Night Ranger

Vol 6 Chapter 85: Cold light grip

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Marvin didn't stay in Eisengar for too long.

The camp, which was mainly composed of human wizards, was destined to be his stop. He rested in the camp for a day and then left Eisengar under the cover of the night.

He got a few good things from Balkh, but Eisenger was just a small camp. He didn't have the knowledge to reach the master's level appraisers, and he couldn't provide an appraisal service for Marvin.

It is said that in the not far away of the Light City, there will be a variety of unfathomable appraisers.

It is also the most powerful force in the southern region of humanity in the Scarlet Wilderness.

Marvin collected information about the trip to the Light City in the camp, and a recent rumor caught his attention.

It is said that the recent Shengguang City is not very flat. The figure of Miss Yueyue, the daughter of Luna, seems to have appeared in the Light City. It is a secret figure, but it has been recognized by some well-informed people. come out.

There was once a prophecy that Miss Yin Yue’s most beloved artifact, the grip of the cold light, was buried in a treasure cave near the Light City.

Therefore, the recent Shengguang City is said to be very lively, and many forces are in the Holy Light City.

Marvin is not very familiar with the mysterious moon god. Her daughter, Miss Yinyue, is also a descendant of the ancient gods who rarely appear in front of the people, but he still knows the famous cold light grip.

In Fernan's advanced assassin's knowledge requirements, you must have a lot of news about the legend.

And Ma Wen was born to be obsessed with these weapons. A weapon like Aoba is already the best of the best.

However, according to Marvin, the grip of the cold light. The quality is above the green leaves.

Because Aoba is a pair of legendary items, and the grip of the cold light is a pair of artifacts!

That is a pair of crickets that are still above the dusk.

"The place of the Scarlet Wilderness is said to have been fought numerous times, and many gods have fallen here."

"According to the official information I have learned in previous lives, Miss Yinyue died as early as the Third Age and hangs here. It is very likely her spirit."

“Is it really the grip of the cold light to be born?”

At the thought of this, Ma Wen could not help but feel hot.

Go to the Light City to find Minsk. Just can also bump into luck and see if you can get the grip of the cold light.

After all, Aoba has proved how great a good weapon is to a strong man.

He walked alone through the rice fields and set foot on the former dry leaf promenade. Under the cover of the night, all the way to the north.


Somewhere in the abyss, the flames jumped between the mountains.

A roar, suddenly shocked the entire land.

"Someone dared to kill my child!"

It is a huge demon with a stature in the hill!

This is an endless battlefield. A large number of scorpion worms emerge from the cracks in the distance. The big devils wave a towering hammer to crush these insects into green juice.

These juices fueled the devil's flame and also fueled the anger in his heart!

The army behind the demon also screamed with anger and killed the enemy.

This is a big win.

A brand new secondary plane was conquered by them.

However, the demon lord Balkh himself is not excited.

In fact. When the war ended, he returned to his territory for the first time.

His eyes penetrated the plane and saw the face of a young man.

The other party seemed to feel his sight. Actually, I looked back.

The next second, a powerful force interfered with his sight, and he lost the other side's trace.

"It killed my most potential child."

Balkh was furious.

However, he himself has nothing to do.

His son died on the Scarlet Wilderness.

There is an agreement between the gods and the demons, and strong people like them cannot enter the **** wasteland.

And the dead bones that die in the Scarlet Wilderness can't avenge them directly. Otherwise the plane was destroyed in the hands of a wrathful supreme.

but. The demon lord cannot take it in person, and does not mean that others cannot.

"Give me the information of the human right away."

"Use all the forces we have in the Scarlet Wilderness - I saw it. It is the southern wasteland, how many of us are there?"

In the face of Balkh’s questioning, the beautifully succubus secretary responded softly and whispered:

“There are not many people in the southern region.”

"But the good news is that [blade] is there."

Balkh showed a sneer: "Let him mention the human head and come back to see me."

Three minutes later, in the ridiculous woodland near the Light City, a sly shadow slowly woke up.


The Scarlet Wilderness, the northern part of the Light City.

The climate of the wasteland is very strange, there is no fixed law, it is purely composed of rules.

For example, in the north of the Holy Light City, it is a ridiculous snow-capped mountain, and it is a place of spring and warmth.

On the long snow slope, a girl is walking hard.

Not far away, a tree covered by heavy snow reveals short branches.

The girl did not change her face.

However, when she passed the branch, the black branch suddenly became a viper!


The serpent's letter directly penetrated the little girl's neck, but the strange thing was that the blood did not flow out.


The cold cold flashed, and the snake's head fell to the snow.

After rolling a section of the road on the slope, it disappeared.

"You shouldn't squander your talent so casually."

A feminine voice rang at the girl's ear: "I know that the people of your family are born assassins, but dependent on the talented assassin, it is easy to die halfway."

The girl’s expression is calm: “Which assassin will not die? Do you want me to have a useless life, do you live?”

That voice seems very helpless: "Sometimes I really think you are my teacher."

The girl showed a rare smile: "Reassured teacher, I have no old spring, my life is enough for me."

"Not old spring is not a You have been practicing in a special time and space for years, and then squandered so much, waiting for you to return to Fernan, there is not much left."

That voice is still persuading.

The girl looked at the **** sky and finally firmly said:

"It's enough to use, I don't expect to live too long."

"I just hope that I will be stronger soon. Only in this way can I help him."

"Teacher, you said that the grip of the cold light is the weapon that suits me best, but can we really find it?"

The answer to that feminine voice is full of arrogance:

"Of course."

"Because...that was the weapon I used before..."

"Let's go, the Light City is not far away."

... (to be continued)

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