Nightmare Apostle

Chapter 115: Changes in Costumes (Happy New Year)

Su Tingting stood at attention with a firm attitude, "I obey the organization's arrangements."

Inspired by Fang Guoyi, Su Tingting's political consciousness improved rapidly, and she volunteered to stay to help deal with the aftermath of this supernatural incident.

After struggling for so long, Yang Xiao, Beibei and Daxiong were exhausted. After briefly describing the situation, they went back. They promised Fang Guoyi to hand in a detailed report on the mission the next day.

This incident resulted in the death of 16 people, including Captain Yan Junyang. It was a rare major accident and the authorities took it very seriously.

As the night got darker, after returning to the office and parking the car, the three of them chatted for a while. Beibei Daxiong each went back to his home, and Yang Xiao went back to the office to rest.

When he opened the door, there was a folding bed in the corner of his small office. No need to ask, Sister Wen must have sent it to her.

There is also a cardboard box on the table, which contains half instant noodles and half instant hot pot. There is also a colorful post-it note on the box: There is a buffet breakfast on the first floor at 6 a.m., so remember to bring your access card.

"Sister Wen is so kind."

After simply filling his stomach and washing up, Yang Xiao lay down to rest. But as soon as he closed his eyes, he saw the face of Brother Zhao and Yan Junyang whose body exploded like a watermelon.

Both of these two men were captain-level figures, and their brains, skills, and resentment eyes were certainly good, but such people died like this.

If it weren't for this underworld garment, people like himself and Beibei would have been killed by ghost children carrying lanterns.

According to Taoist Yan Zhen, this Ming Yi is just the beginning. Next, he will encounter the entanglement of the other resentful eyes owned by the mysterious strong man. This is the most terrifying thing.

Having sorted out his thoughts, Yang Xiao now has two most important things to do. First, find out who the previous owner of Ming Yi is, and know who he is and who he is.

He had no choice but to place his hope in the provincial department represented by Director Nalan and Mr. Yan Zhen.

The second is the basic training mentioned by Director Nalan. Although he has solved a few supernatural incidents by luck, he is still a novice in essence. He needs systematic training and learning.

Beibei's skills, Yu Shu's marksmanship, Da Xiong's skillful control of technical equipment, he has to learn all these. As the captain, he must be able to stand alone.

After thinking about it, Yang Xiao fell asleep and the ghost lantern incident was solved. He slept very peacefully that night.

A dreamless night.

Yang Xiao slept until he woke up naturally. It was only 6:50 when he opened his eyes. Although he was reluctant to move, but thinking of the free buffet breakfast, Yang Xiao quickly washed up and then took the elevator to the lobby on the first floor.

There is a dedicated canteen here, and the dining area is public, but the dining areas are still separated.

The black card in Yang Xiao's hand can open the door of a row of cubicles on the right side of the cafeteria. Inside are small private rooms that can only accommodate up to 4 people. They are very private. As soon as the door is closed, the whole world suddenly becomes quiet. It seems that it is okay. Soundproofing was done.

The breakfast is very rich, much better than the express hotels where Yang Xiao stayed. There are both Chinese and Western food, and there seems to be no such thing as a light breakfast here. Yang Xiao even saw a pot of chicken legs with sauce, cola chicken wings, braised fish, etc. of dishes.

"Please add a sauce chicken drumstick to me, thank you." Yang Xiao handed over the plate. The dishes here are all handled by dedicated personnel and are not self-service. It is a bit similar to a university cafeteria.

The person inside glanced at the black card on Yang Xiao's chest, and used a big spoon to fish out a chicken drumstick for Yang Xiao. The thick sauce wrapped the drumstick, exuding an alluring aroma.

Seeing that Yang Xiao hadn't left, the woman serving food looked at him with questioning eyes. Yang Xiao smiled sheepishly, "Um...can you give me another one?"


"Chew" gift

There were three more chicken drumsticks on Yang Xiao's dinner plate.

"Not enough to come again."

A hearty breakfast was the start of a wonderful day. After eating some fruits and drinking two cups of yogurt, Yang Xiao returned to the office satisfied and full of energy.

At 8 o'clock sharp, Zhuge Zhijie, who was carrying a chicken coop on his head, stepped into the office door on time. The moment he saw Yang Xiao, Zhuge Zhijie's eyes lit up, "Captain, I heard that you took Sister Bei and Da Xiong on a mission yesterday. "

"Ah, yes."

"As expected of the captain, with just one finger, the ghost exploded on the spot. The strong man is so terrifying!" Zhuge Zhijie sighed with emotion.

Yang Xiao: "???What nonsense, who did you listen to?"

