Night Ranger

Vol 6 Chapter 89: Truth day

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Ma Wen looked really, with the ethereal sword of Fenno, a lot of blood suddenly splashed in the snow!

Twenty ice worms were split into two by Fenno.

However, things are not optimistic, the snow in front is constantly bulging, and the shape of the strips is very similar to that of cockroaches, but the worms with very strong lethality are rushed out one after another.

"This is a nest of ice worms! Damn, when the torch valley has appeared in the ice worm's lair!"

The legendary wizard's face is very ugly.

Among the **** wasteland, ice worms are a relatively common creature. But the ice bug nest is not so easy to encounter. If you say that a single or a team of ice worms are just some small monsters that are not enough, then with the nest, they as a whole, the challenge will increase dramatically!

Like the immortal ferrets, this is a group of creatures. The single combat power is weak, but they are grouped together, especially with the halo of the nest. They all have legendary templates!

From another point of view, killing them is very laborious, but the benefits are very small.

The unique ice-cold breath of the ice worm and the white dragon have a fight, and the damage to the weapon and armor is almost fatal.

Every legendary warrior is extremely cherished for his own weapons. It is easy to deal with the loss of his own weapons against the insects of ice worms.

But now there is no way, they have already touched the anger of the ice worms, thousands of ice worms emerge from the huge nest!

Ma Wenyi pulled the horse. Hold up the staff and mutter on the mouth.

The next second, the emerald green light illuminates the entire snow!

[Natural communication]!

The mighty power of nature fills the entire snow. The action of a large number of ice worms is suddenly a lag.

"come back!"

Finno grabbed the partner who was preparing to fight with the ice worms. As the captain, his vision and judgment were first-class. Of course, he knows the magic of natural communication. Although he has doubts about whether natural communication can affect the emotions of ice worms, at this time, it is undoubtedly a help to kill ice worms.

Because now, Marvin is trying to communicate with these ice worms!

This is the power of the druid.

They advocate life and nature. With awe in my heart, I can communicate with all things.

It is said that the deep druid can even chat with a stone for a long time. What is the sea?

Marvin can't do this as a fake druid, but the Greyhawk's Staff is a strange thing. It gives Marvin half the status of Druid, and Marvin will naturally take advantage of this.

Ice worms are not creatures without wisdom. They attack the adventurers for no reason, and there must be a reason behind them.

Marvin wants to figure out the reasons behind it.

Under the light green light, the actions of the pests and worms gradually slowed down.

However, Ma Wen’s brow was wrinkled.

Because in his consciousness, there is only one piece of jealousy.

The wisdom of these ice worms seems to be very low-level, and their thoughts are pure, that is, attacking any creature trying to approach their nest.

Ma Wen tried to communicate with them with his mind, but he communicated for a long time and did not get any good results.

After another five minutes, under the strange eyes of everyone. The ice worms gradually calmed down.

They slowly retreated back and disappeared into the eyes of everyone, as if they had not appeared before.

But the blood on the snow. It also clearly describes a fierce battle that may just burst.

"It's a big druid."

Finno looked at Marvin in surprise. "You can comfort these ice worms."

Finno’s surprise is not without reason. Although the Druids have strong communication skills, it is very difficult to communicate with low-wisdom creatures like ice worms, let alone such a squad like Ma Wen.

The other people looked at Marvin's eyes and it became a bit different.

Because Marvin's breath is more restrained, it looks more mysterious.

But the strength he showed before the road was very general, so no one paid attention to him.

However, the next second, Marvin smiled and shook his head: "I didn't persuade them."

The legendary wizard stunned: "So how did they go?"

Marvin frowned and said: "I just gave them a promise."

"What promise?" The other party is chasing after.

Her tone is already somewhat dissatisfied. As a group, Marvin actually made a promise for his team. This behavior has already passed some of her bottom line.

Marvin spread his hand: "I told them that we will not pass the torch valley."

"What! Why do you make such a decision without authorization??"

The wizard Nolan screamed: "Don't go through the torch valley? Do you want to climb the snowy mountains?"

Marvin frowned again, but did not speak.

Finno looked gloomy, and the big man with a huge axe was indifferent.

The legendary sorcerer sneered: "Tell me the reason you did this. Or is it that some poor ice worms are enough to make you detour? The great Mr. Druid?"

Her tone was so harsh that she added a little charm to her voice.

The effect of this spell is to provoke the anger of the target creature.

Although Marvin was not angry, he also felt it.

She is provocative.

"This woman is really used to being high."

