Nightmare Apostle

Chapter 155 The Forgotten Classroom (Happy Dragon Year! Happy New Year!)

But soon, Nie Hexiang's excited voice suddenly stopped.

Like a wild horse running wild, she ran straight into Azhen, and even jumped over and threw Azhen, who was unsteady, to the ground.

The next second, Azhen's twisted and bloody limbs stretched out, like the tentacles of a squid, and wrapped tightly around Nie Hexiang, making her unable to break free, "Ah! Ah...ah!!"

"Mr. Chu! Mr. Chu, please save me!"

Although Nie Hexiang could not see it with her eyes at this moment, the touch on her body was undeniable. The cold feeling almost froze her to death.

Yang Xiao, who was standing not far away, looked at all this coldly and backed away slowly without making any sound. He did not want to ruin Azhen's interest at this moment.

What happened was almost as he expected. After controlling Nie Hexiang, Azhen did not kill her immediately. Instead, she wrapped her up and slowly squirmed back. After a while, Azhen's back was pressed against the wall. At this time, the thick brick wall also changed, and an extra door appeared out of thin air.

This door immediately caught Yang Xiao's attention. It was quite old in shape. It was not the door in this new building, but the door in the old three-story teaching building, which Yang Xiao had seen not long ago.

As A Zhen stepped back, the classroom door that appeared out of thin air slowly opened. The next second, Yang Xiao slowly opened his eyes and saw a classroom appearing behind the door. There were desks and chairs in the classroom. At this moment, there are still several students in class with their backs turned to them.

They were wearing old-fashioned red-striped school uniforms that didn't fit well, the same kind that A-Zhen wore. What made Yang Xiao even more chilly was that he knew almost all of these students. Although they only showed their backs, he still recognized them. come out.

Luo Zhaoqing, Xiang Xiaolin, Tang Cui, and the crew member wearing the golden skull earrings. If I remember correctly, everyone seems to call him Xiao Wu.

These people...:.These people are all people who have disappeared before. Unexpectedly, they were all dragged in here to play the role of students in this classroom!

Because of the angle, Yang Xiao could not see the front half of the classroom, including the situation on the podium.

But if you look carefully, these students look like primary school students. Their postures are straight. You can imagine that they must be staring at the podium at this moment, listening carefully.

Something shook on the ground in the classroom, and Yang Xiao noticed it. It was a shadow. He analyzed that there was light that cast the shadow of the teacher on the podium to the ground.

Just a glance at this shadow makes people feel very weird. The shadow's neck is surprisingly large, almost as long as one and a half heads. At this moment, the shadow is still squirming, as if it is moving towards. Squeezing towards the door.

Only then did Yang Xiao realize the crisis. Nie Hexiang was taken away. This did not mean that the danger was lifted. The guy in the classroom was the most dangerous at the moment, and Azhen was just his puppet.

Thinking of this, he decided to stop looking immediately. If he continued to look, he was worried that the ghost teacher in the classroom would take him away with him.

But the idea was fine, but he ran into trouble during the implementation. Yang Xiao was horrified to find that he couldn't control his facial movements. His body was now stiff and he couldn't make simple movements like turning his head or even closing his eyes.

"Oops, I was careless..." Yang Xiao glared in his heart. He didn't expect that he just looked at it a few more times, but now he would be troubled.

He was just curious and wanted to collect as many clues as possible, but he didn't expect that there was also a murderous intention hidden in it.

He couldn't move and could only watch Nie Hexiang being dragged into the classroom by Azhen, while the twisted ghost in the classroom extended further towards the door.

The moment the ghost touched Nie Hexiang, Nie Hexiang's violent struggle and heart-rending shouts all stopped.

Her expression was dull, as if all the energy had been drained from her body, and then a terrifying scene unfolded in front of Yang Xiao's eyes. Nie Hexiang got up from the ground. At the same time, Xiang Xiaolin, Luo Zhaoqing and others also got up one after another, as if Like a programmed puppet, he moved the tables and chairs in the middle of the classroom, leaving only an old wooden desk with a chair stacked on it.

Nie Hexiang walked over step by step with stiff steps, climbed onto the desk, and then stood on the chair.

Standing upright, he tied a knot with the sleeve of an old school uniform and hung it on his head, then stuffed his head in, and the sleeve just happened to strangle his neck.

