Nightmare Apostle

Chapter 222 Letter

After listening to Yang Xiao tell the whole story, Li Qingxuan realized how terrifying this so-called medical treatment was, as well as the sound of hitting the ball.

"I...I didn't hear any strange noises, except for your footsteps." Li Qingxuan confirmed again.

Yang Xiao nodded and asked: "One more thing, don't tell anyone about my coming to your place today. You continue to pretend that you don't know me. There is an enemy of mine hidden among these players. Let him know that you and I’m old and it’s not good for you.”

"Who is it?"

"I don't know either, but he knows me." Yang Xiao sighed helplessly. This feeling of being in the light and the enemy in the dark was really uncomfortable.

After telling Li Qingxuan some experiences in the nightmare world, Yang Xiao left. He first leaned against the door and listened carefully for a while. After confirming that there was no movement, he slowly opened the door to a gap. After observing again, everything was correct. Then he walked out of the door on his own hands and feet.

The weird sound of hitting balls disappeared, and silence returned to the corridor. Yang Xiao quickly came to the fire escape, pushed open the thick wooden door, and quickly went downstairs along the stairs.

It was unclear whether it was due to unstable voltage, but the fire escape was much darker than before. Under the dim yellow light, many things became blurred outlines.

But Yang Xiao couldn't care less. He declined Li Qingxuan's invitation to stay because he knew that the safest place tonight was to go back to his room. Staying would only hurt his fellow actor.

The narrow fire escape was filled with a strange smell, as if something was moldy. Worried that he would fall because he couldn't see his feet clearly, Yang Xiao had to hold on to the iron railing on the side of the stairs with his hands, but just by grabbing it, Yang Xiao's face changed. It suddenly changed.

Not only was it cold, but the railings were covered with a layer of dust. Not to mention, when he raised his hand and brought it close to his nose, he also smelled a strong smell of rust.

The iron railings were actually covered with rust and covered with a thick layer of dust, as if no one had been there for many years.

But how? He had just been here not long ago. At that time, the facilities in the fire escape were much newer than those inside the apartment. The iron railings of the handrails were painted with brand-new anti-rust paint, and the overhead lights were not yellowish light bulbs. But a bright incandescent light.

Why did it seem like a whole 10 years had passed here after just over half an hour?

Yang Xiao didn't dare to think about it anymore, so he could only speed up his pace. After counting the floors and going down two floors, he pushed open the thick wooden door of the fire escape on the fourth floor with determination.

"Hu Yangxiao breathed a sigh of relief. The worst-case scenario did not occur. He came back, and in front of him was the corridor on the fourth floor of the apartment. He did not encounter ghosts beating the wall.

He quickly walked to the door of room 4004, and after confirming that the surrounding area was safe, he took out the key and opened the door smoothly.

The first thing when entering the room is not to close the door immediately, but to quickly inspect the whole room, especially the key areas such as the bathroom, wardrobe, behind the curtains, and under the bed. After doing all this as quickly as possible, Yang Xiao will The door was closed and locked.

After all this trouble, Yang Xiao was already exhausted. With the shadow of Old Mrs. Wu, Yang Xiao directly locked the door of the bedroom. He hugged a thick quilt and planned to spend the night in the living room. Light is a rare comfort these days.

Sitting on the sofa, Yang Xiao uncontrollably began to think about everything that happened today. He originally thought that the first man to die was an evil cultivator. He rushed into the fog just to fake his death in order to let the others People let their guard down and operate secretly.

But after seeing the man's body with his own eyes, Yang Xiao realized that he was overthinking and that he was just an ordinary person who was too frightened.

Something was wrong with Mrs. Wu. She actually regarded the dead man as her son, and she was crazy. Yang Xiao suspected that her true identity was a ghost.

If you put it that way, the situation that Fu Changxue faced tonight should be similar to his own. Yang Xiao never expected that tonight would be so dangerous.

Time passed by, and suddenly a wave of sleepiness came over him. Yang Xiao's eyelids became heavier and heavier. He knew that something was wrong. He wanted to restrain himself, but he couldn't. Finally, his body shook a few times, and then He fell down on the sofa and fell asleep.



Drowsily, Yang Xiao was woken up by the sound of a bell. It was already dawn outside. He got up from the sofa and realized that the sound came from the pendulum clock on the wall.

This old-fashioned pendulum clock has the function of telling time. It chimes 8 times in total. It should be exactly eight o'clock in the morning.

Opening the curtains, sure enough, it was already dawn outside.

Opening the door, walking out of the room, and walking through the corridor, Yang Xiao noticed that the garbage bags that had been left in front of several doors had disappeared at some point, and the corridor was dirty, with some debris scattered around, as if it had been there for a long time. No one has cleaned it.

