Night Ranger

Vol 6 Chapter 73: Eisenger [2 in 1]

Seeing Ma Wen’s confused expression, the man not only did not relax his vigilance, but was even more alert.

As far as he knows, even if it is a newcomer, it will be informed of the latest rules before arriving at the Scarlet Wilderness.

This guy in front of me suddenly appears in this sensitive area, obviously it is not a problem.

Especially this autumn of events.

The man's wrist trembled, and the whole person turned into a phantom, and he smashed it!

Ma Wen brows.

The Scarlet Wilderness is really dangerous, and he has done nothing. The other party does not say anything about it!

However, he is not a timid person. The man in front is very strong, but Marvin is also very confident in himself.

Shadow step by step!

In the face of the enemy's high-speed attack, Marvin evaded the past.

God's agility can still crush opponents most of the time.

He backhanded a knife, only heard a bang, and was blocked by the other side!

"Good reaction speed!"

Ma Wen was shocked.

This man is very fast, but the most powerful place is his nerve reaction speed!

He used a one-handed weapon, a single knife, and the other hand was purely bare-handed. In this way, whether it is offensive or defensive, he can only do it with that single knife.

As is known to all, in close combat, the long weapons are actually somewhat disadvantaged.

Marvin’s shadow cuts the way of the reflexive machete, and many people simply can’t react. Can be a back to escape is a master. But even so, in the next battle, Marvin will grab the first hand and press it.

But this man is in front of you. Actually, the offensive and defensive transition was completed between the electric and the flint.

Its nerve reaction speed and physical coordination ability are excellent one-on-one.

His agility may not have reached the agility of God, but at least there are more than 27 points.

For an ordinary human being, this is very rare. After all, they do not have the elemental retrieval system in Marvin.

The two sides quickly dealt with each other and they all saw the move.

Marvin’s double-knife is quite cheap in melee, so insist on sticking to the enemy.

The opponent apparently understood this, and he tried to open the distance from Marvin. But in terms of speed and reaction, Marvin is no worse than him.

The two struggled for a while. They are not divided.

Gradually, Ma Wen also understood a bit.

I did not come up with all my strength because I still haven't figured out what it is.

The other side, obviously, has more than enough. Is this a test?

Think of it here. Suddenly he pulled back and took the initiative to open the distance from the enemy.

"I am indeed a newcomer who has just arrived in the Scarlet Wilderness. I don't understand what camp."

He quickly said.

The blue veins on the man's arm gradually disappeared.

He looked at Marvin seriously and suddenly shouted: "Red Witch?!"

In the next second, a scarlet shadow appeared slowly in the infinite rice fields.

In Ma Wen’s heart, this woman’s stealth technique is strong, although the distance is a bit far, but with her own perception, she has no awareness!

Appeared in the center of the two. It is a glamorous woman in a red robe.

Her face was covered with thick powder, and the lipstick was bright and exaggerated, as if it was painted with blood!

The red witch squinted. The voice is a bit hoarse: "Non-pure humans, there is devil blood..."

The man with the long knife sneered: "So, is the spy sent by [Devil's Pool]?"

After all, he seems to be ready to go.

Who knows that the Red Witch is stopping: "Ronnan, wait!"

"I just traced the transmission array he came over, the other end. It was not a **** wasteland."

Ronan still frowned. "It may be that the devils use other planes as a springboard - [Eisenger] has experienced such an event before."

The red witch shook her head:

"Not very likely. I don't think the devils have the ability to use that plane as a springboard."

Luo Nan said: "What do you say?"

The Red Witch said seriously: "I said that he is from the main material world. Fernan."

Ronanton widened his eyes.

Marvin shrugged: "I heard that my suspicion was washed away after I was inexplicably put on the spy's hat for a few seconds?"

Luo Nan thought about it, and finally put down the knife in his hand and looked at Marvin and said:

“It’s normal to have this kind of thing for the first time.”

