Nightmare Apostle

Chapter 148 Looking for someone

Chapter 148 Looking for Someone Book Title: Apostle of Nightmares Author Name: Gentle Sleep Counselor Number of words in this chapter: 4042 words Update time: 2024-02-0300:33:31

Brother Jian, Brother Feng, Lao Wu, Assistant Qian... . All four people were confused for a moment. There was an error in their memory, and they had four completely different identities for the same person.

A moment later, a chill came over the ground, and Yang Xiao began to recall everything about Brother Jian. In his memory,

In the movie, Jian Ke is a familiar face, and he often follows the director. But he can continue to imagine and divination, and a scene of divination appears. He did not recall any details about Jian Ge, no dialogue, no exchange, no story, no intersection,"

The other party was like a paper figure, inserted into his memory abruptly.

Not only Yang Xiao, but Song Yan, Lu Ji, and Yu Mi were also the same, unable to recall any information about this person.

The successive blows gradually made Yu Mi unable to hold on any longer. She held on to the desk and gasped for air.

She didn't want to, and she didn't dare to recall that just now, that ghost appeared in front of them in a big way,

He also accompanied them to act together, and in the end, he took away two of their teammates.

"It's over...:..." Lu Ji was inevitably sad. He was an old player and knew that the two people who were taken away were in serious danger.

The lives of the two people should be able to hold off the ghost for a while. Song Yan suggested that it was not suitable to stay here for a long time. They should leave immediately and find the crew to meet up.

I cautiously opened the classroom door and turned around. It was quiet in the corridor and the group of people walked quickly towards the stairs.

They walked very lightly for fear of being discovered.


Suddenly, a door on the left side of the corridor opened, and Pei Qiuyu, wearing a school uniform and braided hair, appeared at the door.

Finally, he looked at them with a little surprise, "Why did you come out?"

Lu Ji looked behind Pei Qiuyu. This was also a classroom. Behind the classroom were rows of wooden steps.

The structure looked like a choir classroom. "Why are you alone? Where are they?" Lu Ji asked.

"Screenwriter Sun said that Tang Cui had a good idea, but her acting skills were lacking and she couldn't express the purest sense of despair, so he took her away to train alone." Pei Qiuyu pointed outward with her hand, "They went to the corner of the second floor. bathroom."

Yang Xiao's eyes never left Pei Qiuyu, "What about you? Why did your hair style become like this?"

"Oh, screenwriter Sun made this up for me. He said it would make me look like a student and asked me to wait here.

They, it’s my turn in the next scene. "Pei Qiuyu explained.

Song Yan couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Sure enough, newcomers are still easy to deceive. This so-called screenwriter Sun is a ghost. If they come a little later, I'm afraid that after finishing Tang Cui, Pei Qiuyu's turn will be next.

In a sense, "Screenwriter Sun" did not lie to her. Not only was Pei Qiuyu's turn in the next scene, but she also did her best work.

Lu Ji explained the identity of "Screenwriter Sun" in the shortest possible time. Pei Qiuyu was dumbfounded. After a moment, she realized what she was doing and started to get scared, "Oh no, then Tang Cui...::,

"Mind yourself first."

Song Yan turned and walked towards the stairs, which were located at the corner of the corridor. At this moment, the group faced three choices: go downstairs, go upstairs, or continue walking and go to the bathroom not far away.

Now I can't care about others in this situation. If nothing unexpected happens. Tang Cui should be dead. Without much discussion, everyone naturally decided to go downstairs and leave.

Lu Ji took the lead and walked down the stairs quickly, but as soon as he took a few steps, he was stopped by Yang Xiao, "Wait a minute!"

Lu Ji was nervous at first, but when Yang Xiao did this, he ran back in two steps, his clear eyes looking up and down, left and right, "What's wrong?"

At this moment, Song Yan seemed to realize something was wrong, "Don't talk, be quiet."

Lu Ji shut up and the scene fell into an eerie silence. Now even Yu Mi noticed the problem.

good.. .So quiet. ""

"Yeah, it's so quiet downstairs, there's no sound at all." Pei Qiuyu swallowed and subconsciously leaned close to Yu Mi. She was tall and strong, and she seemed to be seeking Yu Mi's protection at the moment. .

