Night Ranger

Vol 6 Chapter 144: Dark ghost

White River Valley, inside the master bedroom.

The rest of the people have already retired, leaving only two people, Lori and Jessica.

Although Anna is very uneasy, but before Ma Wen also confessed, after he left, the list of people who can be trusted includes the three sisters of the Tianshi of the Rocky Mountain.

There is no doubt that it can be a person with a plane, usually not an evil one.

It is precisely because of this that the Apocalypse Warlock is easy to get the support and trust of everyone, just an apocalypse warlock, in any era, you can pull up a bunch of people.

Not to mention three.

It’s just that, it’s a bit exaggerated and dazzling, and it’s easy to attract others’ jealousy.

Of course, these are all words.

“Really the only way?”

Jessica's face is weird.

Her Swiss.

The latter has a dim sum. In front of many civilians in the city of hope, she guards one of the three sisters of the city of hope. However, in front of Jessica, she is always the youngest sister.

Her eyes turned and eventually nodded, saying in a very light voice: "My level of apocalyptic power is still relatively low, so... it seems to be the only way."

Jessica glanced at the stupid. The lucky elf scared and immediately fled to the back of Lori to hide.

Don't say that Kate is not there, even if her master is here, there is no way to stop Jessica from pinching her face.

The apocalypse warrior known for his violence is almost the only person the lucky elf is afraid of in this world.

Jessica indulged for a moment.

Ma Wen quietly on the bed, his brows wrinkled from time to time, as if he had fallen into a huge nightmare.

"If the people who are really gods of dreams are doing things, Marvin is very dangerous now."

"Forget it, special circumstances are special treatment. You take care of the power, start, if the person in the temple of dreams appears in front of me, I will make him smash!"

In the next second, the powerful apocalyptic force broke out and shrouded the entire bedroom.

See Jessica ready. Lori himself was a little shy.

She twisted and twisted to the side of the bed, hesitated in the look of dumb, and finally kissed gently.


Dream space.

The exchanges between Marvin and Lance went very smoothly. Regarding why he chose Marvin, he has already got a satisfactory answer.

For both sides, perhaps a win-win decision, although Lance did not inform Marvin before. But Marvin did not complain.

He knows that the weak is the power to complain.

Because Ambera is already dead. So Ma Wen is not in a hurry to leave.

He wants to get more useful information from the Lance mouth.

For example, if Lance asked Marvin to come to the world, what exactly is he trying to correct?

On this question, Lance did not answer immediately, but fell into a silence.

Ma Wen is also very patient. He also knows that it is very troublesome to make the **** of the wizard feel tricky. It may even be impossible to make it clear for a while.

Of course, if Lance wants to keep this secret. He certainly can't continue to ask, after all, this is just a memory of his own.

"This question, if you really want to say it, I am afraid to start from myself."

After a long time, Lance only smiled: "As the creation **** of Fernando, perhaps you all think that I am the most powerful person, but in fact. At the beginning, I was only a successor and supervisor (detailed See "The Head of the Wizard", which has been harmonious, and interested can find db)."

"Because of some compelling reasons, I can only grow with the world, at the beginning of the world. Give him a strong blessing to avoid his death in the process of growing up."

"I have done all this for so many years. I have repelled many aliens in the outer plane, protected the will of the plane, and supported many of the world's indigenous forces. The most typical one is the sect of your Quaternary. - by building a universe magic pool."

"In this world. I am omnipotent."

"But the more it is, the more I feel a heavy pressure on me."

"Although I already knew that the ending was so, when it arrived, I was very reluctant to accept it."

Lance’s language is a little bit flashy, and at the same time his image has become a bit fuzzy!

Marvin was shocked.

Is it just these words that have led to such exaggerated fluctuations in this memory?

However, Lance did not stop, he continued to say: "I have been completely branded in this world. I am also eager to reach a higher level - as early as many years ago, I have been a world, I took me Many of my friends have been sent to the world, and I have this power. But the irony is that it is this power that binds me. I am trapped in my own weaving cage and can't come out."

Ma Wen took a deep breath: "The universe magic pool."

Lance smiled: "Not just the universe magic pool."

"All the order in this universe was built by myself."

"If I want to get rid of this situation, I have to make some changes..."

"Later...the opportunity is coming..."



"But... something went wrong...should"

Later, Lance's figure became increasingly blurred.

His voice has also become intermittent.

Marvin was in amazement. He shouted: "What is it? What is the situation with you now? Are you successful or failing? Make it clear!"

