Night Ranger

Vol 2 Chapter 30: Long night is coming

The evening oak town is very lively, people come and go, and the various foods begin to exude a seductive atmosphere.

And by the side of the street, Yan Yanyan rushed to the adventurers who looked rich and wealthy.

They may have just strolled back from the Chiba Forest, and they are very wide-handed. If they are waiting for it, the tip will be much more than usual.

They may not be able to talk about anything else, but on the eyesight, women can not lose anyone.

Ma Wen walked down the street and had a familiar feeling.

He has been to Oak Town several times, but this familiarity is not the familiarity of the town, but the feeling of walking alone in a strange town.

The former Ma Wen is a lone ranger, not many friends, but all of them are good.

Today's Marvin is more lonely. The only thing he can rely on now is his own.

I neglected a few thieves who grabbed Marvin's hand and pressed it into her chest. She knocked out a thief who tried to steal her wallet. Marvin crossed most of the oak town and came to the east.

There is a blacksmith shop here, the old blacksmith has a beautiful daughter, the girl is very good, she opened a tailor shop next door.

The father and the daughter are very popular with the people in the oak town. The weapons created by the former resisted the attack of many monsters for them, while the latter, who does not love young and beautiful girls?

Marvin stood outside the blacksmith's shop for a while and found that there seemed to be no one inside.

He hesitated and walked into the tailor shop next door.

In the tailor shop, the girl is weighing a figure for a female adventurer. When she sees Marvin coming in, she greets him and gestures to Ma Wenxian for a moment.

Ma Wen casually found a position to sit down.

After a while, the tailors measured the size, and the adventurer paid the deposit. The two parties agreed to get the goods three days later, and a sale was finalized.

This kind of life, Ma Wen has also experienced.

In the game, he also climbed from the bottom step by step. In this world, his identity is aristocratic, which somewhat makes him uncomfortable.

It is still the grassroots atmosphere that makes him feel particularly comfortable.

“Do you need to buy ready-to-wear or custom clothes?”

The girl smiled and said hello. There are two small dimples on her face, very cute, and the hair is brown, like a girl next door.

"My name is Jane. Is there anything I can do for you?"

Ma Wen opened the door and said, "Hello, Miss Jane, I am coming to your father."

"My father?" Jane was slightly surprised: "Are you a friend of hiss?"

"We haven't seen each other yet, but we have heard it." Marvin smiled.

"He's probably in the pub now? Maybe it's coming back at night. It's the off-season recently. Few people find him to build iron, so he often gets in the pub."

Jane explained.

“In the pub?” Ma Wen’s heart suddenly said, “If you don’t mind, can I wait for him here?”

"Ah?" Jane looked up and down Ma Wen, showing a hint of vigilance.

This man, is there any intention for himself?

After all, this kind of thing is not the first time.

However, even if he wants to do it, he will not lose himself!

Think of it here, a simple smile: "Of course."

Haven't waited for Ma Wendao to thank, a black shadow suddenly rushed out from behind the cabinet!

Ma Wen was shocked and got up.

It looks like a black dog with dark skin!

"Wait! Not a bad dog!"

"I* grass... This is [The Nether Wolf]! Although it is still small, it already has the strength of the first-order peak!"


Ma Wen doubled out the scabbard and looked at the secluded wolf with vigilance. Although it was a cub, this guy could already tear a tiger away!

When he was alive, Marvin just heard about the news of some night walkers. He did not think that this kind of girl with good looks actually raised a secluded wolf!

He suddenly understood.

"Mom*, this little girl is treating me as a wolf..."

Marvin is a little bit smirking.

"Ah, sir, don't be nervous."

Jane walked out of the counter and gently touched the head of the Nether Wolf, revealing a sly smile:

"Little black is very obedient. Without my permission, he will not hurt anyone."

Looking at the fierce eyes of the Nether Wolf, Marvin shrugged.

Jane’s implication is that as long as she says a word, the Nether Wolf will tear itself into pieces.

It seems that it is not easy for the little girl to live in the oak town. Presumably, the beauty has caused a lot of trouble for her.

"I don't want to offend, but I really just come to your father."

"Since I don't welcome me here, I will go to the blacksmith shop next door."

Ma Wen took the machete and turned away.

Jane looked at the back of Marvin’s departure.

"Is it really looking for a father?"

"What a strange person, what about an old alcoholic?"

"dont you agree?"

She whispered to the head of the secluded wolf while talking to herself.


The blacksmith shop was very messy and dusty.

The girl said yes, it is indeed the off-season. Everyone has no need for weapons. The old blacksmith naturally has no work to do.

Ma Wen casually found a corner and began to wait patiently.

Time passed by, and the sky gradually darkened. Soon, the blacksmith shop became unable to reach out.

Ma Wen still waits.

During the period, Jane once said that the old blacksmith was likely to spend the night in the pub, let Ma Wentian return, but Marvin thanked her for her kindness and was still waiting.

A night walker will only reveal his edge when night falls.

In the darkness, there are vague footsteps.

Ma Wen quietly opened the hiding.

The dim light came from a distance, and an old man stepped forward, carrying an oil lamp and walking back to his house.

He entered the door, hung the oil lamp aside, and then locked the door of the blacksmith shop.

Ma Wen held his breath, but his heartbeat was somewhat accelerated.

This is the most important and difficult part of this advancement, just tonight.

The old man was drunk and looked drunk. He slammed into the weapon platform and grabbed an iron sword.

His movements look very slow.


Under the dim light, Marvin saw the old man's shoulders shaking sharply for the first time!

This is a precursor to force.

He did not think at all, a wolf smashed incomparably, and escaped from the original place!


The speed of the old man is as fast as a blast, and a sword is in the position where Marvin is just now!

He was not drunk at all.

Although the room was very dim, he still stared at Marvin at a glance.

Ma Wen swallowed a sip and sneaked a glimpse of where he had just sat.

A deep imprint on the ground, that is the most common iron sword, this kind of power in the hands of the elderly.

He must have stayed strong, if it is a full blow... Marvin can't imagine it!

"Yes, I can find the flaws that I deliberately sold you." The old man said blankly: "But this is not enough."

"What are you looking for?"

"Advanced." Marvin opened the door.

"Not many people know my identity. Who told you?" The old man dropped his iron sword and lay directly on a wooden bed in the corner of the room.

"The hearsay."

Ma Wen has already prepared the lines. It’s just that this line is a bit hearsay? The old man sneered.

"If the hearsay can find me, wouldn't those who want me die come to the door every day?"

Marvin shrugged: "I just want to be a better ranger."

"The Ranger's advance is too much. The front is the Chiba Forest. Maybe you can try some of the advanced careers of the elves."

The old man is indifferent.

"The rest of the career will eventually fall."

Marvin slowly took out the double knife and said seriously: "You and I know that the night is coming."

[Long night is coming]. The rumors of the night pedestrian organization.

The old man suddenly turned up from the bed and stared at Marvin: "Who are you?"

"I have seen some futures." Marvin said calmly: "The same is true of Hathaway adults. The prophecies that have been handed down from time to time are about to be realized."

"Sure enough, Hathaway..."

The old man is somewhat relieved.

"It’s another day to wake up. The world is getting more and more chaotic."

"However, it is not a bad thing to wake up one night in the night."

"Young man, come with me."

After all, he took Marvin and pushed the back door of the blacksmith shop.

(Thanks to the book friend [鲲鹏帝君] for the reward. The night is approaching, I am eager to recommend the ticket, Sanjiang ticket, the book friends who have not added the group quickly added Kazakhstan.)

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