Nightmare Apostle

Chapter 106 Something happened

Yang Xiao woke up suddenly, his face was pale, his limbs were cold, his hands were shaking uncontrollably, it was a dream again, this strange dream again!

But this time the content of the dream changed. After the red coffin, there were six more black coffins.

Yang Xiao didn't know what this meant, but... .But this gave him a very bad feeling, as if it was a sign that something was about to happen.

The only thing that made Yang Xiao happy was that the costume was not on him like last time, but was lying in his backpack.

It was quiet, as if nothing happened.

He took the mineral water bottle on the table and unscrewed it. He drank some water first to calm down his shock. From the corner of his eye, he saw a Doraemon sticker stuck to the corner of the table. Suddenly, Yang Xiao's eyes froze. He suddenly realized that including his newly joined , the current investigation team has exactly 6 people.

Yang Xiao waited anxiously throughout the morning, worried that other members of the investigation team would also encounter this strange dream, until at 8 o'clock sharp, Zhuge Zhijie appeared at the door of the office with his head in a chicken coop and sleepy eyes.


When Yang Xiao saw Zhuge Zhijie, it was like seeing a long-lost relative, and at the same time he felt relieved. After all, even Zhuge Zhijie was still alive, so the others must be fine.

Zhuge Zhijie was a little panicked by Yang Xiao's sudden enthusiasm. It was not until he confirmed that Yang Xiao had no messy intentions that he felt relieved. He went to the coffee machine to get himself a cup of coffee and walked back to his office.

I sat down, took out a thick stack of paper from my briefcase, lowered my head and started writing and drawing.

Their working time was 8 o'clock, but except for Zhuge Zhijie who arrived at the right time, everyone else was late. Yu Shu arrived second, at 8:15, then Daxiong, which was already close to 8:30, and Ximen Xiu arrived even more It was almost 9 o'clock before he slowly walked in the door, "Hey, it's good morning, Brother Xiao!"

"Captain, when you find a place to live, you don't need to come so early. The department is not strict about this aspect.

"Big Bear kindly reminded, "We don't roll. ""

"Come on, brother Xiao, let's have some coffee." Ximen Xiu changed into new clothes and was in a good mood. After receiving a cup of coffee, he brought it to Yang Xiao.

Seeing Yang Xiao take a sip, Ximen Xiu asked with a smile: "Brother Xiao, does the coffee taste good?"

"Hmm... not bad." Yang Xiao glanced at the Doraemon-shaped clock hanging on the wall, "By the way, where's Beibei?

Is she always late for this long? "

"Captain, Sister Bei was called away by Sister Wen. I happened to see her when she came." Daxiong poked his head out from behind the office.

Yang Xiao was completely relieved now. Everyone was safe and sound. He held the coffee cup in both hands, as if absorbing the heat. Later, he asked everyone how their rest was last night. Everyone's answers were very good, and it seemed that they were not. No strange dreams were encountered.

Yang Xiao breathed a sigh of relief. He was a person who didn't want to trouble others, and he didn't want to hurt everyone because of himself.

"I'm going to go see the director later and tell him about the strange dream." Yang Xiao thought, knowing that this matter must be resolved as soon as possible and there is no way to delay it.

"Da da da..."

As a burst of sharp footsteps approached from far away, Beibei walked in, holding a file in his hand, and said with excitement: "Captain, the matter of Xinmao Building has come to an end!"

"So fast?" Yang Xiao didn't expect it to be so efficient. It only took less than a day.

After taking the file, the outermost brown paper bag was marked with a few lines:

Codename: Xinmao Building Ghost Smashing Incident Paranormal Incident Level: D Level Threat Level: Medium Processing Result: Contained and opened. The file bag contains dozens of pages and some photos attached, several of which are from the office. There were pictures of a man who died tragically, his name was Schroeder if I remember correctly, and a picture of a woman who was tied to a chair and her mouth was gagged.

The latter photo is unfamiliar. It is in a luxurious-looking building. It is a bedroom with a very wide bed.

The room was carefully decorated, with literary and artistic oil paintings hanging on the walls, including the "


Until Yang Xiao saw the last two photos, one was a group photo of a man and a woman. The background seemed to be in a certain atmospheric Internet celebrity cafe. The man and woman were both young. They were smiling brightly and their faces were touching each other. It was obvious that It's a couple relationship.

The moment he saw the girl's face, Yang Xiao recognized her as the girl in the white dress who was photographed by the ghost camera.

I slowly turned to the last one, and this one was shocking. I saw the girl hanging in that bedroom, with a thin rope tied into her neck. The girl had a ferocious face, protruding eyes, wearing a white skirt, and those feet. A pair of red high-heeled shoes, the background is unbiased, just taking in the "Shepherd" on the wall.

"Hey, it's a pity that you are so young." Ximen Xiu sighed and slowly shook his head. The girl's name is Xu Qingqing, and she is only 22 years old.

There were too many files, and I didn’t have time to read them carefully. Yang Xiao recalled the way the female ghost killed people, and he could probably guess that she probably caught her boyfriend cheating on her, and then couldn’t think about it for a while, so she committed suicide. The obsession after death was also for those who were in love. men and women.

Seeing the regretful expressions on Ximen Xiu and others, Beibei immediately became unhappy and said: "Hey, hey, hey, what are you doing? Why do you behave like this when you see a pure and beautiful girl dead? Don't judge people by their appearance, okay?"