Ma Wen sneered in his heart, but he was too lazy to care about her. Instead, he turned his eyes to the holy warrior.

"Mr. Griffin, they didn't see it, should you understand it?"

The samurai, who had been ignored by everyone, silently nodded.

He stepped forward and the ring in his hand suddenly burst into a silvery light.

In the light, there is a faint outline of a scorpio!

[Truth of Heaven]!

Ma Wenxin is a shock!

Although he had long guessed that this samurai was unfathomable. Unexpectedly, he has cultivated to the point where he can summon the truth of the heavens.

The God of truth has fallen, the truth is heaven. It represents the highest law and authority in this field.

Under the illusion of the Truth of Heaven, all the miles of the road leading to the Torch Valley became transparent.

The snow seems to have disappeared, replaced by a clear pattern.

In an instant, everyone is taking a breath!

Because just a few miles away from the Torch Valley, there are more than 20 ice worm nests!

An ice worm nest is enough for them to work hard. Once the nearby ice worms are irritated, these monsters come out of the nest... the consequences are simply unimaginable!

The face of the wizard Nolan became extremely ugly.

The same is true for Captain Finno.

The legendary wizard is still unable to speak for a long time.

Awkward death. Or Marvin broke the calm.

He cleared his throat and looked at the crowd: "If we force the torch valley. These ice worms will tear us into pieces. I don't know how strong you are, but neither the armor nor the skills are strong. To the extent that it is enough to ignore the ice smog of the ice worms? These ice worms come to a collective vomit, and we have to become ice sculptures."

"Obviously, this road is not working."

He pointed to the snow-capped mountains that were towering into the sky: "I want to go to the Light City. I really have to climb the Snow Mountain."

The rest of the people are silent.

Only the holy warrior Griffin nodded at Marvin.

For a long time, Captain Finno said with a flash of gaze: "I am sorry, we can't move on."

"The last time we met snowballs on the road to climb the snow-capped mountains. If it is not for us to retreat quickly, I am afraid to be buried on the snow-capped mountains. We will never leave this road again."

"Moreover, these ice bug nests have already explained a lot of things. Some people don't want anyone to cross this snowy mountain. He or they want to block the traffic of the Black Swan Hills and the Light City, and can attract so many ice worms in one breath. The nest is definitely not something we can afford. Even if I climb a mountain, I am afraid I will encounter events like a blizzard."

"We will not move on."

His expression looked a little regrettable.

Marvin frowned and glanced at him.

Among the squads. The rest of the faces are also somewhat unnatural.

At the moment, Marvin did not say much. He simply went to the team and went on a long mountain road with the holy warrior Griffin.

five minutes later. When the shadows of Marvin and Griffin disappeared into the mountains.

"Do we really not move on?" The big man with the big axe scratched his head: "Captain, did you not say that this time you must go to the Holy City?"

"Go, of course, go."

Finno’s face suddenly became very dark: “We are behind them.”

"These two people are not simple characters. It is estimated that they can force the black hand behind the scenes. We can follow the example of the fisherman."

"Go! Keep up."

On the snow. The squad came out again, along the pace of Marvin. Suddenly going up the mountain.


On the other side of the snowy mountain, in the ruins of loneliness and darkness.

A wizard is obsessively looking up at the statue.

"Luna... I am coming..."

"So many years, I finally found you."

"This time, I won't let anyone take you away!"

Under the sorcerer's hat, two green flames suddenly lit up.

The statue in front of him is old and vicissitudes, but there is still a life.

It was a graceful girl.

She was kneeling on the ground, as if she was accepting some kind of criminal law. Her expression was painful and she looked heartbreaking.

A spear passed through the back of the girl and looked very cruel.

Her hands were hanging, as if she had held something, and in the faint, she could see the blue spots flashing.

"Damn thief!"

The sorcerer looked at the gap and suddenly became furious: "I actually stole Luna's cold light I will smash you a corpse!"

However, at this time, the crystal ball in front of him suddenly burst into a glare.

In the crystal ball, such a pattern emerges slowly.

Two men are hiking up the mountain.

One of the men, still carrying a weak little girl.

The green flame in the eyes of the wizard has become even hotter:

"I won't let anyone close to you, Luna, my baby..."

... (to be continued)

Ps: Return to normal update! This chapter is actually written on a bumpy plane, enough to show the sincerity of the coconut. There is still a chapter in a while!

The latest chapter of the novel High Dark Night Ranger, this chapter is the 89th chapter of the truth. The address is if you feel that this chapter is not bad, please don't forget to recommend it to your qq group and friends in Weibo!

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