Night Ranger

Vol 6 Chapter 36: Amo

Since the two sides have reached a consensus for the time being, the next step is to discuss some details.

Ma Wenzang was in the dark, watching everything coldly.

This soldier leader is still a bit too straightforward. He actually believed the words of the thief.

This horse, Senma, even if he lost the game, he will never put away his greed.

His purpose is the food and weapons in the shelter.

So, what is the purpose of his duel?

Ma Wen brows: "He wants to explore the true strength of these soldiers through a duel."

"It is also possible that in the duel, suddenly the attack will be made, and the other party will be caught off guard."

Sure enough, when Senma retired and discussed with the thieves, they kept repeating a secret code.

When the thieves work, they must have their own secret words.

Although Marvin doesn't understand their whispers, there is definitely nothing good about it.

It stands to reason that the goal of his trip is the same as that of the thieves.

But he and the thieves are definitely not the same. This group of people, he can take them to the Baihe Valley, which is an advantage that the thieves do not have.

After all, Morrigan's heart can be used in various geographical disasters at the beginning of design, but no one thought that the universe magic pool would collapse.

It is not so much a refuge, it is more like a piece of fat.

But not many people know it yet.

They will move out of this place sooner or later. The underground living environment is too bad, not very good for the elderly and children.

When Ma Wen was slow to move, he wanted to see what Samma was doing.

"These thieves can find the heart of Morrigan in the first place, only two possibilities."

"First, there is a traitor in the heart of Morrigan. But from the expressions of these people, the possibility of traitors is very low. The soldiers and thieves are originally a big enemy of life and death. The same is true of the military. If there is a traitor, then this name The performance of the traitor is also too good."

"Second, I am afraid that the mysterious force has shot ahead."

In Ma Wen's heart, the second possibility is more inclined.

After all, my own appearance. Changed the course of history, many things are ahead of schedule.

That mysterious force may want to grab enough resources first to have more advantages after the coming of the gods.

In the heart of Ma Wen. In fact, there is already a speculation - this power, I am afraid that it is very possible to have a connection with the Kingdom of Heaven!

It may be a **** of the gods, or it may be a actor, an apostle, a voter, a servant, etc. behind the scenes.

After all, the multiverse is so big, although only the shadow prince's time remains can freely enter and exit the universe, but there are always some exotic things that can have a similar effect.

especially. In the case that the first two layers of the magic pool have been shattered, the heavens have been sneaked down, and Marvin is not surprised at all.

He is not afraid.

At this time, it can be down to a servant and angel level. They are at most stronger than the ordinary legends, and they are nothing in the eyes of Marvin, who has succeeded in the past and present.

If it is an ordinary angel, he has turned into an Anzuola violent bear in the Poussin plane, and it is not empty.

However, the real enemy has not yet appeared, and Marvin does not want to be a snake. He just looks at it.

However, at this time, he suddenly saw a familiar face!

"Hey? He, how could he be here?"

Ma Wen gave a slight glimpse. Before his attention was focused on the side of the thief and the civilians behind the soldiers, he paid little attention to the members of the squad.

So that the perception dominated by the night, almost ignored the elf boy hidden under the military uniform!

He only wears lighter leather armor, and the hat is very strange, but it can subtly cover the distinctive ears, but the face is somewhat delicate.

But for most people, this is still an ordinary human teenager.

However, Marvin recognized this boy.

When he was in the early night of Chiba Mori. I used to go through a fairy village in order to find the book of Naru, but at that time, Black Jack also carried out his red road exile mission, killing a whole village.

This elf boy. Because he secretly followed Marvin, he became the only survivor.

After the incident, Orly sent him to the Elven City. Marvin also gave a dagger to him.

At that time, he felt that this very smart teenager might not be able to adapt to the life of the elf capital.

However, I did not expect to see him again here.

From the perspective of his clothing and the rest of the people, he has fully integrated into the life of the Iron City.

What happened in the last few months. Ma Wen is not known, but the strength of the Wood Elf Junior has surprised Marvin.

At that time, he still had no military force, and now he is already a third-order master.

The specific professional Ma Wen is still not very clear, it should be the path of the Ranger, but the smell of his body makes Marvin feel a bit strange.

It seems to be a targeted profession.

In the heart of Ma Wen’s heart, he remembered everything that the Red Road exiles had done to his relatives and friends.

"Is it... that profession?"

There is such a question mark in Ma Wen’s mind.

It was just at this time that the first duel had begun.

The thief sent out a big man, and the soldiers of Morrigan’s heart discussed it for a while, and even sent the wooden elf boy to shoot!


