Nightmare Apostle

Chapter 211 Dongzhou Apartment

Yang Xiao did not stay in the office for long, and went back to the apartment directly. From Lu Youdao's performance, Yang Xiao suspected that what Fu Qingzhu said was true. He even suspected that those evil cultivators who mysteriously disappeared in Rongcheng were hiding behind the doors on both sides of the corridor of the underground training center.

And Lu Youdao was the one who guarded these evil eyes.

Director Nalan must know about this.

After thinking for a moment, Yang Xiao took out the old iron box, took out the digital camera inside, turned on the camera, and the first photo was the deformed clown in the glass cover.

Yang Xiao tried to turn forward, but a prompt popped up immediately, saying that this photo was the only one stored in the album.

According to Lu Youdao, this camera has been used a total of 5 times, which means that in addition to this clown photo, there should be 4 photos stored.

Now it seems that the other 4 photos should have been deleted by Lu Youdao in advance.

Yang Xiao stared at this only photo, recalling what Lu Youdao said to him in his mind, and always felt very strange.

And there was one thing that didn't make sense. Lu Youdao said he wanted to teach me how to use this camera, but he ended up taking pictures with the camera. Wouldn't it be better to leave such a good opportunity for me to actually operate it? After all, every photo opportunity is extremely precious.

Also, he let me get close to the glass cover, and he didn't remind me before taking the photo. If I hadn't noticed anything wrong, I would have thought that I was being calculated by Lu Youdao.

His attention was attracted to the photo in front of him again. Yang Xiao stared at the clown and always felt that something was wrong.

He had seen the photo of the clown sleeping last time, and the posture was also like this, but... but this time it felt awkward, the clown in the photo seemed to be worried.

Yang Xiao continued to get closer and observe carefully. Now the advantage of the digital camera was revealed. The picture could be enlarged. He enlarged the photo little by little, and soon he noticed something strange. The clown's two hands were on his knees, with his fingers together, and he seemed very restrained.

Also, the smile on the clown's face became more and more unnatural and a little stiff, as if... as if it didn't want to laugh, but had to laugh.

'Is this clown possessed? "Yang Xiao had a question mark in his head.

Suddenly, his peripheral vision flashed across the clown's shoulder, and there was an inconspicuous white dot on the clown's right shoulder near the collar.

Yang Xiao didn't know what it was. It didn't look like a button, because there was no button on the symmetrical left collar. He tried to zoom in on the picture later, but unfortunately it had reached its limit.

This little white dot was originally nothing big, perhaps it was a problem with the shooting, but Yang Xiao felt an inexplicable familiarity from it, and he couldn't tell why.

Giving up the white dot, he began to look for it in other parts. Due to the image quality, this process was quite difficult. About 10 minutes later,

Yang Xiao seemed to have discovered something. On the glass cover beside the clown, there was a blurry, mist-like phantom.

Click here to zoom in a little bit, and focus after a moment. Yang Xiao's palm trembled suddenly.

He saw clearly that it was not mist, but a reflection.

Behind the clown, there was a person standing.

At the same time, Yang Xiao also understood instantly that the white spot was not a problem of imaging, but a hand on the clown's shoulder.

Because most of it was blocked, only a little bit of white fingertips was exposed.

The next second, Yang Xiao looked at the backpack on the table. The backpack was quiet, and it looked like a peaceful life.

There was no need to think about it. The shadow that appeared behind the clown ghost was the original owner of the robe. At this moment, he also understood the bitterness at the corner of the clown ghost's mouth. It was not sleeping. It had woken up a long time ago, but it didn't dare to move because of the guy behind it.

Looking at the clown in the photo, Yang Xiao suddenly felt that the other party didn't seem so terrible. I was scared, and even felt that I had the same fate with him and I regretted not meeting him earlier.

After calming down, Yang Xiao further analyzed that the owner of the robe would not attack without reason, and every time he appeared, he had a purpose. The Taoist Yan Zhen threatened me to shut up that time, and saved my life in the last time I faced the illusion of the Great Black Buddha Mother.

So what about this time?

Yang Xiao thought about it carefully, but he had no specific clue, but he guessed that it must be related to Lu Youdao's test of him.

And the most important thing is that if the test fails, his end will be very bad.

Now he and the original owner of the robe are also on the same rope. Once he is found out to be related to the evil cultivator, the robe will probably be recycled, which is definitely not what the original owner of the robe wants to see.

In a trance, another idea suddenly popped out of his head , the original owner of the robe took action, does it count as using this resentful eye?

This matter is very important, after all, it is related to the time when he received the nightmare script.

If it counts, then things will be troublesome. During this period, he used the robe at least three times, and used the ghost lantern swallowed by the robe once.

