Night Ranger

Vol 6 Chapter 100: hunting

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The darker the sky is. @,

People in the wilderness face each other, and no one knows how to get rid of this horrible scene.

Marvin even saw a lot of strong people in the temple, including the servant-level characters!

"The people in the temple of dreams?"

Marvin was a little surprised.

It seems that these dream temples seem to be performing a certain task and they are not acting together with the two dream guardians.

Two familiar faces appeared in the eyes of Marvin.

It was the holy warrior Griffin carrying the weak girl.

He really went to the magician of the Temple of Dreams.

Just don't know why they will appear here at this time?

Marvin looked at other people, and other people looked at the people around them. These people were the strong ones who shocked one side, but under the control of this mysterious song, they became so fragile.

At this moment, time seems to be extremely long.

Marvin didn't know how long it had been. Suddenly, there was a gray storm on the wilderness.

The mad split of the storm turned into a small storm vortex.

These vortices spread out and hit everyone in the past.

The whirlpool carries a strong attraction, and the people around him are basically unable to make any decent response, they are attracted to it!

The same is true of Marvin.

When the gray vortex arrived at him, he only felt that his body was smashed again, and then he was smashed into a certain space!


When he regained his consciousness, the voice of the monks has gone.

Marvin is now in a dark space.

There is no wind, the floor is cold.

With dark vision. He can see that this is a closed room.

The structure of the house is special and looks like wooden. But it was very hard, and Marvin couldn't help but reach out and touch the wall.

The touch is quite soft.

"What is this place?"

There was such a thought in his heart.

Who knows at this time. A pale face suddenly appeared in front of him!

"Reassured, you are safe in this room."

This is a ghost!

The voice of the ghost was measured by yin, and his face was almost attached to Marvin’s nose.

Ma Wen can feel the chill in the ghost's words.

He was really shocked for the first time, but the next second, he forced to calm down.

After all, Ma Wen is also a person who has experienced a lot of big winds and waves, a ghost only, still can't scare him.

He just wanted to ask, and the ghost had already said to himself:

"But you can't stay here for too long."

"You have been eyeing."

The ghost said gloomyly: "It likes your fresh flesh and blood most."

Ma Wen brows: "It. Who is it?"

The ghosts avoided talking.

He has only one face, and the rest of the body doesn't know where to go.

The next second, the room suddenly lit a little light.

On an old table, a candle appeared out of thin air.

Under the faint light of the candle, a piece of parchment appeared, with a list on it.

"The hunt is about to begin, you need something to defend yourself."

"You don't have much time, come on, come buy something you might get."

Marvin went straight.

On the list. Some seemingly ordinary props are listed in a dense manner.

[Hot, price: blood stone]

[燧石, Price: 5 pieces of blood stone]

[Hunting Longbow, Price: Bloodstone]


These items are in addition to the name. There are no instructions. But from the price, you may observe a little clue.

These items are expensive.

But Marvin is more confused:

"What hunting?"

"Do I have to buy this stuff?"

The face of the ghost suddenly became very embarrassing: "Of course!"

"You don't buy anything, why do I provide you with shelter?"

"You don't buy anything. I will curse you, my curse is terrible. It will make you die quickly in the hunt!"

Marvin’s heart suddenly caught a warning.

This ghost in front of you clearly has no power. But his instinct tells him that this ghost may be true.

This place is full of surprises everywhere.

This is obviously a closed house, but it gives a feeling of being exposed to the wild.

The whirlpool in the wilderness, the sudden appearance of ghosts, the items on the list, and the so-called [hunting]...

What happened to his mother?

Have you been involved in the wilderness hall?

Marvin’s head was to be blown up.

"I will give you ten seconds." The tone of the ghost suddenly became harsh.

"If you don't buy something, I will send you out."

Marvin quickly shouted: "I buy!"

As soon as this statement came out, the ghost suddenly rose to the eyebrows.

"Well, look at it first, just buy something."

"Every time you buy something, you can ask me a question."

Ma Wen nodded.

The items listed on the list are very expensive.

His blood is not a lot. Previously, I squandered a few in the Black Swan Hill and the Holy Light City, leaving only more than 60 pieces.

If you want to ask as many questions as possible, it seems that buying a cheaper item would be more appropriate.

“Before buying these items, I can ask if they are used for these things?”

Marvin asked tentatively.

The ghost said impatiently: "You don't know the purpose of these basic things? If you are really stupid, I am afraid I will die in the hunt soon!"

It seems that he is not ready to answer Marvin's question.

Ma Wen scratched his head.

He scanned the list again.

"Give me a talisman."

He pointed to the last corner of the list and said so.

[Amulet, Price: Bloodstone]

Among all the items, the price of the amulet is medium, but it costs half of Marvin's current blood.

He bought this thing, which is also tentative.

The rest of the list, he seems to be unable to use, what torches, meteorites in front of the dark vision, is simply a move!

As for the weapons and traps used for hunting, Marvin is dominated by the night, and the knight’s effort has not fallen. How can I buy those things?

Only this amulet seems to be useful.

"Amulet? Very eye-catching..."

The tone of the ghost became He took Ma Wen's thirty pieces of blood, and he made a common triangle amulet.

"It can keep you on the hunt for a single life. If you use it specifically, you have to explore it yourself."

Marvin took the amulet.

The data shows [Amulet,? ? ? ? 】

Unidentified items... this means that you can only find out.

He shook his head helplessly and put the amulet on.

"Now, can I ask you a question?"

Ma Wen can't wait to ask:

"[Hunting], what is it?"

... (to be continued...)

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