Night Ranger

Vol 2 Chapter 25: Waiting for the rabbit

Two days later. The final battle of the Magor College Holy Grail Qualifying Tournament officially started.

This competition attracted the attention of many people near the three-ring tower.

After all, at this time, the new students are enrolled, and many southern aristocrats are in the vicinity. Marvin’s previous killings at Magor College and what happened in the subsequent arbitration hall have already spread around the Three Rings Tower.

I heard that Marvin was going to participate in the competition with his brother in the name of followers, and everyone was interested.

Baihe Valley, a strange name, a small place in the country, actually a pair of brothers?

This is what most people have not thought of.

For this reason they are particularly curious. The appearance of Hathaway's adults also put a mysterious veil on Marvin.

This little baron seems to have come a long way.

Instead, their opponents, the young master of the unicorn family, broke into the final qualifying game.

However, most of this game is still optimistic about White's victory.

After all, this is a confrontation between the wizards, a Marvin can't change anything.

It is said that Marvin's younger brother, the child named Pooh, has a very good talent, but he has just recovered from the curse, and his ability to cast is almost zero.

In this game, he certainly can't make much effort, but maybe it will become cumbersome.

In this case, I also insisted on participating, which undoubtedly made many people puzzled.

But most people are watching the fun.

They would like to see, this Baron, who has just appeared in the eyes of the three rings of the tower, but has repeatedly made everyone stunned, this time can create a topic!

Therefore, on the day of the game, the auditorium of the third magical exercise hall of the Ashes Tower is full!


"This is your tactic? One person singles out the other two?"

In the competition area, Henzel listened to Marvin's plan and looked at Marvin with some worry.

He didn't worry about Pooh, because in Marvin's plan, he didn't need to play at all!

Although he was speaking as a follower of Pooh, Marvin did not want to let his brother, who had not recovered, come to the battle.

This time, it is destined to be his own battle.

He believes he can do it.

If it is a simple terrain competition, Ma Wen is still a bit of a headache, but since it is in the forest, Marvin's grasp is mostly.

The five-level ranger, the experience dominated by the night, should be enough to educate two first-order professionals. Even if one of the other party is the strongest wizard at the moment.

"White is a five-level wizard, and his followers are five-level shields. You can't get close to them!"

Henzel shook his head and said: "Even if it is a complex terrain, White is definitely well prepared. The reconnaissance witchcraft is the nemesis of your rogue."

"I will see the machine."

Ma Wen also knows that the shield guards and the wizards are very troublesome.

A super shield, a super artillery, combined, is simply invincible.

But don't try it, how do you know?


Ten minutes later. The game officially began, and under the guidance of the staff, Ma Wen entered the player channel alone.

Pooh stayed in the player area, and he had some concerns in his eyes, but he still had full trust in Marvin.

Since my brother said that he is very sure, he must believe that he is right.

What my brother said before, the only thing I can do now is to get better soon.

If Marvin wins this game, then the next Holy Grail battle, he must return to full prosperity. This will make it possible to fight with the other two college powerhouses.

After all, the real holy grail battle is the snowy mountain terrain, unlike the forest terrain, which is good for Marvin.


Ma Wen enters the player's passage and crosses a door.

What is presented to him is the winding forest.

On the front stone, there is a sheepskin roll.

The sheepskin roll is the rule of this qualifier.

The rules are simple. The two sides of the game start from the north and south of the forest, and the golden holy grail is placed in the middle of the forest. Follow the instructions on the map to find it.

To win, you must get the Holy Grail and then arrive at the scheduled location.

The location is on the western side of the forest.

Each side has a sheepskin roll on it, with a map of the entire forest. There is a red dot on the map, indicating the location of the Holy Grail.

If someone gets the Holy Grail and moves it, it will be seen on the sheepskin roll.

"Looks like I am a little closer here..."

"The shield guards usually don't run fast, even if they are quicker, they don't have me, the wizard is also. They should know this."

"So, they are likely to give up directly to the Holy Grail, but to wait for me at the scheduled location."

Marvin analyzed it calmly.

This is a very correct approach. After all, Marvin is a ranger and runs faster in the forest.

However, if the horse is waiting at the scheduled location, it is difficult for Marvin to enter the target area with the Holy Grail under the attack of the two.

That is a very narrow circle.

"In this case, I will go to the Holy Grail and talk about it."

Marvin no longer hesitated, collected the sheepskin rolls and quickly ran to the depths of the forest!


"Our speed is not as good as him."

"According to the intelligence, the other party is a five-level ranger. They may split the two ways, let the Ranger go to the Holy Grail first, and then the Pooh goes directly to the scheduled place."

On the other side, White held a sheepskin roll and muttered to himself.

Behind him, stood a tall man with a tight armor and a giant shield.

This is a five-level shield defender, with no attack ability, but the defense is first class. Generally speaking, the shield is the nemesis of the rogue.

Ordinary thieves want to break through the shield defender's defense is simply an idiotic dream!

Even a fierce attacker will be a headache.

Maybe you've cut your own machete and you can't break the other's armor.

"Let's go to the reservation and wait for them!"

White decisively ordered the order.

At the moment, he gave himself and the Guardian a blessing, and the two quickly ran to the intended location.


The tree shadow is constantly going backwards.

In the forest, Marvin is like a duck. His perception is also faintly improved, although the bonus is very ethereal, depending on the state at the time, but Marvin can clearly feel that he seems to become more acute.

In this forest, it is not only White that can pose a threat to Marvin.

There are also many beasts and monsters here. Only most of them are first-order.

The Ranger's talent ability allows him to avoid all kinds of monsters.

Along the way, he avoided at least three monsters that were evenly matched. If he was in the snowy mountains, he would not have this ability!

"The front is where the Holy Grail is placed."

Bypassing a few pine trees, there was an open space ahead.

There is a raised stone platform on the open space, and a holy grail on the stone platform.

Ma Wen blinked and checked, and found that there was no trap.

"There is no trace in the north."

"It seems that they are really going straight to the target location and waiting for the rabbit."

Marvin went up to take the Holy Grail, which is a golden cup, about the size of a bell, can be stuffed in the pocket.

He looked around and circled, his face suddenly showing a smile.

"Is it a treat?"

"Take a look at who is more patient."

A bold plan instantly formed in Marvin's mind!


"Adult Holy Grail is moving!"

"He moves very fast, but we should be able to reach the target location in one step."

Shield defender reported.

"Good, we are speeding up!" White said coldly.

After a while, the shield guard who was responsible for regularly viewing the map suddenly shouted: "Wait! Adult."

"It stopped moving!"

"What?" White was a little surprised. The division of labor between the two is very clear. He is responsible for the regular use of reconnaissance witchcraft. Fortunately, he has brought in the twilight items for reconnaissance.

The Shield is responsible for viewing the map.

"Look." Shield defender pointed at the map and said: "It suddenly stopped moving."

"And from the map, he seems to be not far from us!"

Ok? White is full of fog.

He vaguely smelled the conspiracy.

But the other party, should not know their position?

Such a close distance should be an opportunity!

"He may be at rest."

"No matter what, let's go and see!"

White decisively said.

(Continue to ask for recommendation, currently at 15, on the edge of the front page, at stake. Also, thank you for your bookmates [eight-claw] 1888*** coins!)

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