"Ximen Xiu told me secretly, and he asked me not to tell anyone else." Zhuge Zhijie said mysteriously.

Not long after, Ximen Xiu came in. Faced with Yang Xiao's questioning, he defended himself very unjustly, "I didn't say it, I heard what Yu Shu said. Yu Shu said that Captain, you are not afraid of danger," the corner of his mouth showed 7 points of ridicule, 2 points of disdain, and 1 point of coolness. Bo, then rushed over and punched the ghost."

Soon, Yu Shu was also blocked at the door by Yang Xiao. He first denied his responsibility, and then wrote the word "Big Bear" on the cardboard.

Daxiong shouted that he was wronged: "Captain, although I was present at the time, I didn't see anything. These are what Sister Bei said later. Sister Bei said that you rushed up and punched the ghost child, and then the ghost child was beaten." Exploded."

Beibei on the side defended himself, "I didn't. I clearly said that the captain rushed up and punched the ghost kid and disappeared!"

Yang Xiao's blood pressure went up after hearing the rumors. The rumors were so scary. He finally understood. Each of these people added a little more fuel and jealousy. In the end, it turned out that the corners of his mouth were raised when he faced the ghost, and a seven-point sneer appeared at the same time. 2 points of disdain and 1 point of coolness, he stretched out his finger and pointed it lightly, and the ghost forceps exploded and died due to the pressure of his own strong men.

"Captain Yang." There was a voice outside the door. It was Huang Qiang. "The department has finalized the training plan for you. Is it convenient for you now?"

"Okay." Yang Xiao turned around, gave Beibei and the others a deathly look as if they were spreading rumors, and then left with Huang Qiang.

The two took the elevator to the underground floor. The door opened into a wide space, which was a shooting range.



Not far away, there was someone with his back to Yang Xiao and the others, wearing head-mounted earplugs, aiming and shooting with concentration.

"This is the training base of the PCPD. What you see now is the firearms training ground. It is roughly divided into three areas. The other two are the physical training center and the special equipment training center." Huang Qiang explained to Yang Xiao as he walked.

Walk towards the left side of the firearms training ground and push open a heavy door. The scene behind the door changes. It is a large room similar to a gym. One side is filled with various fitness equipment and the other side is suspended. Sandbags, and a row of dumbbell racks.

A square area was opened in the middle of the room. The ground was covered with a layer of light gray soft cushions. A young girl with a short ponytail was squatting on the ground to stretch her muscles.

Seeing Yang Xiao and the others walking in, the girl stood up, stretched her body a few times, and walked towards them. The girl had a well-proportioned figure, fair skin, and a fierce aura on her face.

"Captain Yang, I am the person in charge of your combat subject, Zhu Yina." The girl reached out her hand skillfully and shook Yang Xiao's hand.

"Captain Yang, Zhu Yina will be in charge of your physical training classes and combat training classes. You two can get used to each other first and then agree on the training time. After that, you will have to simultaneously conduct shooting subjects and special equipment training. The time is short and the tasks are heavy. "

After Huang Qiang finished speaking, he left, leaving Yang Xiao and Zhu Yina behind. Zhu Yina took out a piece of paper from her pocket and said, "Captain Yang, here is your physical report. I have read it before. It is based on a healthy adult male." On a standard scale of 100 points, your physical test score is only 84 points. You are a bit far from the standard line. In other words, at least according to the report, you have certain physical deficiencies compared to healthy adult men. "

"My physical condition was not very good during the examination that day. the way, I didn't eat breakfast! I really didn't eat breakfast!" Yang Xiao quibbled.

Zhu Yina nodded, "Not eating breakfast will indeed affect the results, but the fluctuation will not exceed 5 percentage points, so you can only score 89 points at most, which is still defective."

"Teacher Zhu, please listen to my explanation. The day before my examination, I didn't sleep well. No, I didn't sleep at all. I went to an Internet cafe in the first half of the night and in a bar in the second half of the night. I was so high...

"Captain Yang, you don't need to explain, let's get to the point." Zhu Yina interrupted him, with a business-like attitude, "The director's request is to enable you to have the ability to protect yourself as soon as possible, so I will take advantage of your physical defects and Tailor-made training methods.”

"We can train in physical fitness step by step according to the standards. Let me focus on combat training. Have you heard of Bajiquan?" Zhu Yina put away the report and looked at Yang Xiao and asked.

"I've heard that no one asked about Tai Chi in ten years, and Baji killed people in one year. It is said to be a very powerful martial arts school in traditional martial arts." Yang Xiao still has some knowledge.

