Nightmare Apostle

Chapter 124 Brief News

There was no light, and the surroundings were very dim. There was still that weird dim light that couldn't find the light source. The nearby scene reminded him of yellowed old photos.

In recent times, Yang Xiao's mental tolerance has increased rapidly. After all, he has seen a lot of strange things. The door of the ward is connected to the corridor of the B\u0026B. He can accept this level of weirdness.

The entire B\u0026B was quiet as Yang Xiao walked out of the door with his hands and feet. There was an old-fashioned wooden floor under his feet, and his shoes made a crunching sound when he stepped on it.

This is not like an illusion. He is really back. He has not forgotten his mission to find Yu Shu and take her home.

He walked as gently as possible and arrived at Yu Shu's door. Just as he was about to open the door, he felt a slippery feeling under his feet, which was also a little sticky.

Lowering his head and taking a closer look, he saw that the floor was actually stained with blood. The blood stains extended all the way from his feet to the end of the corridor, where was the staircase leading downstairs.

The amount of bleeding was exaggerated, and the person bleeding was probably hopeless. Yang Xiao was worried about Yu Shu and pushed the door gently without opening it.

I tried a little harder, but still couldn't push it open.


Because there were bloodstains under his feet, Yang Xiao did not dare to make too much noise. He calmed down and decided to search along the bloodstains. He was worried that Yu Shu was dead. After all, the bloodstains extended from the door of Yushu's room.

He came to save Yu Shu. If Yu Shu was already dead, he would evacuate without hesitation.

In the quiet and dark environment, every step was torturous. There were bloodstains all over the stairs, as if something was dragging the body all the way downstairs.

After a while, Yang Xiao found the owner of these blood stains in the corner of the hall on the first floor.

It was a man with a strong physique, wearing outdoor clothing, but his head was missing, and the muscles at the broken neck were twisted. It was not cut off with a sharp weapon, but rather torn apart by a huge force.

Yang Xiao immediately thought of the headless green ghost. He subconsciously checked Ming Yi. Sure enough, the nine-eyed human head originally embroidered on it was missing.

What does this mean?

Did that headless green ghost escape?

There was no room for Yang Xiao to think at the moment. He quickly discovered the second body, and then the third...: These headless bodies fell under the steps of the B\u0026B. One of the bodies, Yang Xiao knew him, and was the owner of the B\u0026B. , the beige plaid shirt he was wearing was stained red with blood.

When we walked out of the B\u0026B, the entire street outside was filled with lifelessness. We could see corpses lying on the roadside with their heads torn off everywhere. The tragic scene was like purgatory on earth.

Yang Xiao was suddenly very scared. He was not worried about himself, but suspected that he had released a fierce ghost. All these tragedies were related to him.

Maybe... maybe if he hadn't saved Yu Shu, then none of these people would have died, not to mention that he couldn't even save Yu Shu completely.

A rough count showed that there were at least dozens of corpses on the street. Yang Xiao stayed close to the street and advanced cautiously. Suddenly, a body lying on its side on the threshold caught his attention.

The head of this corpse was also torn off. The corpse was wearing a police uniform and a silver glove on its right hand.

The gloves looked familiar to Yang Xiao. They were very similar to those used by the people in the technical department. Yang Xiao stepped forward and after confirming that the surrounding area was safe, he began to check the clothes of the corpse. There was a holster on the waist, but there was no gun. It might have been lost during the escape. .

Soon, Yang Xiao found a black card in the inner pocket of the man's coat, which was very similar to his own. It seemed that this person was also from the Patrol Office.

Unfortunately, he couldn't find any documents that could prove his identity. Taking off the silver glove, Yang Xiao discovered that the man's right hand was missing a little finger.

Judging from the long-healed fracture, it was an old injury.

Not far from the man's body, a mobile phone was dropped. The screen of the mobile phone was shattered. Yang Xiao pressed it and the screen actually lit up. The interface stayed in the text message editing box. The content was very simple, only the word "look up".

This text message is intended to be sent to a person named Brother Qiang.

Obviously, this man was halfway through editing the text message, but before he could send it out, he was caught and killed by the headless green ghost.

In a few breaths, Yang Xiao roughly guessed what happened here. It was definitely a supernatural event. The headless green ghost was killing people here, attracting people from the patrol office. As a result, the colleagues who came were defeated and killed by the headless ghost. Aoki killed.

But why didn't they get any news?

If such a thing really happened in reality, it is impossible that they did not receive the news, and judging from the scene, this supernatural event should have happened for some time.

Regardless of time or space, the scene here cannot be explained. It is more like a nightmare, a nightmare that continues because of one's own choices!

Maybe... maybe it's not mine, but Yu Shu's!

"Komi wears...


Yang Xiao suddenly heard a strange noise. He turned around suddenly and saw outside a grocery store on the corner of the street.

A child squats.

The child's body was hidden behind a pile of wooden boxes, with only half of his head exposed. His blood-stained face was full of fear, "Help me, please help me!"

Yang Xiao turned around and ran away.

Are you kidding? So many people have been killed by headless ghosts. How can you, a little kid who knows how to call for help, survive to this day?

Sure enough, the patter of footsteps came from behind Yang Xiao. The footsteps were so heavy that it couldn't possibly be a child.

