Night Ranger

Vol 6 Chapter 236: Great change (below)

The 236th chapter of the great change (below)

"Molly King!"

When Constantine screamed out the word, the air seemed to have a little more anxious factor.

The most violent powerhouses from the nine-story purgatory finally decided to end the stagnation period and began to ravage the land of Fernan. The ancient guardians seemed unable to resist the pace of their advancement.

Even if O'Brien is unwilling to take care of himself, he has blocked thousands of devils.

Even if it appears in front of Constantine and others, it is only a part of the Molten King.

They still hope to marry.

The nine monarchs of **** are all fallen ancient angels. The power of ancient angels is completely level with the ancient gods.

Even those new gods are very headaches for the power of these fallen angels!

"Everyone, let go!"

Under Constantine's order, the night pedestrians and the mercenaries were quite tacit.

Only two legendary strongmen, Constantine and Sophie, were on the man who burned like a black flame.

However, at this time, a tearing whistling sound suddenly came from above the Scorpio!

It was followed by a bright radiance.

As if an axe had torn open the sky, a cone of light came from the sky, sweeping through all the chaos of the air, and unstoppable to somewhere in the land of Fernando!

The black flame suddenly looked up.

In the flames, the eyes are shining!


In the permafrost spring that gradually warmed up, Ma Wen still knew nothing about the tremendous changes that took place outside.

The book of Nalu is honestly pressed by the words of the volume of wisdom, and looks like an ordinary ancient book.

The agate, one of the nine swords of the Elf, also looks like no edge.

But Marvin can perceive the seemingly horrible power contained in the quaint sword.

"It seems to be melting here..."

"You must leave soon!"

He didn't have time to think more, took away the two treasures, opened the endless road, and found Jessica in the mixed zhan.

Caroline and Frey are looking at Marvin in a complex look.

They are legendary powerhouses and their perceptions are very powerful.

It is the man in front of me who just disappeared for a short period of time. The powerful life in the frozen spring has disappeared.

No vitality left!

Everyone knows that the end of the ghost mother is dead!

At this moment, they are extremely shocked.

Even the demon swordsman who has always been calm has revealed a horrifying face.

He knew that Marvin was strong, but he did not expect that Marvin was so powerful.

That is the ultimate ghost mother who almost destroyed the entire dark area with one's own strength.

So in the blink of an eye was spiked?

No one knows what happened in the frozen spring.

The only thing they knew was that Marvin said that he was going to kill Morila. After a few minutes, he came back.

Morira is dead.

This man, is it really the division of a certain god?

At the moment Marvin appeared, this battle became meaningless.

Everyone has put their hands together.

Marvin sneered at Caroline and Frey.

Seeing Marvin’s smile, the two servants felt a chill in the same place!

It is a kind of instinct that comes from the depths of the heart when a weak person sees a powerful predator.

Even if their beliefs are firmer, they can't stop their inner fears at the moment.

Only at this moment, they suddenly realized that they were provoked with a horrible man!

The rest of the legends have retreated.

It can be seen that Marvin is not hostile to them.

Regarding his true identity, in the recent mixed zhan, Kwai has actually quietly told them.

A man who can blame God, not the ordinary legends of them can be provoked.

Even if their strength is already top notch in the legend, but Marvin, is already a strong player in another realm.

If you want to use strength to compare, today's Marvin is already comparable to the original four planes!

The blessing of the advanced virtual godhead, the super power of the 4th-level night dominated, his strength has touched the top level of the plane.

A master who is lower than his realm and even at the same level can no longer defeat him!

Not to mention Carolyn and Frey.

The frosty spiders began to tremble back and forth.

The ice of the Yongchun Spring began to fall wildly, and everyone saw the ice melt into a spring water, and the face was full of mistakes.

At this rate, it will soon become a lake.

"let's go!"

War warrior Tal replied decisively, and the legendary squad of the Dark Joint Council decisively and tacitly retreat across the board.

When leaving, only Kwai Pang looked at Ma Wen intricately.

Jessica’s eyes are quite strong:

"One person?"

Ma Wen nodded.

After getting the final ghost mother, he must of course count this account with the Spider Queen and the Dark Dragon God!

I didn’t move Frey before, because there was a common enemy of the ultimate ghost mother, and Marvin endured.

Now the ultimate ghost mother Morila has fallen.

In front of these two unsightly servants, Marvin has no possibility of leaving them!


Caroline and Frey looked at each other and wanted to make their own school and Marvin and Jessica.

However, at this time, the four people in the room suddenly felt the heart:

They saw that the skyline of Fernan was torn apart by a crack, and the cone-shaped radiance descended from the sky, pointing to a corner of central Fernando!

In Ma Wen’s brain, the wisdom talent begins to calculate the specific position!

His eyes seem to be overlooking from the The whole continent of Fernando is in his eyes.

The gem bay in the east, the sage desert in the middle, the rocky mountains in the west, the sea of ​​Pangbo with ice, and even the dead continent, all appear in his eyes.

He didn't even have time to think about why Pangbo's sea turned into an icy ocean. A dazzling brilliance suddenly exploded from the center of the map!

"It's there!"

“There was an unprecedented gap in the first mountain range!”

"The center of Fernan!"

"That is……"

"The fourth fate slate!"

Ma Wen’s mind flashed through the above information.

He can see that countless lights on the mainland are lit up and rushing in the direction of the first mountain range.

That's too late!

He stunned Caroline and Frey.

These two small characters can only let them go for a while.

After the destruction of the universe's magic pool, the fourth fate slate actually appeared!

This is something that has not happened in previous games!

However, under the calculation of Ma Wenzhi's talent, under the hint of the will of the plane, he has been able to determine the origin of the conical light!

"let's go!"

He pulled Jessica up and he was about to open the endless road.


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