Night Ranger

Vol 6 Chapter 66: Cage

Water element world!

One of the four to the highest elemental planes, and the Heavenly Kingdom is a powerful country in one dimension.

In fact, in Fernan, the four elemental worlds are a very mysterious country, even more mysterious than heaven, hell, and abyss.

Even a powerful legendary wizard, it is difficult to travel to the elemental world.

Because the four to the highest element planes are very conservative.

Although many wizards will summon some of the elements of the lower elements, these elements will faithfully execute your combat commands, but will not reveal a half-point message about the elemental plane.

The four kings who dominate the elemental plane are the supreme elemental planes. These four kings are immortal and are said to have been born at the time of the opening of the universe.

They guard the hearts of the elements of their respective worlds.

The power of the four elements is independent and chaotic, but together they are the power of order.

That is to say, it is the four elements that support the heavenly kingdom, and also support the source of the order of each plane, against the chaos of the universe. Let the two reach a balance.

Elemental kings are so powerful that no one has ever seen them, but according to Marvin's estimation, they will never be weaker than the most powerful gods in heaven.

Hell, abyss, evil spirits... No matter what evils exist, they dare not be guilty of the elemental world, and the strength of the elemental plane can be seen.

In fact, according to the very little information that Marvin reveals from the game, it is not difficult to infer. The world of elements should be the highest force of all worlds.

Only the world of elements is very closed and conservative. The elemental kings are obsessed with the vows of the original creation, and never have too many intersections with the creatures of other worlds.

Therefore, the four major to high element planes are particularly mysterious.

Even Feinan broke the sky. As long as they do not involve the fundamentals of this universe, elemental kings are also cold-eyed.

Ma Wen did not think that the so-called "friends" of Master Kang En turned out to be the daughter of the elemental king!


Louise saw the surprised expression on Marvin's face and seemed to be somewhat proud.

She took off all the camouflage and veil, revealing a beautiful look.

She seems to be a normal human woman. Only the light blue hazelnut reveals the appearance of one or two water elements.

"His Royal Highness. Your high metamorphosis is too strong?"

Marvin smiled.

"Higher deformation? No, this is my true face."

Louise chuckled: "Do you think that the elemental kings are really as good as the legendary ones?"

Marvin couldn’t help but show the strange color.

The water element guards on the side coughed again and again. It seems that I don't want Marvin and Louise to continue to entangle on this topic: "His Royal Highness, my king has been waiting for a long time."

Louise couldn’t help but say: "Since he has been waiting for so long, how about waiting a little longer?"

"I will go back to my hut first."

Immediately, she also ignored the ugly face of the water element guards. Pulling Marvin and disappearing in place.


Louise's hut is built on the edge of the water elemental plane.

This is a magical lodge. The whole building is made up of many enchanted deformed oaks. The exterior looks very narrow and there is no hole in the inside.

In the hut, Marvin sat on a comfortable blanket and took a sip of the strange hot drink that Louise handed over:

"Just let your father wait, isn't it a little good?"

Louise shrugged: "He has nothing to do anyway."

"And. I must talk to you before I meet him."

"I know some of the plots about Hartson, but not enough. I need you to tell me everything you know."

"This is very important."

Marvin hesitated. I started thinking in my heart.

Regarding the matter of Dragon God Hartson, he basically knew a seven seven eight eight, telling Louise that it is fine. However, the seals of the elves and Lance, these things, do not know whether it is the concern of the element king.

Especially the crystal statue.

Now Ma Wen is in the water element plane, although Louise is not hostile to him. But what if she asked him to hand over the crystal statue?

No one can resist such a powerful force, and Marvin has not yet understood the attitude of the element king to the crystal statue. So some things, I don't know what to say.

It’s not good to deceive Louise, after all, she saved herself.

It seems that I saw the contradictory look on Ma Wen’s face. Louise said softly:

"I just want to know if Hartson got what he wanted."

"My father is very concerned about this matter. Fernan's life and death, he does not care much, unless he involves the scourge of the entire universe, he will not shoot."

"But Dragon God Hutson is a very dangerous person. When Lance adults actually defeated Hartson with the help of the four elemental monarchs, only they knew the terrible state of Hartson's prosperity, so ......"

Marvin smiled. Immediately shook his head, then looked at Louise and said firmly: "Hatterson certainly did not get what he wanted, and he will never get it."

