Nightmare Apostle

Chapter 138 Red Line

The man's upper body was bare and he was stroking his delicate skin. In the dim room, with heavy rain pouring outside the window, no one could have imagined that this sanctimonious man could be such a devil behind his back.

The female teacher was so frightened that she stepped on the muddy road in the pouring rain and even forgot how she got back to the dormitory. Her mind went blank.

It wasn't until the next day that she came to the office in a daze and saw the male teacher with his head down preparing lessons. His gentle profile and focused look made her sick.

She knew that she could never let the devil continue to wreak havoc.

She mustered up the courage to find the principal and exposed the man's evil deeds. Perhaps because the man's daily personality was too deeply rooted in people's hearts, no one believed her words.

However, out of a responsible attitude and the female teacher's repeated persistence, the principal still found the person from last night. After some questioning, a scene that the female teacher never expected happened, and the other person actually denied it.

After getting the explanation from the students, the principal strengthened his judgment and believed that the female teacher was too sensitive.

Since the teacher teaches dance, some simple physical contact is unavoidable. The teacher interacts with the students every day, and everyone in the school knows this, so they comfort the female teacher not to think too much. After all, everyone can see the male teacher's character.

The female teacher persisted and asked the students why they were lying. She also suggested calling more students to ask.

But this move also angered the principal. It is rare for a college student to come to a place like theirs to teach. The leaders of the town attach great importance to this matter and think it is a good start for their hometown. Construction is very beneficial, but now, a female teacher actually wants to ruin someone's reputation and ruin their future just because of a few unfounded suspicions. Isn't this harmful?

The female teacher argued hard, but the principal ignored her. After criticizing her, he kicked her out and warned her that the matter would end there.

From that day on, the female teacher noticed that the girl who was in contact with the male teacher was deliberately alienating her. Even when she saw her from a distance on the playground, she would immediately run away. This was very unusual.

So the female teacher secretly investigated, and sure enough, she noticed that the girl's living conditions had improved significantly recently, and she had put on new clothes and new shoes.

These things are only available in the city. They are very rare in the backwoods of the countryside, let alone in a poor family like the girl.

A few days later, the female teacher stopped the girl on the way and asked her why she was lying. The girl was so frightened that she turned around and ran away. The female teacher also violently stopped her and searched her bag for two boiled eggs.

After following the girl home, the female teacher was surprised to find that the conditions at her home had also been greatly improved.

The leaky roof was repaired and a brand new stove was built. She has a grandmother who is not in good health.

Because the family was poor and could not afford the medicine, this time the female teacher found many bottles of medicine at home, and grandma's health improved a lot. Grandma opened her mouth to praise the male teacher, saying that he was a good man, he came often, and he cared a lot about her family. .

Seeing all this, the female teacher finally understood. She didn't say anything more. She just left the only money she had with her and left alone. On the way back, she kept thinking and pondering. Finally, she made up her mind that she couldn't let this happen. This tragedy continues to unfold, even if you try your best.

From this day on, she began to pay attention to the girl's life, worked repeatedly, and explained the stakes to her. Through unremitting efforts, she finally opened the girl's heart.

It was also from the girl's mouth that the female teacher learned the truth of the matter, and this truth was far more cruel and cruel than she thought.

The most important thing is that the male teacher will ask someone to bring back expensive medicines from the city to the student's grandma. Seeing her grandma get better day by day is a girl's biggest wish.

The girl also mentioned that in order to deceive others, the other party would trick the girls into going to the dormitory on the pretext of learning the most popular dance. The dormitory was relatively remote. Once there, he would turn up the volume of the tape recorder.

This will cover everything up.

This time with the girl's confession, the female teacher went directly to the principal, thinking that this time she would be able to make the other party's crime known to the public. But she was too naive. After confirming that all this was true, the principal hesitated because this matter involved Too big.

After waiting hard for two days, the female teacher, who thought she had the result, was called to the principal's office. The moment she opened the door, the female teacher was stunned. Not only was the principal in the office, but there were also many unfamiliar faces. Judging from her position, the principal Obviously not as important as these people.

At this time, a man in a suit and leather shoes stood up on the sofa and greeted the female teacher pleasantly.

First, he praised the female teacher for her sense of justice and bravery, and then changed the subject and started playing the emotional card with the female teacher.

