Nightmare Apostle

Chapter 189 Collection Room

After a long time of waiting, nothing happened. The robe lay quietly on the ground, motionless, until Yang Xiao came close, picked up the robe, and stuffed it back into his backpack.

After a peaceful night, Yang Xiao rushed to the office early the next morning. The matter of the robe could not be dealt with for the time being, but improving his strength was imminent.

Sure enough, when it was time to go to work, only Zhuge Zhijie came with a miserable look. When he learned that Yang Xiao was here for training, Zhuge Zhijie didn't say much. He sat at his workstation and continued to do research that no one could understand.

Yang Xiao had contacted Huang Qiang in advance, and Huang Qiang helped him arrange the content of today's training. As usual, the first game was fighting training.

Zhu Yina was a very responsible coach. After Yang Xiao fully warmed up, he first did a stage of physical training, and then acted as Yang Xiao's opponent in fighting training and beat him up.

After taking off her boxing gloves, Zhu Yina looked at Yang Xiao lying on the ground panting, and couldn't help nodding, "Captain Yang, you've made great progress. You couldn't even last three moves under my hands before, but now you can last 7 or 8 moves."

"Your upper body movements have also improved. You can punch, dodge, and attack with your elbows. This is rare."

"But your lower body movements are still bad. Your pace can't keep up with the rhythm. Your offense and defense are unbalanced. You lack lower limb strength and explosive power. This will be our focus of training in the future."

"That's it for today. Take off your outer pants and I'll help you relax your muscles."

When leaving the training ground, Yang Xiao's legs were soft, like noodles. He could only hold on to the wall and move forward with difficulty.

After lunch, Yang Xiao took a nap in the office. In the afternoon, he had a relatively easy gun training.


"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

"Bang! Bang!"

Yang Xiao took off his heavy soundproof earmuffs and blew gently at the muzzle of the pistol with the magazine emptied. His face was three parts cold and seven parts disdainful.

The bullet marks on the several human target papers opposite him said it all.

Putting the gun in the holster at his waist with his backhand, Yang Xiao quietly waited for the loudspeaker to broadcast the results this time.

"The results of shooting position No. 5 are as follows."

The speaker sounded, and Yang Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly.

"A total of 13 shots were fired, 5 of which hit the bandits, including 1 in the head, 1 in the left chest, and 3 in other non-immediately lethal parts. A total of 2 bandits were killed, 3 were injured, and the total score was 26 points."

"Hit the hostages 3 times, all 3 shots were in the head, a total of 3 hostages were killed, 3 hostages in total, no survivors, and the score was -60 points."

"Another 5 shots missed the target, and the score was -15 points."

"In summary, the total score of shooting position No. 5 in this assessment was -49 points."

"Congratulations, Captain Yang, you have set a new score record."

Listening to the electronic sound in the player, Yang Xiao wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl into. This assessment was too tricky. He had no idea there were hostages. He saw two paper targets next to each other and thought they were two bandits acting.

The coach standing behind Yang Xiao controlled the instrument and sent the target paper over. After looking at it, he couldn't help but admire, "Captain Yang, you are really gifted. You shoot every hostage in the head. That's right, we don't need too much mercy in our line of work. As long as we get rid of the hostages first, these bandits will have no bargaining chips and can only surrender."

Looking at the coach's eyes with a little fear in admiration, Yang Xiao couldn't tell whether he was mocking or praising him.

The next few days Yang Xiao spent in training. Sister Wen also came to see him once on behalf of Director Nalan, fully expressing her concern for Yang Xiao.

Similarly, special equipment training also began. This time his teacher was replaced by a man who had lost half of his left palm.

The man had a bald head, a hunched body, and a face that looked like it had been corroded by fire or strong acid. Only half of his nose was left, and there were no eyebrows. It was the kind of terrifying appearance that would scare children to sleep at a glance.

