Night Ranger

Vol 2 Chapter 27: Blood stripping

The battle did not end.

White is still alive, and the Holy Grail is still in the belly of the forest giant, and Marvin cannot leave here.

Just a series of arrangements, he originally intended to kill the White and the Shield.

But White's ability exceeded Marvin's expectations.

Not all wizards are only aware of the waste of studying spells. Obviously, White can find the last level is real.

He is very good at the performance of the forest giant. If it is not the precise frozen rays, I am afraid he is already a dead person now.

Yes, when Marvin originally planned to stalk the White Forest python, it would be easier to kill the sorcerer and kill the Shield.

However, the forest giant was suddenly lost and changed his sense of direction, so that Marvin had to choose another method.

Let's kill the other person and say it.

It is one to one now.

Marvin was hidden under the shadow of a pine tree, and through the gaps in the leaves, he observed White coldly.

The other party slightly retreated, but did not leave.

He is still considering the holy grail in the belly of the forest giant. As long as he got the Holy Grail, Marvin had no chance of winning.

"He wants to use my psychology to lure me out?"

Ma Wen’s heart moved.

White is equally embarrassing. He was not frustrated or angry because of the death of the shield. He quickly calmed down.

He is guarded by the forested giant python, ready to give this monster a fatal blow.

Although the forest giant is powerful, it is only a monster, and there are many ways for White to clean it up.

The reason why he did not start, is still taboo Ma Wen who is likely to attack at any time.

This is a psychological game.

White’s reconnaissance witchcraft is almost the same, he doesn’t dare to gamble. What tree is Marvin hiding in?

That is equivalent to wasting a spell.

"This **** forest!" White groaned secretly.

The addition of the Ranger to the Ranger is too great, especially Marvin, an experienced guy.

He can come and go like a wind in the forest, and neither the wizard nor the shield can do this.


Ten minutes later, the forest giant stopped madness, and his letter was completely destroyed by the frozen energy.

He lay helplessly on the ground and slowly squirmed.

Ma Wen’s eyes are awkward, do you want to start?

Sure enough, White no longer hesitated.

He took a step and came to a relatively empty area!

In this zone, even if Marvin wants to launch a sneak attack, he will soon be aware of it.

The staff in his hand pointed to the forest giant and began to sing a witchcraft!

His staff is very unusual, twisted at the tip, and there is a medal unique to the unicorn family at the end.

"Not a witchcraft!" Ma Wen’s heart!

In a witchcraft, I have never sang for so long!

It is the staff!

The witchcraft attached to the staff.

"It's a big family, it's a rich and powerful." Marvin quickly made a judgment. White's singer's spell is not his own ability, but an enchanting witchcraft on the staff.

This kind of singing is like the guardian knight inspiring the magical instrument attached to the sword.

You don't need second-order strength, but you can use the second-ring witchcraft!

Soon, a scarlet blood spurt out from the tip of White's staff, shrouded the entire forest giant!

Second Ring Witchcraft - [Blood Stripping]!

This is a very ferocious witchcraft that can force the animal's flesh and blood to be forcibly separated. Even if the strong monster is hit by this witchcraft, it will die!

The forest python is just a first-order monster, and it is impossible to resist such horrible witchcraft.

Soon, under the ray of scarlet, the skin of the forest giants began to fall down piece by piece!

It is like rotting, revealing a slender skeleton.

The forest giant struggled in the same place and finally died.

White looked at it all coldly, just at this time, a touch of golden light flashed in front of him.

It was a bell-like thing, hanging on the body of a forest giant.

Holy Grail!

White shines.

However, he did not move because he knew that Marvin must have been lurking nearby. When you see the Holy Grail, the other party will not be able to hold it!

As soon as Marvin shows up, his spell will immediately greet him!

Once he is hit by his own spell, everything is over.

"The wizard is the most powerful profession in the world. Ranger is just a waste."

