Nightmare Apostle

Chapter 108: So Horrible

"Previous master?" Yang Xiao was shocked.

Taoist Yan Zhen did not answer, but instead asked: "Let me ask you, what happened between the time you received the ghost script and the time you were pulled into the nightmare world?"

Yang Xiao was frightened and had a premonition that something was wrong, so he told the whole story.

He has nothing to hide.

Unexpectedly, Director Nalan's expression changed the next second, "What did you say? There is a ghost that has been chasing you?"

"That's it...that's it." Yang Xiao recalled that the ghost suddenly appeared and stood on the sofa behind him,

I almost scared myself to death.


Taoist Yan Zhen looked at Yang Xiao and his eyes became strange. He spoke after a long while, "Captain Yang, I need to tell you that this is not how normal apostles enter the nightmare world. We will see some strange phenomena, even ghosts." It’s true, but they are fragmented and illogical, as if they were an inadvertent projection of the nightmare world into this world. I have only encountered a similar case once in my life.”

When he heard that there was a case that could be used in prison, Yang Xiao immediately became energetic and said, "Please tell me!"

"It was about 10 years ago. I was dispatched by the Office of the Commissioner to investigate the details of a new recruit. According to the data, he was a very outstanding young man with considerable potential. His experience was similar to yours. He also worked in While waiting to enter the nightmare world, he encountered frequent unknown attacks. He survived that nightmare and successfully obtained the Eye of Resentment. "

"During the investigation of the Resentment Eye, we discovered that there is actually information about the Resentment Eye in the database of the headquarters. The data shows that the Resentment Eye belongs to a powerful man who has been famous for a long time, but this person had been there many years ago. He disappeared. It is inferred that he died in a certain nightmare mission. After his death, all the Resentful Eyes that regarded him as the master were also taken back by the nightmare world. We call it lost in a more professional way. "

"Based on the factual analysis, the Resentful Eye became an ownerless thing again, and gave rise to the nightmare mission. The young man recalled that the mission was very difficult. There were 6 participants in the mission, and he was the only one who survived."

"Senior, where is that young man now? Can I meet him?" It was rare to meet someone with similar experience, and Yang Xiao wanted to ask him something in person.

Taoist Yanzhen sighed slowly, "I'm afraid you won't be able to see him anymore. He died. Not long after I talked to him, he died in the next nightmare mission."

"Dead..." The glimmer of hope that Yang Xiaogang saw was instantly shattered.

"But he left some information, you can borrow it from prison." Taoist Yanzhen said with a cautious expression, "That's it.

He had contacted us before he was about to enter the nightmare mission, saying that the ghost chasing him this time was a tall man holding a strange-shaped broken knife in his hand. According to his description, we really found in the database He found this sword. What's interesting is that this broken sword is also a piece of resentment, and it also belongs to the fallen strong man. "

"If you get one piece of Resentful Eye, will you be haunted by the remaining Resentful Eyes?" Yang Xiao panicked. The Resentful Eye in the hands of a strong person is naturally powerful, and the difficulty of the copy may also increase.

Taoist Yanzhen looked at Yang Xiao and spoke after a few seconds: "I asked a senior at the headquarters afterwards. Maybe it was because I was not of a high level and he couldn't tell me clearly. But he said something like this. That person was not blamed. Eyes are haunted, he is haunted by the strong man’s resentful spirit.”

The more he spoke, the scarier he became. The red coffin and the hand that just pinched his heart appeared in Yang Xiao's mind uncontrollably.

" this opera robe of mine once belonged to a strong man, and the nightmare missions I will encounter next will all be..."

"This possibility is very high." Mr. Yan Zhen said bluntly, "But we will fully support you in terms of intelligence, as long as you find anything abnormal, or find something on the ghost that attacked you before the next mission. If you have any characteristics, you report it immediately and we will help you look up clues and do our best to help you overcome the difficulties.

The organization will not give up on you. "

"Thanks to the organization, I think I can still rescue him." Yang Xiao was a little confused after inhaling too much information, and the rest was just fear.

"I have another suggestion. Judging from the current situation, your Resentful Eye is definitely extraordinary. You should get familiar with it as soon as possible. Maybe you can find some clues in it.'

"I will arrange this." Nalan Shuo put out the cigarette butt and nodded.

After confirming a few questions again, Taoist Yanzhen stood up and left, "Captain Yang, I hope you will keep the content of our conversation confidential today. There are some things I shouldn't say originally, but Director Nalan and I are old friends. I can’t help but give him face.”

"I understand, thank you for your guidance, senior!"

"Also, do you know all the ways to get the Resentful Eye?" Taoist Yan Zhen looked at Yang Xiao with caring eyes, "There are three types in total. The first one is to get it from nightmare missions like you did this time. The second type,

These two are conventional methods and the right way to deal with supernatural events in reality. "

"But there is one last option, killing people to seize the treasure. As long as the holder of the Resentful Eye dies, the Resentful Eye that recognizes him as its master will become an ownerless thing. You should understand the principle that a common man is not guilty but harbors a treasure. And compared to the first two, this method is more convenient.”

