Night Ranger

Vol 6 Chapter 131: Lavis

Lavis, the famous Principality of the North, is also one of the few countries in the Cataclysm that can ignite the order of fire in the first place. E Xiaoyan said that █▋█ network

However, it is very unfortunate that although the orderly fire has protected their people from the magic of chaos, the terrible abyss demon has been eyeing the land.

Perhaps the warlock's blood of the Lavis royal family attracted the attention of the devil.

In short, just as Marvin was busy dealing with the phoenix, the door of an abyss was directly opened over the kings of Lavis.

Countless demons rushed down and the battle was very fierce.

When Marvin went to the emerald capital, he still wanted to see it in the past. After all, he and Daniela had a very good relationship. Although he believed in the power of the Snow Queen, his appearance had produced a very strong butterfly effect.

Di Gaogen died early, and Glanes was directly smashed into the Kingdom of God, and even the ancient gods of the truth of the truth were resurrected.

God knows that there is still something that cannot be born.

Therefore, as soon as the end of the Scarlet Wilderness trip, Marvin directly rejected the Laoshuren’s mission to [Green Sea Wonderland] and went to Lavis.

Along the way, there was a very disturbing hunch in his heart.

Isabel's ability to observe the color is very strong. She saw that Marvin's face was not very good-looking, and she said nothing, but silently increased the degree of progress.


I have to say, don't look at the Baihe Valley is now as peaceful as ever, and the Cataclysm has brought too much pain to the people of this world!

Along the way, Marvin and Isabel witnessed too many tragedies.

The supreme jungle is still good. After all, there is also a kind of order fire protection. Only a very small number of animals or plants are demonized, and this part of the creature will soon be eradicated by the druids.

But once they left the site of the high jungle, they simply came to **** on earth!

The supreme jungle is only a trinity of the Principality of Lavis.

However, these three principalities have now become a scene of dead bodies everywhere.

They walked on the avenue between the Principality, and all they saw were the bodies of ordinary people.

The land was dyed dark red, but ironically. E Xiaoyan said that the net www.█ is now at the time of the opening of the North.

No blizzard covers everything, and the catastrophe's actions on human beings are clearly presented to the two.

Isabel had heard of Fernanson in the Scarlet Wilderness, but she could not imagine it without seeing it. What kind of situation is the world's miserable!

Those who have no shelters have become the prey of chaotic magic.

Her eyes were full of anger.

The mountains in the distance are green and there are pink sprouts growing from the branches. At this time, it should be the most beautiful season in the spring of the North.

Farmers should be accompanied by three or five. Beginning to cultivate in the new year, and the nobles will also go to the suburbs, riding horses and springing.

However, all this has disappeared.

Only the body. Countless bodies.

Flocks of crows flew from the stormy coast of the northwest. They smelled the **** smell of the place and were enjoying the feast of the hustle and bustle.

They traversed the blood of the corpse and killed many magic wizards along the way.

As in previous life, Marvin noticed that some of the magical wizards have begun to evolve after killing a large number of lives.

This is very scary.

Under the influence of chaotic magic. In fact, only the wizard's own will was destroyed. His strength has not declined - unless he can resist the temptation of chaos through the will.

However, this just happens to be in line with the essence of witchcraft - that is chaos! Because of this, in the days to come, these magical wizards will continue to grow stronger!

Chaos is a hot spring that breeds sin. This is a vicious circle, but no one can stop it.

Thinking of this, Marvin suddenly remembered a theory about chaos -

All witchcraft comes from magic, and the magic itself. It is the root of chaos.

The two most basic and pure forces of the world come from the heavenly kingdom and the bottomless abyss. The former represents the power of the order of the universe to defend the rules, while the latter represents the chaos of magic that breaks all rules.

In ancient times, wizards were regarded as heretics. It is not without reason. E Xiaoyan said ██ network

Many of the mage schools that later specialized in witchcraft theory research have finally come to the conclusion that if there are more and more people using witchcraft, the world will become more and more chaotic.

The same is true of the entire multiverse.

Confusion means inflation, which means expansion. And inexhaustible expansion and expansion. What may end up in the end is an explosion that cannot be imagined at all!

These theories, Ma Wen used to be involved in the task of demonizing wizards in previous lives.

At the time, he also felt that the setting of these worldviews was quite interesting.

Now that I have crossed the world, these magical wizards who are looking at the opponents have become stronger. Ma Wen’s mind is reminiscent of these theories.