The next second, Nie Hexiang kicked her legs, and the table and chair instantly fell to the ground, and she was hung in the air. At this moment, she was waking up from a dream, struggling violently in the air.

She looked in the direction of the podium involuntarily, as if she had seen an extremely terrifying scene, her body became stiff, and she even forgot about her struggle.

Yang Xiao couldn't imagine how much impact this scene had on her.

Immediately afterwards, several figures gathered around, holding Nie Hexiang's legs one after another, and falling under her body like a pendant.

One, two, three...: There were more and more people under Nie Hexiang, and the weight was getting bigger and bigger. The fragile neck could not bear such force at all, and soon began to deform, like a rubber that kept catching. Like tendons, it was stretched bit by bit at a speed visible to the naked eye. This strange scene completely violated the laws of physics. Yang Xiao didn't know how to explain it. He just felt horror and shock.

Thinking of the ghost teacher's neck, Yang Xiao didn't dare to think about what he went through before his death. Could it be that he was also killed in this way, surrounded by many people and dragged to death?

But among the locals, there are rumors that the male teacher committed suicide.



The sound of the heavy weight of the school uniform came from the classroom, as if it was about to break in the next second.

Nie Hexiang's neck has been stretched to the length of her head. The skin has been flattened and has become terrifyingly translucent. The bones and blood vessels inside are clearly visible.

But even so, she was still not dead. Her entire face was twisted together, her mouth was slightly open, but no sound could come out.

Yang Xiao suddenly understood that in this classroom, no one would die, everyone was a prisoner, and they had to atone for the crimes they had committed.

They will endure the pain that the male teacher suffered time and time again, day and night.

This is an inhumane punishment.

Although these people were selected by the mission and went into the nightmare world to perform the mission, in a sense,

They had nothing to do with what happened to the male teacher, but who could reason with a ghost?

And now, Yang Xiao is not in the mood to pay attention to the tragedy in the classroom anymore. He needs to worry about himself. After all, the twisted shadow has spread behind the classroom door.

As long as there is a little more time, it will appear in front of Yang Xiao.

what to do?

What exactly is to be done?

Yang Xiao has tried various methods, such as biting the tip of his tongue, which is a very old-fashioned method used to deal with ghosts and evil spirits.

But it didn't work this time. Apart from being able to control his thoughts, Yang Xiao couldn't even open his mouth.

The ghost squirmed closer to the classroom door. Yang Xiao held his breath. He was about to despair, because he had already seen a scarred and bloody hand grasping the door frame, as if the ghost would appear in the next second.

right now

"Brother Chu!"

"Brother Chu, can you hear me?"

There was a call coming from far away, and it was at the corner of the corridor, and there were also a lot of footsteps.

It's Song Yan's voice!

Just when he heard this sound, it was like some kind of restriction was lifted. Yang Xiao's restrained body suddenly relaxed, and he almost fell to the ground with a leap.

Taking advantage of the last opportunity, he looked at the classroom door that appeared out of thin air. At this moment, most of the classroom door had disappeared. Yang Xiao noticed the iron sign hanging on the door, which said Class Three.

On the other side, Song Yan and others gathered together. Song Yan took the lead and used the flashlight on his mobile phone to illuminate the group. The group slowly came here.

"Song Yan, I'm here." Yang Xiao, who had narrowly escaped death, collapsed on the ground. His legs became weak for a moment and he couldn't stand up.

Hearing the sound, they rushed over and saw Yang Xiao's miserable appearance. None of them dared to come forward. Yang Xiao also understood.

They are worried that they are fake.

"Don't worry, I'm the real deal. I met that guy just now. No, to be precise, I just saw a lot of those things. Azhen, Xiang Xiaolin, Luo Zhaoqing, they were all taken away and locked up in a room. In the classroom ten years ago.”

Yang Xiao took a few breaths and slowly calmed down, "I don't know how to explain it to you, but even though they are all dead, it is quite unfair that they are still being tortured by that ghost teacher."

Pei Qiuyu suspected that Yang Xiao was fake and didn't believe a single punctuation mark of his words. "Don't get close to him, Song Ziyi. Let me ask you, where did Nie Hexiang go? Why are you alone?"

