Night Ranger

Vol 6 Chapter 29: Bleeding forest (on)

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If it wasn't the last request stated on the letterhead, Marvin almost believed that the migratory bird parliament really did the same trial for the endless ocean.

It seems that there are still some articles to do here.

In the impression of Marvin, the migratory bird parliament is composed of a group of great druids that are rigid but fair.

Especially their brains, the elders of the tree, are said to be the closest to the ancient gods of nature, very wise.

It seems that the farce of the migratory bird parliament is more like an excuse for the old tree people to see Marvin.

But what does the supreme jungle want Marvin to do?

Marvin didn't want to understand this, but he did have to deal with the things of the endless ocean.

Let's not mention Constantine. If it wasn't for the endless ocean and the migratory bird parliament, it would steal the four totem poles. You couldn't kill the phoenix many times. The last kill would be impossible to talk about.

Therefore, this trip to the high jungle, he is bound to go.

Just before he left, he still had a lot of things to deal with.


In the current Baihe Valley, the biggest hidden danger is the lack of high-end military power.

O'Brien and others are in the supreme jungle. Once Marvin leaves, there is almost no legend except for a Mediterra, which makes Ma Wen very headache.

Only the good news was quickly passed.

After the Cataclysm, the Aragonese prince, who has been near Jiangang, seems to have entered a special state and may be promoted to the legend at any time.

The mechanical Titan also stayed along the White River. The ancient goblin brothers are always on standby. This mechanical Titan is much larger than the ordinary legendary deterrent. What happened? It should still be able to cope.

Ma Wen also went to Anna and arranged a lot of follow-up matters. Only then left the shelter.

This time, he is still quiet. The high-rises in the castle are used to it, but the people in the shelter have already made Marvin a spiritual sustenance.

If you know that he is not in the territory, the hearts of the people will certainly not be so stable.

He opened the door of the refuge alone and followed the official road outside the river beach to the north.

Did not go far. He saw a large group of rodents demonized and grouped together, they were biting a lion that died for a long time!

These monsters are after the magic. Become very powerful, Marvin's purpose is to hurry, naturally do not want to entangle with them.

The farther away, the power of order fire becomes more and more weak. And Ma Wen also sensed the constant invasion of chaotic magic.

It is no wonder that so many people and creatures will be demonized. For the creatures with lower willpower, the power of order in their bodies can't resist the erosion of chaos.

The attribute of the will is a hidden attribute. Even if it has a systematic Marvin, it is impossible to see how high its will is.

However, the three-point will to strengthen the tears of the witch before, no doubt makes him very calm when dealing with the chaos of magic.

He remembers that in the past life, after the ordinary players stepped out of the refuge, they would conduct a will check every half hour.

The result of the verification failure is that the behavior is confusing for three minutes.

This is the most terrible place for Cataclysm.

And the default will of these players is 1.

Most ordinary people will be almost between o.1~o.4.

If you can have a will of more than 5. Basically, you can keep your mind in the chaos of magic, not being demonized.

And Ma Wen’s current willingness is not known to him, but he has never been to the present. It is not difficult to judge without ever suggesting any will check, and now his will can directly exempt the invasion of chaos.

However, in the process of rushing, he still felt a pressure.

When he was resting, he once used to perceive the earth. The chaos of the air is more than 30% richer than the beginning of the Cataclysm.

After getting this clear data. Marvin’s heart flashed a hint of haze.

The first layer of the universe's magic pool is fragmented, and it is undoubtedly impossible to cause so much chaos of magic to flood into Fernan.

This result. There is only one explanation: the second layer of the universe's magic pool, I am afraid it has already broken down.

Big Elf King, may have died!

He did not die like a Erik in front of people all over the world, but the sky has returned to normal, the entire Fernan World News is almost cut off, and the refuge is barely able to exchange information by transmitting spells, obscurity Fighting to death.

I don't know, he dragged a few gods back before he died.

Ma Wen sighed in his heart.


As he rushed, Marvin looked at the data panel that had not been looked at for a long time.

Since the promotion of the legend, the experience value is not so important.

Because the level of the legendary profession is improved, it does not depend on the experience value, but depends on another kind of data: the sentiment value.

On the Marvin professional bar today, the legendary occupation is listed separately:

[Night Master 1]

[sense value: 2/]

If you want to improve your legendary career, you need to realize your point of achievement. The two points of sentiment were that after Marvin killed the phoenix, the elemental capture system was drawn from the source of her god.

In the settings of previous games, the sentiment value can only be obtained by blasphemy!

Either like the aborigines, they are obtained through some means of meditation and epiphany. However, these methods are slow to improve their strength.

Therefore, most of the legendary players like to slaughter some creatures with the origin of God - most of them are **** servants, gods, and totem gods in some copies of the dead world.

After all, the true gods are not so good to kill.

And even if you kill the gods, you will get the same level of sentiment.

For example, Ma Wen killed the phoenix, and the experience value obtained was massive, but the sentiment value was only two points.

This is not much different from killing the ordinary totem **** (1 point), but the difficulty is not more than a few hundred times.

All in all, if Marvin wants to improve his strength, he must find another way.

However, this does not mean that the experience value is useless.

At least for the following careers can still be used.

Such as part-time.

Marvin threw all the experience gained after the war to the magic warlock and the fireman.

In this way, his magic warlock arrived at the level, and the lineman also came to level 5.

The magic warlock's promotion has increased some life, and there is not much bonus. The FireWire Gunner has a lot more skill points, and Marvin is all lost in [McKinsey Fighting]. This Sha ethnicity's fighting technique is still very useful.

The only thing that made him hesitate was whether he would take the bottle that his grandfather gave to the bottleneck.

Taking this bottle of medicine, the blood of the magic warlock is very likely to get a qualitative leap!

Shadow form, beast form, diamond form - the next form, what?

Marvin is a bit curious.

... (to be continued)

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