Nightmare Apostle

Chapter 11: Block the Master

"What do you mean?" Shi Guanming put on the trousers with two legs of different lengths, not to mention how uncomfortable he was. "What you gave us are defective products?"

Kuang Hongyi touched the material of the clothes with his hands, then looked at everyone's outfits. After a moment, his expression suddenly changed, "No! These people are using us as a substitute!"

Xu Su was the first to react, "Are you saying this family is using us to prevent disaster?"

Kuang Hongyi nodded with an ugly expression, looked out with cold eyes, and lowered his voice, "Damn, I should have realized this earlier. These people call us Fu Ke."

Shi Guanming was already extremely frightened, but now he was even more frightened after doing this. He asked with a trembling voice: "Everyone, what are you talking about? Can you make it clearer?"

Kuang Hongyili ignored him and turned to look at the others, "Do you still remember how the invitation in the script was written?"

"Feng Mansion invited us here and said they would hold a ceremony. They didn't mention the specific matters. They only said that we would be grateful after the event is completed." Yang Xiao was the first to speak.

"These bastards are looking for us as shields and scapegoats!" Kuang Hongyi took a deep breath before calming down and explaining to everyone, "Fu Ke can also be called Enke. This sounds good, and the bad one is called Zhenke. , the people are more accustomed to call them "Bang Ye", which means they are hired by the master to help suppress disasters. "

"Those who can do the job of blocking me are not ordinary people. Those who look good will definitely not be able to do it. It is best to be born with a disability or deformity, or suffer a catastrophe the day after tomorrow. In short, you must have a few of the five disadvantages and three deficiencies, otherwise your life will not be bad enough. , I can’t control those things.”

"The boss is a fisherman, a trade in the underworld. These people are famous for their hard-nosed lives from all over the country. They are not afraid of anything. They dare to dig graves in the middle of the night and knock on coffin boards. This is what they earn. "Dead man's wealth."

"Usually when the master's family is in trouble, or encounters evil things, or provokes those unclean things, he will ask the master to come and take a look."

"It's an ordinary little thing to take care of me, say a few harsh words to the empty room, take a killing knife and slash the door twice, it's enough to break the family's evil spirit, but if you really encounter something difficult, then... If you have to risk your life, if there are some unsolvable evil spirits, you have to ask the master to come over and put on the clothes of the master's family, pretend that the master's family is living in the other's house, and have the same style of clothing, food, housing and transportation as the master's family, so that those dirty things will disappear. Treat Damn Ye as a member of the family, thus transferring the resentment to Damn Ye.”

"But generally people don't do this. I'm not stupid either. Those who are capable in this business also know how much money they have. Some money can only be earned but not spent."

After Kuang Hongyi said this, and coupled with the clothes in everyone's hands, it was already obvious that they were being treated as scapegoats by the Feng family.

Hearing this, Su Tingting trembled and turned pale with fright. Seeing that he could not even stand still, he cried and said: "Then...since we know, we don't need to wear these clothes anymore. Let's run, run." The further away the better, can you escape?"

Shi Dali shook his head and said in a muffled voice: "It's not that simple. If we don't wear it, the mission will not proceed, and we will never be able to find the key clues and leave here."

Everyone's clothes had birth dates and horoscopes on them. Everyone gathered together to study and soon came to the conclusion that these birth dates and horoscopes belonged to three generations.

Among them, the one belonging to Shi Dali has the highest seniority. If you guessed it right, it belongs to Mr. Feng. Then there is the one belonging to Kuang Hongyi, which belongs to Mr. Feng. After that, there are Yang Xiao, Ke Long and Shi Guanming. They are of the same generation and should all be Feng. The third generation of the family is the three sons of Mr. Feng.

Next up are Xu Su and Su Tingting. They are also classified as the third generation of the Feng family. Kuang Hongyi thought about this for a long time and did not understand it. Logically speaking, in ancient times, women had a low status and should not be qualified to be classified. They are the third generation of the Feng family, even if they are the daughters-in-law of the Feng family.

"It's not them, it's the blood in their bellies." Yang Xiao suddenly said, "They are pregnant and haven't given birth yet."

Kuang Hongyi was stunned for a moment, then nodded repeatedly, "Yes, you are right, this should be the only explanation!"

Now the mission is getting clearer. Their identity is to protect the family of seven people from disasters.

"Damn, let's just ward off the disaster. Can you change into some good clothes? These pants are one long and one short. If something happens to you, you won't be able to run fast." Ke Long fiddled with his trouser legs back and forth, trying to make himself comfortable. Some.

"I'm afraid it's difficult. There is a saying in the master's house. Living in the master's house will not only ward off evil spirits, but also absorb the master's family spirit. The longer you stay, the more similar you will be to the master you are playing. This thing is said to be very mysterious. As time goes by, let alone the servants, it will be difficult for you to distinguish. Even you will regard yourself as the real master, so you must use some external objects to distinguish it. "

"This ill-fitting dress reminds you all the time that you are not the owner of this family, you are just a low-status person who was lured here with money."

"Fuck him, damn capitalist!" Ke Long cursed.

"What does this have to do with being a capitalist? You don't like money and you cherish your life, so why don't you come? No one will tie you up with a rope." Xu Su said in reply.

It can be seen that everyone has adapted to their identities now. Shi Guanming and Su Tingting have also changed their clothes. Either the sleeves are long or a piece of skirt is missing. They all look a little indescribably funny.

The time for burning incense has passed long ago, and there is still no movement in front of the door. The sun has mostly set, and it seems that Master Feng will not come.

I heard from my mother that Master Feng's second son died, and I thought the white lantern hanging outside the door was prepared for him.

Everyone walked outside together. As soon as they were out of the hospital, they met a group of nurses carrying wooden sticks. But after hearing that they were guests who came to the house, the several tall and round nurses suddenly felt a little weak. Pushing the envelope and asking them to find someone else to lead the way.

At this moment, a maid with somewhat dark skin passed by and was scolded by the head of the nursing home instructor, who asked the maid to take them to the secluded house in the backyard.

The maid's behavior was similar to that of the nursing staff, and she strongly disagreed. However, the instructor glared and said a few harsh words, and the maid had no choice but to agree. The instructor thrust a lantern into the maid's hand, which seemed to have deep meaning. He said: "Go back quickly, it's getting dark soon!"

The maid heard the words and did not dare to delay for a moment. She led everyone towards the depths of the house quickly. The maid walked in a hurry, but the road became more and more remote. After passing by an abandoned courtyard, Yang Xiao suddenly felt like she had seen him before. This place on the ground bluestone slabs and a brick wall on the side.

Not far under the brick wall, there is a stone well, with a large millstone pressed on it to completely seal the well mouth.

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