"It seems that in this team, this kid is also responsible for the role of the scout class."

"And in a team, only the most elite members can become scouts. I remember that I had checked his talents at that time, very bad, so I was not selected for the Elf Iron Guard... There is no power in the world for no reason."

Ma Wen looked at the teenager with interest and walked out of the queue silently.

Under the encouragement of everyone, he first knew his name.


A very common name, or his pseudonym here, doesn't matter.

It seems that everyone believes in him.

Perhaps he is here, can find the feeling of being a big family when he was in a small village.


The battle soon began.

The two sides opened up an open space.

The scorpion-shaped big man used a fired axe.

This guy is also a standard third-order powerhouse, a warrior-like profession, his axe is terrible, at least a magic weapon.

Every time you swing, there is a flame splashing out, for the rogue. This kind of weapon is troublesome.

Because this kind of flame attack has no trace, it is difficult to achieve targeted avoidance.

Although this kind of attack is indistinguishable, the soldier himself does not care.

This flame, he is not afraid at all. Third-order warrior. There must be a thick and thick specialty such as [not moving as a mountain], [enhanced and solid], and the attack carried by the weapon enchantment is definitely not a problem.

As a result, the two sides have not yet started, and Amo seems to be at a disadvantage.

"Kid. Let's die."

Dahan snorted and licked the axe in his hand and went on the face.

Amo did not panic and began to swim.

His footwork is very strange, the absolute speed is not fast, but the pace is very fast.

The huge axe was constantly waving in the voice of the soldiers.

The fire is splashing.

It stands to reason that this kind of flame will inevitably become contaminated, which will affect the next battle.

However, a strange scene happened.

Amo’s body is like a snake, and it’s very flexible. Every spark was hidden by him calmly.

His eyes are bright, his movements are soft, and every dodge is so dexterous.

"The talent of the wood elf is not so strong..."

Ma Wen’s eyes lit up.

This dodge ability, although not comparable to Ma Wen's pure attribute crushing, but in the non-legendary, is also considered very top.

Especially in a limited space, Amo's ability is actually limited.

But the two sides came up to fight but it was unusually glued.

The warrior seemed to attack very fiercely, but he did not hit Amo at all. Instead, Amo relied on his superb ability to evade several times. Almost caused a threat to the soldiers!

His offensive methods are also very strange.

Unlike ordinary thieves, assassins, scouts or rangers, he uses a slender sword.

This kind of sword can easily be broken in actual combat, but under a sudden assault, it can cause fatal damage!

Just now he was the two consecutive swords stabbed to the heart of the warrior. The soldier who forced him to retreat continuously.

There is a slight surprise in the eyes of Senma.

He didn't understand Amoqiang at all.

But the real master can see that this battle is not unexpected, Amo is winning.

Your axe is wielding very well, but even the opponent's clothes are not covered, what to win?

Instead, Amo’s fine sword assault is extremely threatening.

This warrior is immune to lethal damage. However, if this sword is pierced, it will also cause him to be seriously injured.

On the side of the heart of Morrigan, everyone was excited.


Amo was a sham, easily escaped the warrior's axe, and the slasher drove straight into it, fierce and fierce, and even stabbed the soldier's neck!

If this is pierced, the warrior will lose!

The hearts of everyone suddenly hung up.

However, at this time, the soldiers suddenly roared!

A mighty power broke out from his chest - it was a pendant!

Amazing magical power broke out in the pendant, and Amo’s long sword penetrated, and his life was blocked by divine power.


The sword is broken!

Amo was shocked and angry, and his weapon was so broken.

And the body of the warrior is still covered with a layer of magical armor, which can't be broken!

"Give me to die!"

In the eyes of the warrior, there was a raging anger, and the axe slammed over.

Amo has been hiding in the past!


At this time, the leader of the military side said coldly: "Stop it. This game, we lost."

He also knows that the other party is definitely prepared.

This kind of divine armor is definitely not a thing, and then he will not be able to pierce the fine sword of Amo.

He is losing.

Senma smiled and prevented the warrior who wants to continue to suffer. It is easy to say:

"So, next time?"

"Next game."

The military leader said calmly.

The next second, he bumped his right foot and wanted to go forward.

"team leader!"

Some of Amo’s eyes did not dare.

The captain patted Amo’s shoulder and comforted: “You have tried your best, take a break.”

"Next, let me come!"

However, at this time, on the military side, a strange voice suddenly sounded:

"I still come."

... (to be continued.)

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