Night Ranger

Vol 6 Chapter 41: Whispering tree

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Marvin suddenly turned back, but saw that the open space behind him was empty. 》》,

The strange voice seemed to come out of nowhere.


He asked aloud, his hands had been pressed on the machete.

His eyes are full of vigilance. When I was just talking to the other person, I didn’t feel anything at all.

However, the next step is silence.

The previous voice never appeared again.

Marvin scrutinized the data panel and there is no such thing as a illusion.

That voice is objective, but it is a bit strange.

Ma Wen snorted, and nowadays, no matter how much, he directly entered the logging forest.

His courage is not so small, he was afraid to enter the forest when he was scared.


In the middle of the forest, it is dark.

Compared with the Chiba Forest, the trees in the logging forest are even taller.

But unlike the lush, vibrant feeling of the forests in which the elves live, the trees in the entire logging forest appear tall and somewhat deformed.

The wrinkled bark is like the face of an old man, strange and indifferent, making people look extremely uncomfortable.

I don't know how those lumberjacks work in such an environment.

Marvin had no knowledge of the forest. In fact, the logging forest is a grade in the risk rating of many intelligence agencies and is even higher than the dead domain.

So he was very cautious. At the beginning, he followed the river.

There are many abandoned logging farms on both sides of the river. After all, this is a place where lumberjacks often work. It is impossible to be too dangerous.

Otherwise ordinary human beings are not likely to survive here for a long time.

The only thing that makes Ma Wen feel annoyed is. The forest is boundless, and the breadcrumbs are gone to the entrance to the forest. It is really hard to track the traces of the butterfly.

He went up the river. Along the way, I encountered some sporadic humans who were corrupted by the chaos of the mind.

Marvin had no mercy for them.

This world is so cruel. If they fail to pass, they become monsters. If you let them wander here, it can only cause more harm to others.

Ma Wen went all the way. Finally, he found a strange comb on the edge of a lumberyard.

"The comb of the elf."

The comb is placed between the logging yard and the river, above a stone. Very conspicuous.

Obviously, this is the signal that the butterfly intentionally left behind.

Perhaps her breadcrumbs were used up, and she could only find another way to let Marvin track her.

"She knows I will go up the river..."

"All the way left bread crumbs and combs, which proves that she is still awake when doing these things."

"What the **** guys want to do?"

However, no matter what, after getting the mark, Marvin finally has the direction to continue tracking.

In the next second, he did not hesitate to open the night tracking.

Sure enough, the thin red line in the field of vision. It is directly pointing to the depths of the forest.

This time, Marvin had to leave the river and go deep into the forest.

According to the night color tracking, the butterfly should not be far from itself.

What the **** is she doing?

The answer may soon be revealed.

Only when Marvin is ready to enter the depths of the forest. The negative sound is ringing again:

"If I were you, I would not be misled by others."

"This forest is dead, how many lumberjacks have died here. But outsiders don't know."

"The alliance only regards this place as their place of wealth, but it does not care for people's lives. Believe me. Go in, you are dead."

Ma Wen suddenly turned around and looked around.

Still no one!

"Who are you?" Ma Wen asked quietly.

On the surface. He has no movements, but in the dark, he has already opened [perceived the earth]!

In the next second, a living creature emerges in Marvin's mind.

He can feel the squid swimming in the river, the crabs crossing the river beach, the floating weeds... and the trees that are ugly!

In an instant, he seemed to understand something.

Although the voice did not open again, Marvin’s gaze was already locked on the other side!

It is an ugly tree!

"I thought it was something..."

Ma Wen sneered and said: "It turned out to be [whispering tree essence]."

The other party is still silent.

However, all this is irrelevant. Marvin has made clear the source of the sound and naturally will not be disturbed by them.

In fact, whispering tree is not a natural creature, it is said to be a creature created by the second leader of the evil spirit world, the magic, curse and tree essence.

The whispering tree has no attacking power, he can only scare you.

This kind of creature has rarely been seen in Fernan, and I did not expect a lot in the logging forest.

Presumably people's rumors about the devil are made by these trees.

Ma Wen is dominated by the night, and the other side naturally has no way to treat him. He can only use intimidation constantly.

This is their instinct.

However, as long as the reverse thinking reasoning, you can't think of whoever planted these whispers in this forest, there must be a very big secret in this forest.

An ulterior secret.

Marvin’s curiosity suddenly increased.

At the moment, he did not care about the whispering tree, and directly rushed into the forest.


The dark forest may be uncomfortable for others.

But for the night masters and night walkers, it is like a duck.

Marvin’s degree was not affected by the terrain.

After running for an hour, Marvin finally got close to the goal.

"This guy can really run."

Ma Wen rough estimate that he has definitely gone deep into the logging forest, this area should be the core of the logging forest.

When the butterfly ran to this place, what did it do?

With such a mentality, Marvin continues to move forward.

There was a gap in the bushes not far away.

Ma Wen gently crossed.

In the next second, a ruin under the cover of the branches appeared in front of Marvin.

He suddenly stopped.

Pieces of ancient inscriptions scattered on the edge of the ruins an old and strange mark appeared in front of Ma Wen.

In the middle of the ruins, a quarterly altar seems to tell the vicissitudes of the years.

"this is……"

"This is a temple!"

Ma Wen suddenly felt a bit dry.

Logging forests, five-color dragons, temples among the ruins...

All this, he seems to be somewhat familiar.

"Sure enough, [Ranger of the Dragon God]?"

In his heart, he silently said: "Then, this ruin is not only the temple of the Five-Color Dragon God, but also his burial place..."

At this time, a hand was suddenly shot on his shoulder!

... (to be continued...)

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