White observed the changes around him coldly.

He is not in a hurry, the Holy Grail is in front of him, and he is still patient with this patience.

What's more, he also knows that flesh and blood stripping is a powerful energy field that has not dissipated after killing the forest giant.

It takes at least five minutes to get safely close to the body of the forest giant, otherwise it may be stripped of flesh and blood by the remaining spell power.

If Marvin appears and tries to steal the Holy Grail in these five minutes, White will be happy to watch him do so.

This way he will die very miserable.

“Focus! The forest is the strongest area of ​​the Ranger.”

"Must win."

White took a deep breath and glanced around.

However, at this time, his face suddenly flashed a figure!

Marvin appeared!


Marvin did get it.

His waist is still tied with a rope, and the whole person sways from the east side of the open space to the west!

The center of the open space is the body of the forest giant.

White sneered, took out his staff and pointed at Marvin's figure.

However, the next second, he was a little dumbfounded.

Wait... not right!

The distance is too far!

Marvin’s position is a bit too high, and White’s witchcraft can hardly attack him!

"What is going on here? Is he just showing up? Didn't he take the Holy Grail?"

White is a bit embarrassed.

According to Marvin’s current sliding height, it is simply not enough for the Holy Grail.

He can only sway from the body of the forest giant.

Unless Marvin’s arm is two or three meters long, it’s about the same.

"What the **** guys want to do?"

White was a little confused.

Marvin’s body swiftly crossed in the air, and soon, it came to the lowest point!

This place is just where the body of the forest giant is, with a little red light on it.

Residual spell energy.

Marvin chuckled and suddenly extended his right hand and quickly read a set of weird bytes!

[Alienized vines]!

This spell from the mad lich Federer finally came in handy!

Ma Wen’s right hand instantly turned into a slender vine, and it spread wildly, and it was more than four meters in the blink of an eye!

The vine branches traversed the area of ​​red spell energy, and it was easy to hook into the holy grail.

In an instant, the vines continue to grow, the Holy Grail is wrapped tightly, and then quickly recovered!

Hey! Marvin's figure swiftly swayed to the other end of the open space under the control of the rope.

And there, it is the direction of the target location.


As light as Yan, Marvin steadily landed on a thick branch.

His hand was restored to its original state, and the holy grail was safely held in his hand. Ma Wen raised the Holy Grail and grinned at White:

"I am sorry, but I have to go first."

The next second, he suddenly disappeared into the forest!


"I* grass!"

White is going crazy!

He didn't expect Marvin to alienate the vines as a rare spell! Isn't this the ability of the Druids in the North?

The vine is a plant, not within the scope of this spell attack!

Therefore, Ma Wen can take the Holy Grail so easily.

White iron face, the reaction is also very fast, immediately lost a quick trick to himself, and rushed!

Although it may not catch up, but still have to try!

"How can I make that little variety* win me!?"

The crazy roar in his heart so that some of the original delicate face has become somewhat distorted!

He rushed into the woods, and Marvin’s figure seemed to flash in the distance.

He bit his teeth and ran wildly. Suddenly, he saw a glimmer of silver in his afterglow!

"and many more……"

Before he could react, his neck was tight!

It was a silver line wrapped between two big trees!

Because the running speed was too fast, White hit it directly, and the silver thread cut directly into White's neck!

This produces a terrible cutting force.

Fortunately, he has maintained a force field defense spell, otherwise his neck is estimated to be cut off by himself!

This is the case, there is a single blood line on his neck!

White is as earthy. For the first time, he feels the threat of death!

However, at this time, a figure landed silently behind him from behind!

"Do you think that I really let go of people who are trying to murder my brother so easily?"

Ma Wen said softly.

In an instant, the machete has seen blood.

(Thanks to the book friends [Wenson's QI point account], [Tianma Meteor Gun], [My Undead Overture] 1888 votes* points* coins won by the three book friends respectively!)

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