"Understood, I won't leak this matter." According to Mr. Yan Zhen, this opera robe of his is a treasure. Once it is publicized, it may be targeted by others.

"Well, as long as you understand the stakes involved, you can rest assured between us and Director Nalan. After all, you are one of our own."

"I am willing to serve the organization in a small way, and I will go through fire and water without hesitation!" Yang Xiao's sudden awareness was frightening.

"The organization knows your intentions, but you should take care of yourself first." After greeting Nalan Shuo, Mr. Yan Zhen left with his assistant.

After Mr. Yan Zhen left, only Nalan Shuo and Yang Xiao were left in the room. Yang Xiao had a sad face and said, "Director, did you notice the look in Mr. Yan Zhen's eyes before he left? He seemed to think that I He's dead,

No need for rescue. "

"Do you want to smoke?" Nalan Shuo handed over the cigarette case.

"No, it won't."

Nalan Shuo lit another one for himself and bit it in his mouth, "Don't put too much pressure on yourself, it all depends on man-made efforts."

After taking a few puffs of cigarette, seeing Yang Xiao still looking depressed, Nalan Shuo suddenly smiled, reached out and patted his shoulder, "Don't worry, you are mine, I will protect you."

Although he knew that the director was trying to comfort him, Yang Xiao was very grateful when his superior was willing to say this, "Thank you, director."

"Well, you should go back first. Don't tell Beibei and the others about this first. During this period, I will look for opportunities to help you get familiar with this matter."'

"Besides you and Zhao Yuanpei, there is another survivor from the last mission. Her name is Su Tingting. She is a student at an art school in Rongcheng. As far as I know, someone has been arranged to keep an eye on her.'"

Yang Xiao reacted immediately, "You mean something might happen to her, just like... like Brother Zhao?;

"We do not rule out this possibility. Our people have detected the vicinity of the Men Town Wasteland and found no trace of the Resentful Eye. The supernatural events that Zhao Yuanpei and the others encountered were very strange. They happened for no reason and ended for no reason. This is illogical.'

"After listening to what Yan Zhen said just now, I guess that this incident may have been directed at Zhao Yuanpei. Even if he had not gone to the Menzhen scrapyard, he might not have been able to escape this disaster."

"Think about what happened recently. After the mission, the first supernatural incident came to you. The strange dream in the hotel was very strange. Then the next day something happened to Zhao Yuanpei. With 6 people missing, it’s hard to say whether it will be Su Tingting’s turn next.”

Brother Zhao's team of 6 people were all wiped out. According to Yang Xiao's understanding of Su Tingting, once a supernatural incident occurs,

She must die.

"Director, can you arrange for me to come in and spend this time with Su Tingting."

Noticing Yang Xiao's serious eyes, Nalan Shuo said thoughtfully, "You want to understand this matter thoroughly, but you have to know that it is very risky."

"Instead of being a coward and waiting for others to come to kill me, it's better to take the initiative. To be honest, if those strange dreams come every day, I won't be able to withstand them for a few more times." Yang Xiao told the truth, "Every time I see that big coffin "

‘I understand, I will negotiate with the superiors and let your team participate. ”’

"No, Director, you misunderstood, it's not us, it's me." Yang Xiao turned his head and looked in the direction of the investigation team's office, "This is my own business. I can't let my brothers take risks with me. Besides, once a supernatural incident happens, , the possibility of the whole army being annihilated is very high, and I can’t afford to repay this kindness.”

Nalan Shuo paused while smoking, nodded after a few seconds, and said slowly: "You are very good, Yang Xiao, Zhao Yuanpei did not misjudge the person."

In the underground parking lot of the Patrol Office, three black cars were quietly dormant. In the back seat of the middle car was an old man wearing a blue robe.

The old man closed his eyes, as if he was resting his mind.

"Sir, the people from the General Administration have checked again and confirmed that the complaint does not belong to any registered apostle."

"What about the Lianhui side?" The old man slowly opened his eyes.

"The same goes for the Provincial Federation. It's not in the files." The young man in the front passenger seat adjusted his glasses before looking away from the computer screen.

"There is no record in the General Administration and there is no record in the federation's files. It seems that the former owner of the resentful eye is neither an official apostle registered in the civil federation nor an association apostle named in the civil federation." Taoist Yanzhen's eyes changed. It gets complicated.

"That's right. That person should be a casual cultivator, but based on the current situation, we can be sure that this person is anything but simple."

"How can it be that someone who can produce such great destructive power just by relying on the remaining resentful souls is an idle person? I'm not afraid of casual cultivators. What I'm really worried about are those guys."

The young man looked horrified, "You mean...evil cultivator?"

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