Night Ranger

Vol 6 Chapter 110: Treasure

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A group of people in the Dream Temple surrounded by the green vines seems to be the only person with resistance.

But they also look very embarrassing now.

Marvin can feel that this special vine is constantly absorbing his vitality, but the process is very very slow, with his own legendary physique, it is estimated that it can last for hundreds of years.

But the more serious is the other strength attached to the vine.

This feeling is like the mysterious singing of the past in the countryside of the Light City.

Invisible as if there is a big lock to lock their bodies, it is difficult to move.

Of course, Marvin still has a way to get out, but this time is not appropriate.

"Bander? Why does the name sound familiar? The name of the lich is Bander?"

Ma Wen held his breath and listened carefully to the conversation between the two sides.

Just listen to the divine screaming loudly:

"The mortal vine can't kill me, my true body will be resurrected in the temple; but your evil deeds here will be known by the great **** of dreams, he will not forgive you."

"Now give us the grip of the cold light, let us leave and have time!"

The lich sneered: "Of course I know that you are not dead. But the resurrection of you, isn't you now?"

"If I am not mistaken, you have not died before, and after you die, you can really become the gods."

"Do you want to taste that taste?"

The face of the wizard immediately became a bit ugly.

He looked at the lich with anger: "Why can you open the Wilderness Hall and the Autumn Hunting Field? Why are these desperate vines listening to you?"

The lich shrugged: "As an audience, you have too many problems."

"Hey, other people are much more secure than you. I said that I am fair and will not look at you differently because you are the **** of dreams."

"Get your hands on it. My patience is limited, and the patience of the great mentor is more limited..."

When talking about it, the vines who were besieging the gods and his team seemed to be crazy and madly attacked.

Numerous sharp sharp spurs spurt out, although the sorcerer himself directly throws out a few powerful magic as a defense, there is still a shrine warrior who can't catch it, and is directly shot through the body!

That scene. It’s terrible.

The legendary powerhouses that were hung on the ceiling took a sip of cool air.

They have never been so depressed at this moment.

This temple, like the autumn hunting grounds, suppressed their legendary rules and they were caught in an unprecedented struggle.

However, they are treated much better than the ones who are fighting below.

At least not directly screened by those horrible climbing vines!

Marvin’s face also became a bit ugly.

He can feel the power of the Lich.

His power seems to be unaffected here, and the legendary rules can still be used freely.

And the emerald banshee looks the same.

These green vines. What is it? The name of the desperate vine, this name looks very ordinary, is there any mystery?

At this time, the sound of the winter assassin sounded in his ear:

"The desperate vine is a avatar of the **** of the wilderness!"

"After the fall of the legendary wilderness, the seeds of the resurrection are hidden. These seeds are buried in these deadly vines."

"The reason why you guys are deprived of the legendary law is because the power of the **** of the wilderness is attached to the sacred vine. He has the authority of the ancient law, so it is easy to erase your power in the field. In essence, you are like Just like a godland in the gods! Unless you have his permission, the legendary field is basically covered!"

Ma Wen instantly understood.

Although the **** of the wilderness has not yet resurrected, these seemingly vines as his avatar seem to have some strength.

This power is extremely high-level and has the same authority as the magical law. Legendary law is difficult to suppress the effect of this rule.

The Lich himself is not affected, I am afraid that the savage vine has extra permission for him!

"Damn. He just mentioned the word of the mentor... This guy, wouldn't it be the apprentice of the **** of the wilderness?"

Marvin suddenly remembered the adventurer's squad he joined before entering the snowy mountains. He listened to them and mentioned similar deeds.

"I am afraid it is."

The sound of the winter assassin is also somewhat dignified: "The decision you just made is correct. We hardly find it hard to get any benefit."

"The **** witch once again deceived me. She clearly said that the **** of the wilderness will not be resurrected."

"But look at the look of these desperate vines, the consciousness of the **** of the wilderness has begun to recover!"

Marvin’s heart thumped.

This time, he felt really a bit too much.

The **** of the wilderness is a famous evil **** in ancient times, if he is really resurrected. How many of these legends can be escaped?

He silently let Isabel inform the Assassin, and if you have the chance, you can escape. Still have to run away first.

He knows Isabel's unique talent. If it weren't for this talent, the Winter Assassin wouldn't let her come into the wilderness.

There is very little room to control her.



The battle below continues. But the people in the Dream Temple seem to be unable to support it.

Under the continued attack of these fierce green vines, another shrine warrior died.

The wizard's face is green.

These are the elites of the Temple of Dreams in the Light City, the real mainstay.

Not only did the action not see the shadow of the cold light, but also the avatar of the **** of the wilderness. This is totally different from what the gods said!

He tried to communicate the gods of his faith, but he did not get any effect.

The lich’s eyes saw his heart cold.

He didn't want to die, he didn't want to die in the hands of a bunch of vines.

So the next second, he shouted with a bite:


"I have a proposal!"

The lich sneered: "Oh? Tell me?"

The divine took a deep breath: "You don't want to really offend the **** of dreams?"

The lich did not salty and said aloud: "Do you want me to let you go?"

"The Temple of Dreams owes you a favor."

The sorcerer looked at the two remaining shrine warriors in front of him, and the equally embarrassed Saint Warrior Griffin, showing a bitter smile:

"You won. We give up the grip of the cold light, as long as you let us go, then the Dream Temple will not be held accountable for you."

The fire of the Lich's soul flashed a few times, and I didn't know what I was thinking.

However, those Ivy's offenses have indeed slowed down.

"To be honest, I am not afraid of offending the **** of dreams." When the lich opened his mouth, he let the gods cool down, but in the next second, he suddenly turned his voice:

"But if you offend the gods, you can do less or less, don't you?"

"I can let you leave safely."

"But one of you is a sacrifice that my tutor personally fancy, her flesh and blood is very attractive... she has to stay!"

The wizard stunned: "She? Who?"

The lich’s hand pointed to the little girl behind the sweaty St. Warrior Griffin...

When Griffin suddenly changed his face.

"The little girl. She is very different."

The lich smiled and said: "She has a considerable treasure in her body. Although it is covered by the cursed breath, it can escape the smell of the **** of the wilderness."

He lifted his dry chin: "She must stay. The rest can be taken away."

The magician took a look at Griffin and decided without hesitation:



Ps: compensation update 1/8

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