Night Ranger

Vol 2 Chapter 39: Heroes save the United States?

Chiba's forest.

The forest at night is extraordinarily quiet. The moonlight is on the top of the tree, and in the shadow below, no one knows what is hidden.

However, this silence does not seem lonely. The entire forest is in a peaceful state.

If Marvin is a druid, he can get more information about the forest, even the history of each tree.

However, as a ranger, the forest is also his favorite zone. He can feel the calm of this place.

There is a powerful force that is guarding this place.

Just as Anthony fell before the night and night, the eyes of the sun gazing at the entire east coast, people would feel a special feeling of peace of mind.

The aborigines in the Chiba Forest are blessed by the Great Elf King.

Every tree, every squirrel, is like this.

The evil forces are thinking about this place. And those greedy adventurers don't dare to go too far. The Elf Iron Guard closely watches the edge of the Chiba Forest, and any human intrusion will be driven out or locked in a cage.

The cages of the elves are hard to escape.


At the edge of the forest, the two figures are moving forward in tandem.

Ma Wen’s heart is both depressed and a little excited.

Sheehan is too anxious too much? Just separated from the half-face of the Night King [Yong Night Paradise], he immediately urged Ma Wen to enter the Chiba Forest.

After a whole year of blacksmith life, Ma Wen is also tired.

That kind of fatigue is not physical, but mental fatigue. Now supporting him to keep moving forward, there is only a tough soul will, and the temptation to become a night walker.

That's right, Sheehan has said very well before starting.

The next step is the final part of the night walker - accepting the baptism of the king of the night!

Once this link is completed, Marvin will be able to progress into a qualified night walker and join the Night Walker organization.

On the candlestick of Sheehan, a candle full of vitality will be reignited.

"The tomb of the King of the Night is built in the forest of Chiba. At that time, the forest of Chiba has not been controlled by the elves."

"So if you want to accept the blessing of the King of the Night, you must sneak into the forest of Chiba."

"Be careful on the road, you can't be discovered by the Elf Iron, otherwise it will be very tricky."

This is what Sean and Marvin said before departure.

After he finished, he did not say anything, showing the powerful strength of the former leader of the night walker - this old guy looks old and old, and claimed to have been irreparably damaged, but he ran fast!

Ma Wen can't catch up with him! If he didn't deliberately reduce the speed of advancement, and without a few breaths, Marvin would not know where he was going.

This made Marvin once again feel the power of the night walker.

Sheehan is not a legend!

He was infinitely close to the legend - 8th Ranger / 12th Night Walker, this is Sheehan's profession. After the fifth grade, the night walkers rarely choose to advance to other professions, but continue to upgrade their positions and enter the third stage. Or enhance the basic profession to enhance the multifaceted nature of their operations. Sheehan is one of the representatives.

This has something to do with the strong expertise of the night walker.

Although Marvin didn't know how many people he had killed in Sheen, his expertise in [Night Killing] has been raised to at least level 4.

"Otherwise, he can't run so fast..."

"I am also very long and agile. I have a very high bonus on running speed, but I still can't keep up."

"This is not the scope of agile decision, it is the ability of night pedestrians to change into a state at night!"

Marvin struggled to follow Heine and ran hard.

He rarely runs so hard, but the only advantage is that he does not need to perceive the surrounding environment.

He only needs to rush along every part of Sheehan.

Marvin suspected that his mentor could play a great druid in the forest at night.

Unfortunately, Sheehan is said to have suffered very serious injuries during the peak period. The combat strength is far from the same, otherwise advanced legends are also possible.

So the mentor and the singer ran wildly in the Chiba Forest at night.

The benefits of dark vision are vividly displayed, even if it runs fast, everything goes into the eyes of Marvin.

And one year of exercise has greatly improved his physique - do not underestimate the two physiques, these two qualities brought to Ma Wen is the transformation of physical strength and endurance.

Not only can he run faster, he can also run long.

More importantly, with the rise of physical fitness, Marvin's personal expertise [outbreak] will produce a stronger attack limit.

This is incalculable for his strength.

Unfortunately, the specific properties of the machete have not yet been studied. Marvin actually wants to stop and look at the specific attributes and hidden attributes of [Rage Fire], but Sean does not give him this opportunity.

The old guy threatened to say that if Ma Wen lost, the advance of the night walker would fail.

Under such strict conditions, Marvin can only follow.

Gradually, they have gone deep into the depths of Chiba's forest.

After about a little while, Sheen suddenly stopped and made a snoring gesture to Marvin!

“Is there a situation?” Ma Wen’s heart slammed and immediately braked, resting quietly on a tree.

Sheehan nodded at him and suddenly disappeared in place!


What is this ghost ability!

Ma Wenyu’s eyes widened and he almost exclaimed.

Sheehan had just clearly disappeared fifty or sixty meters away, suddenly disappeared, and then suddenly appeared behind him!

If he wants to kill himself, don't be too simple!

Even the Phantom Assassin's advancement - the most famous cross-plane killing method for the Ace Assassin [shadow transfer] is not so long?

Not to mention that it is night, there is no shadow behind Marvin to provide coordinates!

It seems that the night walker profession has many skills worth exploring.

At the thought of this, Marvin could not help but heat up.

"Don't make a fuss, kid." Sheehan said coldly: "The ability of the night walker is far beyond your imagination. If I was not a young singer in the past, I can promote the legend now! ”

"There is a situation ahead, I think it might be a test for you."



Sheehan’s words were boring, and Marvin’s reaction was a little overdone.

What happened in front?

He tried to move forward, but within the field of vision, he did not see any figures. Not even a single sound.

What is the far ahead of Sheehan’s...

"Three miles ahead. There is a girl. She hired two adventurers into the Chiba Forest as a guide."

"She seems to be looking for something, but now the two male adventurers are ready to go back, the girl is now in danger."

"Go and kill the two men. I am very impressed with your killing skills. Shouldn't it be difficult?"

Sheehan added some information.

Marvin listened and was stunned.

"I rely!"

"Three miles away!"

"Wait, how do you know this in detail?"

Ma Wen could not help but blurt out.

Sheen said faintly: "Because the girl came to Oak Town a few days ago, she also looked for Jane and made a new dress. During the two of them talked for a while, so I knew the ins and outs of things. As for why I I can see it so far because I have the blessing of the King of the Night. My eyes are everywhere."

When he said the last sentence, his eyes suddenly became very awkward and seemed to be watching far away.

He urged in his mouth: "Come on!"

"The two adventurers are ready to go!"

"Your young isn't the last hero to save the beauty? Now it is."

Marvin is speechless.

He is not interested in heroes saving the United States!

Although the nightwalker is responsible for guarding Feinan and guarding a certain secret, it is not the kind of career that must be helped by the road.

He looked at the old man's eccentric look and smelled a hint of conspiracy.

There must be weird!

But now, he can only help but speed up the pace!

Sheehan followed him, and soon, Marvin lost his perception of his trail.

"Mom*, it really is old fritters."

Ma Wen vomited a sentence.

Give such a tricky thing to yourself.

Because he quickly rushed to the place where Sheehan said. It was a small open space.

The two adventurers, in tandem, surrounded a petite woman in the center.

They laughed awkwardly.

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