Now, even the supposed sound of wind and other natural sounds have disappeared, and the whole building is as quiet as a pool of stagnant water. "The ghost hasn't left, it's just...waiting for us downstairs!" Pei Qiuyu's body He kept trembling, "Maybe he's hiding at the corner of the stairs."'

Such a specific description was disastrous for the current situation. Several people retreated at the same time, away from the stairs, as if a ghost would rush out of the dark corner in front of them in the next second.

The escape route was blocked. Song Yan thought of using his mobile phone to call for help. He took out his mobile phone and dialed Director Ding's number.

"Be careful, that thing is nearby." Song Yan put away the phone and looked around cautiously.

"Then what should we do now? Should we...should we go back?" Lu Ji was also a little panicked. "Director Ding and the others will definitely come back to us after their quarrel."

"Don't count on them. When they come back, the bodies may be cold." Song Yan has much more experience in this area than Lu Ji.

"Then we can't walk away, we can't retreat, what do you think we should do?" Lu Ji looked very sad. He could feel that the ghost was hiding nearby, staring at them in the darkness somewhere, but They just can't find it.

"Go to the bathroom and take a look." Yang Xiao said.

"You are crazy and considerate of the important people, you go first 5

Go in. ""

"Come with me, please," Yang Dangsao asked about the most dangerous place but the safest. Yang Xiao thought that they would most likely find Tang Cui's body in the bathroom, and the possibility of the ghost still staying there was very low.

"Stop saying such things, let's all work together." Song Yan made the decision for everyone.

The group of people approached the women's bathroom very carefully, opened the door, and Lu Ji took a deep breath. Fortunately, there was no bloody smell.

However, thinking of the way the ghost died, Lu Ji suspected that Tang Cui was probably strangled to death.

The bathroom is not big. There are 7 stalls in it. The doors of the first 6 stalls are half-open or fully open, but the door of the last one is closed tightly.

The uneasy atmosphere began to ferment. If you explain all this by coincidence, you would be deceiving yourself. When Song Yan was some distance away, he slowly squatted down. He wanted to observe from the gap under the compartment. He was already prepared to see a pair of tight The tips of his shoes, and even preparations for a twisted grimace, but the end result was that he didn’t look at anything m+

Nissan Buyer Yingjiyun Yang Xiao also noticed that the wooden boards sealing the compartments were very old and showed signs of corrosion. They had obviously been there for a long time.

"Do we want to make a heart-warming proposal? Before the boss finished speaking, he saw Yang Xiao standing in front of the door of the last compartment, raising his leg and opening the already weak door with one kick.

Yu Mi: "!!!"

Seeing the scene inside, Song Yan and the others breathed a sigh of relief. There was nothing inside. It was just a utility room that stored some cleaning supplies, mops, brooms, and a few broken sacks. Judging from the holes in the sacks, the inside They are all collected bottles and cans.

"Is it in the men's room?" This was Pei Qiuyu's first reaction.

"Brother" was nowhere to be seen.

The most important thing is that from the on-site investigation, there was no evidence left in either bathroom to prove that Tang Cui had been there.

"Pei Qiuyu, are you sure they are here to film?" Lu Ji looked at Pei Qiuyu doubtfully. He didn't dare to say the word ghost when he was asking for confirmation.

"That means you didn't see it with your own eyes, right?" After interrupting Lu Ji who wanted to continue questioning, Yang Xiao had a good attitude, "I didn't see it. After he finished speaking, he asked me to stay in the classroom and practice by myself." Then he took Tang Cui away," Pei Qiuyu explained.

I guess something must have happened on this closed third floor. The most likely thing is that the male teacher committed suicide here.

During the filming process, Director Ding revealed intentionally or unintentionally that the classroom they were in was once the scene of the crime, but in Yang Xiao's view, it should be upstairs from their classroom on the second floor, corresponding to The classroom on the third floor was the real crime scene.

After hearing this, Yu Mi and Pei Qiuyu hadn't expressed their opinions yet, so Lu Ji stopped and said, "You guys can go, but I won't go. Now, you can stay, and we'll go." "Song Yan patted Yang Xiao on the shoulder. Lu Ji was just a dispensable figure to him.