"Yes, Bajiquan is a short-fighting kung fu. It emphasizes fierce, unpretentious movements, hard punches, and strong explosive power. It is a very practical martial arts kung fu. It is supplemented by some basic moves of Muay Thai, especially the knees and elbows. Attack, I am confident that you will have certain fighting ability in a short period of time, and you will have an advantage against people who have not been professionally trained.”

"But I have to tell you one thing before practicing. First, use your wisdom to avoid conflicts as much as possible. If conflicts cannot be avoided, use a gun if you have one. Secondly, use a knife, a stick, and lastly, a stone. In addition, You also need to consider finding opportunities to sneak attack, poisoning, seizing the person the enemy cares about and threatening him to submit. If your own conditions permit, seduction is also acceptable. If all the above fails, you will consider face-to-face close combat. This is the most stupid thing. It’s also the last option.”

"Understood!" Yang Xiao replied.

"Okay, although there is a physical report, I still need to do a more intuitive test on you." Zhu Yina took Yang Xiao to the middle of the field. The two of them stood 3 meters apart and faced each other. "Come on, you attack me, don't use Equipment, other moves, etc. are up to you."


Yang Xiao originally thought that Zhu Yina was a training ground administrator, but the real teacher was someone else, and he couldn't let him go to a little girl. He was a relatively conservative person, and he hoped that the person he was sparring with would also be a man.

But Yang Xiao's performance changed in Zhu Yina's eyes, "What, are you afraid of hurting me? Or do you think I'm not qualified?"

Zhu Yina has also met a few captain-level figures. These people all have their own strengths and are arrogant. If they are not beaten down, they will not be convinced, which will also be detrimental to the subsequent training.

Yang Xiao had a wry smile on her face. This girl didn't seem to communicate with others very much, and she spoke very directly, "No, no, no, I just think it's not... inconvenient."

Zhu Yina pulled off the white towel wrapped around her right arm and threw it to Yang Xiao, "Put the towel somewhere easy to reach. If you can't hold it any longer, just take out the towel and lift it up. I will stop."

Seeing the girl's insistence, Yang Xiao had no choice but to stuff one end of the towel into his pocket. Fortunately, the clothes he wore today were looser, so it was easy to use his hands.

After giving Yang Xiao enough time to prepare, Zhu Yina suddenly rushed towards Yang Xiao and raised her hand to throw a right hook. Yang Xiao subconsciously raised his arm to block. Unexpectedly, Zhu Yina changed her fist into a palm midway, hitting Yang Xiao's arm and grabbing her at the same time. Holding his wrist, he then stepped forward and bumped Yang Xiao's chest with his shoulder. Taking advantage of Yang Xiao's instability, he turned around and threw him over the shoulder.

Yang Xiao was suddenly thrown to pieces, and then he felt something wrapped around his back, one hand was controlled, and there was a sense of pressure on his neck. Yang Xiao struggled to get up, but Zhu Yina's two long legs The legs hugged him tightly, wrapping around him like an octopus. As the pressure on his neck continued to get stronger, Yang Xiao's consciousness became increasingly blurred.

One second, two seconds, three seconds.


Zhu Yina, who had already used ground skills to capture Yang Xiao, secretly sighed in her heart. Although this person had poor fighting skills, his will was really strong. A normal person would have surrendered after being locked up like this, but Yang Xiao was still struggling desperately. The only one who was not locked up was His left hand was still struggling to grab the ground again and again, as if trying to use force to get up.

"As expected of a captain-level figure, he does have his own merits." Zhu Yina finally slowly let go of her hand and couldn't help but praise: "Captain Yang, you are really tenacious."

But when Zhu Yina stood up, she was stunned. Yang Xiao was lying on the ground almost motionless, occasionally twitching, and he was already rolling his eyes.

"Captain Yang! Captain Yang, wake up!"

What made Zhu Yina even more devastated was that the white towel fell next to Yang Xiao's left leg, less than 10 meters away from Yang Xiao's desperately stretched left hand.


Zhu Yina suddenly understood that he was not struggling tenaciously. He had planned to surrender from the beginning, but unfortunately the towel fell off halfway and he never touched it.

When Yang Xiao woke up from his coma, the first thing he saw was the snow-white ceiling above his head. He was lying in a ward with an intravenous drip still attached.

"Captain wakes up!"

Ximen Xiu's voice sounded, and then a group of people cheered and surrounded him. Beibei, Daxiong, Yu Shu, everyone except Zhuge Zhijie was there.

Yang Xiao was still a little dizzy and had a double vision when seeing people, "I...what's wrong with me?"