Yang Xiao couldn't run away, so he simply turned and rushed into a three-story bookstore. He took advantage of the turning moment and glanced sideways.

He saw that thing following not far behind him. It was the headless green ghost with a child's head on top.

Rush up the stairs and run into a library on the second floor. There are many tall bookshelves here, each of which is nearly 3 meters high. Yang Xiao estimated that the headless green ghost would definitely not be able to find it on the bookshelf, but he didn't dare to gamble, so he pushed open the window and climbed out.

Luckily, he could just step on the rainproof awning between the first and second floors. He stepped out of the window, then closed the window from the outside and looked inside through the window slit.

In this way, even if he was discovered, he could jump down and escape.

Soon, the door was knocked open and the headless green ghost rushed in. It first turned around in the room, and the eyes of the child's head emitted an evil light.

The next second, Yang Xiao couldn't help but take a deep breath, and saw the headless green ghost take off the child's head and then lift it up,

so that he could see if there was anyone hiding on the bookshelf.

Yang Xiao couldn't help but be afraid. If he had been hiding there just now, his head would be taken away now.

Although it was a dream, he was sure that if he died here, he would really die.

As the child's head kept turning, it suddenly stopped, and the pair of resentful eyes stared at the window where Yang Xiao was hiding.


Yang Xiao immediately realized that he couldn't look into the eyes of this ghost thing. If he looked into its eyes, even if his eyes crossed for a moment, he would be sensed!

But it was too late to say anything. After the headless green ghost put the child's head back on his body, he rushed over. At this moment, the figure of the headless green ghost kept magnifying in Yang Xiao's eyes, but Yang Xiao was not scared silly. On the contrary, his brain was turning rapidly.

He thought about jumping down and escaping now, but jumping from this height might hurt his foot. Even if he landed safely, could he still outrun the ghost at his speed?

This was a dead end.

The text message suddenly appeared in his mind. He looked up. These two words obviously had a special meaning. Otherwise, the colleague from the Patrol Office would not have passed the information at the critical moment of being chased. This might be a hint.

Raise your head.....

Is it to let yourself raise your head?

Obviously not.

That is to let this headless green ghost raise his head?

Instantly, Yang Xiao seemed to understand something. If this ghost wanted to find someone on the bookshelf, he didn't need to take off his head. It was so troublesome to raise it high. He could just raise his head directly. The space on the bookshelf was not very spacious. It would be easy to reveal his tracks if he hid a person.

Thinking of this, Yang Xiao decided to take a gamble. He had no other way to go.

He tried to hide as far away as possible at the last moment. With a "bang", the wooden antique window was smashed. The headless green ghost did not move and landed steadily in mid-air.

Yang Xiao gathered up his strength and shouted.

The next second, the headless green ghost seemed to have no reaction. He raised his head suddenly, and the child's head kept leaning back. "Crack", and finally rolled to the ground.

In just a blink of an eye, the remaining headless body disappeared.

Yang Xiao took a deep breath and did not dare to neglect it. As an investigator of the Patrol Office who had experienced several missions, he knew that this did not mean that the ghost was eliminated. It was just that the ghost fell into a deep sleep. It would not be long before it would wake up again.

He climbed in through the window and ran back to the original homestay at the fastest speed. When passing by the body of his colleague, Yang Xiao thanked him in his heart.

After the headless green ghost disappeared, Yang Xiao suddenly felt a feeling in his heart, as if something in the homestay was attracting him.

Following the feeling, he returned to the outside of Yu Shu's room. This time, he pushed the door gently and it opened. It was foggy inside. It was not the original room, but Longshou Mountain. Through the fog, the Yinbing Cave in the distance was vaguely visible.

Before Yang Xiao could think about what to do next, suddenly, the fog seemed to be pulled by some force and kept rolling.

The next second, a team of people in mourning came out from the depths of the fog. It was the funeral procession. These people were wearing paper man makeup, stepping on a weird rhythm, and carrying the big red coffin behind them.

The funeral procession continued, and Yang Xiao's face was stern. He found Yu Shu, who was also in mourning, in the procession. She seemed to have her soul taken away, and she looked like a walking corpse. She followed the procession, not far from the big red coffin.

Yang Xiao didn't know where the funeral procession was going, but he knew that if Yu Shu followed, he would never come back.

He rushed to the funeral procession and grabbed Yu Shu's arm. Just at this moment, it was as if the pause button was pressed, and the whole procession suddenly stopped.

The next second, everyone turned their heads at the same time and looked straight at Yang Xiao.

The body did not move, and the head turned 180 degrees. This scene could no longer be described as weird. Yang Xiao's legs were weak.

At the same time, he heard a "creak", as if something was opened, and the sound came from the direction of the big red coffin.

Yang Xiao pulled Yu Shu up and ran. Yu Shu's body was very light, and Yang Xiao didn't feel like he was pulling a living person,

but a paper man.

He turned his head several times to confirm that it was Yu Shu.

They rushed out of the room and ran to Yang Xiao's room at the fastest speed. They broke the door open and found the room in the hospital.

After closing the door, Yang Xiao threw Yu Shu onto the stretcher and jumped onto his own bed and lay down.

There were violent footsteps in the corridor outside the door. Something was chasing him. Yang Xiao lay down and closed his eyes. After a feeling of dizziness and weightlessness, he suddenly woke up.

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