Night Ranger

Vol 2 Chapter 37: Feinan Era

Sheehan is worthy of the title of First Aider, and it seems to be not only a blacksmith, but also a doctor.

Soon, he finished the treatment of Marvin's ankle.

Although Marvin must walk on a cane, it is expected to recover after two or three days.

This result has been very good, and there are sequelae in the case of injuries that are often ruined.

In this respect, the powerful side of the night walker organization is revealed.

Although there are only 18 people left, Shine, who is the former leader, still has a lot of good things.

Includes some magic scrolls and some secret medicines.

The value of these drugs is very high, but he did not hesitate to use it on Marvin.

From these actions, he has decided to accept Ma Wen as his apprentice.

Yes, apprentice.

After completing the first test, Marvin learned from Sean that the process he needed to become a night walker was far more complicated than he knew.

He is still an apprenticeship, and only after completing a one-year test can he officially enter the night walker!

One year, it is too long for Ma Wen!

This is what he did not expect at all!

If you know that the nightwalker's apprenticeship is one year, he can't come to the advanced direction.

However, Sheehan seemed to see Marvin's anxiety, but she appeased him.

After listening to Sheehan’s explanation, Ma Wen was relieved.

It turned out to be the case.


For the next two days, Marvin took a good rest in the blacksmith shop. During this time he met the old blacksmith's daughter Jane, who was embarrassed to apologize to him.

"It turned out that you really came to my father, I thought..."

The girl said a little shy.

"It doesn't matter. It's a good thing for girls to be vigilant. By the way, the oatmeal you cook is good."

Ma Wen said with a smile.

Jane's face was red, and she found an excuse to slip away. Ma Wen didn't care too much. He didn't come to pick up the girl. He could learn Sheehan's craftsmanship.

But then again, there seems to be a female tailor who lacks a good craft in the territory?


Two days later, with the help of night-time pedestrians organizing various secret drugs, Marvin completely healed.

He regained his health and was once again alive and kicking.

Sheehan saw this scene and nodded at Marvin, indicating that he was ready.

Because the test of the second ring is coming soon.

Late at night.

The backyard of the blacksmith shop.

"I didn't expect that there is still a basement here."

Marvin followed the old blacksmith Sheehan into the basement.

The tunnel is a spiraling staircase with a candle that is inconspicuous. The atmosphere is very gloomy.

It seems that some people sang ancient songs in the distance.

"Nightwalkers are a secret organization, and not many people know about our existence." Old Sheehan's answer was blunt.

"Include your daughter?" Marvin asked.

"Kid, if you dare to pretend to be a pedestrian in the night, believe me, although I have now been ruined most of the ability, but still can kill you several times." The old blacksmith snorted.

Marvin shrugged and had no fear of the threat of the old blacksmith: "Jane is not a fool. On the contrary, she is very smart. You can't beat him."

The old blacksmith was silent for a moment and shook his head: "I just don't want her to be involved in too much right and wrong."

"Girls like her, just calmly and live forever."

Marvin sighed and said: "It's hard."

"To tell the truth, what did your kid see?" The old blacksmith couldn't help but ask: "Hethersea saw the demise, what about you?"

"A catastrophe." Marvin did not evade: "No one can survive. If you want to let Jane have a heart for a lifetime, I am afraid that Oak Town is not a place to live."

Sheehan looked at Ma Wen with suspicion and finally said:



It is indeed.

The ladder came to an end and was a small, narrow room.

The corner of the room is a dark mural.

The content on the mural is very monotonous, with only a pair of eyes, under the eyes, faintly radiant.

Among the glory, there are countless skeletons, and people on the cheekbones are struggling and mourning.

Although it is just a very simple painting, it has a great impact on Marvin's vision!

"this is……"

"This is a scene in ancient times when people struggled in the night." Shee said seriously: "The king of the night walks out of the darkness, guarding the souls of Fernan, free from monsters and outsiders."

"Ancient times?" Marvin stunned.

Regarding the king of the night, he has never been very familiar with it. The information in the game is rarely mentioned, it seems that the next few pieces of information will be open.

At least when Marvin crossed, the real body of the Night King had not appeared.

At present, according to Marvin, Fernan's history of civilization is almost composed of four epochs.

First Age, Chaos. Before the arrival of the **** of the wizard, Lance, Fernan's magic was overflowing, and the power of order and the magic of chaos overlap, giving birth to life.

In the chaotic era, day and night often have long-term reversal. For example, for four or five consecutive years, it is night.

It is the legendary night.

The king of the night seems to be the character that emerged in this era. Some people say that he is a demon from the abyss, and some people say that he is one of the avatars of the **** of the wizard.

But in fact, the record of the king of the night seems to be earlier than the **** of the wizard, Lance.

The Chaos period ended after the arrival of the wizarding **** Lance.

Lance made the Holy Grail and created the universe magic pool, which made the whole world biased towards order.

At this time, Fernan gave birth to the first natural deity - the elf ancient god, his name is Wo. Wo is a member of the Fernan High Elves. He became the ancient **** of the elves through some unknown ways. He has a very good relationship with Lance.

At that time, Lance seemed to be busy fighting some of the outer-dimensional monsters of Feinan. He temporarily handed Fernan to Wo.

So the high elves rise and dominate everything. This is the brilliant second century. Except for the elves, the rest are lower races.

The elf ancient **** did not like this situation, so he left Fernan and helped Lance defend against foreign enemies, and then fell into a deep sleep.

This is followed by the departure of the high elves and the third period of the race. It is also in this era that Fernan has seen three slabs of fate in succession.

Those who have obtained slate fragments have become gods.

The gods of the gods, in addition to some natural gods, that is, the first generation of ancient gods, most of the gods were formed by the power of destiny in the third era.

Then the **** of the wizard, Lance, returned to Fernan to establish the order of the wizard and the rise of mankind.

In the Quaternary, the **** of the wizard left again. This time, he seemed to leave very thoroughly.

The gods who rose in the Third Age began to feel restless.

Because there is prophecy, the fourth fate slate, inside the universe magic pool. Only by breaking it will it appear on Fernan.

At the end of the Quaternary, the wind and rain began to slowly kick off the prelude.


These memories slowly passed through Marvin’s mind.

The pair of deep eyes seem to be more vivid.

"Let's go. One year of apprenticeship, I hope you can bear it."

"I can tell you clearly that the name of this pass is called patience!"

Shee single-handedly pressed one of the eyes, indicating that Marvin did the same.

Then he began to mutter a spell that Marvin could not understand.

This spell is very It took three minutes to read.

Suddenly, Marvin only felt that the palm of his hand was hot, and a powerful attraction was uploaded from the eyes!

His whole person was inhaled into the mural!


It is dark.

Marvin has dark vision, but here, I can't see anything!

This is [Yong Night Paradise]! It belongs to the half-face of the king of the night!

Yes, Marvin will have to spend this half-bit in the next year of apprenticeship!

The only good news is that the time at Everlasting Paradise is not the same as that of Fernan.

One year here is equivalent to one day in Fernan!

It is precisely because of this that Ma Wencai decided to continue the advance of the night pedestrians. Otherwise, he has to go back to the three-ring tower to solve the problem of the Holy Grail.

However, even so, this year is very difficult.

Because time is on Marvin, it is constantly passing.

“What do I need to do?” Marvin asked.

Sheehan’s voice came from afar: “You are my apprentice, of course, what do you do when you do what I do.”

"What are you doing?" Marvin was a bit stunned.


The crispness of the metal came from afar.

"I am a blacksmith." Sheehan replied:

"Come on, young man, you will be with the stove and the hammer in the next year!"

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