"Is it?" Louise looked at Ma Wen with a playful look.

Obviously, as smart as she has read a lot of information from Marvin's sentence.

"You are not afraid that I will steal the gadget from your hand?"

She suddenly laughed.

Ma Wen stunned and immediately said: "If you really want to do this, then you will not bring me back to your hut."

"You should take me directly to the heart of the whirlpool. No one can resist the power of the elemental king, isn't it?"

Louise snorted: "Little clever."

Ma Wen took a deep breath.

Louise’s move, Marvin was very strange before. The water element Wang Mingming is already waiting for her, but she has turned herself away and turned a blind eye.

There must be some tricks in this.

really. Louise suddenly sighed low and looked a bit complicated: "The crystal statue is in your hands."

"This thing is not something that ordinary people can control. Many people are coveting the power inside."

Marvin frowned: "Include your father?"

Louise shook her head. Hesitantly said: "Not exactly. I just have similar concerns. Recently, he has become somewhat different from the past. He often told me that he is really tired of his current life."

"He was born to guard the heart of the whirlpool and was born to guard the order of this universe. His power is extremely powerful, but he never jumps out of this circle."

"Sometimes... he even said to me... some inexplicable words."

Louise’s face showed a noticeable distress.

Ma Wen’s heart moved: “What?”

It stands to reason that the mind of the elemental monarch should be very firm. They were originally born to protect the heart of the element. This is the basis for the maintenance of the universe.

If even the elemental monarch has a problem, this news can be terrible than the broken universe of the magic pool!

The elemental plane is the basis for maintaining the balance of the universe.

If the destruction of the universe magic pool is only the case of Fernan's fall. Then the imbalance of the elemental plane may be the destruction of the entire universe!

Ma Wen felt invisible and the pressure was even greater.

After a series of contacts, he was exposed to the secrets of the world's core and potential disasters.

at this point. It is completely different from ordinary people.

People do not have access to this level of affairs at all, so they only need to worry about how the disasters in front of them are spent.

A strong man like Marvin has seen a far more scourge.

Perhaps, sometimes it would be happier to be an ordinary person.


Louise glanced at Marvin, and she heard about this man in front of her.

After all, Marvin’s troubles in Fernan were big enough. Before the bombardment of the shadow king’s kingdom, even the elemental monarchs went to each other for several days, and she listened. How much is known.

She is actually very curious about Marvin. This person seems to have a magical power, and has done a lot of things that others can't seem to do.

Master Conn is very respectful of his understanding. With the mortal body to destroy Di Gaogeng and then kill the phoenix, this potential is even more surprising than her father.

Is the crystal statue in his hand a correct choice?

Louise didn't know. But she thinks it might be better than putting it in her father's hands.

She hesitated for a while and finally whispered:

"He even said to me: [This world is like a cage, I really want to go outside to see.]"

Ma Wen took a deep breath.

This world is like a cage.

This sentence. Deja vu.

Do the gods of the Heavenly Kingdom of China attack the universe magic pool, do they think so?

The devil of the hell. The lord of the evil spirit world, the devil of the abyss, the wild beast in the wild, is it also thinking like this?

The order that is entangled in oneself is like a shackle, forming a cage and shackling yourself inside.

In order to break the cage, you must rely on powerful power.

In the process, there will inevitably be countless innocent sacrifices. The blood flows into the river.

The uneasiness in Ma Wen’s heart is even stronger.

When the top power of the universe is in this heart of eagerness, it is the eve of the complete collapse of order.

Marvin originally thought that the collapse of order was limited to Fernan, only limited to the universe of magic pool. Now it seems that after all, he still holds the player's mentality and does not have an in-depth understanding of the nature of the world.

The elemental king, the defender of the final order, actually said such a thing. Although he may not do this, it is already terrible to have such a thought.

Further Wen even Horan thought:

Does the **** of the wizard above all the gods feel that the world is a cage?

If he thinks so, what will he do?


Ma Wenyue thinks more and more terrible. There was even a cold sweat on the forehead.

Fortunately, Louise interrupted his continued thinking in time.

"The time is running out, my father is mostly impatient."

"I will send you back to Feinan now. This is the blue hourglass, you can use it to enter the water element plane at any time - if one day, you need shelter."

"Guarding the crystal statue, the rest of the things, I and the professor will get it."

In the next second, a portal instantly appeared in front of Marvin.

... (to be continued)

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