Nightmare Apostle

Chapter 183 It's out



"Wang...Teacher Wang...

Xia Xiuyan knelt on the ground and just took a breath from her breath. The next second, another pebble appeared in her throat.


Holding her neck, the strong sense of suffocation made her mentally dazed. She uncontrollably scratched her throat with her nails. Soon, the skin and flesh on her neck opened and dripped with blood.

This is the punishment for her false accusation. She was wronged and killed with words and words. Even if this pebble is coughed out, there will be another one. After the next one, she will live in pain in this classroom forever, feeling guilty for the crime she once committed. Atonement for the evil deeds committed.

Teacher Wang's methods were not cruel and made onlookers shudder, but when used on these people, Yang Xiao thought it was just right.

Unwilling to sit still and wait for death, Sun Shengnan jumped up from the ground and rushed towards Yang Xiao and the others. According to her observation, Teacher Wang had no intention of killing these three people for the time being, and this was her only chance.

"Save me! Save me, I will help you do it.:::

Before she could even get close, Yang Xiao rushed towards her, raised his foot and sent her flying away. What he learned in the fighting class was verified in an instant.


Sun Shengnan fell hard to the ground, and the huge inertia pushed her to slide on the wet ground, and in a funny posture, she came to the feet of Teacher Wang.

Seeing that Sun Shengnan was still breathing, Yang Xiao felt relieved. The kick just now had been done with full force. He was worried that Sun Shengnan, a dirty guy, would attract Teacher Wang's attention, and misunderstanding would be bad.

But if Sun Shengnan was kicked to death with this kick and Sun Shengnan's "first kill" was unintentionally obtained, I wonder if Teacher Wang would mind.

After driving Sun Shengnan away, Yang Xiao immediately ran back, maintaining the same standing posture as before, with Song Yan and Yu Mi, their backs pressed against the wall, not daring to make a sound.

Knowing that he could not escape, Sun Shengnan showed his true colors and yelled at Teacher Wang: "Come on! Kill me! I climbed up from a country boy on my own step by step. I’m good enough to live to this day!”

"It's you, poor and pathetic thing, what have you seen? What have you enjoyed? Hahaha, what will happen even if you kill me? The world only knows you as a mountain village beast master who violated female students, and I, I The hero who reveals your true face!”

"You will only be reviled by people. Even 100 years after your death, you will still be reviled. You have been nailed to the pillar of shame and you will never have a chance to stand up again!!"

"Poor, pathetic, and your damn adoptive mother, don't you know? When she goes to the market to buy eggs, people won't sell them to her. Everyone avoids her and talks about her behind her back."

"Because of you! Because I taught you such a thing, you are a beast who assaults female students, a coward who commits suicide in fear of crime,

Your adoptive parents died because of you! "

"Harmful person, you deserve to die! People like you deserve to die!!"

Sun Shengnan's mean mouth was like a knife, stabbing into Teacher Wang's heart one after another. Even the outsider Yu Mi couldn't bear to listen to these words. It didn't count the fact that they killed people and repeatedly rubbed salt into the wound. There really are such vicious people in the world. She Is your heart made of stone?

"This woman is really cruel. She just wants to anger Teacher Wang so that she can enjoy herself." Song Yan's eyesight was much sharper than that of Yu Mi, and he could find the problem at a glance.

"She was scared when she saw what happened to those people." Yang Xiao also saw that Sun Shengnan was just a bluff.

After cursing and cursing, Sun Shengnan was speechless. Teacher Wang moved, pressed her down on the tattered desk, took out a needle and thread, and sewed Sun Shengnan's mouth shut stitch by stitch.

That's not all. After the mouth is the nose, then the eyes, and the ears. Sun Shengnan's face twitched, but he could only make a desperate muffled sound.

Teacher Wang's skills are very good and patient. His movements are neither fast nor slow, stitch after stitch. The stitches are densely packed. The skin and flesh on Sun Shengnan's face were sewn together, and blood flowed. This excruciating scene shocked Yang Xiao and the others. The hairs stand on end,

As the last needle fell, Sun Shengnan, who had lost his eyesight, struggled to jump up, trying to run away like a headless fly. But then a hanging rope hung from the ceiling, and Sun Shengnan just plunged in, and the noose instantly shrunk. He tightened his neck and hung her up.

The hoisted Sun Shengnan kept struggling in mid-air. The huge pressure from her neck made her suffocate. The next second, an even more terrifying scene appeared. Those who had severed hands and feet, and even only half of their bodies were left. "People" are crawling here one after another.

They cried and screamed and rushed towards Sun Shengnan and grabbed her legs. Without this woman, they would not have fallen into this situation.

"Sun Shengnan, give me back my life!"

"It's all your fault, it's all you!!"

"You bitch, I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost!"