Lu Ji persisted at first, but what he never expected was that Yu Mi and Pei Qiuyu would firmly follow Song Yan and Yang Xiao's footsteps. He had never seen such a reckless newcomer.

After confirming that they were not bluffing, Lu Ji also followed decisively. After all, in this situation, "Brother Song, Brother Chu, if we all want to unite, we'd better do it together." Lu Ji believes in survivalism. As for Regarding face, you must first survive before you can consider it.

Climbing to the third floor, it was obviously much shabby. There were old tables and chairs piled on both sides of the corridor. But before they had gone far, they were blocked by a blackboard across the corridor. What was strange was that there were drawings on the blackboard. A strange-looking little man appeared. The little man stretched out a hand as if pointing into the corridor.

Overall, this villain appears very abruptly, and his style of painting is rather underworld. He doesn't look like someone who would appear on campus.

‘Do you still want to go in? Why do I feel like something is wrong here? "Lu Ji couldn't help but look around. When he came here, he could clearly feel the temperature dropping.

And Yang Xiao and Song Yan also made their position clear with practical actions. They moved the blackboard to the left and the right.

And their goal was the classroom at the end of the corridor, which also corresponded to the classroom where they were filming downstairs.

As he walked, Yang Xiao felt a trance in his mind. A picture suddenly flashed through his mind. It was on the script box. It was an old three-story building in the evening background, and the light was on in the window on the edge of the third floor. .

The room with the light on was their destination, the classroom.

"There are no footprints on the ground. They must have never been here." Lu Ji observed as he walked. According to his analysis, the ghost most likely took Tang Cui downstairs and killed him. Based on the missing people, It is also unlikely that they will find Tang Cui's body.

The most troublesome thing about the miserable corpses who are not afraid of death during the mission is the disappearance. To some extent, the disappearance means the break of the clues.

As long as you find the house, you can always analyze some useful things from it, such as the ghost's killing methods, ghosts can learn to detect, and a sword pattern system at the level of Yue Tu Ding Shi Mu.

Finally, we came to the last classroom. Sure enough, this classroom was different from all the classrooms in this building. The glass observation windows on the front and rear doors were sealed with newspapers.

The newspaper that was pasted on it had turned yellow and brittle. It was obvious that many years had passed. Yang Xiao found the publication date on the newspaper. It was initially estimated that it would be more than 15 years since the nightmare world was located. The time is the same as the death of the male teacher. The timing was just right.

Muyan moved, "eliminating bit by bit" the newspapers on the pot, but what surprised him was that behind the pot,

However, I couldn't see anything. There was a wall standing behind the classroom door!

It was a red brick wall, and the way it was built was very rough. Even a layman like Yang Xiao could tell. Thinking of the tragedy that might have happened here, this must have been done on a temporary basis after the incident in order to cover up the public's eyes.

The front door was blocked by a wall, so Yang Xiao and the others could only try their luck and turn to the back door. The back door was still blocked by a brick wall, but this time the work was done in a more obvious way. There was a gap between several red bricks, and through The gap faces,

Staring at the sight, Mu Yan suddenly opened his eyes.

I saw a woman with disheveled hair hanging from the ceiling, her clothes torn to pieces, one shoulder exposed, and the scars left by the beatings on her fair skin were shocking.

Although the woman's back was turned and her face could not be seen clearly, she could tell from her clothes that the deceased was the missing Tang Cui.

The thing that hung her was a brown, badly worn leather belt, which was also the "prop" that "Brother Jian" wanted to take away from Yang Xiao.

Tang Cui died, which was expected, but they didn't expect that she would die in this classroom. The front and back doors were sealed by walls. How did she get in?

Yu Mi, who was lying on the observation window looking in, shed tears and couldn't help sobbing, "Tang Cui is so miserable, she is crying, just like in the movie, she was beaten with a belt, her face...:. There are still tears on it, it’s terrible!”

The last two sentences made Yang Xiao stunned, "There are tears on her face? Isn't her back turned? Why can you,

See her face? "

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