Night Ranger

Vol 6 Chapter 64: Chess

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On the other end of the nightmare, Marvin, who is running fast, naturally does not know that the two most powerful beings in the universe are engaged in a serious dialogue.

After getting the crystal statue, he must find a way to leave the world immediately.

Only here is the outer plane. Although Marvin has the ability to enter the shadow plane, he only obtained the coordinates and license from Fernan to enter the shadow plane.

If the trade rushes into the shadow plane, it is not only possible to enter some strange worlds, but also to be swallowed by shadow monsters hiding in the shadow plane.

As Louise said, coming to this plane will face many dangers.

At that time, Marvin was confident that he could leave, but he was unfortunately told by Louise.

He can't leave the nightmare.

As early as the first time to escape from the ancient well, Marvin used Medier to give his own tool kit and set up a temporary portal.

The destination of this portal is naturally the White River Valley.

The only thing that made him feel a headache was that the effect of this temporary portal was blocked!

This means that someone has used strong power to isolate the path of this plane to Fernan.

Medierli made only ordinary trans-planet portals. In fact, even if the portals made by powerful legendary wizards, I am afraid I can't bypass this powerful force.

Marvin felt the spirit of evil spirits from the power transmitted from the portal.

There is no doubt that it is definitely Hartson's masterpiece.

He is already here.

Thinking of Marvin here is very tricky.

Although he and the avatar of the genus Titomas have been photographed several times. But hard hit has never been.

What's more, here is not Fernan, here is the outer layer of the multiverse!

Hartson can use his power to the fullest. Even if you come to a avatar, you can easily pinch Marvin.

Not to mention that the situation is so serious this time, most of the coming is the honor of Hartson.

Thinking of this, Ma Wen has a bit of a bitterness.

For a high-level virtual godhead, it seems to have caused a lot of trouble.

No matter what, now I can't stay in one place now.

Marvin didn't know if anyone was chasing himself, but there is only one way to do it - find Louise.

She is a legendary caster. There must be a way to leave the world.

There is no sun in the nightmare, and it is in a state of fullness throughout the day. Marvin's night walker skills are all available, which is what makes him most gratified.

In the previous contact outside the transmission, Marvin "inadvertently" followed a Louise's head just in case, and now it really came in handy.

After the night tracking is turned on. Ma Wenqiang can get a general direction.

Fortunately, Louise is not too far from her direction.


Running in the innocent desert, Marvin’s mind continued to flash through the important information that the elf told himself before.

I am afraid that there is not much people in charge of this information and knowledge.

This is the knowledge that the strongest of the highest force will know. It even includes an understanding of the gods.

Because it is the traversal, Marvin’s understanding of the world is definitely higher than that of ordinary people.

In his understanding, every world has its own rules.

A multiverse, like a criss-crossing board, every creature is a chess piece.

The difference is whether the pieces are strong or not.

The cruel rules of competition drove powerful pieces to eat and eat weak.

And behind all this. Whether or not a big hand seems to manipulate the entire board in control, Marvin is not known.

But the only thing that is certain is that even if there is. It is not the **** of the heavenly kingdom, or the monarch of the evil spirit world, the demon of the abyss, the devil of hell.

They are all the more powerful pieces in the game.

Only when you jump out of the board, you are qualified to become a player and play a higher level game.


Understand from this aspect. Since it is a chess game, there must be its rules.

Some rules are obvious. For example, the hierarchical classification of the big 6; some rules are very concealed, only very intelligent wise people can see.

The chess pieces survive on the chessboard, and the source of their power is microscopically chaotic magic and even elements.

But from a macro perspective, it is the use of rules.

At low levels, most people only pay attention to skills or moves, and they only want to improve their level and strength. Once they reach a higher level, they will have more insights.

These insights are beyond the data.

Such as the legendary field.

This is the control of a rule.

It's just that each legendary field is different, the rules that can be controlled are different, and the number of rules that are controlled varies from person to person.

But when you reach this realm, you will encounter the biggest difficulty in this game.

After mastering the field, it is very difficult for you to further enhance your strength.

Sealing God is the easiest road, but the cost of this road is also very heavy.

The so-called **** seal is actually to integrate yourself and these rules through the slate of destiny.

The slate of fate is the most mysterious thing since ancient times. It makes everyone crazy, including the gods that have become gods. They have gained tremendous benefits from it, but they have also fallen into a long period of distress.

Through the gods, they gained the godhead, divinity and divine power.

The height of the gods determines the degree of integration into the rules - or width.

For example, the ancient gods, whose gods belong to the great level (the highest known), because the rules he controls are extremely wide, and all the rules that belong to nature are under his control. The **** of the forest, compared to the ancient gods, has a narrow rule width that is limited to the forest.

In other words, most of the priesthood and the gods are decided at the moment of the gods. The former determines the field. The latter determines your width in the field.

And divinity determines the depth of your rules in your field.

Divinity is usually proportional to the godhead, that is, the more powerful the god, the deeper the understanding of the field. This is a very natural phenomenon.

But very few people know. Divinity is actually just a thing like [license].

Without divinity, you are not allowed to use the power of this part of the rules.

The requirement for the use of many treasures is that they must be divine, because the treasures involve the power of rules such as the plane law.

As for the power of the gods, it is only a form of power, and there is no difference between the magical power and the physical strength.

Simply put, the godhead is equivalent to a glue that allows the gods to fit into the rules system. And decide which rules he can control.

The divinity determines the depth of the rules he controls.

It is also the rule of the water, a drop of water and a vast ocean. Still very different.