One after another "people" climbed on Sun Shengnan, some yelled, some hit him with their fists, and some who had no hands or feet bit him with their teeth. As the weight continued to increase, the hemp rope had been strangled into Sun Shengnan's neck, and his trachea was strangled. Broken, only one cervical vertebra was left struggling to hold on.

A large mouthful of blood sprayed out from between Sun Shengnan's sutured lips. I wonder if she feels a little bit regretful now.

But that doesn't matter anymore. If you do something wrong, just accept the punishment. The punishment waiting for Sun Shengnan is to stay in this classroom forever.

Hanging from the ceiling, day and night, day after day, year after year, to atone for his past evil deeds.

With these greedy people, maybe one day Teacher Wang will really feel their repentance and let them go.

Sun Shengnan and Xia Xiuyan, two extremely evil people, both received the punishment they deserved. Teacher Wang turned around, kicked Xia Xiuyan away from his feet, and walked towards Yang Xiao and the others.

At this moment, Teacher Wang was like a murderous god, his whole body soaked in blood. The eyes under the lenses were cold and cruel. Coupled with the long twisted neck and the livid face, Yu Mi had never dreamed of such a scary thing even in his nightmares. .

If she can survive this time, there is no doubt that Teacher Wang will bear her nightmare for the rest of her life.

Seeing that Teacher Wang came with bad intentions, the three of them knew that today's matter might not be easy to solve. Although they were on the same side as Teacher Wang, who could reason with the ghost? Xu Yu had been scratched by Teacher Wang before, let alone a few of them.

Besides... Besides, Teacher Wang is obviously addicted to killing. The veins on his neck are popping up. Just looking at him approaching, Yu Mi has already lost the courage to resist.

"Teacher Wang, we are our own people!!" Song Yan wanted to struggle again. He just tried to push down the window, but unfortunately it didn't move.

Out of desperation, Yang Xiao suddenly picked up the phone and dialed Xu Yu's number. If anyone could stop Teacher Wang now, it would be her.

With the blessing of Bodhisattva, the call was answered immediately, "Hey, where are you?" Xu Yu on the opposite side seemed to be more anxious than him.

"We are in the classroom, the one where Sun Shengnan is." Yang Xiao tried to keep his words short.

"What?" Xu Yu panicked immediately, "We just came out of that classroom, why didn't we see you?"

"Now this classroom has become the one where Teacher Wang committed suicide. We are trapped!" Yang Xiao shouted for help: "Come and save us, Teacher Wang has killed him!"

"I'll pick you up at the door!" Rapid footsteps sounded from Xu Yu's side, he must be on his way.

Yang Xiao and the others quickly moved and ran towards the door, which was now closed by a brick wall. Song Yan hit it with his shoulder, but the wall didn't move at all.

"Hurry up! Hurry up!!"

Now Xu Yu was the last straw. Soon, they were across the wall and heard footsteps outside. Yang Xiao regained his energy and slapped the wall desperately to make a sound, "Here! We are here!"

But the footsteps outside the door were still a step slower after all. Teacher Wang had already arrived behind them, and the powerful aura of terror made their breathing stagnant.

Yang Xiao was so anxious that he changed the call to public. Xu Yu's voice came out clearly through the microphone, "Teacher Wang, don't hurt them! They are good people, they helped me!"

"We are good citizens, pay attention to Teacher Wang!" Yang Xiao said in a panic.

The next second, a scene that none of the three people expected happened. Teacher Wang slowly stretched out his hand, and in his hand was the camera that had been snatched away by the fake policeman.

Without seeing any movement from Teacher Wang, the camera screen automatically lit up and started playing Xia Xiuyan's confession video.

But Yang Xiao clearly remembered that this video was deleted by Sun Shengnan.

Now is not the time to think about this. Yang Xiao immediately understood Teacher Wang's intention, took over the camera, and repeatedly promised: "Teacher Wang, don't worry, we will definitely hand over the evidence to the police and clear your name!"

But after receiving the reply, Teacher Wang did not leave, nor did he lift the restrictions and let them go. The two groups were just in a stalemate. Teacher Wang twisted his long neck slightly and looked at the wall in front of him, as if he could see through the wall. See Xu Yu outside.

Yang Xiao reacted instantly and knew Teacher Wang's concerns, so he hung up Xu Yu's call directly, "Teacher Wang, don't worry, we are the most strict people. I swear, everything we saw here today will not happen." Tell her, especially not to tell Teacher Xu Yu that you will always be the gentlest and kindest teacher in her heart, and she will not worry about you. "

As soon as they finished speaking, the three people's eyes blurred. Teacher Wang disappeared, and the classroom changed back to what it once was. There was no blood, no corpses, and no disgusting bloody smell. Everything came back, except that those people and Teacher Wang disappeared. .


The classroom door was knocked open, and Xu Yu appeared outside. She first looked around. Yang Xiao was so overwhelmed that she sat directly on the chair, breathing heavily, and at the same time handed over the camera in her hand.

"Stop looking, Teacher Wang is gone. The evidence is here."

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