Night Ranger

Vol 6 Chapter 119: The power of the field!

You know, Marvin is in stealth at this time.

If you don't rely on special skills, ordinary people can't see him at all!

Because of Hathaway’s restraint, even the lich Bandel did not notice his proximity, let alone the Emerald Banshee and the Double Skull Dragon.

However, the little girl who cursed in her body saw him at a glance!

She also blinked.

"It’s not a mistake..."

Ma Wen’s heart jumped. Bandel said that there is a huge treasure hidden in Jasmine. Is this related to the curse in her?

In any case, he had to find a way to save her.

Watching such a young life die in front of himself is not Marvin's style.

However, the array of life and death has begun its initial operation and everything has been isolated.

If Marvin forcibly breaks in, then there is only one consequence - directly crushed by the power of the squad!

Unless he has the power of the gods!

and many more!

The power of the gods!

Ma Wen’s mind flashed an aura.

In the next second, he did not hesitate to open the field in the virtual godhead!

In the pool of divine power, the power of 15 points immediately consumed 2 points.

Marvin’s body seems to have undergone some changes. Under his deliberate convergence, the domain of representation has not been directly presented to the public.

But the sensitive law array felt it.

You know, this is the domain that belongs to the wilderness god.

Many of the Lich's spells are inherited from the wilderness. The two have something in common!

As Bender's attention was still being held by Hathaway, Marvin tried to get close to the life and death.

He did not rush into it. Instead, he tentatively took a step inside.

A powerful force is coming!

However, Marvin’s face showed a surprise color!

This force does not exclude itself, but instead shows an inclusive attitude.

This feeling is very good, just like the sea is full of fish, Ma Wen quickly drilled in!

Everything happened so quietly, even Minsk, hidden in the side, didn't notice this.

The only thing he saw was the pitiful look of the little girl.

Jasmine is almost overwhelmed.

Her face was bruised. The lips are purple. Trembling all over.

One or more kinds of horrible curse powers simultaneously in her body, the little girl clenched her teeth tightly, and the dry lips actually bleed!


She shouted out the voice.

Although this sound is light, it is surprisingly contagious.

Everyone can't help but be attracted to her.

She was kneeling on the floor, her little head jerked!

Everyone saw this scene, and they were all shocked.

On the white face, there has been a spider-like silk, and it continues to spread!

Even more frightening is her closed eyes. Actually, two lines of blood came out!

"I can't see it!"

Jasmine weeping poorly.

"Why can't I see anything?"

"Uncle Griffin, where are you?"

In the sky, Hathaway looked coldly at this scene.

The Libra Bandel frowned.

The ceremony has begun to work initially, if you want to succeed. This time is almost the official part of the launch.

However, the existence of this witch made him always jealous.

The operation ceremony requires him to fully invest, otherwise it is very likely that the plan will fail!

Hathaway obviously won't give him such an opportunity.

She may not be able to hurt him, but she can make him fail by indirect means.

This is unacceptable to Bander.

As for Jasmine's life and death - to be honest, even if Bander used to be a kind young man, after so many years, after becoming a lich. His heart is dead.

A little girl with a different talent, just die and die.

For him, this medium is actually contingent or not. After all, he is well prepared.


And Ma Wen, who was in the squadron, saw this scene, and suddenly he gnawed his teeth, and the wind rushed to the side of Jasmine!

This time, his whereabouts was suddenly exposed.

Because this array is arranged by Bander!

He was attracted to Hathaway before, and he didn't realize that he was actually mixed in.

Now that Marvin is a little bigger, he immediately noticed it!


"who are you!?"

The lich is very angry: "How can you break into my circle?"

Hathaway’s eyes are also colorful.

This squad is impossible for mortals to enter!

Because life and death are the realm of the gods!

However, Ma Wen did it quietly.

Combined with her memory, this man seems to always be able to do something unexpected.


Ma Wenchong came to the side of Jasmine and took the jasmine up.

"Don't be afraid, I will take you away."

His tone is full of sorrow.

The curse on Jasmine is very powerful, and I don’t know how Griffin was suppressed before.

I am afraid that only the gods of the truth, the heavens, are rare, and it is possible to suppress them.

In the current situation of her, Marvin knows that even if she is sent to her immediately, I am afraid it is difficult to save!

But in any case, he will take her away.

Jasmine's body is very light and is held in her arms by Marvin, as if holding a group of air.

Her body is cold. The eyes are still bleeding.