When Lance made the universe magic pool, was it really to maintain the order of the world?

From his perspective, should you be able to see the final destination of the world?

Is chaos such a thing really resistant to order?

After the creation of the universe magic pool, the Tertiary ended. The new **** is promoted and the wizarding era is coming.

Fernan became extremely powerful because of the prosperity of the wizard, but the end of the Quaternary, but also because of these powerful wizards.

Humans are almost extinct. The chaotic magic was released in one breath, like a beast that came out of the cage, affecting the whole world.

The abyss devils have long red eyes, can not wait to kill Fernan in one breath; and the ancient angels who have their own calculations - today's devil monarchs, seems to be also interested in the fourth fate slate; the sea of ​​evil spirits The prophecy is still in the ear, and the filthy energy that is more terrible than the chaotic magic is brewing. God knows that it will take several years, and the most terrible monster will be born; even the heavenly kingdom that symbolizes [order] has lost the bottom line of the gods.

They began to take the initiative to break the rules.

This piece of heaven and earth has become extremely impetuous. Anyone who has the right to choose is not willing to go through Anan.

And innocent, those ordinary dawn people.

Their lives are as small as ants.

In the week after Cataclysm, Fernan’s population has shrunk by two-thirds!

The remaining one-third, most people are hiding in shelters, and very few are hiding in remote villages. They lived a desperate day, not knowing when this era of horror would end.

At the thought of this, Marvin’s mood became even heavier.


They spent most of the day crossing the three principalities.

Marvin comes with a flight and a deformation of the Crown Griffon. Isabel learned a secret technique from the winter assassin, and he traveled thousands of miles a day.

The two sides have tried the degree of long-distance attack, Marvin is now, after Isabel opened the secret. Running actually is faster than flying!

This is really too bad!

Ma Wen is also only envious of this.

There are always some geniuses in this world. Unfortunately, this kind of mystery can't be used in combat, otherwise this apparently agile state can definitely kill anyone across the level.

As a leader of the Tertiary, the winter assassin is still quite sophisticated; if it is not innocent. It is estimated that the shadow prince is him now.

"We have arrived!"

The entrance to a forest, the wild grass grows wildly, but still can't cover the stone.

[Lavis, the country of the warlock]

There is also a small rumor below: [The facts are not visible to the naked eye].

Ma Wen understands the meaning of this sentence. The Principality of Lavis is not much better than the Rock Hill in the eyes of the world. The only difference is that the warlocks of the Rocky Mountain were exiled by the Southern Wizards, and the Principality of Lavis was forcibly established by the Cretan family.

Strength is everything. The Principality of the Northern Territory still recognizes the status of Lavis, but still regards them as devils and ghosts.

Marvin himself is also a warlock, he knows that this is just a blood force.

This shows that ignorance is the biggest demon ghost.

"Let's go……"

The two entered the forest.

In the forest. A warm atmosphere suddenly filled.

This is something they have never felt before.

[The power of order].

From the place where the chaos of magic is everywhere, into the place where the fire of order is shining, every feeling is so strong.

A restless heart suddenly calmed down.

Even Marvin and Isabel have this feeling, let alone other people.

They followed the path through the forest and into the borders of Lavis.

It is a duchy. In fact, the northern city is full of land, and the territory of Lavis is not very open.

Marvin once estimated that the entire Lavis, centered on the king city built on the snowy mountains, has not yet opened up the Baihe Valley.

After all, after accepting River Beach City and Jiangang, Marvin’s territory has been very amazing.

If the Southern Wizards League is still there. He can at least seal a Marquis. And this territory is in the North, enough to build a Principality and even a kingdom!


They are advancing on the road of the Principality, and some bodies can still be seen along the way, but they are much better than the Three Principalities!

These bodies are all left by the devil.

They passed some villages. Only these villages are empty.

Before this cataclysm, it was simply unthinkable.

Marvin and Isabel crossed the four principalities of the Northland Actually none of the living people saw it.

But after the Cataclysm, such a scene has become the norm.

It was not until they approached the avenue of Wangcheng that they encountered a fresh life.

What makes Marvin feel helpless is that they not only met a group of refugees.

The side of this group of refugees. There is actually a demon squad!

Leading is a face-faced horned demon who looks strong and is talking about something in a lame genre.

And the group of trapped refugees showed a desperate look.

Isabel looked at Marvin.

The latter said faintly:

"You do it."

... (to be continued.)

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