"Just be a little longer... you will get used to it."

"Who is calling our place, called the Scarlet Wilderness?"


In the gap between the rice fields, the two walked one after the other.

The Red Witch is still in a state of concealment. According to Ronan, this woman has never been easy to show.

Ronan and the Red Witch are a pair of partners - certainly not the ones they volunteered, but the camps.

The camp in their mouth, named [Essenger], is a base built by the human powerhouse on the Scarlet Wilderness.

The Scarlet Wilderness is a terrible place to kill, what kind of people are there, from angels to demons, from evil spirits to wild beasts - of course, the largest number is human.

Most of the human beings are strong from all corners of the multiverse, and here you rarely see humans below the legend - because they are all dead.

Even so, the human side is still not strong in the **** wasteland, they need to hold a group to protect each other.

And Eisenger is the largest settlement of human beings.

Eisenger and several nearby camps, such as the Devil's Pool, the Mushroom City, and the Dark Abyss, are all hostile to each other.

As long as the two people meet in the wild, it is definitely a battle for you to die.

Fighting, this is the eternal theme of the Scarlet Wilderness.

The existence of the camp is to let these strong people in the gap between the battles. Find a place to breathe.

Eisenger is named after its founder, the legendary wizard Eisenger. The large strange straw area in the vicinity is said to cover thousands of acres. It is the entrance to the hiding place.

Ronan and the Red Witch are one of Eisengar's patrol players. When they met Marvin, they happened to be the last day of their duties.

After this day, they can return to Eisenger's cross.

The camp gives members the blessing and necessary information, as well as the platform for communication, but to join a camp, you also need to provide your own services.

Or become a member of the patrol. Either complete some of the tasks released by the camp.

Relatively speaking, the patrol is boring and boring. And the time span is long, but it is safer.

The missions issued by the camps are relatively dangerous. Unless the artist is daring, it is a legendary strongman. Do not dare to try it easily.

After all, the legend is really nothing in this **** land.


After listening to Luo Nan’s introduction, Ma Wen’s heart began to think.

The structure of the Scarlet Wilderness is more complicated than you think.

At least there is no such thing as a faction in the information given to him by the Druids, and this cannot be blamed.

The information in the hands of the migratory bird council is at least three or four hundred years ago.

Moreover, the ratio of time flow rate between Fernan and Scarlet Wasteland is 1 to 6. Marvin promised two weeks to be Fernan time, which was converted into a **** wasteland, which is twelve weeks and more than two months.

He had thought that time was abundant, and he could still find some servant hunting in the Scarlet Wilderness. Improve your strength, but now it seems that it is far from simple.

Everything still comes first to Eisenger.


After Luo Nan and Ma Wen explained some simple matters. There is no more opening.

It is said that the information in the camp is valuable. Except for Marvin, a completely unknown newcomer, the old members have certain obligations to inform the necessary rules, and other information must be purchased by currency.

Eisenger's common currency is bloodstone, a speciality of the Scarlet Wilderness, which contains the purest energy. Comparable to the origin of God.

It's just that the energy contained in each piece of bloodstone is inferior to the source of God.

It is said that the reason why the Scarlet Wilderness produces blood. It was because of the ancient war of that year that many gods were fallen.

After the death of the gods, their blood and the origin of God merged into the earth, thus forming something like bloodstone.

All in all, the current Marvin can be said to be a poor place to come to a completely strange place.

This feeling made him not very comfortable, but he felt an unprecedented stimulus.

Perhaps in his bones, he naturally likes the feeling of this adventure.


The entrance to Eisengar is hidden deep in the rice fields, and every member of the camp knows the spell of the entrance.

Remove a scarecrow and reveal a cave where a cockroach will jump out.

This one will ask a fixed question, just need to answer it correctly, it will open the door to Eisenger for you.

