Night Ranger

Vol 6 Chapter 189: duel

The invisible looks like an ordinary middle-aged human. E novel \\`

His legs should have been lost in the battle with the dark ghosts, so you can only walk with a pair of crutches.

But this did not make him look like a weak person.

Marvin felt a strong breath from him. He was like a long-lost beast that seemed to have lost his anger, but he could still explode as long as there was something to ignite.

He can survive from the distant wilderness to the present, and his pedigree is in the ectopic face of the past, and should be the advanced lineage of the long-lived species.

Once a person has lived for too long, he will naturally see a lot of things, and even stupid people may become wise men, not to mention that some people are very smart.

According to Marvin's understanding, the hidden person stayed in the dark area, it should be guarded by the seal of the frozen spring.

He hated the dark ghosts, because they would destroy his world.

He has no feelings for Fernan, but he does not want to see the dark ghosts murder on this land.

Only now, his attitude is a bit strange.


Ma Wen hesitated for a moment, and finally he said calmly: "No matter what, there must always be someone to stop it."

"I hope to get your help."

The hidden person looked at Ma Wen meaningfully: "Young people, have you ever thought that the disaster will never be extinct. When you save the world, it is very likely that the next crisis is imminent."

"You can't save everyone alone -- not to mention that this is not your responsibility."

"Why don't people who destroy order solve these problems by themselves? If the universe magic pool still exists, the seal of the frozen spring will not be damaged. The power of the king of night will not fade."

Marvin’s expression has become a little weird.

He knew some insider, especially after Ambera had invaded his dreams, and he had a conversation with Lance.

It was from that conversation that he learned that the gods attacked the universe magic pool, which turned out to be the meaning of Lance!

The thorns in the words of the occult, obviously know this too. ┆┠┠E┢小说~^-_-

He is actually directly accusing Fernan's creation god?

Marvin frowned slightly: "Do you think someone is using me?"

The Hidden Shakes his head: "I don't know your origins, but I must have experienced desperate people. I can have an unusual mind."

"Of course I can borrow you from the Demon Sword, but I have seen some of them in your body... the indescribable shadow."

"So I can't help but remind you: Some things, maybe you think it's a gift; but for others, you are just a piece."

"You should think more about the meaning of life."

Hear it here. Marvin suddenly smiled:

"Before thinking about the meaning of life, I have to think about survival."

"You are right. Some things are not my responsibility, but there are always people who stand up and do it, aren't they?"

"I am not a noble person. But even if I can live well for myself and the people around me, I must go all out to fight in this era of catastrophe."

"As for the meaning of life, I want to wait for all the dust to settle, and it will naturally come out."

The invisible smile, it seems that Ma Wen became a hot young man.

He did not want to say more and handed a huge dice directly to Marvin.

The sword in the scorpion is the sword of the demon.

In the quiet words of the hidden, Marvin learned its usage.

This weapon is made by the power of the whole world before the demise of his world.

It is used for a number of times. It currently has two remaining usages. E-fiction !-!_^^^^ When the number of uses is reached, the sword of the demon will eventually disintegrate.

After Ma Wen understood the usage, his face became more dignified.

The harsh conditions of use of the Demon Sword make it harder to kill the final Ghost.

It is no wonder that the invisible is not optimistic about Marvin’s actions.

But he eventually loaned the weapon to Marvin. Why is this?

Marvin did not ask this question, but after respecting the etiquette, he left the quiet valley.

Soon, there is a hidden person and a donkey in the valley.

"A young fool, isn't it?"

Looking at Marvin’s leaving figure, he whispered.

The hidden man shook his head slowly.

"If it is really a fool, how can I lend him the sword of the demon?"

"This kid is a bit interesting. The meaning of the mouth is stunned. But it is not necessarily the case in my heart."

"Wait until all the dust settles? Great tone. I suddenly felt that I have been sitting for thousands of years, and finally a little interesting story is about to be born."

I don’t know why I look at the hidden.

The latter chuckled: "Everyone wants to break through the cage."

"This world is destined to be finished, because even the creation gods want to destroy the world, and then they are happy."

"But he knows he can't do this. So he can only rely on the power of other people. But he can't do it now, so he just finds someone else in the world."

"The kid is from other worlds, so there is no brand of Fernan, this is the same as me. He is the only variable in the whole game. Lance feels that everything is under control. But at least it seems that his The abacus may not be able to do so."

"You know, some chess pieces, but barely like words, even if they rush to the head and break the blood, they will sweep all the smog on this board."

"When the chess piece becomes a chess player, who wants to overturn this chessboard is not an easy task."

I showed a very sincere look: "To be honest, I didn't understand."

The hidden person smiled dumbly: "It doesn't matter if you don't understand."

"At this time, we outsiders can watch the show honestly."


Marvin’s footsteps are silent, and his movements are like shadows.

But in his mind, he still echoed the words of the hidden person.

That is not a touch to him.

Lance brought him to the world of Fernan, must have his purpose; what is the purpose? Marvin has not seen it clearly.

As for the chess piece, Ma Wen can only laugh at himself: it is better to be a **** than to continue to be a disabled person.

At the very least, I still have hope.

There is hope, there is unlimited possibilities.

Lance and the gods, a layer of conspiracy or conspiracy, he is not qualified to think at these levels.

He is very clear that he is qualified to consider this only when his strength can influence the universe.

Otherwise it doesn't make sense at all.

The words of the invisible may be out of good intentions, but in the current view of Marvin, it is still too early.

If you don’t think about these messy things, it’s king to try to improve your strength.

Of course, not thinking about it does not mean disregard; on the contrary, Marvin’s mind is very clear.

Everyone’s actions are not without reason, they are all driven by interests.

If one day, everything goes down, even if it is to be an enemy of Lance, Marvin will not be afraid.

Because at that time, he will grow to the point where even Lance can't imagine!

This is Ma Wen’s confidence in himself and his own requirements.


Three days later, Rosen was in the north of the fortress.

In a small fortress.

On the duel field, two groups of people were arrogant.

"Rui Wen, do you really think about it?"

"Even if you win, you can't get that seat; of course, look at the strength comparison, you can't win."

"Our ruby ​​fortress is a small fortress, and what you want is too far away from you. Unless you consider my previous proposal..."

A middle-aged human being greedily looked at Ruiwen and the same beautiful female drow next to her, swallowing her mouth and saying:

"We join hands, you help me sit in that position, we share everything, how?"

The people around him squirmed in unison and responded to the remarks.

He has more people, about three times more than Ruiwen.

This time, in order to consolidate his control of the Ruby Fortress He also pulled the other fortress forces at any cost, in order to take Ruiwen this group of people in one fell swoop.

In his opinion, this is not a difficult thing, but he is a patron of God who has the blessing of the Dark Dragon God.

Ruiwen and others have been abandoned by the gods, and it is impossible to compete with him.

The reason why he advised, he just did not want the ruby ​​fortress to become weak because of internal friction.

Only Ruiwen had not spoken. The female drow around her had already stood up. Her tone was very cold:

"How come so much nonsense?"

"When you say that the duel is a winner, whoever loses who rolls, the rest of the things are finished and you can't do it? You are really annoying."

The middle-aged face immediately became ugly.


Although it has passed twelve o'clock, this chapter is still yesterday. Five more completed! (To be continued.)

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