Night Ranger

Vol 6 Chapter 230: Alliance


"How will you be here?"

At the moment when the gate opened, several people in the legendary squad nodded in disappointment. ┅`-`-1``-`---```--

Because behind the gate, stood a woman wearing a black dress.

The woman's face is exquisite, and her chest has a special style brooch.

Marvin recognized the style.

The spider queen.

This woman, it is clear that they all know each other.

Sure enough, in the next conversation, Marvin knew her identity.

She is actually a member of the Dark Union Council!

It's no wonder that everyone in the legendary team will be so surprised. In their view, Caroline, as a member of the Dark Joint Council, has no reason to appear in this place!

The atmosphere has become subtle.

Caroline looked very relaxed, her face full of smiles:

"You don't have to be too surprised."

"I am here, there is no harm to you. On the contrary, I will bring you good news."

"Good news?" Kwai showed a look of distrust.

Her gaze crossed Caroline itself, not far away, a large expanse of snow squirmed, and a horrible frost spider emerged one after another.

All the legendary powerhouses present can perceive that these frost spiders are not ordinary creatures.

They all carry a strong deity!

"It is actually the blood of the spider queen, this woman is really a madman!"

Ma Wen’s heart silently spit.

Originally thought that the situation has been very stable, I did not expect that suddenly there is another variable.

This Caroline is mostly a voter or servant of the Spider Queen. She appears here, and it is absolutely impossible to help them kill the final ghost.

In this case, there is only one answer.

Ma Wen looked at the demon swordsman on the side, the latter was silent, but there was occasional murderous flash in his eyes.


"Absolutely good news!"

Caroline gently stepped forward and said softly: "I know your worries about the dark ghost family. In fact, your fears are not wrong. The dark ghosts are indeed a very terrifying race, they have unmatched races. Destroy ability. But..."

“If they become our allies?”

She smiled and said: "The great spider queen has reached an alliance agreement with the ultimate ghost mother, Moraira."

"From now on. The dark ghosts will never enter the dark areas east of the maelstrom, they will fight to the surface, provided we help them break the nails of the rocky mountains."

"The dark ghosts who made you smell the wind are now our allies. I just knew this news. The Spider Queen sent me over with magical techniques to prevent misunderstandings between you."

"Now it seems that I arrived in time."

"For the people in the dark areas, as long as they firmly believe their beliefs, then the dark ghosts will not hurt them. Isn't this the best news?"

Caroline talked, especially to the demon swordsman, she also knows that he is the leader of this legendary team.

The demon swordsman's brow wrinkles very tightly, I don't know what I am thinking.

Caroline's eyebrows picked and suddenly pointed to Frey: "What about you? Isn't the Dark Dragon God not giving you instructions?"

"Wait... how can there be other people in your team?"

Her attention finally shifted to Marvin and Jessica.

Frey smiled and just wanted to say something. Who knows it is at this time. Suddenly a very majestic voice came from his mind:


He has been waiting for this voice for a long time!

That is the voice of the Dark Dragon God!

The meaning of the Dark Dragon God is very clear. He and the Spider Queen did someway complete the alliance with the final ghost mother Morila.

If this kind of thing is right, it is not something that his theocratic master can manage.

The only thing he needs to do is to stand up!

In the next second, he strode to Caroline.

The rest of the people's faces are even more ugly.

War Warrior Tal is even more angry: "Are you crazy?"

"Allied with the dark ghosts? Is this crazy to what extent?"

Frey shrugged and said calmly: "I am different from you. I am not interested in what will happen in the dark area."

"I am only faithful to my faith."

The rest of the people suddenly became speechless.

Frey pointed to Marvin and said with a sneer: "Not to mention, do you really think we can kill the ultimate ghost mother?"

“In particular, are we still mixing a surface man?”

Carolyn’s words suddenly stunned, revealing a playful look.



"The surface man?"

If Carolyn’s appearance is just to surprise everyone. And Frey's rebellion is just to make the legends angry and uneasy, then the three words on the surface are enough for them to blow up!

The warrior Tal’s reaction was the most intense.

He suddenly looked at Marvin.

Who knows that at this time, a crisp voice passed over:

"I know they are the people on the surface. But they are a group with us now."

Dark Elf Kwai.

Marvin is a little bit surprised.

At this time, she was the first to stand up and speak for herself and Jessica?

Aren't the drows natural to hate the dead? Should this be more serious than the underground people?

She looked at Frey coldly: "You follow your **** beliefs, I don't care. But the dark ghosts must die."

"This is no longer a matter of darkness. Choosing an alliance with a dark ghost is itself an incomprehensible thing."

"Even if you are a member of the Dark Joint Council. You are not qualified to order us to suspend our mission."

Caroline looked at Kwai with interest:

"But they are the surface people."

"Do you feel at ease with them?"

Kwai picked up an eyebrow and seemed to want to say something, but at this time, a calm voice sounded:

"I can rest assured."

The demon swordsman looked at Ma Wen silently and then slowly said: "Because I can know that his purpose is really just to kill the final ghost."

The rest of the people showed their thoughts.

The demon swordsman said so definite the rest of the people who were convinced by him were convinced.

They all know that the demon swordsman has some special abilities. If he says that Ma Wen does not have two hearts, then Ma Wen must have no problem.

You must know that the most powerful guardian of the darkest area, the name of the demon swordsman has been passed down in the dark area for hundreds of years.

He has always been a mystery, but in the legend, he never made a wrong judgment.

Caroline’s face finally became a little serious.

"Do you really want to do it with me?"

The demon swordsman carefully looked at her and the frosty spiders behind her, slowing down the baggage behind her:

"The Spider Queen is not equal to the dark area."

"She made the wrong decision, then let me correct her."

... (to be continued.)

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