Yang Xiao just felt sorry for the man. After all, he had seen ghosts before. The man opposite was just a person, and he was a colleague from the same unit.

"Captain Yang, let me introduce myself. My last name is Lu, Lu Youdao." The man's voice was hoarse, and it seemed that his throat was broken.

"Coach Lu." Yang Xiao called him politely.

Lu Youdao nodded, turned around and pushed open the iron door behind him. The special equipment training room was a separate room, with an iron door that needed to be pushed and pulled to separate it from the shooting range outside, which seemed quite mysterious.

"Take off your shoes outside. There are shoe covers on the right hand side of the door."

Following Lu Youdao's instructions, he put on shoe covers and entered this mysterious training room. After entering, Yang Xiao suddenly realized that the area here was no smaller than the shooting range. In front of him was a deep corridor with more than a dozen doors on both sides of the corridor.

The size, shape, and even color and material of the doors were different. Some were common wooden doors, some were iron doors, and the one on the inside looked like a stone door.

What surprised Yang Xiao the most was that on the right side, about 10 meters away from him, there was a layer of leather-like material wrapped around the door.

Because of its age, it had dried to brown.

Looking at this leather, Yang Xiao suddenly felt bad. He instantly thought of his own robe. Yesterday, when he touched his own robe, he actually felt the texture of human skin.

"It's just what you think." Lu Youdao's voice sounded behind him.

Yang Xiao's heart trembled, "What did you say?"

"That's a human skin." Lu Youdao's voice was dull and hoarse. "It was collected by a living Buddha in the Western Regions. It was also his favorite magic weapon. It came from a pure 16-year-old girl. It was peeled off by the girl's parents. It is said that only in this way can the spirituality of the skin be guaranteed."

This story, coupled with the emotionless hoarse voice of the narrator Lu Youdao, made Yang Xiao shudder.

"Why do you hang something like this on the door?" Yang Xiao asked.

Lu Youdao stared at the door, and his already terrifying face became even more ferocious, "Because it is necessary."

"What is necessary? What's inside that door?" Yang Xiao felt that he was getting closer and closer to the truth, and he became more and more curious about what was behind the door.

But Lu Youdao turned around and pushed open the door closest to them, "Nothing, Captain Yang, let's start training."

This is a small room with tall dark red velvet curtains hanging around it. In the center of the room, there is a tripod, and the things on the tripod are also covered by a piece of velvet.

Through the shape under the velvet, Yang Xiao guessed that this should be a camera, specifically a ghost camera that can restrict ghosts. He saw Daxiong use it before.

"Captain Yang, you may not know the rules here. You must obey me for all actions here. You can only do it if I allow you to do it. Do you understand?"

"You are not allowed to leave the room without my permission, especially you cannot approach the door of other rooms after leaving." Lu Youdao stared at Yang Dao with two bloodshot eyes, like a beast, "Can you promise me?"

"Of course." Yang Xiao was not a rookie, he could not say he was afraid, he was just curious, "Can I ask why?"

Lu Youdao's eyes flashed, and his hoarse voice sounded again, "Didn't Nalan Shuo tell you about the rules here?"

This sentence made Yang Xiao's heart move, and he clasped his hands and said, "Sorry, Director Nalan must be too busy, and he hasn't introduced me to the senior yet."

'I have the final say here, and I am the only one with a key to this collection room, and Nalan Shuo doesn't have one either. He can't step in here without my permission, and of course, he doesn't want to come. "

Lu Youdao pulled out a weird expression, his bloodshot eyes stared at Yang Xiao's face, and after a moment he smiled faintly: "What a nice skin, even compared to me back then, it's not much worse."

The hairs on Yang Xiao's back stood up, he keenly caught the naked greed and hatred in the eyes of this weirdo, he seemed to want to peel off his face and stick it on his face.

"Young man, remember my words, if you don't want to become a ghost like me. "

Suddenly retracting his gaze, Lu Youdao turned around and limped towards the tripod.

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