Nightmare Apostle

Chapter 218 Dangerous Person

Among the 9 people who are still alive, 6 admit to being old players, namely Yang Xiao, Fu Changxue, Tong Han, Mo Dadai, Wang Longhui,

And Qu Yi.

And that strange Li Qingxuan claimed to be a newcomer and didn't know anything about the nightmare world. Yang Xiao didn't quite believe it.

The petite Xu Xinyi hid a little away from Li Qingxuan and said weakly: " are a ghost blogger, haven't you seen ghosts before?"

"What you said, if you really want to see a ghost, do you think I still dare to be a ghost blogger?" Li Qingxuan rolled his eyes, "I am making money.

Not risking your life. "

"Okay, no matter what you do, you will see ghosts this time." Yang Xiao stood up to comfort everyone.

Yang Xiao glanced out of the window and suddenly saw the fog rising in the distance. Not long after, a figure walked out of it. He was a man holding a black umbrella and carrying a briefcase. However, he was dressed in a rather old-school style, and his old suit was nothing special. fit.

"Someone is coming." Everyone moved towards the window and stared at the man in suit in the distance.

The man in the suit walked quickly towards Dongzhou Apartment. Soon, he stepped on the steps outside the door and walked into the apartment door.

Dongzhou Apartment was like a wild beast, crawling under the dim night sky. There were lights on in the windows of some rooms, like malicious eyes, staring down at these uninvited guests.

Not long after, someone walked out of the mist in the distance again. This time it was an old man with a stooped figure and a cane. The old man walked slowly, and his gray hair was blown around by the night wind. Yang Xiao was even worried that the old man would fall down. There was muddy water under his feet, but in the end, the old man walked into the apartment without incident, and his hunched back disappeared from the apartment door.

Soon, it was as if a switch was turned on, and the rain became lively. From time to time, people walked out of the fog and entered the apartment. There were a harmonious family of three, a loving couple, and a group of people carrying small schoolbags and holding their grandchildren with one hand. kind old man.

At the same time, the wind and rain outside became stronger, and everyone's sight was greatly restricted. What was even more dangerous was that the iron house they were in was shaking more and more violently.

After a while, two people walked out of the mist again. They were a young woman in a floral skirt, followed by a child about 4 or 5 years old. The child was carrying a small blue cartoon schoolbag and had sandals, one dark and one light. Stepping in the muddy water, splashing water kept coming.

It seems that the two of them have a mother-son relationship and have just picked up their children from school.

"Let's go, let's follow." Fu Changxue suggested.

Hearing this, Xu Xinyi looked horrified, her pale face filled with fear of the unknown, "Now? But we...we don't know these people at all."

Fu Changxue glanced at her and ignored her at all. Instead, he looked at more reliable guys like Yang Xiaotonghan and said, "Everyone, this house can't hold anymore. We have to go out. And look, that fog We are getting closer.”

Yang Xiao knew what he said was right. The fog was at least a hundred meters away from them before, but just now, it kept getting closer to them, and now it was only about 60 or 70 meters away.

When the fog swallows them up, I'm afraid they will all follow the footsteps of the man before them. No one knows what is in the fog. Yang Xiao instinctively thinks of the big black guy who slapped him unconscious.

Just after Yang Xiao and his group rushed out, before they could get far, they heard a loud noise behind them. When they looked back, they saw that the iron house had collapsed.

Now everyone had no other choice but to run towards the mother and son, and the mother quickly noticed Yang Xiao and the others.

He also began to walk faster, and finally even picked up the child, without an umbrella, and ran towards the apartment in the rain.

"Madam, please stay!" Fu Changxue yelled, but his voice was quickly drowned out by the rain. When Yang Xiao and the others chased into the apartment, they happened to see the woman getting into the elevator with her child. She was so hurried that she even left one of her high heels behind. Landed outside the elevator.

Yang Xiao followed Fu Changxue and was the second one to rush into the apartment, so he happened to see the woman hugging the child tightly and looking at them with frightened eyes just before the elevator door closed.

"No, why are they running away?" Wang Longhui held his waist and panted, "We are not ghosts."

When things go wrong, there must be a monster. Yang Xiao and the others did not act rashly, but looked at the apartment they were in. The apartment was large in size, but the decoration and layout were quite old. The dark green waterproof paint on the walls was peeling off badly, and the tops of their heads were It's a row of lights that emit a dim yellow light.

Yang Xiao previously learned from information that this apartment was built before the founding of the People's Republic of China, and it seems that it still retains the architectural style of that time.

Soon, everyone found a security room in the wide hall, but strangely, this security room was not built near the door but in an inconspicuous corner.

The wall opposite the security room is covered with little GGs, and even the iron door of the security room is not spared. Other than that, there are some chaotic graffiti that can’t be seen what the hell they are.