"Let me tell you, this Xu Qingqing looks soft and weak, but she is not a fuel-saving lamp. Her boyfriend has not cheated on her at all. She is a control freak and has delusions. She stares at her boyfriend every day and does not allow him to have sex with the opposite sex. If you have any contact, you must tell her first wherever you go, otherwise you will seek death. I even hit her boyfriend with an object and stabbed her boyfriend in the back with scissors."

"Her boyfriend couldn't bear it anymore, so he dumped her and blocked all contact information. Then the woman couldn't figure it out and finally ran to her boyfriend's house to commit suicide."

"By the way, her boyfriend turned out to be her best friend's boyfriend. She got him from him. Her best friend was so angry that she slit her wrists. Fortunately, she found out in time."

Beibei finished speaking in one breath and sneered, "After she was rescued, her ex-best friend changed her Weibo name. Now it's called Wall Breaker."

Ximen Xiu was stunned for a moment, and his sympathy suddenly disappeared without a trace, "Damn! What a charming white lotus!"

"How did this painting flow into the company?" Beibei had roughly explained the reason for the formation of resentful eyes, and Yang Xiao turned to ask another question.

Beibei took the coffee brought by Ximenxiu, pulled up a chair and sat down, "Hey, this is a coincidence.

Someone had been hanged in this house, so no one wanted to go near it, and everything inside was kept as it was. Finally, it was targeted by a petty thief. The thief stole a lot of things, including this painting, and then changed hands several times. , and was taken over by this company. ’”

"Captain Xu also received a message. This company's delivery methods are complicated, and many artworks come from dirty sources. The electronic bills we found involved smuggling. They are still investigating the details, but it must be a crime. Not small.”

Beibei took a sip of coffee and said with emotion, "I guess Shao Honghong and Schroeder thought we were here for the smuggling account, so they took the risk to sneak in and destroy the evidence."

In this way, everything was cleared up. Yang Xiao did not expect that a supernatural incident would lead to so many things, and a combination of circumstances would lead to a large-scale smuggling case.

"Beibei, did you see Director Nalan just now?" Yang Xiao asked.

Beibei took a sip of coffee and exhaled the hot air comfortably, "No, Sister Wen said that the director was called to a meeting by the superiors and has not come back yet. Why, do you have something to do with him?"

"The director has a very busy day. If it involves professional knowledge, you can also talk to us." Da Xiong behaved very reliably.

Yang Xiao actually wanted to ask about the costume, but after thinking about it, the current situation was unknown, so it was better not to publicize it everywhere. Instead, he looked at the file bag and asked: "How are the levels and threats of supernatural events divided?"

"The level of paranormal incidents is divided into four levels: A, B, C, and D. The higher the level, the more difficult it is to solve. Take our team as an example. We are only responsible for handling paranormal incidents of the highest level C. Any higher level is beyond our capabilities. range of capabilities.”

Yang Xiao nodded, thinking that this is very humane. Through the level, the person who takes the task can intuitively have a clear understanding of the supernatural events they are facing. Simply put, if you have the ability to do the things you want, you can avoid many unnecessary problems. casualties.

As you can imagine, solving supernatural events of higher levels will definitely bring more benefits and the rewards will be more generous.

"As for the threat level, it is a bit more complicated. It represents the urgency of the corresponding supernatural event.

It can also be said that the degree of harm to our world can be subdivided into six levels, from low to high, namely harmless level, slight level, medium level, major level, critical level, and finally disaster level. "

“The definition of harmless level means that it does not pose a direct threat to people within the influence of the Hateful Eye, or there is no clear evidence that it poses a threat.”

"The minor level is the injury level. To put it simply, it hurts people but not their lives."

"Medium level, that is, the incident we are dealing with this time, was defined as medium level because someone died in the final stage."

"It's a serious incident, with many people dead and injured, or a large number of people missing.'"

"The critical level is even more terrifying. If it is not dealt with quickly, it will be difficult for people in a certain surrounding area to survive."

"Disaster level, I don't know the definition of this, and I've never seen it in the relevant archives, but it is said that it can destroy a city."

"Destroy a city..." Yang Xiao took a deep breath. It was indeed a disaster level, which sounded very scary.

Before Yang Xiao could continue asking, he heard hurried footsteps approaching from outside. Soon, Huang Qiang, whom he had met in the director's office before, appeared outside the door, "Captain Yang, the director wants you to go to his office. Go immediately!"

Anyone could see the man's hurry, which made Yang Xiao a little nervous. He immediately set off and came to the director's office.

As soon as he opened the door, before he could say hello, he saw Nalan Shuo standing behind the window, turning around with an ugly expression on his face, and asked, "Have you been in contact with Zhao Yuanpei recently?"

Yang Xiao was stunned for a moment, "Who are you talking about?"

"Zhao Yuanpei, Captain Zhao recommended you to come."

"I contacted him. The night before I came to see you, the day of the strange dream, I sent him a message, but he didn't reply to me." Yang Xiao told the truth.

Nalan Shuo frowned, waved his hand, and motioned Yang Xiao to sit down on the sofa. After Yang Xiao sat firmly, Nalan Shuo spoke: "Something happened to him. Yesterday at noon, I received a message that Zhao Yuanpei and a team led by him A mysterious incident occurred when people were reviewing the site of the Menzhen scrapyard. A total of 6 people, including him, were missing. "


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