Night Ranger

Vol 6 Chapter 243: New Elf King

The **** Emperor's spirit finally left. E Xiaoyan said `---1

The contract he had with Sadis had always been fulfilled.

However, Ma Wen faintly felt that in the most wicked land, the **** Emperor’s Yinglingtian knew if something would come.

You know, in the eyes of the High Elf Queen, this man is second only to the King of the Night.

Such a man, even if it is just a remnant of the soul, can not be underestimated.

After clearing his thoughts, Marvin and the butterfly left the underground palace of the King of the Night.

After determining the true identity of the butterfly, Marvin is still very important to her strength.

He tentatively asked about the butterfly's thoughts about the fate of the slate landing.

Who knows that butterfly has no interest in this.

She just said faintly: "Destiny slate is a very important thing - but it depends on who it is. If you get it, you may be able to shine! But for me, that thing is useless. ""

"As for peace in the world, I am not interested in it now. In fact, I can't control it. This universe is much more complicated than you think."

"A lot of things, once provoked, it will be difficult to calm down. Just like the stormy waves on the sea, once the storm is up, the only thing we can do is to be as good as a reef. If you try to stop this storm, it is undoubtedly Asking for trouble."

Marvin understood the meaning of the butterfly.

After the millennium of order, Fernan was still in chaos.

No matter who is picked up by this chaotic wave, it will not be able to calm down for a while.

The slate of fate is only a fuse. Even without this, there will be other things to ignite the flame of the already mad universe.

People always fight.

Even if they don't know why they fight.

This is the real disaster.


After getting the world tree seed, the butterfly decided to go all the way east.

She will embark on the road to finding an overseas shelter.

When the high elves moved eastward, the butterfly actually did not participate. She is the first high elf queen, not the last one.

Even if she is, there is no way to determine the location of the high elf shelter in the first place.

So she needs this world tree seed to locate.

In her words, the world is destined to fall into chaos. No race can escape.

Whether it is a goblin or an elf, or a dwarf dwarf, it is a human who has ruled for more than six years.

All Fernandos will fall into an unprecedented melee.

The timeliness of the High Elf Shelter is almost over.

The butterfly is ready to lead them back to the land of Fernan.

This news is also a big news for Marvin.

Although it has long been known that races such as the High Elf will return to this return. But I didn't expect it to be so fast, and whether their leader would obey the command of the butterfly, Ma Wen is not very doubtful.

After all, the butterfly's gas field is there, it is hard to let people not believe her words.

If the races of the High Elves and Ancient Goblins return, the form of Fernan may become more chaotic. But the good news is that humans and wood elves are no longer the only guardians.

Both the high elves and the ancient goblins have great strength, and they are also one of the antagonists of the gods.

In those disappearing history, they always occupy a place, not without reason.

All in all, this should be a good news.


After separating from the butterfly, Marvin went to the depths of Chiba’s forest.

Ibrahimovic is now officially crowned as the king of Chiba's forest, but since it was Ma Wen's visit, he also turned down all the affairs and met Marvin.

The location of both parties. It is still the mysterious lake in the depths of Chiba.

Ma Wen came once, but the last time I met here was the great Elf King Nicholas.

This time, it is the great elf king Ibrahimovic.

What is even more different is that Ibrahimovic has another person beside him.

Sea Elf Queen.

When the two sides met, the Queen of the Sea Elf was holding the arm of Ibrahimovic with a smile, and the two looked quite relatives.

Seeing this scene, Marvin’s mouth was not slightly twitched.

He could see the sly smile on Ibrahimovic's face.

Fortunately, after the two sides chilled a few words, the Queen of the Sea Elf left.

Ibrahimovic and Marvin are left at the lake.

Ma Wen looked at Ibrahim's handsome face and couldn't help but ask: "So. You finally still like women?"

Ibrahimovic’s face with constipation seems to have something to say.

As soon as Marvin understood something, he suddenly widened his eyes: "The last date..."

"It's not what you did!"

The new Big Elf King has no kingly demeanor, and an angry voice hits Marvin’s chest. I almost didn't vomit blood to Marvin!

The power of the Elf Wusheng is still very powerful!

"Cough... just a date, she didn't do anything to you?" Marvin smirked as he rubbed his chest.

Speaking of it, the Queen of the Sea Elf has always been in love with Ibrahimovic, but Ibrahimovic did not appreciate it. The last time Marvin was fighting against the phoenix, he needed the help of the Queen of the Sea Elf. So Ibrahim directly sold it.

But he thinks it’s just a date, and he can’t live without human life?

But who knows that from the current reaction of Ibrahimovic, it seems that something is wrong?

Marvin showed a horrified look: "What happened?"

Ibrahimovic said:

"She, I am, I am strong, I am a traitor!"

Ma Wen is a wood chicken.

The next second, another fist banged over, Ma Wen Shen agile directly, forcibly hiding.

"I am going! You are the elf Wu Sheng! Do you want to be so embarrassed!" Ma Wen was angry, Ibrahimovic is too fake, right?

Who knows that Ibrahimovic really showed a very frustrating look, and he shed tears:

"I can't beat her..."

Ma Wen is amazed.

But think about it, Ibrahimovic is indeed very strong, but the Queen of the Sea Elf is older, and Wu Sheng’s career seems to have no advantage over the Shanghai Elf’s Miya.

It is normal for him to beat her.

As for how the date was made in the end, Ibrahimovic did not say anything.

In addition, the pressure on the periphery of Chiba Mori is too great. The poor new elf king has broken the cans and directly accepted the marriage proposal of the Queen of the Sea Elf.

The wedding of both parties will be held in the near future.

This is also why the Chiba Forest has recently appeared in many sea elves.

Ma Wen’s heart sympathy with Ibrahimovic’s also caused a chill.

In this era, there are too many powerful women!

He suddenly remembered the dream of Pooh, a little chilling.

It is said that the Queen of the Sea Elf did not give Ibrahimovic any time to rest in order to give birth to Ibrahimovic...

The position of Senki Chiba relies on the three-ring tower, so the pressure of the magician wizard is the biggest.

Every day, Ibrahimovic led the Elf Iron Guards to fight outside and destroy the magician wizards; at night, they were to be drained by the Sea Elf Queen, and it was really hard.

"It's no wonder that I lost a lot."

Ma Wen smiled in his heart.

This is the elf Wu Sheng, and change the ordinary wood elf, maybe the adult has been dry... wrong, it is scum.

... (to be continued.)

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