Night Ranger

Vol 6 Chapter 206: Misfortune

Between the electric and the flint, the crypt of the crypt only feels that there is a plane coordinate in the consciousness suddenly. Although I don’t know where the coordinates came from, he judged according to the instinct that the force that dared to hurt himself was From that plane!

He is very angry!

The fire is comparable to the most terrible punishment. If he is not a child of the ancient evil spirits, I am afraid that it will be burned out in the first place. -`-1

So under the deliberate guidance of Naru's book, the crypt of the crypt is struggling out of the glacier in the roar!

The fire burned a huge cave on the surface of his skin.

The powerful self-healing power of the crypt is fighting against the fire!

The wound was burned and then reborn, and this feeling made the crypts almost mad.

He subconsciously waved a claw.

The space is instantly torn!

If the universe is still there, he can never do it so easily.

But now, the universe magic pool has completely collapsed under the efforts of the new gods such as the Dark Dragon God.

Without the barriers of the planes, the powerful talent of the crypts began to show up.

He screamed and tore the space, and the next second, his huge body slowly plunged into the crack in the space!

Not far from the darkness, Jessica looked thrilling!

She didn't know where Marvin went, but the Apocalypse imprint told her that Marvin was still dead!

The crypt of the crypt does not know how it suddenly disappeared into the dark area. Where did he go?

So Ma Wen, where have you gone?

"No wonder he said he was going to find a stupid."

"At that time, did he have a new plan? Wisdom talent, is it really so powerful?"

Jessica was slightly determined, after avoiding the collapsed area, began to carefully search for the traces of Marvin while quietly waiting for the arrival of the lucky elf.

Only when she is there is it possible to find the exact coordinates of Marvin.

However, there is already a guess in Jessica’s mind.

Ma Wen is very likely to leave the world together with the crypt.


Wing of the Black Dragon.

On the vast plain, a male city rises from the ground.

Surrounded by countless towers. Layer by layer, a scale-like humanoid soldier strictly guards the city.

Everyone's entry and exit is strictly controlled.

Because this is a world of strict hierarchy.

The great God gave them joy. They must give back to faith.

He taught them how to fill their stomachs and how to live. He warned the world that the hierarchy is insurmountable.

This city is the greatest embodiment of the spirit of the Dark Dragon Church.

Every lap. Both mean a level.

The more you go, the higher the level.

This is the imperial capital of the Dragon Empire, the most central, naturally the Dark Dragon God Temple, and the Royal Palace, but also to establish the scope of the second lap.

Today is a prayer day that must be held every week.

Everyone in the capital, from the emperor to the emperor, to the pawn, must participate in the prayers hosted by the great pope.

They must pray in earnestness in order to be happy. In order to obtain God's blessing and forgiveness, you can be redeemed after death!

In every corner of the city, everyone walked out of their house and squatted on the ground.

No one will pass the rules, they look at the most important tower.

There is the residence of the great Pope.

On this day of the week, he will stand on the tower to preside over the prayer ceremony for the people of the Imperial City.

Even if it is a royal family, you can only listen carefully outside the palace at the Second Ring Road and pray in earnest, otherwise you will have the genocide!


Time has come and everyone has lowered their heads.

When the radiance of the smear shines from the top of the tower. Everyone must bow their heads and kiss the cold land.

The spokesperson of God in the world is not tolerant of mortals.

Even if they look at it more, their eyes will be burned and shattered.

The majesty of God does not allow any embarrassment.

Everyone is bowing. Listen quietly to prayer.

Even these praise words, they have heard too many times, but do not know why, every time they listen, they will still have tears.

That kind of great happiness falls from the sky, so that they cherish the present life very much.

perhaps. This is the power of faith.

Prayer usually lasts for fifteen minutes. There is not much, one second, and the Pope presides over the prayer day for many years. He is precise like a clock, and there is no possibility of any error.

But today may be an unusual day.

Because after the prayer is completed, the Pope’s majestic voice is done by their ears:

"Today, God's people will witness a trial."

"Judge a pagan, he will sleep with the darkness, which is already God's most tolerant punishment for him."

"Our great devout people go to the opposite side and ignite their bodies, in order to represent our world and to witness our piety to the great gods!"

"You have the privilege of seeing this scene and seeing the stupid and arrogant pagans burning into charcoal under the flame of the great martyrs!"

"How lucky are you, how lucky we are!"

"Open your eyes, let us look at our heroes, let us see the sinners from different worlds!"

"Because in the near future, we will attack the sinners of the world in the name of God! God's people, please let your heart be firmer and let your faith be more pious. Please let us God feels that you are as broad as the sea, like the firm belief of Castle Peak!"

In the warm and passionate speech of the Pope, everyone couldn't help but look up and look at the sky.

On the sky, a silk-like cloth floats.

There is a picture on it, intermittent.

They saw a lone walker.

He was wearing a black robe, and the black robe occasionally showed a corner. They could see some silver scales!

That is the symbol of the great royal family!

Martyrs from the Dragon Emperor's Royal Family!

The spirits of the emperor were suddenly excited. Many of them know this man.

He is the most potential man in the royal family and is said to be a member of the Kingdom of Heaven.

However, nowadays, with his devout faith, he has gone to a different world.

He walks alone in the dark, just to judge a sinner!

They all know the name of the sinner - Marvin!

"Kill him!"

"Kill him!"

"Let him become ashes and let his soul suffer forever!"

The creatures shouted excitedly.

The Pope looked at this scene with satisfaction, and he could feel that the power of faith from this plane became more Sometimes trials are more useful than prayer.

He also smiled and looked at Scorpio.

He saw the fire that the hero successfully ignited.

"Definitely dead."

The Pope said in silence.

He knew that the flame was so powerful that the low-level gods could not resist.

Who knows suddenly, the silk curtain disappeared.

He frowned and looked down subconsciously.

Who knows this, but he is surprised that all the creatures are staring at themselves.


The second is sent! Counterattack begins! Ask for a monthly ticket recommendation! (To be continued.)

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