"Captain, you were knocked unconscious by Zhu Yina, but it's okay. The director has personally taken action to avenge you. I heard that he scolded Zhu Yina for half an hour and made everyone cry." Beibei watched the fun and did not think it was a big deal. Balabala gave Yang Xiao said.

"By the way, Sister Wen came here just now and said that the director asked you to come over as soon as you wake up. There may be something urgent." Beibei reminded.

Yang Xiao rested for a while, held the bottle, and went to the director's office. After all, Zhu Yina just made an unintentional mistake, and he planned to help her out.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw the director sitting on the sofa smoking, and the office was enveloped in turbid smoke.

"Director, I'm fine, don't...:

Before Yang Xiao could finish his words, he saw Nalan Shuo raise his head with an ugly look on his face, and asked, "Did you really restrict that ghost kid holding the lantern?"

Yang Xiao was stunned for a moment, then carefully answered: "It should be, Director, what happened?"

Nalan Office slowly stood up, walked to the desk, picked up a document, and handed it to Yang Xiao, "Two hours ago, news came from the Provincial Office. People from the Technology Department searched the entire building, but could not find the complaint that caused the supernatural incident. Eyes, the instrument did not search for any suspicious signals. At first they thought there was something wrong with the detector, but three groups of people were changed, and the search results were the same. The green lantern... disappeared. "

"Disappeared?" Yang Xiao stared inwardly.

"We don't know what this means, and the people in the technical department can't analyze it, but they put forward a hypothesis." Nalan Shuo looked serious, "The ghost lantern may be following an incomprehensible form of existence. By the side of a survivor."

Yang Xiao spent the entire afternoon in a tense atmosphere. Today Beibei Daxiong was also asked to stay. The three of them stayed in the office in the evening. Sister Wen had arranged for people to bring foldable beds, quilts and toiletries that could be used. Something like that was delivered in advance.

Beibei and Daxiong also roughly understood what happened. For safety reasons, the three of them slept in the large office outside. Yang Xiao's backpack was placed next to the bed, which contained the life-saving Ming Yi.

Not long ago, he took out Ming Yi and looked at it. There was a piece of paper money with a square hole missing from Ming Yi. Yang Xiao remembered the location clearly, and it was the paper money he took off.

The paper money that was picked off would disappear. Yang Xiao probably had a guess in his mind. Each piece of paper money could summon a funeral procession. He counted it and found that there were more than 30 pieces of paper money of different sizes on this piece of clothing, which meant that it was used properly. In this case, it can deal with more than 30 ghosts.

Why is it more than 30 instead of 33 or 35? It's because Yang Xiao can't count. There's something weird about Ming Yi. He counted three times and got different numbers each time. If he continued to count, he was worried that he would lose his count. A ghost.

The night was getting late, and the three of them were lying on the bed. They didn't dare to sleep anymore, so they could only chat. A second ago, Daxiong was comforting the two of them, but suddenly stopped talking. Yang Xiao turned his head, I saw Big Bear closing his eyes, putting his hands on the bedside, and had fallen asleep.

Yang Xiao immediately turned his head to look at Bei Bei. She was also asleep. Yang Xiao immediately realized that something was wrong. Just as he was about to stand up, he suddenly felt dizzy and fell down.

The next second, he woke up suddenly from the bed. The lights in the office went out. At this moment, he was shrouded in a strange light. The two beds beside him were empty. Bei Bei and Da Xiong were nowhere to be found.

He stood up uncontrollably and walked out step by step. He left the office and opened the door. The corridor was foggy. It was the kind of gray fog.

Suddenly, the fog seemed to be stirred by some force. A team of people in mourning suddenly emerged from the depths of the fog. It was still the funeral procession, carrying the big red coffin behind them.

But this time, Yang Xiao saw the ghost child in the team. She followed the team with a terrifying little face, right next to the big red blood coffin, jumping up and down, holding the pale green paper lantern in her hand.

Yang Xiao couldn't help shaking his body and woke up again, but this time, Daxiong and Beibei were by his side, "Captain, what's wrong with you?"

Yang Xiao's forehead was covered with cold sweat, "I...what happened to me just now?"

"You fell asleep, we were chatting, and you suddenly stopped talking." Daxiong looked at Yang Xiao with concern.

Yang Xiao lifted the quilt on his body. Fortunately, the underworld clothes were not on him. He grabbed the backpack beside the bed and took out the underworld clothes from it.

"Huh, the underworld clothes are still there, and there is no change. The missing paper money has not returned, but just when Yang Xiao was about to put the underworld clothes back, he suddenly noticed that there was an extra lantern on the hem of the side of the robe.

The lantern was small and green, and like the paper money, it was also embroidered.

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