Fu Qingzhu reminded before leaving that frequent use of the resentful eye will greatly speed up the time to receive the nightmare script next time, and the more powerful the resentful eye is, the more so.

It would be a lie to say that he was not panicking, but Yang Xiao had no better way. He took a deep breath and had a headache for a while. He chose to go out and relax.

There is a small park not far from the apartment. He has been there several times. The environment there is good. Yang Xiao plans to go there alone.

Of course, he carries his backpack and gun with him. This has become his habit.

The park is not big. There is a pond in the middle. Although it is late at night, there are still lights inside. Occasionally, some night runners run past Yang Xiao.

Yang Xiao was walking and thinking, enjoying the long-lost tranquility. Suddenly, he stopped and heard a cat cry nearby.

Yang Xiao looked to the right, and the low bushes there shook. Then a wild cat with a pure black body rushed out. Seeing Yang Xiao, it ran over immediately.

"Are you hungry?" Yang Xiao put down his backpack and took out a sausage from it.

But facing the temptation of the sausage, the black cat was unmoved. It raised its head and circled around Yang Xiao, looking very anxious, and made a hurried cry.

The black cat ran a few steps towards the bushes that appeared before, then looked back at Yang Xiao, and continued to walk until Yang Xiao followed.

Yang Xiao understood that the black cat must have encountered something and wanted him to follow. All things have spirits. Yang Xiao heard Yu Shu talk about these smart little guys.

Following along, through the bushes, Yang Xiao suddenly heard a faint meow from a few dozen meters away. Hearing the sound, the black cat became more and more impatient. It first rubbed Yang Xiao with its head, and then ran towards the place where the sound came from.

Yang Xiao followed and found that the sound came from a trash can, which was dark nearby.

Yang Xiao took out his mobile phone and turned on the flashlight, but he didn't expect that a scream suddenly sounded at the moment the light came on.

The scream was not far from Yang Xiao. It was a woman, about 20 meters away, in a relatively remote place on the left side of the dim light.

This sudden scream also startled Yang Xiao. He immediately used the light to see that two figures on the recliner not far away were hurriedly putting on clothes.

Yang Xiao immediately turned off the light and said inwardly that he was embarrassed. It was obvious that he had ruined someone's good thing. "Sorry, I came here...

"Did I draft it! Did I draft it! ! "

Yang Xiao was stunned for a moment.

Then a figure quickly came towards him, cursing as he walked: "Bullshit, are you blind? Are you looking for death? !"

The other party's voice was very young, even a little immature. When he got closer, Yang Xiao noticed that it was a big boy with a fierce look, dyed yellow hair, an earring hanging from his right ear, and a blue school uniform.

Yang Xiao then remembered that there was a middle school nearby.

"Watch your mouth, didn't your parents teach you how to speak?" Yang Xiao was already upset, and he thought his attitude was already very good.

"Bullshit!" The boy was relentless, and suddenly threw the mineral water bottle hidden in his hand towards Yang Xiao's face. Yang Xiao dodged slightly and just avoided it.

Then, Yang Xiao quickly stepped forward, and before the boy could react, he slapped him to the ground with a slap, "If you don't have parents, I can teach you to speak human language for them. "

After being slapped hard, the boy covered his face and was stunned. When he got up and opened his mouth, he saw Yang Xiao raised his hand again. The boy turned around and ran, not forgetting to pull the girl hiding behind the tree. After running far away, he cursed at Yang Xiao: "Bullshit! You wait for me! ”

Originally it was just a small episode, Yang Xiao didn't take it seriously at all, but nowadays children are so brave that they actually come here to seek excitement.

When Yang Xiao turned around, he found that the black cat and the kitten's cry from the trash can were gone. Yang Xiao moved closer and looked into the trash can in the moonlight.

The next second, Yang Xiao seemed to have seen a ghost, staring back several steps. There was no trapped kitten in the trash can, only a black, bare box.

The nightmare script is here...

Although he had prepared himself mentally, such an abrupt appearance still gave Yang Xiao a big shock.

After calming down, he pushed over the trash can and took out the black box.

Take the box to a place with a light Under the light, the box surface was covered with strange ripples, as if it had experienced countless years of sedimentation.

A building was painted on the box with the texture of an oil painting. The building had more than ten floors and was even more exaggerated in width. Against the backdrop of the dim night, it looked like a giant standing in the vast night, with lights on in a few windows occasionally.

But it was not the kind of snow-white light, but a dark yellow, half-dead light, and there were faint shadows swaying behind the windows.

The painting on the box gave people an indescribable sense of depression, as if this lifeless building could come alive at any time and devour the people in front of it.

In the upper right corner of the script box, four bloody words were left, as if carved by a knife and an axe, and this was the name of the script: Dongzhou Apartment.

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