"Is it Marvin brother?"

"Is Uncle Griffin letting you come? It must be..."

She has words in her mouth.

Ma Wen saw the pain in his heart, only a sigh, the next second, he began to run out of the law!


"You can't think about it!"

Bandel is angry!

What's going on today! ?

There are always some inexplicable people coming out. Try to mess up your plan!

The Anzedi witch is nothing more than this woman. She has six of the highest mob rights in Anze.

When he made a contract with another woman, he obtained the seventh kind of authority, so he could use Anze's iron law to check and balance her.

But what is the man in front of him?

Bandar has a good memory. This guy is one of the legendary strongmen who was caught by himself in the wilderness palace.

How did he appear here?

Did the wilderness hall have an accident?

If you do not care about this, the man dared to openly rob the medium of his ritual, which is absolutely unforgivable by Bander!

"Since you want to die, go to hell!"

The voice of the lich seems extra.

Accompanied by his snoring. The entire formation has begun to change.

The energy of evil spirits ran wildly, and a plant of green vines continued to grow, and flocked to Marvin!

Both Hathaway and Minsk have changed their faces.

"Be careful!"

Hathaway couldn't help but shouted.

This is not the separation of the **** of the wilderness, but the power of his deity!

It is simply that Marvin cannot compete.

The lich sneered again and again.

In his eyes, Marvin is already dead.

There is only one in his end, that is, it is absorbed by the squad and becomes a part of the death container!

But the next moment, the shocking scene happened!

Seeing that the green vines are going to rush to Marvin, the latter suddenly burst into a burst.

The powerful field finally no longer converges. Under the urging of the advanced virtual godhead -


Fully launched!

Feel the familiar atmosphere and power, even Bandel is worried.

This is clearly the power of the **** of the wilderness!

How can this kid...

Can not allow him to think more, in the role of the field, the situation is instantly reversed!

All the vines actually bowed to the court. They automatically form a step, speeding up the escorting of Marvin to leave the squad!

Minsk, who was watching from the side, fell blindly!

"Is this kid the deity of the **** of the wilderness?"

"Or, is it the illegitimate son of the **** of the wilderness? Impossible, I have never heard of the **** of the wilderness, and he has caught the woman, and he usually eats it directly..."

Minsk is confused.

However, the squad did not attack Marvin, but instead helped him to be an iron-like fact.

In the eyes of everyone's surprise, Marvin took Jasmine and left calmly.

"What the **** are you!?"

The lich's tone became extremely dignified.


Marvin’s answer is concise.

"Master. I have seen him!"

The Emerald Banshee finally recognized Marvin: "He was a legendary Ranger who had smashed our blockade line with a samurai!"

The double skull dragon whispered and seemed to agree.

"Legend Ranger?"

The soul of the Lich is flickering.

"I do not care who you are!"

"Today, you are dead!"

"You two, kill him! Grab my media back!"

Bander made the order.

The Emerald Banshee and the Double Skull Dragon immediately began their actions.

At the beginning they chose to retreat, not because of the Ma Wen people, but because of Griffin’s truth!

Losing the shock of the Truth of Heaven, the double-skull dragon Corodi, who is famous in the Scarlet Wilderness, will not be afraid of a human ranger.

Even this guy is a bit strange.

Marvin clung to Jasmine and faced the two people's double-teams.

He just said coldly: "You still care about something more important to you."

The three were surprised.

In the next second, everyone’s eyes are directed inside the circle!

Just at the tip of the six-pointed star, near the coffin, a petite figure suddenly flashed.


Bandel is about to collapse!

What's going on today!

How do you make it seem like everyone can easily break into their own legal matrix?

This is ok! When the mortal breaks in, it is immediately crushed into a powder!

However, the spit was no longer useful at this time, because Hathaway had quickly approached the coffin.

Her gaze is staring at the grip of the cold light!


Shouting this, not only the Lich Bander, but also the demigod Minsk!

However, Hathaway is impossible to listen to them.

"The lost thing will return."

"The authority of the ashes will eventually shine."

"Come back, my flower of the night."


In the low whisper of Hathaway, the grip of the cold light was automatically separated from the coffin and fell directly into his hands.

There was a smile on her face.

However, the next second, a burst of crazy laughter burst in the entire dungeon space!

"Nobody... can stop me from resurrecting..."

"Even if I am the most proud student - Bander, you are the same!"

... (to be continued.)

Ps: Update early! It is so capricious.


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