As for divine power, it is the gods who use their own ability to control the rules and show their powerful power to acquire enough believers. Use the power of their faith to gain. A **** without power, its control over the rules is like a castle in the air.


After understanding the truth of becoming a god, it is easy to understand why Marvin is not willing to seal God.

In the past life, he played games, and the gods are the easiest way to become stronger. Naturally, they can be free.

But this world is the real world.

Once he was sealed, he was completely locked by this game.

Being a **** means that in the rules of this game, the soul will always bear the imprint of this universe and be imprisoned forever in the rules.

indeed. As long as these rules are immortal, then the people who become gods will be immortal.

However, if one day, these rules are destroyed?

Even if you don't want to be so far. Ma Wen also did not want to be bound.

He had long known that the gods of the Heavenly Kingdom of God attacked the magical magic pool, but it was also helpless.

They are also a group of poor people trapped in the game, desperately trying to jump out of this board.

Unfortunately, they can't do it, and their souls have merged with the rules of the world.

Marvin even guessed that the supreme Lance God. Is it also a prisoner in this game?

Is his disappearance related to these?


of course. These are the personal insights of Marvin. All in all, he is not interested in Fengshen.

In this case, he must go on another path.

If you want to gain the power of the rules and don't fit into them, you can only override them.

As a low-dimensional living body, it is difficult to do this.

But the emergence of the virtual godhead seems to provide a little opportunity.

In the mouth of the elf, the virtual godhead is actually the great Ming of ancient alchemy, and eventually it was buried.

The so-called virtual deity, a kind of artificially created "magic", is essentially a bridge that allows ordinary people to communicate with the rules system of the world.

Unlike the true godhead, the virtual godhead does not bind the user's soul and rules together.

Although this way, the power it can acquire does not have a real godhead, but the higher virtual godhead provides a possibility for growth.

It simply borrows the power of the rules and is not as integrated and occupied as the gods themselves.

For example, Marvin’s current field is killing and shadowing.

If he is sacred, then he will inevitably encounter the mad killing of the **** of killing and the shadow prince.

This is a matter of life and death. Once Marvin is successful, these rules will be occupied by Marvin, and they will have no place to live.

But the virtual godhead does not have such a thing.

It is only a function of communication and borrowing of the bridge, and it will not even be controlled by the gods of these rules!

This is just one of the benefits of a higher virtual godhead.

According to the elf, this high virtual godhead can continue to grow.

Marvin is ready to bind his field to the higher virtual godhead, so that he will gain a powerful force.

It is only the driving of the rules that consumes a lot of energy. This is also why the gods must be crazy to show their followers.

The energy of a person's ontology simply cannot afford the cost of calling a rule.

This is the biggest problem facing Ma Wen in the future.

In contrast, the way the elf mentioned to break through the human body is still quite simple.


"The high virtual deity is really very useful to me. This time it is necessary to fight."

"When you return to Fernan, you can kill a few servants and gain more divinity. Maybe you can increase the level of the virtual godhead..."

"Maybe breaking the bottleneck of the human body, you can also rely on the power of the high virtual deity..."

Between the thoughts, Marvin has ran out of the desert and entered a forest.

It was at this time that he suddenly had a dragon screaming behind him!

He looked back and his brows suddenly wrinkled.

The two evil dragons are coming from afar with the thunder.

Their flight is very fast, much faster than before.

As for the outside, it is the same ugly, similar to the fallen Moganna.

"Sure enough, these guys have fallen."

Marvin was anxious.

Evil dragons are no more than dragons. These **** are all negative energy.

If you are accidentally contaminated, if you have a high resistance, you will be corrupted.

Fortunately, this area is a forest, Marvin can also hide.

But what makes him wonder is that the night tracking shows that Louise is in the vicinity, how can I not see the figure?

Time is tight, he also came to think less, directly into the forest.


The two dragons roared over the forest and began to hover.

They sensed the power of the crystal statue.

Marvin shuttled through the forest, and suddenly a crow flew over his shoulder.

"Little guy, is your ability to get into trouble very strong?"

Louise’s banter sounded at Ma Wen’er.

Ma Wen’s heart is happy, but it is still calm on the surface:

"Fortunately, Tidomas came, and the five-color dragon was mostly transformed into a dragon."

"Do you see the two stupid dragons above? Not the fault I caused, the matter itself is a huge conspiracy."

Ma Wen also wants to explain to Louise.

Who knows that the latter said quickly: "I have already guessed it."

"Whit Hartson is so kind. The guy was not the **** who would be good for his son. How could he do such a superfluous thing?"

"I promised Conn to come here, the purpose is to observe the dynamics of this matter."

Marvin glimpsed, this Louise, seems to know more than himself.

Before waiting for Ma Wen to open, Louise said quickly: "There is a lake in the depths of the forest."

"There is a portal under the lake. I am waiting for you there. The time is two minutes."

"If you can't get rid of these two stupid dragons, or if you can't get there on I will take a step first."

After all, the crow suddenly turned into a fly ash!

It turned out that this is just one of her spells!

Ma Wenqi wants to marry her mother. Such a potent teammate is enough.

At the moment, he glanced at the dragon in the sky, and there was a countermeasure in his heart.


Over the forest, two dragons frantically searched for the traces of Marvin.

Only the vegetation is too dense, and their search for work has encountered some trouble.

It was at this time that a black shadow suddenly broke into their field of vision.

The shadow is escaping to the edge of the forest!

The two dragons immediately chased the past!

... (to be continued)

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