There were faint sounds of footsteps and voices in the fire escape. Yang Xiao rushed over and happened to bump into Qu Yi, Li Qingxuan, and Mo Dadai.

Everyone went downstairs together. They had agreed last night to meet in front of the security room early the next morning.

When Yang Xiao and four others arrived, there were already people waiting. After meeting, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. There were 9 people, not one of them was missing. There was no loss of staff last night.

Seeing that Fu Changxue, Yang Xiao, Tong Han, and Wang Longhui were all on the mission, newcomer Xu Xinyi couldn't wait to ask: "You... how were you last night? Did the mission go well?"

Seeing that the other three had no intention of speaking first, Yang Xiao was the first to tell about his thrilling experience last night, and the other people's faces changed.

"Wow, this... task actually requires people to treat a corpse." Li Qingxuan's face turned pale with fear, and his acting skills were already three times better than Yang Xiao's.

After Yang Xiao, it was Fu Changxue. Today, he was no longer as arrogant as yesterday, and his face looked a little ugly. His task was to repair the toilet at 11 o'clock at night for Uncle Lu in Room 3001. According to him, it was normal at first. He found that the sewer pipe in Uncle Lu's house was blocked, so he used a thick iron wire with a hook on the front to reach into the pipe, trying to hook out the blockage inside, but what he didn't expect was that he actually hooked out a mess of hair.

And Fu Changxue noticed that the hair was very long, it should be a woman's hair.

Uncle Lu was bald, lived alone, had no children or a partner, so Fu Changxue suspected the source of the hair.

The pipe was blocked more than expected. Soon, Fu Changxue made a new discovery. At the end of a long hair, there was a small piece of sticky meat.

Fu Changxue snorted in his heart. He had a bold guess. This Mr. Lu was not as kind as he looked. This guy was a murderer. He killed a woman, a young woman, and chopped up the body and flushed it into the sewer.

The reason why he suspected it was a young woman was that in the piece of meat that Fu Changxue hooked out, there was a fingertip wrapped. The fingertip had been soaked in sewage, but the red fingertip oil on the nail was still dazzling.

This was just the beginning. Then more and more human body fragments appeared, chopped fingers, half of a broken ear, and a few teeth. What made Fu Changxue even more frightened was that Mr. Lu, who had been talking to him with a kind face, stopped talking. He stood behind him silently and half-closed the bathroom door.

Fu Changxue is indeed an old player with first-class psychological quality. He hooked out the human tissues that blocked the sewer pipe again and again, and then silently threw them into the trash can. Soon, the trash can was full.

Fu Changxue endured the stench of the body parts, did not look back, moved the trash can without changing his expression, and calmly asked Uncle Lu behind him to help him empty the trash can.

Uncle Lu did not speak, but stretched out his hand and took away the black trash can full of human tissues. With the corner of his eye, Fu Changxue saw that Uncle Lu was holding a sharp boning knife in his outstretched hand, and the blade was still stuck with minced meat.

Fu Changxue squatted beside the sewer pipe, and did not dare to raise his head. His legs were numb from squatting. He kept repeating the action on his hands, hooking out the blockage again and again. Finally, the sewer was unblocked, and he changed the trash cans at hand for a total of 5 barrels.

After the sewer pipe was unblocked, Fu Changxue slowly stood up, and at this moment, Uncle Lu also restored his kind appearance. He thanked him and enthusiastically invited him to drink tea.

But Fu Changxue didn't dare, because he saw a strand of woman's hair hanging on the edge of the teacup brought by Uncle Lu, and a small piece of skin and flesh stuck to the end of the hair.

Fu Changxue didn't say anything else, but looking at Fu Changxue's face, he must have drunk the tea. After all, Uncle Lu would find it difficult to let him go if he didn't drink it.

Originally, everyone was hungry because they didn't eat, but after listening to Fu Changxue's story, the feeling of hunger was quickly washed away by an indescribable nausea, and they didn't want to eat anything now.

Next, it was the turn of the two security guards on duty. Tong Han didn't tell her experience at the first time, but took everyone to the door of the security room. Another security guard, Wang Longhui, followed silently behind, his face was ashen, and when he arrived, he saw two envelopes stuck on the door.

What made people's backs cold was that there was half a bloody handprint on the envelope.

"What's going on?" Qu Yi couldn't help asking.

Tong Han shook his head and took a deep breath: "I don't know. Wang Longhui went out on patrol last night. I stayed alone in the security room on duty. About...about two o'clock in the morning, I heard footsteps outside the door."

"At first I thought it was Wang Longhui who came back, but soon I knew it wasn't him. The footsteps were very light. I think he must be tiptoeing, or...or barefoot."

"That thing was very fast. When I realized something was wrong, it had already appeared outside the door of the security room, and then...then started knocking on the door, knocking again and again, the sound was very muffled, and the hand knocking on the door seemed to have no bones."

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