Nightmare Apostle

Chapter 194 Raid

Since it is fishing, the danger must be very high, so Fu Qingzhu deceived himself into being the scapegoat. This man is as vicious as him, so he will be killed!

Knowing that he was from the Patrol Office, he still dared to play this. He really didn't take the Patrol Office seriously. Yang Xiao decided to go to the Director to have a good talk.

Unable to bear it anymore, Yang Xiao called Fu Qingzhu directly. To Yang Xiao's surprise, the call was quickly connected. Fu Qingzhu seemed to be massaging, and the background sound was very soothing music.

Facing Yang Xiao's questioning, Fu Qingzhu was also confused. He first told Yang Xiao that he had absolutely no intention of harming him and had no reason. Besides, this business was originally his. If Yang Xiao and the others hadn't beaten him up, he would have lived there now. It was him who was in the room in Huirong Building.

‘What’s going on here? "Yang Xiao wants the truth.

"Brother Yang, don't worry. I'll ask the middleman and I'll definitely give you a satisfactory answer! Just wait for me!" Fu Qingzhu hung up the phone.

About half an hour later, Fu Qingzhu called. This time his tone was a little more guilty: "Brother Yang, I can't contact the middleman. You... don't worry, wait for me, I'll rush over right now." , let’s find out with the person in charge there.”

Yang Xiao immediately contacted Zhuge Zhijie, who was still standing guard outside the door, "Now...leave now? But I haven't gotten off work yet." Zhuge Zhijie is a very contractual person.

"Leave now!"

"Okay, okay, then I'll change the clothes and give them back."

"You don't have to pay it back. I'm here to help you. You put on your own clothes and leave immediately. Am I clear enough?"


After sending Zhuge Zhijie away, Yang Xiao had a lot less worries. He once suspected that he was too nervous. This is not a nightmare world, but be careful when sailing.

After a while, Fu Qingzhu came over in a hurry. After meeting, he immediately explained: "Brother Yang, please be patient. I have contacted the person in charge of security here. He is busy now. He will come and see us face to face when he is finished." Explain clearly."

Seeing Fu Qingzhu arriving with his arm still hanging with a bandage, Yang Xiao relaxed a little and waited with him.

Fu Qingzhu sent messages to remind him several times during the process, but the other party never showed up, saying that it was now a critical period of negotiation between Mr. Qi and Hengzhong Real Estate Group, and the entire conference room was under martial law and no going out was allowed.

Until a phone call broke the deadlock, Fu Qingzhu picked up the phone. Before he said a few words, Fu Qingzhu's face suddenly changed, "Are you sure? Is the news reliable?"

Putting down the phone, Fu Qingzhu looked at Yang Xiao with strange eyes and his breathing became rapid: "Brother Yang, something... something doesn't seem to be quite right. My informant told me that several powerful senior executives of Hengzhong Group There were no signs of going out.”

"Those people are lying to us?" Yang Xiao was also confused. After all, he had never met the so-called Mr. Qi and others.

In a furious mood, Fu Qingzhu still maintained the last restraint. He did not rush forward immediately to expose these people's lies. Instead, he issued a stern ultimatum. If no one came to explain to him, then he would have no choice but to go to court. Floor, I went to Mr. Qi and asked him face to face, but when there was a commotion, everyone looked bad.

Yang Xiao could also see clearly that the family that Mr. Qi belonged to must have extraordinary strength, otherwise Fu Qingzhu would not be so afraid.

Sure enough, there was a reply this time, and soon there was a knock on their door, and a woman in black uniform appeared in front of them.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Qi was busy just now, please come with me now." The woman wore very light makeup on her face, and her tone was indifferent without any fluctuation.

Under the leadership of the woman, the three of them walked towards the left side of the corridor, "Where are we going?" Yang Xiao felt something was wrong.

"Go see Mr. Qi."

"Master Qi, isn't he upstairs?"

"No, he is downstairs in room 2222. The one upstairs is just a cover." The woman answered calmly and continued walking without looking back.

As soon as these words came out, Yang Xiao and Fu Qingzhu frowned at the same time. The woman leading the way was probably not qualified to know which room Mr. Qi lived in. She knew at best that it was on the 22nd floor. When they arrived, someone new would guide them to the room where Mr. Qi was. .




The woman's footsteps were muffled, echoing in the empty corridor.

"Beauty?" Yang Xiao suddenly spoke.

The woman didn't look back, her tone was colder than her face, "Don't ask me if you have anything to do. You can ask me again when you see Mr. Qi."

"Didn't anyone say that your shoes don't fit well?" Fu Qingzhu stared at the shoes under the woman's feet. Although they were somewhat covered by her pants,

But it can still be seen that these are men's leather shoes, which are obviously larger on a woman's feet.


The woman suddenly waved her arm back, and a gleaming dagger appeared in the woman's hand. Fu Qingzhu suddenly turned sideways to avoid it, while Yang Xiao took advantage of his position to get closer and used a grappling move to catch the woman holding the knife. With her right arm, she punched hard in the direction of the woman's force. With a "click", the woman's arm broke.

Fu Qingzhu caught the woman's dagger, stabbed it into the woman's heart with his backhand, and blood spattered all over the wall.

"What's going on?" A door at the end of the corridor opened, and two men in gray security uniforms rushed out.

After seeing the woman on the ground and the blood all over the wall, the two of them were stunned. They drew out the batons from their waists and gradually approached, "Don't move! Stand facing the wall. Who are you?"

"We are one of you, don't be nervous." Fu Qingzhu stepped forward, pretending to be very obedient, and stood in front of Yang Xiao.

The next second, the two security guards who were close to him suddenly jumped up, waving their batons and hitting the two of them, but someone was faster than them.


Yang Xiao, who was hiding behind Fu Qingzhu, fired decisively, and shot the nearest security guard, who knelt and retreated.


"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Blood splattered everywhere, and Fu Qingzhu watched Yang Xiao shoot and knock down the two of them, then quickly approached, shot one in the chest and one in the head,

and the action of re-shooting was quite skillful.

When Yang Xiao changed the magazine, Fu Qingzhu finally reacted, "Leave him alive!"

"Leave him a fart!" Yang Xiao, who had changed the magazine, held the gun in both hands and was on guard. "No one came despite the noise. I'm afraid all our people nearby are dead."

"Drag the man into the room and look for clues on him!"

With the gun in hand, Yang Xiao suddenly felt confident. He was a cautious person. He brought four magazines with him this time, two of which were standard.

The other two were from the shooting range. Fortunately, the coach turned a blind eye and didn't bother with him.

Fu Qingzhu searched the body, Yang Xiao was on guard at the door, and both of them sent a distress signal to their department at the first time, but as expected, the mobile phone signal had been blocked.


Fu Qingzhu, who was searching for clues on the man, cursed. He reached out and tore off the man's beard. The beard was fake, and even the eyebrows were pasted on.

As if thinking of something, Fu Qingzhu immediately pulled down the man's pants. After taking them off, Yang Xiao and Fu Qingzhu were dumbfounded.

This turned out to be a eunuch!

The same thing happened to the other man.

Fu Qingzhu dragged the woman's body back again. This time, he found something even more horrifying. There was a pea-like wound on the woman's abdomen. The wound had healed, but it was shocking just to look at it.

Fu Qingzhu reached out to touch the woman's nose. Although it was shaved clean, he could still feel the hard stubble that had grown above the woman's lips.

"It's them!!" Fu Qingzhu couldn't help but lose his voice.

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