Yes, Eisenger is hidden in the ground, surrounded by strict spells, which is one of the reasons why the rest of the forces did not come in under the human weakness.

Every time Eisenger updates the spell, only the real members can know the content of the spell.

A while ago, it was said that a spy appeared, causing the entire camp to be full of wind and rain, and was almost mixed in by the abyss of the abyss. For this reason, Eisenger’s review of outsiders was extra strict.

Marvin entered Eisengar under the leadership of Ronan and the Red Witch.

After walking for about ten minutes in the long tunnel, Marvin was taken to a place similar to the interrogation room.

Here, an old man with glasses spent half an hour asking Ma Wen quite a question.

And beside him, a specialized divination wizard is responsible for testing whether Marvin’s answer is a lie.

Of course, some questions Ma Wen can not answer, after all, everyone has their own secrets. Eisenger is still doing very well in this regard.

After ensuring that Marvin did not harm the camp, and indeed stood on the human side, Marvin received a medal.

This medal bears the name of Marvin, which is a symbol of Marvin as a new member of Eisenger.

After leaving the gloomy interrogation room, Marvin was taken to another cave.

Here, a nephew who is responsible for explaining the rules of the place to the newcomers quickly passed all the rules to Marvin.

Twenty minutes later, Marvin was finally free to walk freely in the underground space of Eisengarh.


As a dark underground city, Eisenger is definitely not the biggest one Ma Wen has ever seen, but it is definitely the safest.

No matter where he goes, he can feel the rich arcane energy.

A large number of magical arrays are constantly running, and the eyes of the wizards monitor every move in the dark corners.

Perhaps because of its legendary wizard, the wizards in Eisengar are not in the minority.

Most of the wizards in the Scarlet Wilderness come from other sub-planets. They came here because of various reasons, breaking through themselves and eventually making legends.

These people may have more terrible perseverance and creativity than the wizards of Fernan.

Ma Wen casually strolled around and had a specific understanding of Eisenger.

Since it is described as "camp", then this dungeon will not be very big.

Basically this is a scaled-down town – although the Scarlet Wilderness has gathered most of the legendary powerhouses of the universe, but the legend is a minority, and the human gathering place on the Scarlet Wasteland is not only a place in Eisengar.

From the mouth of the scorpion, Marvin learned that the place has maintained a population of around 300-350.

Don't underestimate these figures. Everyone here is a legendary strongman of fighting power, and there are almost no people who can't fight.

The old man who was responsible for the review of the rules of Ma Wen, who was introduced to Ma Wen, was once a strong person. Because of some special reasons, he retired and was responsible for the daily maintenance of the camp.

Most people still need to fight.


Eisenger can be roughly divided into the following five areas:

[Treasure Area]: Located in the northeast of the underground city, it encourages free trade and does not impose any taxes. The transactions of most legendary powerhouses are actually barter. Although bloodstone can also buy some things, It's hard to get good stuff.

[Seat Area]: There are some houses in the south of the underground city, enough for most people to rest, but the conditions are not very good.

[Announcement and Settlement Area]: The place where the camp issues patrol missions and other tasks is also the place where settlement tasks are paid.

[Warehouse]: Eisenger's warehouse is hidden, and only the top of the camp can be reached.

[Eisenger Square]: A fairly open place where you can find some simple entertainment facilities, such as and restaurants.

Except for the above five areas, the rest are not worth mentioning.

Marvin noticed that everyone passing by always maintained a high degree of vigilance.

Although the camp is known to be absolutely safe in Eisengar, it seems that most people don't think so.

Marvin’s top priority is to find his current position in the Scarlet Wilderness.

He has a map on his hand, which is used to find the **** Minsk.

But the map is broken, there are only a few landmarks nearby, not comprehensive enough.

This means he needs a map of the Scarlet Wilderness.

Coincidentally, there is a similar map in the Eisengarh camp.

Unfortunately, the map is not free.

... (to be continued)

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