He is not depressed.

The great secret of the eye wizard's **** is about to be unveiled.

Suddenly, this Lance figure completely collapsed in this space.

Not only that, but the space itself has begun to melt.

Ma Wen could feel that a cool force poured into his body and poured into his mind!

He only felt that the front was black, and immediately, as if the soul returned to the body, he mastered the control of the body!

The next second, he opened his eyes and a cute face swayed in front of him.

"He woke up!"

The lucky elf shouted at the side: "I said that this method is the most effective."

Marvin’s people in the ground. With the call of the stupid, the rest of the people poured into the bedroom of the city owner.

Not only Anna, Mediterra, etc., but also some reliable members of the White River Valley. Including the undead Necromancer Federer, and the nerve-stricken nameless alchemist.

They all looked at the text.

Marvin smiled and laughed at the side.

It is strange that the little girl who is usually lively and lovely suddenly becomes very quiet. Especially shy.

The little face is red and it’s cute.

Ma Wen did not think too much.

He Sika and Lori: "Are you saved me?"

Jessica frowned. The power of the apocalypse slowly converges: "What about the **** of dreams?"

Ma Wen hesitated for a moment, and finally he said casually: "I was killed."

He can't always tell the story of the sorcerer's **** Lans in the space of consciousness.

After ensuring that Marvin was safe, everyone was relieved. Marvin took a break and left the bedroom to dine with the restaurant.

In the process, he learned that he had spent three days in a dream.

In the past three days, Fernan has said that there has not been a particularly large shock. But a lot of things have happened.

Fortunately, Mediterra is still a wary, early to invite the warlocks in the rocky mountains, otherwise Ma Wen himself wants to leave the space of consciousness is still a very difficult thing.

After all, although Ambera died, her dreams are still in her cage.

As for Lance, he can only help Marvin kill Ambera, but can't help Marvin break through the dream itself.

The only thing that makes Marvin ridiculous is that the eye is about to reveal the answer. They were rescued in time.

All of this is destined.

If there is no Ambra, Marvin will not encounter Lance; but Marvin can't blame the Apocalypse Warlocks. They are also worried that the longer they are delayed in the dream, the more likely they are to be killed by Ambella.

As for how they saved themselves, Marvin is not a fool. I woke up at the first sight of Lori, naturally the hand of the apocalypse warlock.

Jessica’s power of apocalypse is that once it is opened, it has the power to ruin it, but it is estimated that the strangeness of dreams can make Marvin’s brains smash.

And Lori, her power of apocalypse is. Feeling the cool power in the space of consciousness should be the enlightenment of wisdom.

The power of wisdom can indeed awaken a person from a dream.

Just to make Marvin wonder, why did Rory, who has always been very active in the impression, see no one today? And the guy in the clumsy is full of gloating?


After the lunch, Anna and others performed their duties.

Jessica claimed that there was something important to talk to Marvin, so the two came to the study.

Who knows that when I first entered the study, Jessica snorted, and the powerful apocalyptic power suddenly locked Marvin!

Marvin was shocked: "What are you doing?"

Jessica said with ease: "Two things."

"First, the impact of the dark winter is more terrible than you expected. Many underground races have left the dungeons and started to hit the surface world. The city of hope is the first line of defense in the human world. Recently, we are under great pressure. Suspected that there are some problems in the dark world. Some people claim that they have some ancient figures in the frozen spring..."

"!?" Ma Wen's face was a must.

Are the monsters in the frozen springs born in advance?

"Do you know them?" Jessica was surprised, but she continued: "If your body is fine, I hope you can help me once."

"Kate must guard the city of hope, and I am alone, I don't know much about the dark world. I hope that you can take a trip with me. I know that your adventures are very rich."

This question, Ma Wen very happy to agree.

Anyway, he will have nothing else to do now.

The dark ghost is a very terrible ancient ethnic group It is said that it was sealed by the ancient Anzedi people in the Yongchun Spring. Under the influence of the Cataclysm, the frozen springs expanded, and the seal of the dark ghosts seemed to Loose.

What's more, there is a very powerful artifact in the frozen spring, which Ma Wen has been yearning for.

Now, it is time to take it.


"The second thing, you have to promise me..."

Jessica’s eyes are getting worse and worse: “Let’s be good to Lori in the future.”

Marvin is somewhat inexplicable.

He nodded subconsciously and immediately reacted: "What do you mean by this sentence, and what does this look mean?"


Today is two more, tomorrow's update is still nine in the morning, has been timed. (To be continued.)


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