This was a test. Yang Xiao smiled and shook his head, "Pei Qiuyu, you don't have to test me. I'm not Song Ziyi. I'm Chu Xi. Your Nie Hexiang died and was taken away by ghosts. Just now, I He hanged himself in front of me in that classroom."

Yu Mi's body shook uncontrollably when he heard this, and his eyes looked around in horror, "Classroom? What classroom?"

Yang Xiao raised his chin and faced the wall in front of him, "Right here, there was an extra door on the wall just now.

Behind the door is the classroom from 10 years ago. I think it is the same classroom where the male teacher was killed. He did not commit suicide but was killed. There should be a lot of complexity behind this incident. ’”

"By the way, everything I saw just now should be a tragedy repeated." Yang Xiao recalled.

"Come here and talk, Chu Xi." Lu Ji greeted him. After all, Yang Xiao's position was too awkward.

Yang Xiao wanted someone to come over and help him, but no one was willing to take the risk. In the end, Yang Xiao stood firm by himself, slowly moved his numb legs, held on to the wall, and walked over step by step. After Song Yan confirmed that he was safe, he walked over for the first time. A man came up to support him, "Congratulations to Brother Chu, you will be lucky if you survive the catastrophe!"

"Thank you everyone, thank you for your help." Yang Xiao looked at these people one by one, his eyes lingering on Pei Qiuyu's face for a moment.

Seeing that Yang Xiao was fine, Pei Qiuyu's face was surprisingly gentle, and she said with concern: "Mr. Chu, it's great to see that you are fine. I was worried just now, after all, you have lost contact for too long." ""

"It's a pity that Nie Hexiang was not saved. She is also an important clue." Yang Xiao looked at Pei Qiuyu with a smile, "Miss Pei is disappointed."'

Hearing this, Pei Qiuyu was stunned. After a moment, his stiff smile revived, "Where is this? He is just a dispensable clue. How can he compare to everyone's feelings of distress?"

Lu Ji grinned and said with a smile: "Miss Pei is the same on the outside, I admire you!"

Pei Qiuyu's face turned green, but due to the presence of Yang Xiao, he couldn't have an attack.

Through communication, Yang Xiao roughly understood what happened after he and Nie Hexiang left. It turned out that this was not the first time Song Yan and the others came to him.

Counting this time, Song Yan and the others had gone back and forth to find him and Nie Hexiang three times.

"What?" Yu Mi couldn't help but frown after hearing what Yang Xiao said, "Mr. Chu, you said you and that Nie Hexiang have been in the building the whole time?"

"That's right, we went out for a while and came back soon."

Song Yan pondered for a moment, nodded and said, "That seems to be the case. Brothers Chu and the others are trapped in a ghost wall. There is a special world that does not exist here."

"For example, let's say we were in a certain place in this building not long ago, and we were invisible to each other."

"Then how did you find me?" Yang Xiao was curious about this.

Hearing this, Lu Ji was the first to explain, "That's it. We were originally going to give up. After all, brother, you know that in a world like this, it's basically cool to go missing. But as soon as we walked back upstairs, suddenly, Heard an explosion downstairs."'

"The sound wasn't particularly loud, it just sounded like a light tube exploding, so Song Yan suggested that we come down and have a look to see what's going on.'"

"Only halfway through, I realized something was wrong. The lights downstairs went out. At least that's not what happened when we came."

"If I had just taken a few more steps, I would have bumped into you." Lu Ji sighed with emotion. As an old player, he knew how difficult it was for Yang Xiao to survive.

"Then did you find any other abnormalities when you got closer?" What Yang Xiao really cares about is this point, "Did you meet other people? For example, those teachers, or...

Before he finished speaking, Song Yan shook his head, "No, except for you, no one of us saw it. Not long ago, the student formation outside was disbanded. We saw from upstairs that the teachers organized the students to We headed towards the school gate, probably to send them home."

"Everyone in the school, from the principal to the teachers, has a very bad impression of us. At this late hour, everyone left without notifying us," Lu Ji complained.

Lu Ji's unintentional complaint changed the taste in Yang Xiao's ears. He suddenly thought of the broken emergency light. The reason why Nie Hexiang died had a lot to do with that light.

"Could they have left that lamp on purpose?" A thought suddenly popped into Yang Xiao's mind.

After a while, Yang Xiao himself was frightened by this idea. If this was really the case, things would be in trouble.

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