into a more subtle star beast, which looks like a tiger, with three pairs of wings behind it. But more terrible than the tiger!

They flew like a meteor shower to the gods!

"Get away!"

The three main gods shouted loudly, but they took the lead to escape.

This is Eric's Jedi counterattack, the strongest blow at the expense of life!

Although reminded by the three main gods. Most of the gods are hiding.

But there are still a lot of gods surrounded by these beasts, and their power armor is so fragile under the fierce bite of the beast!


The screams sounded continuously!

People looked at this scene coldly.

After experiencing everything today, they no longer contain even a trace of awe in the gods above.

The first phoenix of the gods was murdered by Ma Wen. Now there are these so-called gods, so miserable!

Since the gods can be killed by people. So why do people believe in them?



In a sub-planet of the multiverse, the fire of the [God of the Lake] is suddenly extinguished.

The high priest who has been restless in recent days has suddenly collapsed.

He did not dare to look at the brazier in the center of the hall. However, no matter how he prayed to the gods, he could not get a response.

The fire of the gods went out, and the idol suddenly appeared a crack.

Rumble, in an instant, huge stone statues dumped.

The high priests are all white, as if they are twenty years old!

The entire plane was shaken.


Similar scenes are born on many secondary planes.

The fall of the gods has a great influence. After all, they are real gods, not only have their own secondary planes, but also the heavenly kingdom!

This time, Eric’s Jedi counterattack actually took away the gods of three weak gods!

This sensation caused by the Kingdom of Heaven is unimaginable.

The three gods of the gods collapsed at the same time. If not a few ancient gods came out to forcibly stabilize this heavenly world, I am afraid that the black hole formed after the collapse of the three gods would cause great damage to the heavens!

Only this, people in the world can not see.

They only saw the struggles of the three gods before they died, and it was no different when the people died.

And Eric, after releasing the last blow, the soul is finally annihilated.

At the last moment, his spirit turned and looked back at Fernan, the beautiful land.

"Finally, is it over?"

His whisper sounded in everyone's heart:

"I still miss her..."

Suddenly, the girl in a worn-out skirt, the sunset hanging over the small village, the carriage that changed the fate of the hero appeared in front of everyone.

There was an uncontrollable grief in their hearts, and they seemed to understand something.


The soul of Eric became a little bit of powder.

His face is very serene.

He has done his last strength for Fernan.

He has saved the world twice, and what else can you ask him to do?

He is just an ordinary mountain village boy.


"Who is he? Why is there such a powerful force?"

On the top of the mountain, Hathaway asked slyly: "The girl he missed looks like a weak girl. Why did he miss her?"

"Power is not everything."

Marvin said faintly: "Sometimes, even if you get the most powerful power, you can't change a lot of things."

"For example... to save the once-loving love ~ ~ Hathaway silently.

For the first time, she carefully looked at Marvin and suddenly asked: "Do you love it... Then, do you love me?"

Marvin was directly shackled, and for a long time, he squinted his head and said:

"I... I don't know."

"Just, if I have one day, I fell asleep like him, and woke up after a thousand years."

"I will be like he wants her... I miss you..."

Hathaway nodded thoughtfully.

At this time, in the universe magic pool, a tall figure suddenly took a step out!

... (to be continued...)

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