The man told about the bad impact this incident may have on the town. Once it is publicized, public opinion will inevitably be in an uproar. Many negotiated investments may be in vain. The town cannot bear this blow, and it will also have a negative impact on the introduction of Disadvantage for good people.

Men hope that female teachers will take the overall situation into consideration. Of course, there are also penalties for the teacher involved. The school will find reasons to fire him and deal with them seriously, and the victims will receive compensation.

As a female teacher who upholds justice, she should be rewarded with a promotion and a salary increase, as well as a substantial bonus. However, the prerequisite is that she must sign a contract, which stipulates that she must keep the matter secret and keep it secret for the rest of her life. Rotten in the stomach.

As if he didn't expect the female teacher to refuse, the man took the contract out of his briefcase.

Putting it on the table and thoughtfully handing it over a pen, the female teacher noticed that the amount promised to her was very considerable, and her salary in 10 years was not that much.

"What is this, hush money?" The female teacher dismissed it. To be precise, she was desperate for these people.

She just wants justice and fairness.

"Teacher Wang, don't speak so harshly. This is a decision made by the town after careful consideration. You should also think more about the development of our town." The principal's face sank and he scolded.

In the end, they broke up on bad terms, and the very next day, the female teacher's work was suddenly stopped for a very ridiculous reason.

What made the female teacher even more desperate was that she heard news that the male teacher was packing his luggage and preparing to leave town in the next few days.

And once he leaves, he will never come back. All these sins will stay here, and he will not be punished in any way.

This devil could not be let go, otherwise more innocent people would be killed. The female teacher made up her mind, and with her own strength, she began to fight against the haze that shrouded the entire town.

She went everywhere to redress her grievances, looking for influential people in the town, entrepreneurs, investors, TV stations... . She ran everywhere she could, without fear of threats or compensation. She just wanted to make what the male teacher had done public.

Finally, on a night of heavy rain, he knelt down on the road with a white cloth written with grievances written on it, just to stop the car of a big shot.

Finally, the female teacher's efforts paid off. The matter attracted more and more attention, and the male teacher who originally planned to escape was also blocked in the school.

The residents in the town were very excited, and parents who were working outside the country also rushed back. They wrote a joint letter, and even cut their fingers and put bloody fingerprints on them, demanding justice.

In the end, the principal came forward on behalf of the male teacher and expressed his condolences to the victim's parents and relatives. He also promised everyone that the male teacher would come out and apologize to everyone early the next morning. He would do whatever he wanted to do after that, and he would not show any favoritism. But now, he is still Sort out the evidence.

Unfortunately, when everyone opened the door the next day, they found that the male teacher who was locked in the room had committed suicide out of fear of crime. His body was hanging from the ceiling, shaking like a torn sack.

Although the devil was defeated, the thinking he brought to people was far from over. The female teacher became a big hero in the town.

Under her call, attention to the safety of girls has greatly increased, and the local bad habit of favoring boys over girls has also been improved.

The female teacher became famous in one battle, and was in the limelight for a time. There was an endless stream of letters, interviews, invitations, admirers, and numerous titles. She seemed to be a representative who was not afraid of power and the purest defender of women's rights. who.

On the last page of the booklet is a rough poster with intriguing content.

In the middle of the poster is a woman in shabby clothes, her head lowered. Her cramped movements symbolize ignorance, isolation and helplessness.

At the far left of the poster, in the darkness, is a man with his claws stretched out. The twisted and deformed hand reaching out to the girls symbolizes desire and pathology.

On the far right of the poster is a female teacher bathed in the holy light. The teacher also reaches out to the girls in the middle, but unlike the male teacher, her hand is palm-up, which represents giving hope and hope to the girls. redemption.

What hangs over everyone's heads is a chaotic haze. If you look closely, you will see that there are human faces hidden in this haze.

Without exception, they are all faces of men. Some of these people are in high positions and have no anger or authority. Some have round faces and are rich and noble. Some have winking eyes and a complexion on their faces. Some of them are plain and plain, just like all other living beings.

The strong contrast between light and dark, as well as the implicit meaning, make the female teacher’s lonely and courageous behavior even more grand.

Behind the female teacher who was bathed in the holy light, a line of words was written in a flurry of words, which was deafening.

"Since equality is a lie, we will eventually wake up to the fact that women are not just a piece of cake, but can fight against the whole world."

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