The iron door of the security room was ajar, and a dim yellow light came out along the crack of the door, leaving a long and narrow spot of light on the ground.

To be exact, if it weren't for this light, they wouldn't even notice it.


"Boom, boom."

Fu Changxue knocked on the door a few times in a disciplined manner, "Is anyone here? We are new tenants." Several people had checked it before and found that the contents of the script boxes they received were similar. Live in the apartment for a week.

The security room was quiet. Fu Changxue took a deep breath. He did not touch the iron door, which had long been covered with rust, but used the long-handled flashlight. With a little force, the iron door opened a little bit, and a harsh friction sound was heard at the same time.

Fu Xuechang stepped back vigilantly until he saw the layout of the room clearly. There was a single bed, a table, two wooden chairs, and a large wardrobe against the wall. In addition, there were some small sundries. The layout was very simple.

There was no light in the room. Only an old-fashioned table lamp with a lampshade on the table was dimly lit, emitting a half-dead light.

The wooden table was very spacious, and it was covered with a large glass plate. Under the glass plate were several old photos and a handwritten letter.

The photos looked quite old, and the corners had turned yellow. Except for one photo that could be seen clearly taking a photo of the Dongzhou Apartment Building, the rest were mostly blurry. There was a brown water stain on one photo, which seemed to have been soaked in liquids such as tea.

What really attracted everyone's attention was the handwritten letter. The writer seemed to be in a panic, and the handwriting was messy. Some words needed to be carefully identified.

After Yang Xiao read it, he realized that the letter was actually left for them.

The letter said that they were invited to stay in this apartment temporarily, but not for free. The condition was that they needed to help the tenants in the apartment solve various problems they faced in life.

At the same time, they were reminded that this apartment has not been peaceful recently. It is suspected that there are dangerous outsiders mixed in, causing panic in the apartment. The manager of the apartment hopes that they can investigate this matter privately and will be rewarded afterwards.

Seeing this, Tong Han nodded with all his thoughts, "No wonder the mother and son were so scared when they saw us. I think they regarded us as so-called dangerous people."

"Hu-yi" Fu Changxue sighed and said meaningfully: "I hope it's just a dangerous person."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's faces changed slightly. Everyone understood that what Fu Changxue was really worried about was that this so-called dangerous outsider was not a human at all.

In the second half of the letter, the work they need to complete is also described in detail.

First, they must accept at least two commissions from tenants in the apartment every day, and emphasize that each person in the team can only accept one commission per day.

In addition, from 12:00 midnight to 4:00 a.m. every day, any two people outside the commissioned tasks must be selected as security guards to stay in the security room. On the premise that someone must stay in the security room, each person must go out at least once and patrol any three floors in the entire apartment alone to ensure that the tenants in the apartment are not harmed by dangerous people.

Patrol is easy to understand, but the conditions for accepting commissions have to make them vigilant. It is specially marked with bold red words that once the commission is accepted, it cannot be regretted, and it is emphasized that any requirements in the work content must be fulfilled. Once violated, the consequences will be borne by oneself.

Cheng Ya read the whole letter and did not see what the penalty measures for breach of contract were. She could only look to Fu Changxue, the leader, for help, "Fu...

Mr. Fu, what will happen if you violate it?"

"You will die." Yang Xiao said concisely.

Cheng Ya shivered, her lips turned white, and she didn't say a word.

As an experienced old player, Yang Xiao keenly perceived the hidden crisis in this mission. The letter clearly pointed out that they had to take at least two missions every day, which required at least two people. In addition, two more people were needed to complete the duty patrol mission, which was also the most basic requirement of the mission.

In other words, if the mission content remained unchanged, they had to ensure that at least four people survived in the end, otherwise the mission would fail directly.

Looking up at Fu Changxue and other old players, these people's faces were not very good either. It was obvious that they had thought of what Yang Xiao had thought of.

These old-timers in the nightmare world were good at killing and harming people, but it was really difficult for them to save people.

In the bottom corner of the letter, there was no signature or time of writing, but the refresh time of the commissioned task was marked in small words.

Two o'clock in the morning.

Whose good person refreshes the commissioned task at two o'clock in the morning?

The place to check the commission was outside the security room, inside those messy little GGs.

Soon, under the leadership of Fu Changxue and Yang Xiao, everyone found the so-called commissioned tasks outside the door. There were a total of 5 pieces of paper, randomly posted on the wall outside the door without any pattern. If it weren't for the clear word "commission" on it, they would have found it difficult.

Yang Xiao looked at one of them, which said that Ms. Wu in Room 6037 was inconvenient to move and urgently needed a doctor to come to her home for service at 11:45 at night.

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